The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    --' " 'Uv J r f n
"1V i-wt I
, t-
other sriisriuivnoNS in-:-
' f W J I
Are You Going to' Want a Phonograph
in Your Home for .Christmas Time?
If you have not one now
Anothor Bond fraternal oiy.iiiir.i
tlon guvo substantial slsHKi hi
the campaign to ftoe l IVi.d
Amateur Athletic ulub from de'it
&iciitho Coustrurtlon Xecoury '" i wluM1 , mca, ,0(lms ot Ull, KnKM
Bond Street lr. Klnloy Ap
pointed lleullh Ofllree
v&Meetl'ni: Dutoi Clump'!.
Not only did the Ilentl council p
prove onthuslnstlcully of thopropos
al niado by Mayor J. A. Eustos lust
night for Ipostlng signs along the
river to worn against the shooting
of wild fowl, but more comprehen
sive action was taken, a petition to
the State Pish nnd Game commission
being authorized seeking the setting
aside of that portion of the Do-
Fchutca from tho old fish hatchery
to tho North Canal dam as a state
preserve. In addition to the -signatures
of the city officials, approval
of tho Bend Company, The Shevlln
Mlxon Company nnd the Brooks
Scanlon Lumber Co. will be needed
on the petition, which Is to be sent
in as soon as possible.
In line with its recently announced
policy j ot street Improvement, tho
council acted on petitions asking for
the construction of wooden walks in
a portion of Center addition, and for
concrete walks from Lava Road to
Bond street, on Minnesota avenue. A
mor far reaching order was taken
when a 'concrete walk on the east
side of Bond street, from Minnesota
to Greenwood, was ordered. , No
petition, prompted this action, but it
was pointed out that the wood walk
of PythlRS V(vdnjjgdBy voted uiunl
mini sly Tor i 5100Td6nition Two
trtlitlUoiml out of town subscrip
tions wore recorded thfr morning In
tho shape of 2o ouch from the
Clyde Iron Works, and the Clyde
Equipment Co.
Tho fund being nil sod by the
tirooks-Scnitloh I.umbor Co.. in
rapidly Increasing, and A troth list
of subscriptions, which will bo pub
lished tomorrow, was brought In
HkiHiHr sdv r m.JKflm B S JjB JU J jELfML. rS A
is the Phonograph upon which you will decide when you hint heard the superior reproduction
of Tho Brunswick. In TEo Brunswick von have all IMionomimlis in one. and none bettor.
V If 'Vrni Mint. Iiii.'h nil vilwnt liOficMiiiini in lit i.mi tiln I mir n RriinRUIrk vim Omnli!
& J l,lt, .,..VW..I. ... 1. .,., ,,,tllUlV Wl.ll llllll IWII, All IWIIWV lr...V..f - . .w "-- .- -
order early for Christinas.
Bend Furniture Company.
Tumnlo Farmers' Cooperation l
Sought -In Building Blggv Pro
duction for IornI Creamery.
The campaign for wider activity In
dairying by farmers of Central Ore
gon was launched last night at Tu
malo when representatives of the
Central Oregon Farmers Creamery,
tho First Natlonnl Bank of Bend and
farmers interested in better dairying
met with the farmers ot the Tumalo
The purpose of this campaign as.
brought out at tho meeting wart toi
encourage tho farmers to purchase
more dairy stock, to glvo their co
operation to tho Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery which Is a co-
touchdown. Brosterhous kicked
goal. A few minutes later both
Holfrlch and M. Miller wore taken
out., the onn. with a twisted ankle,
and the other with a similar injury
of tho knee.
The forward pass wns used with
better results than In the l'rlnevlllo
game, Bend completing three with an
average of in yards gained on each.
Williams was on the receiving end
for one, while Leroy Coyner got
away with two.
