1IMN1) UUMiKTIN, IIKND, OREGON THUIWDAV, NOVEMBER lfl, 1010. r 4 TAOK 11 4, 3' dt 3 if RURAL CENSUS . IS A BIG JOB FARMERS CAN HELP ENUMERATORS. livery Producer Hlniulil I In Ac (iiiilii(ci with 1 1 In I'm cm m Thai AiTiiiutn mill Intelligent I'Ikiiion Can lit1 (liven, In i an itdvlHiiry capuclty, tlio UiilUul Hiittun Dopiirtniont of Agricul ture Ih hhhIhIIiii: tho Bureau of tliti Cimihum In preparations (or taking Die 1920 coiihiih. Huchiiho tlio farmor HHiiiily Ih buny In thu early spring am) also Iiuciiiihu tliu furm hordn and flocks nro not iih replete at thin period' Iih al Koniii otlmr hoiihoii, tliu lllltd Of tllO CallHUH llllH hctlll CllllllgOtl to January I, 1020, limtoinl of April 1. Honeo, on January 1 In nil sec Uoiiii of llio country nuiimorutora will begin tlio work or vlHltlni: tlio 7.000,000 farnr peopled by .15,000, 000 rural cltUoim who comprint practically ouo-thlid of tint total population of the United Htaten, Fnrmora over tlio country arn utr oil by tho Federal Department of Agriculture to acquaint thenmolvim a k thoroughly an possible with tliu requirements and make-up of tho coiihum (UontloiiH. Considerable figuring mid iiccouiitltu; in tint ho douo by tlio furuinr although tho computnthlotiH nro In no respect an icompllcated nH those oMuntlul In figuring his Income-tax return -to answer accurately and fully tho qucs tloiiM which will bo put to him by tint itmimorntor Many of Uivho tiiuiUlonH covnr subject mutter hero toforo not Incltiditd. Ah tho stalls lloM ohtnlpod from tho iiKrlcultural cuiihuh Mill largely determine tho fuliiro laud policy of tho Perioral (lovorntuoiit, 11 Ih every farmcr'n duty to muku Individual miHwers iih accuratoly iih pomlblo. Such Infor mation Involve Homo little study on IiIh part previous to tho appearand) of tho oiiuiuorator. It Ih only tho uninformed farnior who shies from tho coiinuh onumrra tor iih thoiiKh ho worn an objection abln book agent. OllmrH aru glud to aid thin work of assembling sped flc facta unit flguri'M about all tho farmliiK operations anil farmn of thin country, hIiicu thoy nro nwaro that thin Information In used dlroclly for tho 'promotion ami dovolopment of bottor agricultural condltloiiH throiiRout tho country. St'v JiitMliiii In Kiiiiimnry. Tho agricultural cuiisiih atutlK tlcH are dlvldml Into facta covering farm' tenure;, farm aerKH; farm unrumbranoe, furm valutM, farm ox Poiihim; iiioh of tho land In 1919; drnlmiKo; crops producod In 1919; llvo Htock maintained, tiicludliu; an nuiimoratloii of tho vurloiiH uumhorH of uach claim tjiiid Rrndo on every farm; farm facilities. hiioIi as trao torn, iiutomoblloa, trucks, mid other farm conveniences; co-operative marketing; purubrud iiiiIuiuIh main talnuil; frultH uuta; mid fortwt pro ductH. Information will bo secured which will entihlo tho United Status Dupnrt monl of AKrlculturo to figure up tho lungth of tho "iiKrlcultural ladder" how long !(, take tliu young farnior to loam thn-rudlmanta of IiIh tradu, ho that ho Ih alilo to graduate from tho poHltlon of hi rod man to that of caah or shnro tenant, and later on to change from touniit into owner. Furthormoro, tho namo and addroHH of tho owner oi uach ploro of laud In tho United StatuH will bo ob tained. TIiIh Information will ho ho Hiired by uuw qiiurttloiiH, hiicIi iih: How many years, If any, did you work on n farm for wagoHT How many yearn have you boon, or woru you, a tenant? 