The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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liolli'i Hlii) CiiiiiiiiiIkii DchIkiu'iI to
I'iimIiho Dlircl. Ili'Milt mid AIitI
KmiiiM'iV I'rui'iil NimmIh Now
Im I Ik; Opportune Tlinr.
Why do iwmm Iota of cntllo (op
thu nuirkol whllo othorn mill ut low
prlcon? Why nru nomo coimumorH
vIIMni: to pity (JO cnnU n pound for
prlmo hon'Monk -wlillo thoy would ro
Jocl froin tholr tublo Inferior Mcuk at
hnlf thu print? Why Ik It that komo
JVvtliirH finlih tliolr cattlo or other
nnliiinlfi moru rapidly and cconoml
colly than tholr uHMoclnton7
llNiiully hecauno "hlooil will lull."
That In, thn niilmnlH of tho hotter
brooding alwnyn achluvu thu rnoro
rrmlltnblo purformnncftH, ho It In tli.i
i how Hun, at thu fair, In tho fond lot.
on th rauftu. or tit tho hutchcr'n
block. Purubrod arUtorracy In not
Hourly oxtowUvo uiourIi In thu Unit
imI Mate and with u vluw to ox
tumllriK thu kith ntid kin of the firm
fuiiillliiH whluly ovur tho country, tho
United HtatoN Dvpartuiont of ARM
culturo In luunchltii: It drive for bet
tr llvo ntock, which wna Ininit-urnt-il
October 1.
I'liM'hri-iU for Profit.
rurobred llvo Mock In not tho re
null of foible tind fancy of tho rich,
for tho lendliiK foundation fa in I lie
of tho vnrloun urvmU, for thu mont
part, lmvii boon produced and de
veloped by practical fannern who
farmed for a IIvIuk In either tho Old
or tho New World.
In th' word, purebred llvo ntock
from Iiokh, cattlo, tihcop, homci and
dairy cow to kouIm und poultry, hnvo
nil been developed for Npeclflc pur
ponen, which are Intimately amtoclat
od with tho Mock farmer' noodx and
Undo Hum' IjIk drlvo for bolter
llvo mock Klmlluriy In a campaign to
provldo for direct und urKent needn.
runner with Hiirplux feed nhould do
Mm live Mock of tho bent typo which
will moMi profitably and economical
ly convert thoxo KruliiN und foruce
nurpltueit Into moat, milk, wool, und
eRK. Kllmlnallnc tho ncrub mid
moiiKrol, llvo Mock of "no account"
family or breeding In one of thu
Krentent Improvement Mepr. which
poHNlbly could bo undertaken by thu
llvo Mock brooding and rnlsliiK
fraternity of thin country. Undo
Bum Im onthuHlnMlcully behind tho
project nod It romulriK for farmer
Interested In Mock ruining through
out tho country, not only to boom for
butter ntock, but alio to buy und uo
farm nnlmnln of approved typo and
breedliiK, In order that our present
livet,ock population, huteroRenomt,
harum-Ncurum, and topy-turvy un It
lit, may bo replaced by Miiperlor ani
mal of typo und breeding beM flttod
to niipply tho ninrkot and inoit Mult
iple to coimiimo profitably tho mir
plim crop of thu American farmer.
Why flood Cntllo I'uy.
Jut to llluntrnto that It In about
n enny to dUcount tho benefit of
Kood blood In llva-Mock brooding a
It I to try to dry up tho ocean with
a nponKo, horn nro noin'o fluure con
cenrnliiK tho butclier landanl of u
f.ood und mudluni ,toer, In tho ca-e
of a good uteer thu loin cut, which
are hli:h priced, cuiiHtltuto 1 1 i per
cent by woIkIiI, iin compared with
If. Vi ler cent in it medium nteer, Tho
rib-cut compoHo of Dfi par cent In
thu butter clan of Mcor mid only T
per coin In tho meilltimh animal. Thu
round, which In n medium priced cut,
comtltuto 21 por cent In it good
Htoer und 2C', por cent In a medium
Moer, while tho chuck, a low-priced
cut compoHo 2-1 pur cent of the good
tuer. Tho mlBcellnnoou cut In tho
Kood Nteor UKKioKato 3,1 per cent and
only 11 pur cent In tho medium
Moer, Theo figure ludlcato tliut
tho good nteor cnrrle a :rjater per
conditio of tho hlKh-prlced cut and
a lower percontiiKo of tho medium
priced and cheap cuiMtliitn doe tho
medium Moor, ulthoup.h tho animal
may be fed ulmlliir ration. Thl
dlYcrKoncn In meat make-up ut mar
ket time mum lie attributed to breed
ing. Two shipment of Rteem which re
cently arrived on one of tho lurgo
central inurkeln tilxo are of InteroM
In dUdoHlni; tho breeding factn. One
lot of good Moor weighed, on an
average, 1,800 pound and old ut
$10.30 u hundred weight, their dross-
lug perceutago averaging 01 per cent.