After the game, tho rival teams
were guests at a roast goose dinner
given by tho Klamuth Taus.
operativo cnterprlsr. and. to put mare
between Oregon and Greenwood Is i butter of local manufacture upon the
Tho Mnsteu mill Iiiih closed down
for tho winter.
Cecil llolllnsheud and Kdlth Mas
ten weru married by Justice of I ho
Peace K. U. Clark Friday afternoon
and Immediately left for Bend to
spend thulr honeymoon. A diiuco
will bo given by tho nuwlywed lit
tho Commercial hall Saturday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jensen have moved
down from Kast Lake and enguged
rooms in the Fnrdhatu building.
Harry and William Hill w.uo
duck hunting on the Deschutes river
Itepurt cards will bo given all tho
HtudeutM Friday for tho second mouth
of tho term containing standings In
all tho branches pursued according
to the course of study. Very few
pupils arc on tho roll of honor on
SSSSSlS5ISS33SSSSSSi3SI I account of sickness. Tho pupllH of
Ujinu nign scnooi in tuu typewriting
cmx uro nouig cicojieui work.
1 What's Doiner in I
a t
a the Country.
In a decidedly dangerous condition.
The only objection filed was that
construction in this block may work
a hardship, on owners of buildings,
some of .Wilch will be several feet
above tho walk when concrete is laid
on tho proper grade.
Woman N Health Officer.
"In his report as chairman of tho
health committee, E. L. Payne stated
thai City 'Health, QJflcer Dr. J. C.
Varidervert had' been absent from
council meetings for several months.
and that no monthly report had been
fancied In for October. He asked
that the office be declared vacant,
and the ensuing voto unanimously
'favored his motion. Mayor Eastes' ap
pointment of Dr. Anna Rlcs Finley
as his 'successor, was Immediately ln
clbrsed, and Dr. Flnley's acceptance
was received a few minutes later.
Because the present meeting dates
conflict with the new meeting time
ot tho Elks lodge, a charter amend
ment was passed under aif emergency
clause, setting the first and third
Fridays of each month as the dates
on which the council will convene.
By resolution It was decided that
7:30 o'clock should be the time at
which the mayor's gavel will sound,
Instead of 8 o'clock as formerly. This
rule will apply only during tho win
ter months.
One FIro During Month. I
Petitions' asking the widening ofl
ma uwuy ouiween wan street ana
the river, from Oregon to Greenwood,
and requesting tho widening of
Greenwood between Bond and the
river, wero referred to tho streets,
Only one fire, that at the Brooks
Scanlon round house, was reported
by Chief T. W. Carlon, while acti
vity In ,c!jan-up work was shown In
tho report of Chief of Police L. A.
XV. Nixon. Twonty arrests were
made during the month, four of
theso being Juvenile cases.
local market.
Active in this campaign are Chas.
Stpchen. J. F. ""Arnold. C. N. Jones,
of Tumnlo and It, A. Ward, of Bond.
A .personal canvass of the farmers
of the Tumalo project Is being made"
today when many farmers will be In
- - view the subject matter and take
LA PINE. Nov. G With tho another examination. According to
w.euther somewhat stormy, a largo .the now high school course ot study
crowd congregated at tho .school I sixteen credits are required to
house Friday evening and enjoyed I graduate.
the various features of tho Hallowe- .Mr. ami .Mrs. Farr nnd sou nnd
The people of I.nPlliu are cordlhUy
Invited to visit thu school at, hny
1 1 mo they ddslre to do so. The phy
sical culture exercide's are being v'ury
much enjoyed by nil thu Mtideniri
Tho regular monthly examination
are being held In tho high school this
week. All thoso having standliiKS
Thnt ItoproHontatlvo Slnnntt Is
heartily In favor of iiiiionilinents pro
poiti'd by the Ilnd Commercial club
to his bill inn king posklblo thu ox
change of prlvatuly owned logged off
lands for government stumpago, was
the riurt given this noon at the
weekly Commercial club luncheon by
tho report given yesterday at the
public park committee. The propos
ed amendments had us their object
the exchangu of certain tracts of pri
vately owned land of great scenic
beauty, for government land, In
order that public parks may bo In
sui id In tho vicinity of Bond. Con
gressman Hlnnntt's letter, on which
Mr. McPhnrson based his leport.