4lw many years Imvo you fanned a mi owner? How long havo you oporatud this farm? If you rout nil of thin farm what do you pay as runt? If you rent any farm land from others or mnnnRu any farm land for othora, rIvu unmo and nd dreHH of owner of land. Othur nuw quoatlouH In tho coming cuuniiH Involve tho amount of land from which no crop waa harvested thin your bocntiHO of crop fulluro; crop land lyliiR Idle or fallow In 1919 piiHturo land In ouch farm, Tho armor Ih also requested to rIvo tho total vnluo of IiIh farm January 1, 1920, an well ns tliu value ofall buMriluRH on tho' farm nnd tho value of Implomontfi and mnchlnory bo IohkIiir to tho farm, If any incum hruncoH exist nRaliiBt tho proporty, ho Is . iiBkod to Hpcclfy tho total amount oxpondod In 1919 for hay, Krnlu, mill food, mid other products not ralsod on tho farm which ho uuod na food for domostlo animals mid poultry; tho amounts of cash ox pondod for mnnuro nnd fortlllzor nnd for fnrm labor, oxcluslvo of liouso- work Ho nlio Ih to rvo tho onllmai od vnluo of tho houiio runt nmf board fiirnhihud farm lahoroni In 1919 In addition to tho caiili wiiroii. Iiifotiiiiilloii of (Jiiliiiprovivl Land, Hpuclal attention Ih aliio glvun to (llo mutter of drnlfiiigu, particularly with regard to tlio area of tho farm which ban Ilium Improved by drain age and wether a dialiingo or levou dlHtrlct or hoiiio form of Htock com pany wan organized to linndlo drain (ii;o, Ho Ih itHkud to tdll tliu amount of land provided with artificial draliliKtu and ' tho additional area needing drainage, with respect to that needing draluiiRu only, dralnriKo and cluarlm;, or ctearlnK only. The HlatlHtlcH for tho crop and llvo-fltock roportn aru ilillo hIiiiIIiii to thone iihoiI durliiR provlotiH ycaru, allhoiu;li Homy minor modlflcatlotiH havo beonJ made. Tliore nro olhor nuw Houih Killed under the caption of farm facllllloH which Include partlcularH regard Ing tho number of tractora on tho farm, tliu number of mitomoblleH, motor truck, whfithor tho farm hnH u tolo phono, wnter Hyiitom, mid r,aa or electric IIkIiIh. Information Ih aUo roiUUHtud na to whether there Ih a local cooperative marketing club, and ferment tiro ankod to i;lvu the value of all farm productK Hold throiiKh or to hiicIi ori;iuifr.atlnn In 1919, and iiIko tho com of HiipplleH piirchiiHed throiiKh tho itHHlHtanco of hiicIi mi anHoclatloii. Comptoto Information Ih iiIho MHkud roKardlmt tho orchard frultH, Hub- tropical frultH, iiiiIm, umall frultH, fruit productH, itrapeH or Krupu pro ductH, and croenHoiiHo hud hothoiiHo areiiH mid uiiulpmoiitH which aru pro duced or which aru lined on uach farm, In order to uncertain tho timber and lumber roHourcea of each farm, three forenlry iiui-Htloim are. linked: tliu number of ucrua of merchant able tlmbur,.coiiHl)lliiK principally of treea of aaw-loi: hIjio; tho vnluo of all foront productH of tho farm nt tho dale npcclflcd which have boon void or nro for Hale; mid the value of nil homegrown forent products which have been or will bo UHed on tho farm. .1 Cliei'ifiil Itivoiiiiiifiitlntton. Thoy Hhould bo In every tnivel - Inn niatiH Krlp,'" wrllcm (leo Jonner. Af, Uibor St.. Rati Antonld. T-x., oC Foloy Cathartic TabletH. "Thoy nro tho best laxative I have taken nnd I cheerfully recommend them to anyone surrurltiR with conntlputlon or bllloiiHiieHH." They dentine bowels, sweeten stomach, benefit liver. Sold everywhere.