IWND nUIXKTIN, HUM), OKKOO.V, TTRtllHlMT, .vovianinn n, into. I'AOB 7 At iiiiiliililliilMiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiuiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiti!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiitiiiiim!iiii:t:ii::::!::tiy BEND HAPPENINGS . FROM DAY TO DAY liMiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiinniiiiMiiiiiiiiii!iiiiMMiiniHiiiiiiiiiitriiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiii!iiMtii)!iuiiiiuininitiMniiiiiiini!ii!ii!iiiiiiniiiii Mi. Ilim'l Miuiliiti tut h returned to linr wnk iih ilupiily , Hliorlrf In Urn rutin lioiiKO nfinr ii hrlf all- Wednesday V. H, Mtilliley n( DoitvliuloM In h vlHltor lii din t-liy Winy. v. v. ctii ihiiiaii or iivnr i.ukc wiih ii vlHltur In llund lul ntaht. II. II (li-Hily Mini Jnliii.A. Illllupi (if .MniIihm hih MtmiiilliiK tlm iluy In .lllllltl II, K. I'jiwnll of 1'rlNHVlllii Ii In llm ulty tnilny iittiHiilltijt tn 1hiIiihm IIIHllHI-N. Hurry ltliiKiIil, of th (loldffii Ktili! stum, Im In Port Iwml mi html iiom thin WlWk. OnrlllH ('lurk Mini Itoseim Coin of MllVnr liln niilvciil In Hih city hint nlulit mill urn rmiiHlnlnK nvir toilny K. I. Clink, of ill- Im I'Iiih Hup jily Co , wiih it IiiihIiii'hh v I vTl 1 1 r In Uin city yuMtciiluy ftuiii l,a lint (Ikoi:i Child, of Hio Ilend Hard, wait Co, Ihim ri'ttimi'tl from u vnca tlou at Tim Hallo anil I loud Illvi-r tfiii'i) oittini'il liy lllnnmi. Mr. mill .Mix. .IiiIIiih I(eitui on or Hid (JrriiiXH Hull iIIhUIiiI iini iriitn of an Hli,'lit anil thrno-iimrfiK pitiiMit liny on .Momlay iivenlny. Ml Mair.iiHilto I'iiIiIiiiiiIi, Alio linn Im'kii ii KUnal at Hut hunv of .Mr. ami .Mr. Hairy K. Drookg for tK'Vtnnl iiiiiiiIIim, Ihiivo tomorrow HvmiliiK for liur Iioiiih In Now York. II. It. -Vlnaniit, luwlblunt tir- VlHOr Of lll. IIOMilllltO IIHtldlml fUf out, will Iiihvo Tliumay for nuKni, ImvltiK n'ci'lvi'd a trmiMfHr to tint HIiimInu fori'Ht. W. O. Hitrrlniuii, luiiKi-r In Hih Kort Itock dliict, Iiiim Iihhh recommended iih hi nun Connor linx'. .loin tlm Iti-il Cioxh for I DUO. All joii ni'l In a liiwu-t am! a dollar. 0)4 o MM MM MM i ! i j Are Ladies Afraid of R 'bh easonaoLe Prices ? (A business editorial intended to inform the lady purchaser of Centra) Oregon that a rea sonable price for merchandise does not mean inferior quality.) PRICES The word prices is the watchword of every household in America today. Housewives keep in constant touch with them. She has come almost to believe that in order to obtain qual ity merchandise she must pay the top price. It is not fair that this impression should go broadcast. The methods a merchant em ploys in buying and selling determine, in a great measure, the selling price of an article after it leaves the producer or manufacturer. WE WANT EVERY LADY TO KNOW Our methods of buying directly from the manufacturer through a thoroughly competent and experienced buyer who knows the mar ket, understands fabrics and can appreciate values, eliminates the jobber. Our goods come direct from the manufacturer. Buying and selling for cash reduces, in a great measure, the cost of doing business, which advantage comes in cutting the selling price of our merchandise. Our prices have been so reasonable that ladies who have come into our store after see ing other merchandise pf similar quality be lieve at first sight; that our merchandise is inferior. But after thorough inspection they have come to be convinced that it is only a matter of better values at a mdre reasonable price. , To the lady who is not one of our customers wp feel