Theso Moer carried 0 per cent of
Inside fat whllu tholr cost per pound,
drowned and ready for wilo to tho con
sumer, wim 22 4 cent. Tho medium
lot of nicer averaged In weight 0C3
pound and Hold at $13.30. Theso
cattlo drcHHed 54 per cent, carried
pur cent of Inside fat, and coM 22
cent n pound when dressed and
ready for cotmiimptlou. Hubuequoiil
ly tho meat from tho good Mourn Hold
for one cent u pound more thnn that
from tho medium Moor, which re
HUlted In an Increased profit to tho
butcher of approximately half a cent
n pound,- dcHplto thu fact that tho
good steer cost originally 2 conU a
pound mora than tho medium Moors.
Furthermore, tho Inside fat was
worth considerably moro In tho good
Htoer than It win In tholr lower
finality main. Tho woll-bred lot of
cattlo Hold for an avenigo of $181 tC
aploco. whllu tho poorer steer
brought only $128.08 an nnlmal, a
difference of $53.38 u head In
favor of tho bettor bred cattle.
Ki INirmrrN Opportunity.
Thoro I no possible reason why
farmer and Mockmon should wusto
their time und tie up aud Jcopnrdlro
tholr capital In thn purchase nnd
feeding or breeding of Inferior stock.
Tho supremacy of the bettor bred
animal la practically Infallible,
They, other conditions being erjiml,
will yield dependable profit which
are an certain nit tho coming of day
after a night of gloom. It doe not
take much capital for any farmer,
bo ho tho owner of few head of stock
or pomicHKor of cxIouhIvo flock nnd
hordn, to begin Improvement work to
better hi llvo stock rosourcoH. All
that I neceusary In that lie purchase
and uho purebred nlrcn In tho grading
up and betterment of the progeny.
nki:di;i in cmuvH dikt
Doth vegetable nnd frultn supply
thu body with Iron, lime and other
mineral matter, and some protein
nnd body fuel a well ok mild odd,
They nro particularly noceary In
tho dint of children. They nhould
bo nerved at leant once a day, n thoy
help to keep tho bowel in good con
dition. Vegetable may bo lined an
flavoring for soups and stows, or ser
ved with moat or meat Mow, or
Herved with meat gravy If gravy
I used, do not have It too fat nor
make It with scorched fat. ' ,
Young children mnHia given tho
young and tondor purl of colory and
lettuce, a satisfactory way of nerving
them being lit the form of sand
wiches. Kor thl purpose salt slight
ly nnd chop or cut tho celery Into
muuII piece.
VeKHnldfX Vi-( Cleansing.
Wash nil vegetable with great
euro, whethor served raw or cooked.
Hcrub lago vegetable, such an po
tatoes und carrots, with a brush.
Ureens nhould bo washed loaf by leaf
undor running water, or In a largo
amount of water, until frco from grit
nnd visible dirt. In thu latter caso
any sand which cling to them Ib
Ilkoly to sink. To prevent It from
again getting on tho vegetable lift
thorn from the water Instead of pour
lug tho water oft.
Hervo most vegetables whon cook
ed an a separate dish, cither steam
ed, boiled, baked or stowed. If tho
supply of fresh vegetables Is not gen
erous, uno with them tho Juice In
which thoy aro cooked, ns fur us pos
slblo, or put It Into soups or Mows.
Experience has shown that vege
tables, particularly green vegetnblos,
hM U i I CTi vmm . 11 Kl f, j oh o Bl P
J fl k I ll tiilf A VI lit rfi ri til
v mm
f if,iW.
"""""h 1 f ii iiHiJsW iBSHIsjBHH'nCwf litw HBli w t!''.. Mi'n rjfjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjjss
1 IMBFiiji
mrZM pr
Mfl sumHPliMiiJ 1
Tobacco C.
PLAY the smokegame with a jimmy
pipe if you're hankering for a hand
out for what ails your smokeappctitc!
For, with Prince Albert, you've got a new listen on the pipe question
that cuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat worries I
$$ Made by our exclusive patented process, Prince Albert is scot free
from bite and parch and hands you about the biggest lot of smokefun
that ever was scheduled in your direction!
Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-pal; rolled into a cigarette it
beats the band! Get the slant that P. A. is simply everything any
man ever longed for in tobacco I You never will be willing to
figure up the sport you've slipped-on once you get that Prince
Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesysteml
You'll talk kind words every time you get on the firing linel
Ttppy rtJ tait, llJjr r lint, nondtom pmnJ and hatf-pownd tin A ami.
dttandihmt ctmt$y. protftcal pound cry$lal gtatt hamldor milk
fpcmw motitintr tt thai ip Ikm lalmtto In tuch pttfttl cm,wi.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
The Car
Lasts Longer
because Zerolene
meets with scientific
accuracy the lubrica
tion needs of the car.