- Adv. POOR LAMBS BAD FOR SHEEP RAISERS JiiNt why tho latter part of AtiRiist and oraly part of September Invari ably itKinorallzoM tho lamo markoth htiH puzzled market sfidenin fer uuny years. A larKO prco.MMue of Irnibs comlm: out of III. unc 'u- oji alii. MlehK'un, Ohli Indlnna uid leva are small natvlv tmlmalH that havu to bo sold for wli u they will roullzo. TheHe Inmhs cijiiiIiir oii ii usually coiiROMtud mnrt h II for a market reduction nnd since llio con Hiimpllou of lauib Ih Hello I in .or tnln sectlmiH of tliu count v. cat cnsscH from thoso Impiopoil 'lulsh ed lambH do not find i ronriv Mile. This annual ocurrcnco n tills m'(. tlou not only ponnlizori tho Kroivor.i of good lambH but' ni'"tim n Lu to the pryducurH of tho Inferior klndc. Since tho prodqet Ih Jiifinor i( 1,ub a tendency to prejudice eoiiHtimcrfl iiRaliiHt lamb, Farmers In tho North uostern statos aru advised by United StutcH Uopartmont of ARrlculturo Hpeclallrits to make a concerted effort to p'lt tholr lambH In bettor markot condl Hon. It Is thought certain that roost of those who woro reHpoiiHlblo for this yonr'H nntlvo larnhn could lnjvo put thorn In much butter market condition, with good profit to thorn- uivow, ii is ruRrotiamo Hint ho largo a number of undockud and unciiHtrutod, poorly flnlshod, Hcrub brod lumbs fill tho markota from those soctlons, Tho man who koops a smnll flock on tho farm la advlsod to romumbor tho Importance of handling Bhoop wisely. Tho owes niould bo brod early enough In tho fall ho that thoy will produco tholr liunba In March and April, Tho lambH should bu docked nnd castrated whon thoy nro 10 days old. Thoy should rocolvo sufficient food to koop thorn growing In order that whon thoy nro roariy for tho mnrkot In nbout four montliH thoy should wolgh from GG to 70 pounds nnd carrying n uniform cov ering of flesh, I.nmbs which nro woll brod, proporly oarud for, dock ud mul ciiHtratod, and In good flesh will go onto tho markot a credit to tl.L man who has producod thorn and will find a roady rnilo. Wnnt to buy liny, uso ltullotlii clas sified iuIh, Put It tn Tho KaUetln. 1 BILLS, BILL AMD J wSSSSSiM HX1MAN , We'VE GOT I I "CW I 1 1 HOME Bills arwmdJti' rf j I W) 'A, ' , . , V V,) r i?K!1'r4&V.fi.,,5l lWrK T COES I hIATTOVOO MCAHJH wHiTCotS so TJoLlAR ToNTCo A5 FAR .(f rioro I FAPTIPP Ilrr-TTt t. FAPTrtAr A5 IT U5t? To j& HK-Tr-Ln ' r I "" Off " WEWR MAY IRRIGATE AT FORT ROCK ORGANIZATION AIM OF PETITION. ('OIIMTl'lltloll ()f HM'lll Utlll-Olf Ifeaihwilci-H of Syran Illvur lie- llevinl Suftlrlent to IiTlKiitn Sewiil)-TM KeilloiiH. at That n movcmoiil for tho forma tion of nn Irrigation dlatrlct In tlio Fort Hock valley In well under wny, Ih tho report brought Hi by Juck Hortou of tho forest nurvlcc, who Iiiih returned from an offlclnl trip Into tho Kort'ltoclc country. Petitions for an organization election havo been circulated, nnd nlgned by more than the required number of laud holders. Mr. Horton Htntcs, but have ol Jut jeon acted on by tho county ' .ir. i,,.,, vni,!rii nf j-'nrt iinck J f0""-, "" '" of rort Hock, Is chairman of tho tuntutlvo or gaulzatlou which has na Its object tho bringing of water from ubovo Sycan Marsh, at a point IS miles duo west of Summer Lako, to Irrigate u tract 12 miles long by six mllcH wldo. Mr. Naldrett, It Is stated by Mr. Horton, consilient that tho averago cost of bringing water to thu laud would bo $27 mi acre. In round numbers. this would menu mi ultlmnto expon- dlturo of one mid n qunrtor iuIIIIoiih. Tii lo Spring Surpltii. Tho land which Is included In the proposed district, lies about tho town of Fort Hock In a general slopo, high ly adaptable, to tho general purpose of Irrigation. Only tho ubsuueo of water now provouta thin section of the country from being highly pro ductive. In spltu of tho relatively short seasons. Tho Sycuu river, flows In n general soitthwoHtorly direction from Sycan marsh, tho hendwntora being to tho northeast of tho inarali. l)y divert ing a small portion of this flow, but chiefly by a Hystom of rinms to con- servo tho aprlng run-off. settlers lie- llovo that aufflclont wntor could bo: brought to tholr Innd to trnnsrorm It . Into a