certain that.,(vhayj,,the mercjiandise you want at the pricpAouvf eel able, to,' pay. a Tuesday W. II, Itllny, of I.a Pino, Ih a hniil ni'HH vlHltor In thci city today. '. H. Mallory Ih Kpondlng tlio day In Iloml ft oin IiIh Iioiiid In Creiiciint, (Iiih K, Hladlg, of f.owor llrldgo, Hiwiit yi'Htorday aflornooii In (lio ulty on InnilnoiM, I'. W. Ilrowii. of AHtorla, former nmldont of llund, cany iiji yoMlorday for it short vIhIj. f Jack Hoi ton Ih In Hid Kort Itock country Investigating ntsurvolr hIIoh for tho Konmt trorvleo. Mr. (I. .I. ,Miiri'lnoii, who Iiiim Imioii vIpIHiik with Imr diuightur, MrH. A. 0. lluttMty, hifl IhhI night for liar homu In Ht. I 'mi I. Jaimm IVfilf-rlkmin, of I.a I'inti wiih In lliniil ImmL nllit to iitloiid tho maftlnr. of I'erpy A. Htnrnnn Vot, Aiiiurlcdii I.hkIoii. K. 0. .lircoliMin Im on it fi-ln to D.ivIh lMki on official hllnliii'MH roiitioctuil with Hid iidiiilnlHlnitlon of Hip Dijh- rhntiiM NatloiiHl foritnt. Tlio l.iidhm (Inlld of the. PrcHhy Inrlair clnircli will nict Vmlnjiday aflnrnooii at 2:,'I0 o'clock at tin- homo of Mrs. A. (J. Powi'll. lf.20 Awhruy Itoad. A bi'latcd annoiincDmniit In regard to Hiu wliiiilnerH of tlio Library club muHiiticrndi), kIvuh the niiinn of MIkh Itntli Damon an riTelvliiR tlio flrat award for fadli'H. I'. H. Dimniii, who ban been tiHttlht Iiik In tlio Ili'iid Amntntir Athletic nub dobl fund drive, li.ft hint nl;ht to npiMid it few dayH In Portland. Il cixpfctH to rutiirn the lattor part of tin) wop It. At 2 a 0 o'clock Thtirddny after noon 'MrH. ('. J. I.evurett and Mm. Jt, I). Kotvhom will entertain tho ladloH of tho IhiptlHl church nt a (ill- vi-r (fit. at tin- bomi- of tho latter, Vi-H i;. Third, M Hmlth and mnkor wir iiimomk tho Iloml pnnnen Kori for Pottlund Bumlay mornltiR If, (!, Hiildoroiion, until recently of Portland, Iiiih tukon a ponltlon In tho proHcliitlfiii dejittCtmont of tho Ojt, j'lniriiHicy, A. M. PrJiiRlo, II Hhurlff H. K. Hobortn nUnrncd yoalf r dny from u MHVontl dtynSlitjn(lng trip lit tho 00 mnoIi. ?"A. 8tollvaKn. of Portland, braticlt innmiKor of th Krffd Motor Co., wit a eftjtei Saturtftjf on tlm iiiumiKfrk nf tliij Com()ro Slotur Co , local Ford dialafx, K. I. bro)). ',rnil ksrtry of tho mitmrdlnalir Uuif.n I. o. O K and KrMd crJbe of tho Hiicnnipmeut ' Im In the lly todny from Portland on offlclill biMliiww for the Odd Y11owh Woml' II Thumrnon, miii of Mr and Mm. J M'iii TlioittpHon, of thin city, i Iihh re i cil In ll'-nd aftir huvlriK HEZSR 3SK5 1 Dolls! Dolls! ! t F52 r$jh"'r, 7 I v u I iv fell y Lsa A J& 1 l M - m m I . . v-7 Wvr JR .1 w . -4. . &&& V I UT.tT l IA 3 ekWf I . lt:AtiMw hmt I ' WtmLj Sfc mffha' M j2vv TPVTiHiSr T ! mi YiwiUvXm Monday O. K, HnrdliiR In a vlnltor In IJend fromKort Itock. (J W Shrlmtr l n btiKlneim vlnltor In tin- city from Portland. lion Karnhnm wont to Balein Iniit nlclit on IcrhI btmlncHH. Henry Maruoka, of Alfalfa, tn ponding tho(dny in Ilend. JnmrH Senrcy, of KprltiKflold, III., In hero vlnltlriK hid non Hon Kcurcy. Hay Mornan, of Harm;, nrrived In Ilend Inut nlKht. Ho Id romnlnlnB over today on buRlncM. K. K. Patty who arrived in tho city recently, Iiiih accepted n position an nlKht clerk at tho Wright hotel. o. A Thomon nnd II. T. Shoo-j Just Received New Line of Dolly Dimple Kewpie Dolls Dressed and Undressed. Priced : 85c to $8.50 Owl s Pharmacy k k it k k This Is a Store For Regular Boys ?or Quality, Value and Service this store ol Jor Quality, Value and Service this store offers the best obtainable, and mothers will find here an," J..i i'.. 