The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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iwnv. a
nED iiullktin, ukni), ohkon, tiiukhday, novkmiiku n, iiuo.
Either Caustic Soda or Cauttlc Potash
Without Other Substances ts
(Prepared by ttict Unltcit St.ttcn Depart
mont of Agriculture.)
When circumstance nre favorable,
ns In the case of formers who build
lip their herein by raising the progeny,
the horns niny he prevented from
growing by n simple nml practically
pnlnlcs method, mid the custom of
preventing the growth of the horns In
becoming more popular unit more gen
roily practiced under all conditions
except In the case of cnlves dropped
on the open range. The ctdf ahnuld
lx treated not Inter than one week af
ter Its birth, preferably when U Is
from three to five days old. The agent
to he used may be either caustic soda
or caustic potash, both of which may
he procured In the drug stores In the
form of sticks nbout the thickness of
nn ordinary lead pencil and f Inches
Ions. These caustics must bo handled
with care, as they dissolve the cuticle
and may make the hands or Angers
aore. The preparation of the calf con
Reasons For the Third
Red Cross Roll Call
During the. War tho Hod Cross held
two campaigns each year, tho War
Fund Campaign and the Roll Call.
There will bo no more Wnr Fund
Campaigns unless thcro Is another
The Hed Cross will hold every
at which time, tho American people
will Indicate their bullet in the Ideals
of tho American Hed Cross and their
support of Its work by enrolling n
annual members nt . the nominal
membership feo of Ono Dollar.
The outstanding reasons why
every patriotic nnd public-spirited
American citizen will wish to join
tho American Hed Cross during the
may be summarized briefly as fol
lows: 1. The Wnr Task of the Hed
Cross Is not yet Fully Performed.
To men still In service, nnd to
their families nt home, to discharged
soldiers' not yet fully adjusted to the
routine of civilian life, to boys suf
fering or convalescing In Military or
Naval Hospitals, the American peo
ple still give cheer, comfort mid ser
vice through their Hed Cross.
In certain portions of the Old
World the American Hed Cross still
feeds and clothes the undernourished
, nmi rm-irnii rirtmntt. r.nrM rnr in,
fJiri!::;'" and th. Infirm, and assets the
wnrra water, and thoroughly drying
with a cloth or towel. The stick of
caustic should be wrapped In a piece
of paper to protect the hands and fin
gers, leaving one end of the stick un
covered. Moisten the uncovered end slightly
nnd rub It On the horn buttons or little
points which may be felt on the cnlfV
head, first on one nnd then the other,
nlternately, two or three times on
each, allowing the caustic to dry after
each application. He very careful to
npply the caustic to the horn button
only. If It Is brought In contact with
the surrounding skin It will cause pain.
He very enreful also not to have too
much moisture on the stick of caustic,
ns It will remove the skin If nllowed
to run down over the face. After treat
ment, keep the calf protected from
rain, as water on the head after the
application of caustic will muse it to
run down over tho face. This must
be carefully avoided.
Klther caustic odn or caustic pot
ash alone, without the admixture of
other substances, answers the purpose
satisfactorily. Some years ago, how
ever, certain preparations or "dehorn
ing compounds," composed largely of
one or the other of these cnustlcs,
were generally used, nnd, ns Inquiries
nre still occasionally received concern
ing such preparations, the following
formula is given: Combine In nn
emulsion 50 per cent of caustic soda,
Custom of Preventing Growth of Horns
Is Becoming More Popular.
25 per cent of kerosone. and 2.1 per
cent of water. The caustic soda is
dissolved In tho wntT and lusted to
the boiling point, thn removed from
peoplo of these disease-ridden, famine-stricken,
war-ravaged countries
to organize their own resources.
Since the signing of tho Armistice,
this work has steadily declined, but
it is uot by any means fully completed.
2. The Red Cross Is the Disaster
Relief Agent of tho American Peo
ple. t
The speed and efficiency with
which the Red Cross met the emer
gency needs In Corpus Chrlstl and
vicinity gave n striking illustration
of the value of nationwide Red Cross
organization, nnd furnished convinc
ing proof that we cannot afford to go
bnck to the pre-war basis when all
Hed Cross dlsastor rellof was ad
ministered from Washington, I). C.
In case of disaster, whothcr it be n
small one due to forest fire in the
Northwest or great Mississippi Valley
flood, tho first effective rollof will
hereafter come from nearby commu
nities, working through their Red
Cross Chnpters which are part of the '
disaster relief machinery established I
by Congress In 190C.
8. In caso of Epidemic Local Red
Cross Organization Ik Indispensable.
During the epidemic of Influenza
last whiter many thousands of Uvea
ware saved by Rod Cross set ton and
fo-operatlon, which was possible only
because the Red Cross was fully
organized for local service and na
tional co-opera Uou iu every commu
nity In the I'nlted States. Against
a possible recurrence
,'hl winter and against o danger of
, epidemic in the future, a continued
universal membership In the Red
' CroMs is essential.