prosperous farming country, HEYBURN TO OPEN HARDWARE STORE Xvc lliixlncits Will Do Started in llullillng Now in Process of Com- pletlon on Wall and Minnesota. Announcement was mndo on Frldny turnoou by J. II. Hoyburn, thnt ho will opon a hardware store undor tho numo of tho Hoyburn Hnrdwnro Co., In tho cornor room of tho now build ing on Wall and Minnesota, ns soon ns tho structure Is complotod, prob nbly within tho noxt two or three wooks. A comploto lino of hnrdwnro will bu currlod. Mr. Hoyburn has had n long ex porlonco In this lino of business In Hond, having formorly boon with tho Skuso Hardware Co., and moro ro contly In tho hardware departmont of tho F. Domout & Co. store. FRY ARE TAKEN TO NORTH TWIN LAKE Taking with thorn 18,000 eastern brook trout flngorllngs, Charlos J. Ayres of tho forest sorvlco, and J, D. nowmnn, representing tho Dond Rod and Gun club, loft on Friday for Twin Lakes. Tho trout, which woro secured at tho Tumnlo hntohory, wll bo plnutod In tlio north Inko. Pat It la "THH nULLKTIN." COUNCIL LETS CONTRACT FOR CITY'S SEWERS An Important stop toward the carrying out of tho city's big Im provement program was taken ut tho first rcgulur Friday night meet ing of thy Ilend council, when con tracts for tho construction of thu west central sower main and Jut orals 44, 413, 4G, 20 and 27 woro awarded to the United Contracting Co. on a bid of $13,500.50. Tho wW central main starts on Division street from tho alley south of Greenwood to tho alley north of Franklin, while thrco of tho laterals aro to semi tho section of the cits lying between Division nnd Harrl mau from Irving to. Franklin. I.at oral number 4 1 starts on Division be tween Irving and Hawthorne, running through thu alley to Harrlmnn, lat eral number 45 starts on Division between Hawthorne and Greeley, and rutin through tho alley to Harrlmnn, whllo lateral number 4C connects the snmo streets, but runs through the alley botwecn Franklin and Greeley. Lateral number 27 starts on Lou isiana nl the nlley cast of Bond stroot, and runs enst to Lnvu road, and lateral number 30 starts nt tho alloy east of Dond on Oregon, and runs to Hnrrlmau. t'lierk Kmr I.on Contract. One bid. that submitted by A. 3. McGarfy, n Washington contractor, was for fl3.SlG.10. lowor than the United Contracting Co. bid. His of fer wiih thrown out. as tho cortlflud check for $1500 which accompanied It wns drawn In favor of tho city council of Dakar, mid consequently vnluolcss bore. Othor bids wore thoso of Joo Hock for $13,639, nnd of Slems & Carlson for J13.9CI. The onglneor'H estimate ou tho work wns for $12,349. Dr. Anna nies-Flnloy, tho now city health officer, was present ut the meeting nnd addressed tho council. usklng tho full co-operation of tho city government during her term of oXtlco. A voto to this ofTect was taken. I' Kldmvnlk Order I'rotoitcd. N. It. Gilbert, who with H. JI. DoArmond IH ownor of tho property on tho northeast corner of Dond and Oregon, appeared boforo tho council to romonstrato against tho order re quiring ImmedlntQ construction of concroto walks on Dond from Oregon to aroonwood. Ho Btnted that ho and Mr. DoArmond nro plinnlg to build In tho spring, mid that any wulk which might now bo put In would bo seriously dnmnged by blasting for a basement, In addition to the fact that construction nt pres ent would bring tho walk down to grndo, tn somo Instances several foot below tholr presont location. T. W. Carlson speaking for tho Mooso lodge whch owns tho property Just nbovo tho DoArmond & OUbort holdings, stated that tho Mooso will also build In tho spring, nnd urged that tho ordor bo stnyud. Councilman K. L. Payne pointed out that