11 n . . . .. imurcsunK collection oi wearing apparel lor cold weather wear. SUITS FOR BOYS 6 TO 16 In a variety of weaves and materials, well tail ored $8.50 to $18.50 Juvenile Suits for little fellows, 2 to 6 : .7.$5.50 to $11.95 Patrick Mackinaws Combine quality and style. Their sturdy fabrics outwear all others. For boys 6 to 10 $9.75 For boys 12 to 18 ...$11.95 Furnishings Kaynee Shirts and Blouses at $1.00, $1.15, $1.25, $1.50 Munsingwear Union Suits, in cotton....$1.50 to $2.15 In wool mixed $2.15 to $2.85 Every need that your boy might have'ean be supplied to advantage here. Hats. Shoes. Ties and -4.1 ! i 1 ' . uuilt accessories at low prices. Stop and . IPS d Shop at OTE nmwm ROTHERS A Women's Coats GENEROUSLY UNDERPRICED Quality Pioneer tince 1911 J o Pleasing Combinations of Quality StylePrice. It will be to the advantage of every woman who will buy a new coat this winter to investigate these j garments of the better quality and style. I ALL WOOL POLO CLOTH COAT Stitched, convertible, cross-over self collar ; yoke gathered back ; button trim side plaits; front belt; angle set-in pockets; half satin Venetian lined. Colors heather green, beaver brown. u w PRICE, $35.00 ALL WOOL VELOUR C0AT$34.50 Made with loose, full back; large, graceful sleeves with low-cut armholes, and belted front finished with large buttons; large black seal plush collar, satin Venetian lined; colors black, dark blue, brown. t Other Coats priced at $19.50, $21.00, $23,50, $27.50, $33.50 WHEN IT'S COATS YOU CAN DO BETTER AT received hln discharge from the U. S. I navy. In which he served for more than two years. John OubulB and family wero week end visitors In the city from La Pine, where Mr. Dnbuls Is In charge. of the etiRlnei-rliiK work In connection wltb tho Walker Basin Irrigation develop ment. County Judge Darnes went to Port land last night to meet with tho Highway commission today and tomorrow. II. J. Overturf. of the Commercial club rond committee, al so went down to attend the meeting. CROP PROSPECTS IN NORTHWEST BETTER Some Pitchers Do Swear. 'They learned by watching Uble whether he was truing to throw a curse or n fast oue." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Put It tn Tho Hullctin. Farmers throughout the northwest are beginning to pin thHrfa!lh to winter grain, according to J. T. Hardy, travelling freight and passen ger agent for the Oregon Trunk rail road, who wag ia Boad Monday on ono of his regular business trips to this section. Bo cause of failures of spring sown grain, a much larger acreage is in fall wheat than ever before, Mr. Hardy sayB. The car supply is still somewhat less than the demand, but crops aro largely threshed and under cover, Mr. Hardy states. Mention of the coal strike failed to worry him. "We'ro burning oil you know," ho said. Pnt It In "Til: IJUULKTINV THE WARNER COMPANY QUALITY " MCIUNUI8I AT . PrULAR, l'HICKU R333siaa'aaa3Ssa(S3aa!3SSB3Bsai Kitchen-ware- ALUMINUM g 5-qt. Teakettles $3.25 g lyii-qu nice coiier.o g 6-clii) Tea Ball Tea 1 Pot $2.25 5-qt. Covered Sauce Pan ,. $1.98 5-qt. Covered Stew Pan $1.98 ENAMELED 5-qt. Teakettle $1.19 lMrqt, Rice Boilerl,19 Pudding Pansl5c to25c, Sauce Pans....l5c to 25c 18 patterns of Dishes, 42-piece sets $8130 to $35.00 Water Glasses, decor ated thinjlead blown, 6.frty.$M ""3 n ' 7R Bend's Economy Store Fair Vainly Store I i n ml ' II 1 1 Qn 91 S I Iff Our Pf aciiption Dcpuliocnl u Complete D I Jlj in Every DcUU. 1 1 YOUR DRUGSTORE I '- For HEADACHES NEURALGIA NERVOUSNESS A STAR ELECTRIC VIBRATOR Old Price $25 Now $5.00 us Ranemhet Magill $ Erskine 0'KANBnurLDINO: I ' m III' V".f