terviewed on tho subject of purchhso ' ' social which was given-by thu I daughter-in-law wore visiting ituih
of-mnrn .intrv Mr I school children. The raffling off of Farr who Is attending school ut La
oi morouairy siock. , "' tho cako brought JC.GO. Chester Pino this term. They came In from
nie second meeting of the cam- Holllnshead being the lucky one: E. Fort Itock.
palgn will be held at the Grange 'I.. Clark then auctioned off the
Hall tomorrow night. same cako' which Mr,; Hollfbhhoad
had donnt'ed for (ho nuruoso and the
I bidding was very livolyF W. Weber
BIT O rT tvo rrr mix? (being the' highest bidder at 'IIG.50,
. xl. o. 1 LAID 1U HE . The same cake was then soli nt 25
WITH TTT AAYATR TP A I I cents a cut -at tho dinner table. Mrs,
, Tun nurtiunin irw-UjCavnnnUKl) donatC(1 tht. cnko to tne
)Cj10oji otj,er feature of the eye-
nlng wero: fortumMelllrifr, diving for
n nnlna flatilnv m' i rnnil llla
Playing against a much heavier
team after a hard auto trip tho day
before, the Bend blgh school eleven
held the Klamath Fulls players to
n - tie at Klamath Saturday, uf
apples, fishing -In a pond,' riding on
a Jinrickisha; a lemonade, candy nnd
pop-corn booth and gumo Aidance
was given at tho Conimorcjul club
hull after tho social. "Slipper was
tomrwin Tho ru...-n ,.o. i . , served at tho school house by Mrs.
ternoon. The return game Is to be B , Clark nnd A,rH Mat tabon
played In this city on Thanksgiving cafterla style. Tho proceeds amount-
Klamath scored In the
first quarter crossing the
Bend goal and immediately
Ing to JGl.jri will bo lined' toward
paying for tho piano.
A dobate, basket social, and dnnco
will bo given ut the Commercial
club hall Thanksgiving evening by
afterward placing the ball over the , tho school children. Tho subject for
polo for the additional point. in debate Is: "Resolved, That Women
this condition tho scorn romnlnml tin. Snnl1 "nvo l "''' t Suffrage In
.. .1 . Qcoro ema 'le,a ""-the United Tho affirmative
til the final quarter, when Helfrich I speakers aro: Marian Itaber. Clyde
at halfback, went 30 yeards for a Clow, and Crawford Donahue.
negative speakers aro; Horry
An offer to box In Bend at an
early date as Just been received
here by Toby Miller, of Klamath
Falls. Miller claims a good Cali
fornia record In tho middleweight
class, and Is ready to take on any
boxer wjjnlght be designated as
Ills opponent here. Ho will make
1JC. 'poundi ringside.
. ;; Ui-UA i:
ajjjj . .,u -. i i.i..-. ... . j
.EIUE.toPai.tNov. G. Leonard M.l
Johnson aged 47, of Bend, Oregon
and,;ATihl7I. PennocK aged 9' of
PS5V a ',il2; ulirTi ....
JnM V""""" "!' , evi III Tl
Let's Have
Mail t
They will be
Accurately and
Promptly Filled.
cnrroni Clow and Dora Sly. Out
side Judges will bo secured If possl-
i The La Pino high school literary
society Is getting up a play to bo
given some time before Christmas.
i State FIro Warden J. I). Bowman
Is at La Pino looking nfter matters
relating to tho Walker Basin fire.
John Sutllff and Casey Jones wero
Initiated Into tho La Pino lodeo of
, Itedmcn, Saturday evening. Tho
, time of meeting has been changed
from Saturday evening to Wednes
day ovonlng at seven o'clock.
