The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAOR a
iiknd nui.i.KTiN, ikni, oiikron. tiu'iwday, novkmiikk , mm.
What's Doing- In The Country
DESCHUTES. Nov. 6. Our little
ncliool Is growing Into qulto a large
school, thcro now being 2S pupils
Mrs. Mnbel Connely spout the week
end nt the homo of Mt nnd Mrs.
Grdnvtlla Clifton In Prlnevllle. re
turning Monday morning. While in
Frlncvlllo she visited the Ochoco
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Knnoff, Frede
rick Stanley, Mr. nnd Mm. L. A.
Brandenburg went to Demi Sundny
nftemoon to look nt residence pro
perty, which Mr. Urandonburg con
templates buying.
Tho Hed Cross drive Is again on
nnd wd feel suro that DMwhutes
will go over tho top ns usunl.
.Mrs. Mnbel Connely, Mr. Glenn
Cox and Mr. nnd Mm. W. B, Van
Allen were cutertnlnsd at a veni
son dinner Monday evening by Mr,
nnd Mrs. CM. Hedfiold.
Miss Ruth Knescmyer, teacher of
the Pleasant Valley school had n very
successful entertainment and box
supper last Friday night at tho
school house. The boxes went nt a
brisk rxto and brought good prices.
Miss Knesemycr gave the enter
tainment for the purpose of procur
ing money to secure books for tho
school and also to paper the school
house. We understand she cleared
Mr. V. P: Cochran nnd family of
Salem. Oregon, are now living In
Deschutes. Mr. Cochran and son
nro working for tho Central Oregon
irrigation Company. We nre glad
to welcome them to our Uttlo town.
Mr. Jnck Hrulla is loading u enr
or -wood for Gateway.
Mr. L. E. Smith of Redmond, ac
companied by his mother, who is
spending tho winter with Mr. mid
Mrs. Smith, were callers at the of
fice of tho Central Oregon Irrigation
Company Monday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Drandenbu's
bought the Byberg property In
Bend and sold It to another party ns
soon as the papers were made out.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Redfleld and
family and Mr. W. E. Van Allen vis
ited the Ochoco Dam on Sunday, tak
ing dinner in Prlnevllle on their re
turn trip.
Mr. F. S. Stanley returned from
Portland Monday morning after an
absence of two weeks.
Mr. M. M. Whlttcmorc has a crew
of men working on the Main Canal
Just north of Deschutes.
Mr. Don Slaughter sold his ranch
south of Deschutes and has moved
his family to Bend.
TERREBONNE, Nov. 5. Georgo
Elliott sold his much near Terebonne
to Robert Morris Inst week, The
(change will not bo mndo until
spring when Mr. Elliott proposes to
I improve his plnco near Redmond.
A very Interesting lecture was
given to the high school nnd gram
mar grades last week by Rev Will-
lams of the Presbyterian church. Ills
subject was, "Historic Places About
C. R. Wllller bought twenty-five
head of sheep last week.
Mr. J. O. Hanson purchased a hay
baler last week.
Four carloads of liny were ship
ped from Terrebonne, tho hay being
bought by the Northwest Grain Co.,
from L. P. Snnpp.
The Hallowe'en party at the Ladles
club Saturday evening, was n great
Hticccss. It was enjoyed by tho high
school, seventh nnd eighth grades
nnd their friends from Redmond and
tho adjoining country. Tho evening
was spent doing Hallowo'on stunts,
playing games nnd singing.
Mrs. J. M. Perry went to Portland
last Wednesday to visit Mrs. W. J.
Morgan nnd other friends In that
Messrs. Gates and Wester brought
their sheep back from the mountains
a few days ago.
E. M. Miller of this vicinity, re
cently bought 17 head of beef cattle
from Osborno, of Grandvlow.
Tho AHon fnmlly of Cllne Falls
have bought the Mandershleld place
northwest of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of
Colfax. Wash., spent Sunday with
the White family. Mr. Baker Is n
hardware dealer nnd Is spending
some time in Tho Dalles. Bend nnd
Intermediate points looking up a location.
day night.
Rasmus Peterson has built a new
Imnlouiont shod lately.
Mrs, O. H. Anderson nccoinpnnlnd
by Mr. and Mw, W. 11. Gray wore
shopping In Bend Tlmrsday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Cannon enino
over from Prtuovlllu Thursday night
to spend a few days on their ranch.
Roy Mlllor wiih working for O. K.
'Anderson n few days tho lust of tho
Anton Ahlstrom mndo a business
trip to Redmond Monday.
Dr. A. Potty of Portland arrived
hero Monday to look after his pro
perty. Fred Seeding .rotiCrnod to Bend
Mondny morning.
H. T. Mikkelson brought his slteop
homo Tuesday.
J. w. tniioon or Prlnevlllo was
hero on business Monday.
Dr. A. Potty and J. w Cabeen
wont to Bend Tuesday morning.
Alfred Pederson-wont to Itedmoiul
Wednesday after a load of lumber.
Anton Ahlstrom nnd J. W Peter
son attended tho Abhoy sale Tuesday.
Mrs. O. E. Anderson was ti Red
mond visitor Wednesday.
W. H. Gray has been on the sick
list this week.
Roy Miller was in Bond on Satur
day night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, W. Cnbeen return
ed to Prlnevlllo Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray called
on Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Thurston near
Deschutes Sunday afternoon.