It is refined from se
lected California crude
oil. Deposits least car
bon. Get a Correct
Lubrication Chart for
your car,
I'l 111 I 1111 i m
W. R. Speck, Special A;ent Slandard OH Co., Bend, Ore. 'L
Your Creamery
Builds Business
for Yourselves
The Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
Will Pay One Cent
Above the Market
Price for Butlerfat
Paid by Portland
Yearly Market
Fair, Honest Tests.
The Creamery Should
bejYotir Asset.
Bring in Your Cream
Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
arc ut their best when cooked until
tondor. but not until completely wilted.
and soma corn, but commence slow
ly with each. Give clean water all
tho time.
Give no feed to the Hmall turkey
until they nro forty-eight hours old.
Mix up In a dry utata tho following
iiiRrodlcnts: Wheat bran, 8 parta,
by measure; outmeal, 2 parts; 1-4
part Rood beefscrap and 1-3 part
Frorti this make a crumbly mash
for llvo minutes' feeding to tho
poults, but first add plenty of fine
ly chopped onions and a scattering
of lino Rrlt or conrso sand. Mix all
with sour mill: to a crumbly state.
Feed this for five minutes at a time
threo times a day.
Kor tho last feed dully glvo a good
supply of cracked wheat. After
five- minutes of feeding take the mash
away. Do not carry moist mashes to
next day. Food thorn to grown
Do not allow poults out very early
or lata In tho day, unlesH It Is quite
warm, and keep thorn from wet
grass. Allow them to oxerclse and
hunt for bugs and greens between
meals. 'Vlienthey aro a month old
you inny tako one part bran away
nnd add one part moro of oatmeal,
other ingredlonts being the same.
At two months add one-quarter part
moro of beefscrap,
Seo that thoy aro warm at night,
and mothered by tho hen or In tho
broodor several times daily till they
nro bettor feathered. Keep founts,
troughs nnd brooder-house, or hen,
very clean.
Dust tho hen with buhach powder.
Do not uso tho usual chicken lice
powdor on hon with turkeys. Over
feeding, inactivity between moals or
feeding corn and fattening foeds
Will BUrelv brtner trmitrin i
As tho birds got largor you mayi YoM r,,n tr,UiS ,,B,,,h,,2.K " !"'ve
lv .,,.,,, , . , f. :ol '" ranch throiiRli The Uul etin
Blvo shrlvolod wheat or hulled oatsj dusIflel ,Mls. '
1. Tho sale of dairy products fur
nishes n steady Income throughout
tho year. Tho farmer wh6 depends
upon crop sales for his Income usual
ly makes tho bulk of his sales during
ono or two months of the year,
while during tho rest of the year
ho has no caslrincomoi Such a sys
tem requires long credits In the com
munity. 2. Tho market for dairy products
fluctuates very little year by year as
compared with other farm products.
3. Through tho return of manure
to tho land tho fertility and physical
condition of tho soli may be main
tained at a high lovol and crops in
creased. Even nfter many years a
properly maintained dairy farm has
constantly Increasing crop- yields in
stead of decreasing ones.
4. In dairying, labor may be util
ized at a moro uniform rate through
out tho yoar than In nearly.any other
farm business. Tho grain grower,
for example, may have to employ
much additional labor at harvest
time, but so far as tho dairy is con
corned tho dairyman has about tho
samo duties to porform every month
of tho year. Thus, less help is re
quired seasonally and permanent em
ployees may bo kopt.
5. Through tho dulry cow many
unsalable roughages may be trans
formed Into products from which
cash may bo realized. Grass, hay,
corn fodder, and other roughago
which may not havo a ready salo
aro economically utilized by tho
dairy cow. Land which is not suit
able for cultivation can be utilized1
for pasturo for dairy cows.
for tho last feed dally. At
mouths thoy may got longer foeds
Tut it in Tho Bulletin.
r .
J Our Grocery
t Prices Are Right
i At All Times-
X Try Us and be
Convinced . .
Yes this is the
jhoe that givesyou
Extra service
every stcp-r-com-
j fort every minute."
Why? Because
it is luit right to
- start with I Our
first consideration
has always been
to put into tvtry
Shoe: best mater'
Mi, wholehearted
workmanship and
lasting valut.
EO. U.S.
It is significant
that the Buck
jucht Army Shoe ,
is worn bv thous
ands of men 'mail
walks oflife. They
have come to ap
preciate its' yield
ing comfort, its
velvety feel, its
qualities. And so
will you once
you treat your, feet
to Buckhecht
Army Shoes.
At principal dcilen on the Pacific Coatt. If
your dealer la not juppb'ed, order direct Iron)
Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT Sam
You'll Enjoy
Buying Groceries
At Our Store
Everybody does. Be
cause it's conducted just
the way you think a gro
cery store should rbe.
It is conducted to serve
To supply you with
groceries in a way that
will save your time, pre
vent annoyance and fUrn
t ish you with' good 'things
to eat at fair prices.
Prompt service, courte
ous personal' attention,
accurate accounts, are ev
eryday features at our
And in addition you
have the benefit of our
complete knowledge of
the grocery business.
We know what's good
and we make it our busi
ness to tell you.