moro complaints had boon mndo on this particular block than for nny other in Bond, nnd Mnyor J. A. Eastos stntod thnt tho council would bo Inclined to lot tho order drag if tho prosent wnlka woro patchod by tho property ownors, nnd tho mnttor was put over until tho noxt mooting. An ordinance bill i said to havo bootfproHonted by n tenant of on.o of tho local office buildings, seeks to havo a t minimum temperature sot by law for public buildings, o ac tion on this wns taken, pending Its examination by City Attorney Don-son, BEND TO HAVE NEW FACTORY WOItlv TO STAIIT NKXT WKKK IXSTAIiMNC; MACIIIXKHY FOR MAXUKACTUKK OF CONCKKTi: PIl'i:. That work will start tho latter part of this week by the Concrete Pipe Company to install a $15,000 plnnt In Dcnd, was the announce ment on Friday df C. H. Dullen, ono of tljo chief stockholders In the company, who Is here to select a site for the new manufactory. The com pany already has contracts to fur nish the concrete culverts which Os kar Hubcr, Portland contractor, will use In road work through Central Oregon, nnd for this branch of the work, eight men will be employed. Mr. Dullen believes that because of local production, it will bo possible to bid successfully for pipe to be used In sewer construction In Fiend, and If this added demand for the company's product-is made, the force employed will be doubled. As far as possible local labor will be sought. Mr Dullen believes that thero will bt a good market In Central Oregon for pipe on the various Irrigation proejets. "Our product Is mado to stand a heavy pressure, and because of this it will not bo necessary to lay concroto pipe on n level," he pointed out. He states that the plant will bo installed as a permanent In dustry In Ilend. AROUND THE WOCJLD WITH THE AMERK ,RED CROSS. Junior Red Cross, Hnrly In the participation of the United States In the world war, the American Itod Cross perceived tho value of mobilising the school children of tho country and tho Junior Hed Cross wns organized. Hefora the war ended nlno million children were en rolled and helped In tho wur fund nnd membership campalgnslu chan ter production of relief supplies und manufacturing furniture for thu ref ugees whose homes and household goods were destroyed. Children everywhere In tho United States responded to the cull to serv leo sounded by President Wilson aa head of tho American Ked Cross. This photograph Is that of nu en thuslntlc young Japanese member of tho Junior Hed Cross of Spokune, Wash., starting out on tho ambitious undertaking o( collecting "a-mile of pennies" for wnr relief. A compre hensive peaco program Is now being worked out for the Junior Ited Cross, which Is being held Intact. four chairs at your service at thr Metropolitan. No waiting, Adr. W T 1A nil I !5!ElfifiSaiSi3Si3SfS5IEfSii What's Doing in the Country. l-i2Effl'ai8&m$'?mamnaMnanriJ PINEHURST SPUDS NEARLY HARVESTED PJNBIIUItST, Nov. J 1. Potato digging In almost over for this yoar. The threshing machine la In Pine hurst this woe. If tho weather pro ves favorable tho numerous short Jplbs should bo finished in a short time. Wlrnor and Spaugh nro baling hny for C. 1'cdcrson this weok. A great many farmer nro getting up a good supply of wood for tho winter, James Denhnni Is nulling ,... with IiIh stump 'puller for F V Swisher. Thoso who attended tho recaption given for Mrs. C. A. Howell In Turn alo woro Air. and Mrs. Harry McGuIro, .Mr..andJUra. C. W. Howell. Mr. and Mrs, C.'lff Spaugh nnd fam ily Mrs. C. A. Howell, Nollio and Leroy Howell. Tom and Davo Nichols and Miss Huth IJaylcy attended the movies' In Uend Saturday evening. I. K. W'lmer was In Hond Friday. Mrs