I 4. Red Cross Peace Program
Merits Universal Support, Sympathy
and Co-operation.
Owing to the changed social and
economic condition following the war
and the necessary adjustments that
must be mads by the nation as a
whole to meet these conditions, the
Red Cross Is confronted with new
; responsibilities which must be dis
charged with tho same onebfy and of
still possible for an epidemic like In
fluenza to take u toll within a com
pass of few weeks five times
greater than tho losses of our na
tion in n year and n half of war;
hundreds of thousands of people In
tho prime of life die In tho (Milted
States uvery year from wholly pre
ventable diseases. This Is nothing
short of a disaster which Is n continu
ing ono nnd will bu permanent unless
the people co-operuto with one ano
ther to uso the knowledge and
wealth already in existence to bring
the nation Into it better day. Many
agencies are already nt work on
these problems. The Red Cross will
not supplant or competo with the ef
forts of nny established and effective
agency, public or private. Hut the
Hed Cross, through its millions of
mambers comprising evury element
in every community, many of them,
thoinjolves. tho victims of the foes
thnt cut short human life nnd rob It
of Its sweetness, can servo nation
and community us can no other
agency In supplementing, reinforcing
and supporting woll directed efforts
for the conservation of tho most pre
cious things In the world, human life
and happiness.
r. America has set tho Pace In n
World Hed Cross Movomnnt.
The League of Hed Cross Societies
of nil nations has been formed,
through the inspiration of tho Hed
Cross achievement of tho United
States. This League has no executive
power whatever over the Hed Cross
of nny nation, but will extend Into
every nation the benef ts of u na
tional, voluntary Hed Cross Society
on the American model, to deal with
problems of health nnd child welfare
and to cope with the relief problems
that nre so pressing over so great n
part of tho earth's surface. Through
these organizations ninny nations'
will meet their own problems which
would otherwise be appealing to
America for rellof nnd assistance.
The I'nlted Stutos, whose peoplo have
shown the world how thus to rise
out of dlspalr Into hope, must keep
the Red Cross banner floating high.
Tho success or failure of this great
world movement of practical Ideal
ism will depend largely upon tho
manner In which the American poo
pie unswer the Till It I) RED CROSS
Nrar f t 'r i iu j t " , ''im :n wirw it Mr ,f
i a 'i nw'ii
"Hihl?i '"ili'TWai
The Golden Rule
$ Make this store your headquarters for good, warm
Clothing at reasonable prices. Now is the time to tay
in a supply while you have your choice from a big stock
We Have a Few Specials for
Next Week:
Cardigan Jackets, blue and grey $2.65
Roll Neck Sweater Coats, grey only $2..'W
Heavy wool Shirts, in all colors; prices....
$2.75, $2.95, $3.-15, $1.50, $5.00 and $7.50
Logger Shirts, all wool, with double back and shoulders, rain
proof $10.-15
Logger' Shirts, heavy wool, single back $8.95
Wool mixed Underwear, all wool, prices from....$2.95 to $10.00
Wool mixed Underwear to all wool, prices from $2.95 to $10.00
Heavy fleece lined Underwear ...$2.15 and $2.95
Wool Hose .15c, 50c, 05c, 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.75
Canvas Gloves 15c, 20c, 25c
Leather faced '15c
Quilts $3.25, $;.75, $1.50, $1.95
Blankets... $1.95 to $10.15
Our Shoe Dept. is complete in Work and Dress Shoes. Prices
from '. $3.15 to $13.50
Rubbers for Men and Boys
Personal Service and Courteous Treatment
t.r,ffiuii.gfiu? &m&3mu6vmmi. ..i
ually, while the mixture Ik vigorously
itlrrcd. Till cmulMon U npplIiHl in
very much the name manner as the
Hick caustic, except that It Is nm
Miry to employ a short, stiff brush.
Sometimes n ment skewer Ik used, tho
Inrge end helng mashed to form a
tubby brush. Two or three applica
tions should he made to each horn
button, as in the case of the Ktlck
rnustlc, with Inlcrvala to ullow It to
In tho Ycry young calf tho horn
button, or point that will ultimately
develop Into n horn, has scarcely any
attachment In the skull, and may ho
felt nt a small button embedded In
the skin. In thlH early stage It may
be easily removed with a sharp knlfo
or n pair of curved k'Issoih, hut even
then cnustlcK should he applied to kill
nny remaining cell life belonging to
I'.iis germ point; otherwise there may
be soino subsequent Irregular horn
growth, which la more or less of a
fectiveness ns wore those occasioned
by tho war.