Miss Hose Huunoll, . primary
teacher In tho La Pine school, Is
sick with tonsllltls.
There was nn Increased attend
ance at the Sunday school class at
the Commerclul club hall Sunday
Harry Cavanaugh was on tho sick
list Saturday but has fully recovorcd.
James Frodorlckson wont to Bontf
Sunday (o transact some business.
II. C. Scbtt ot the Walker Basin
Irrigation country was at La Pino
Tho following guests registered at
tho La Pino hotel during tho past
week: E. M. Mlttan, Thos. JHott, of
Fort Rock; J. D. Bowman, W. II.
Morrlman. H. Minor, J. Satlzman, J,
Loper, Dennis O'Connor, Dan Ifourl-
gan, Tom cronln, c. P. Dorian, all
of Bond; Mrs. Fred Egll of Sllvor
Lake, H. II. Sharff and wife, at
Chicago; B. Q. Cloason, Bend; Haijs'
miiiiihci uiuu, iruncuili; ATlHUr
Waters nnd 0. H. Itlloy. Oregon
City; O. H. Roberts nnd Claudo
Christ, Redrnpnd; 8. Cramer and
wlfo, McMinnovlllo; Stavo Bros.,
Dwlght. Nebr.: Nichols and II. H.
Smith, Prlnevlllo.
The snow has nl dlsuppoared nnd
tho roads are In fairly godd cbfidU
tlon. Grading and rolling would put
tho road between Ln Pine and Bond
In good sh'jpe for the winter.
Work on tho Walker Basin lega
tion project yJH soon boHcomploted.
'' ', ' ...- lVf" ' m m
...un. ,, UIV.U IIUIIIIK KllllllilllKI I
below 70 per cent aro required to re-1 stated thnt every ijffort would bo
made to secure J Ho passage of the
A movement for better stockyards
facilities In Bend was Introduced by
George Jones, and on a motion from
It. A Ward, the appointment of u
committee to take up the matter with
the railroads, was uuthnrlzed. Chief
among tho Improvements desired Is
tho Installation of cale for the
weighing of stock.
I). II. Peoples, chairman of the
Bums mull route committee, report
ed that resolutions seeking a through
routo between Bend and tho Harney
county seat had been drafted and
copies sent to tho State Chamber of
Commerce, the postmaster general,
and tho Burns chamber of Commerce
Tho same committee wan delegated to
act In tho matter of a routo to Tumn
lo from hero.
Reversing tho action takon n year
ago, ttw club unanimously went on
record ns favoring tho enlargement
of tho Crater Lako National Park
to Include Diamond Lake, R, A.
Ward, wlio led tho opposition last
Walters, from Pomeroy, Is burn
digging potatoes on his place.
Amus Nff Is helping Mr. Wig
more with his potatoes. Charles
Williamson is helping Bob Simitar.
Rnly Chaso purchased a new
four-horse potato digger last vfofc
and reports are that It is giving
fine satisfaction.
O. M. Swanson visited ut tho P.
J Voting homo FrliUy evening, "J
J. Pedersen was In Bend Friday.
Mr. Helgesen made u buslm-
trip to Bend Wednesday. i
Fred Hettman Is hauling lumber
irom uenu to .millet a largo now
burn. Iltk Is going Into the dairy
business, It Is stated.
Ruben Nelson, who liven In this
neighborhood, drives to high school
In Bend In their now Ford car each
Dorothy, Bennett nnd Edward
Young wro Cillers at the teacher's
cottage one evening last week. 1
A young son nrrlved at tho homo
of J. Pederwtn Sunday night.
K. A. Nelson Is building u now
rock cellar on his pla'90',
Ida and Ma hie Dahlospent 'Suii-
duy at homo with thefn parents,
Ruben .Nelson and Evcretto John
ston were Sunday afternoon callers
at the O, Da hie home.