F. V. Swisher was calling on Mrs. I. E. Winter Wednt-nrfuy after noon. Mrs. C. A. Howell spent tho weok end with Mri. Harry MeOuIrc. C. If. Spnugh and Mlsi Violet went to Prlnevlllo Sunday, Violet will nt tend high school there Her sister Myrtle has boon there Blnco last Sep tember. W. K Searcy of Uend was looking after his potatoes on his placo Sun day. Llyod Hoot la working for C. Ped orson whllo he Is having his hay bailed. J. A. Marsh of Tumalo, was a busi ness caller at C. Poderson'a on Mon day. G. W. Snyder waa sowing sulp hur last week. C. W. Howell Is grading and haul ing potatoes to Dend. -Mrs. C. A. Howell left tho first of the week for Idaho where sho will Join her husband. Her many trlonda regret to sco her go. Mr. and Mrs. If. T. Hartley enter tained Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry McOuiro, and Miss Violet Spaugh, at a dinnor Wednesday evening. J. JI. Williamson sold his rancn last week at Sunnyside to Alex Ho well, Mr. Howell will move on tho plnce In tho near future. PLAY TO BE GIVEN AT LA PINE SOON LA PIXE. Nov. IS rhn n... lord who served In the United States V.v i l" 'Y"r J5l ai LA Pino W ednesday vlsltlngaf tho La Pino hotel. His home la nl Paisley. Don Duffleld of Portland is visit ing Haiel Manning. F. W.Wtbor-madaa-trlp,to Sil ver Lake Saturday nnd returned Sunday. If. Zimmerman of Crescent was at La Pino Tuesday. Thos. Drncken who Is In tho mer cantile business nt Crescent waa at La Pine Thursday. Mrs. Manning and daughter iiazci wore at uend Thursday. W. H. Hlley was at Bond Mon day and Tuesday. School waa closed Tuesday It be ing Armistico Day. Tho following people registered at tho La Pino hotel during tho past week: H. Zlramorman, Cres cent; Jnmcn Frederickson of tho Walker Basin; Sidney A. nice. Fort Hock; William F. Trorrfblee, Bend; P. C. Jackson and wife. New York C. Weaver and wifo, S. Carver and wife, McMinnevllIe; G. II. Caldwell. La Pino; Charlos Thomas and Thomas Braken, Crescent; Pat Horry. Silver Lake; Ben Scott, Wal ker Basin; W. II. Merrlman. Bend; H. Bnllo and Frank Murray. Silver Lake; Charles Gaylord. Paisley; J W. Keofe, Mike Daley. Peto Al right, Silver Lako; G. M. Zoll, Fall River, Cal.; H. C. M. Hambrols, Portland. A largo crowd attended tho danco at tho Commercial club hall Sat- . urday evening which was glVon by . Cecil Hollinshead and wlfo. newly- weds. Supper was served bv Mrs. Manning of tho La Pine hotel. At a meeting of the La Pino high school lltorary society held Friday aftornoon, it was decided to put ion tho play "Dot, tho Minor's Daughter." December 23 is the dato set. Tho hooks havo been receiv ed and tho fourteen characters have been assigned to tholr respec tive parts. Dora Sly is teaching tho pri mary room during tho ahsenco of Mlsa Roso Hunnol who is nt Bond having her tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. Eugeuo Jensen nnd children were at Bend Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mr. Jon son's brqthor. "Wurt Whlted has Just completed the construction of a barn for tho La Pino hotel. Mr. Wblted lua a homostoad in tho Walker Basin F. W. Weber took a lond of passengers to Bond Thursday ovo nlng. Cnrl Wlso has purchased a now runabout Ford. A. R. Donabuo wont to Bend F"' day and mado a trip to Sliver 7 "vo Saturday and returned Sunday. Don't Disregard a V)hI, James MoCrory, Berrien Cor , Mich., says' he yvaa reibled t kidney and bladder trouble .for i years- and used several kinds t medicine without any benefit, "t Foloy KIdnoy Pills igavo him rv f from aches and pains and sto""'l sleep disturbing bladder, gtlai"-4. They stop backache and rheua ' pains; ease lameness. BoW evarv. where, Adv.