In addition to currying on tho al
ready established system of national
International rellof In mitigating tho
Ibo fire, and the heroine ndihd grnd-Jsnffering cuused by famlno, fire,
Proper Care Should Be Taken Not to
Load Too Heavily Most Common
Cause of Loss.
When shipping hogs In wnrm weath
er caro should bo taken not to load
too heavily. Too heavy loading Ib ono
or the most common causes of loss la
snlpmepfs of hogs.
floods and grout national calamities
there is u stronger popular demand
for the Ited Cross to co-opernto with
all recognized agencies, both public
and private, In the conservation of
human health and happiness.
Iu general the scopo of the service
of the Red Cross, In addition to the
regular dlsastor function and co
operation with the military and
naval forces will be directed to as
sisting, stimulating and supplement
ing all legitimate movements for tho
preservation, promotion and Improve
ment of tho public health and for
bettering living conditions through
applying and extending the principles
of true nelghborllness.
This meaim it great national pro
gram which will find expression In
many 'communities in such activities
as public health nursing, educational
classes In homo nursing, dietetics
nnd first aid, extended homo service,
co-operation of school children
through Junior Membership, unci
other activities later to bo authorized.
Tho Amoricun Rod Cross Is still
an emergency organization. It must
bo realized that there Is such a tiling
as continuing disaster; thousands
of babies under ono yea of age die
unnecebgurJly Ju-the ".IJnlted, .'State's
every year; thousands of mothers dlo
unuecosarlly Jn child-birth; It is
Singe the armistice. twrnl five
canteens, operated by Hud Cross Chaw
ters in Idaho, Oregon, and V'alihig
ton have dispensed 33.379 gallons of i
40f fee. snd 221,228 doieii sandwiches,
U soldiers, sailors, and insrlBcu en i
route. The hospitality of the can i
teens wan accepted nine hundred th-u '
SMIld t!m", itllm y Mn ho would
of Influenza hve one hungry Iwt far the lci
Cross service thus rendered. I'licim
show Una these men. through ill.
Murtesy of the Ited Cross, drunk X.
407 gallons of Iced drinks; u"l fiM'l
bars of soap, and 37,713 wiper towels: I
ate 17, -191 chocolste bars. l;,t;:i
pounds of csudy, 14.764 doseu cookies.
74,913 dozen doughnuts. 9,48ft Ioz. r.
hot rolls; wrote -130,100 pom cards
furnished nnd stamped by the Ited
Cross; and to their own- discomfort
during n certain period, wore 12.250
Influenza, masks. All this, to say
nothing of 22.5)86 full meals. ,
During this time 1817 slok men were
aided by tho eauteeu, sevnutynlue of
them bt5Ing removed from trains as
too sick to travel, and receiving Imme
diate hospital attention.
Canteen work Is nearly over, hut the
Ited Cross still has vitally Important
work to do. I.vory membership In the
Third Rod Cross Roll Call will bo a
vote of confidence Iu tho American
Red Cross.
child nx located at the fafmlioum tahtlshed the fact thnt she hml been
of J, .W 11, Oeiklng nine nilhw uli--nt from classes fur sereral
from' Hand, In the Tiimslo wjciton. J day ccniltig tn school only at rs-
Tlie little xlii was backward In cess.
hor ntudl. ' her mntlh'r said, and j Mr. and Mrs. La ftuwjtte spent th
started for school Wednesday mora better part of the night searching
Ing only utter luring thi"Htntl , ftr her, with ho rtsultr. but this
with punishment. When sli" fulled morning It " ni"'-t,d tn i po
lo return Wed i ndav. (Tiquirv ei Ilr that t.i" rhild a' tin- !rr-
klng tenon, where she had mode
her Muy on foot.
An Inch of Rain.
An Inch f rain dt-arendlnir on an
acre of land would All more than one
barrets of -15 gallotis earn.
"it's a Long Way to Tlpporary." but
the Rod Cross Is there.
"7 ,
e fltmttm
fi,4 cV. rt't r,yft. .'"
i lv
At the present time In tho North
western Division alone comprising
Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washing
ton there aro 750,808 Rod Cross mem
hers, Alaska has instil'; Idaho, 103.
055; Oregon, 213,014; Washington,
rears of Mrs. Cliqrlos La Rocrjuo,
of 820 Newport, that Ruth Ocdnoy,
her Vi. year old daughter who dis
appeared Weduesduy morning, might
huvu come to harm, were allayed
bhortly - before noon Thursduy; tho
i 2
I 1 M OHE&lfil
Put It In 'the Itlllletlit.
i mm !i ifflBsagagsaMaaaaat
Every Farmer Knew the scores of
answers The Bulletin receives to
every week, every farmer would make
use of Classified Want Ads
A 40c. want advertisement recently helped to turn u $5,000 land deal,
Use The Bulletin Want Ads.