Gnorgn Erlcksen nnd family spent
Sunday with friends In town.
Miss Elizabeth Reynolds was n
gues,t at tho !!tUjnnn hom,o lfallo
ww'pn. . ;7"
O. C. Cardwoll is spending a few
days at Tom Merchant's.
W, J. Smith Is Ibulldlng anothor
root cellar.
Mr. Wlttoraan is repairing tho
hoiiNu on Ida C. Young's place pre
paratory to moving In.
Mr. Johnson stopped ovor night
nt tho Fred Hettman ' ranch with
his cattle, which ho was (bringing
from tbo mountains.
Lester Mooro Is onjoylng n Ford
which ho recently purchased, ,
Mr, nnd Mrs. Fred Slokler, who
wero visiting horo, hnvo como bnc)t
to stay. At present they- nro stop
ping with Mrs. Slcklor's sister, Mr.
I.cHlnr Monro. ' ' .'
Tho sale at tho Hilton ranch jiis
well attended Tuesday and ov'ohj
thing went at a fair prico, Mr.
Nelson bought a' flno heifer and Bill
Brnlt bought a colt. Tho following
people from this neighborhood at
tended (lie salo: Mr. and Mrs.
George Erlckson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hettman, M. and Mrs. Fred Rey
nolds, Mr. ifd. Mrs. Elllngsiln, Mr.
und, , Mjs. NqlBon, ' Mr4 nnd .Mrs.
Jennoseu, Mriund Mrs. Hooch, Mr,
nnd' Mrs. Cuver. Mr. Dalhow, ..Mr.
Tqrkebjen, .Mr, Holgefen.
Sell your poultry lliiu'uj;li Bulletin
summer, seconded the motion of it.
W. .Sawyer in fuvor of thu bill which
Is again to come up In congress, and
explained that war time iieresslty for
food production had kept him fiom
favoring the McNury bill In 1 1' 18. us
the withdrawal or range for 2000
head of sheep would huwt resulted
hud the hill been passed.
III connection with the discussion
of tho possibilities for a landing
Held near Bend, Forest Supervisor
N. G Jacobson slated that next year
two I)e llnvllaiid forest patrol plane
would be stationed here If proper
landing fucllltles could be provided.
Otherwlio, he said, tho flyers would
probably have headquarters In I'rlr.e
vllle. Tho matter wus referred to
a committee
The club took action authoililng
the appointment of a comiulttee to
draft I'esoltitlous of sympathy to be
presented to W C lllrdsall, innnii
ger of the Pilot Unite Inn, wlioie
wife died suddenly only a week hk
A plea for volunteer subscriptions
In tho Red Cross membership drive,
was made by R, W, Sawyer, chair
man for Deschutes and Jefferson
Clyde MrKuy, chairman of the
committee in charge of arrangements
for the entertainment of w mem
bers of tho American Llfeogruph
company which is to film a play In
vicinity, stated that tho cast ,
would arrive In Bend Monday morn
ing, ready to begin work nt once.
Tho question of reinstatement of
tho North Bank Limited, and lh'
financing of the rest room which will'
bo given up by the city on December
I, wero referred to committees.
Want lo tin)' Inly, uo Bulletin rln
slflrtl ado.
Shabby House
Shnbbiness means deterioration and decay.
Good paint will increase the value of your
property and add many years to its life by
protecting it from rain, 6now, sunshine and,
the influence of the elements.
protects' your property better, because it lasts
Jorigcr. It costs less 'because 'each gallon of
the Acme Quality Kind covers morc'siirfacc. -.
Ask at our store for a free copy of the Acme Quality
PaFntinc Guide Hook. It tells all about paint and painting,
what to use, how much will be required and how it should
be applied. ' 1
Bend , ffrdware Co.
l...,T "T'1 '""-" '"" " " " b 1 V' -1! 1ii- JMI-.-
"1f " 'UfV'JWIi