H. T. Mikkelson butchered n calf
tho last of tho week.
the dlferont elasseH nnd n few Indlvl-' Guests of tho club were Mrs. Hkeol
i new dual HtuntH, one or which wiih the of I'oitluiul, Mm, .Mis, Hpnugler and
Hawaiian HtutitH na given at the Mrs, Orr of Hood River mid Mrs.
uui I ml Potato Show here. After tho pro- Howard of Tiinialo, A dainty lunoh-
ivni-it irriini tint wim fiirntetl Inlit u itim wiih xitrvitil liv tint hnntOHM.
basket social was hold at the Plea
sant Ridge school house Friday
night. A short program was ar
ranged by the teacher. Miss Ruth
Kaesemeyer, after which the baskets
were auctioned off. About J-tO was
raised which will he used in beauti
fying the interior of tho school houso.
Mrs. F. B. Baughmnn was called
to Lewiston, Idnho by the sudden
death of her mother.
O. K. Olson of Redmond was do
ing some carpenter work for Anton
Ahlstrom on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at
tended the movies in Bend Satur-
HcromniemN It to Atomic.
"My son had a 'couch for i lone
tlmo." writes Mrs. Heck, 728 Fehr
Ave., Louisville, Ky.. "and he tried
hoioy's Honey nnd Tar and he slept
better Hint night than ho had for
some time. It certainly Is line. I
recommend It to anyone. Good
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough. Children take It. Contains
no opiates, Sold Everywhere - dv
Successful Pjirty Hold In HimIiiioiiiI
Gymnasium I41M tr of
Sulphur Is Received.
gram the nmllutico wan formed Into a
lino and led through the "ehnniher of
horrors." Then novo nil gamoH wore
played and fortunes wore told by an
itlil irvtiuv. Ai'ttiinil Mm liiittt nf
eleven refreshments consisting H
appies, (Ioiikiiiiiks ami ewer were
Our football team again met defeat
last Saturday, when they met Hut
Prlnevlllo team nt Prlnevllle, One
Item which perhaps contributed to
this defeut was tho fact that one of
our best players, Ralph Gillette, hud
the misfortune to brook IiIh arm
wlillu cranking a ear before tho
game. The score was something like
?t tit iifithlnif. lint mil twivii bIIII
. . ... ...., ...p. , .,,.. ..... ...i .. .,,,,
hnvo hopes of u comeback nt the
return game. In tho evening, after
tholr return to Redmond, tho hoys
gave a stag party in tun "gym.
A largo milliner or iieignnorii ami
friends had a Hallowe'en surprise
at. the Colfolt home Inst Friday eve
ning, A pleasant evening was spent
playing progressive five hundred.
MlHrt llurgoss of Bend wiih a week
end guosl at the llo A ranch.
Mrs. drover Pulllam Ih visiting at
the Alex LovoroiiR homo.
Tho regular church services at (ho
school holme were well attended
last .Hiiuduy afternoon.
I. nulla DurgoHH left by way of Bond
for Chicago on Sunday evening. .MIsh
Burgess will continue her nurses'
traliilnir work nt tho Post (liiitluute
Hchool for Nurses.
Mrs. Louxoltu Piilllani and sou
Jim wore Bend callers Friday.
'IV1U lime lie U'nw lleliioil.
A neglected cold may develop
.Miss joyro KODlilus or Portland, 'x nKiectmi com may ueveiop
returned to Redmond last Tuesday I'111' tuoxt serious Mlckuomt. The In-
evening for a short visit with hurt "iiDtua and pneumonia that swept
............. in .. ......
lltll IUIIIIII H .Tt'lll Wfitl niMU iiti-
codiul by an ojildnmla of colds,
Koiey'H Honey anil Tnr will cliecK
The fourth and last car of sulphur
ordered for Redmond arrived last
Mrs. Anna Boettger entertained
the Ite-Jdllvfl llllll it fnvv imibIu Inul
Saturday night. Tho house wiih
artistically decorated with orange
paper and black cats, and several
of tho women nlso enmo dressed an
bovs. Several inline wnm nlnvml
delicious refreshments wero served
by tho hostess ami Miss Kelly, and
everyone voted It n most enjoyable
a cold If taken In time. It loosens
phlegm and mucous, clears air pun
sages, oases hoarseness, stops tick
ling throat Sold ovoiy where.
REDMOND. Nov. 5. Last night
the girls of the high school gave
their annual High Jinx. Mothers and
friends of the school were Invited,
nnd n crowd of around fifty assem
bled at the "gym." Although tho af
fair was strictly feminine, qulto n
number of boyH, apparently, were In
appearance. However. It did not take
long to find in these "boys" many
of tho girls of high school. One of
tho most Interesting nnd entertnlu
Ing "stunts" of tho evening was
"Tony" tho Italian with his monkey,
the parts were taken by Helen Smith
as Tony and Louis Olson ns the
"monk." A program was given by
Don't Dl-ifgmil n CM,
James McCiery, Berrien Center,
Mich . snVH he -unit trmihlitit nil I.
kldnev lllld hhidiler trmiMi. fur lira
yearn and tued several kinds of
mi'uicmtt wunoiit any ueneiit, but
Foley lCldlleV PIIU n?nt..i lilm r,illf
from nehot nnd milus unit Mtmitn.ii JoUU "' ' returned
ih'e L L'tl. ''.oE'l "Xlciid..,! t'XHlnosi trip to
ri...;. i.i,7.i. ...... ........ :, pinmoy
- ..j ,..,, ,'iivnill.HU llllll I I1UUI1IIIIIU
pains; ease lameness. Sold every
where. Adv.
POWELL IM'TTE. Nov fi - -Arthur
and Max Wtirrwcller brought
about 100 head of cattle to the Wurz
ttollnr ranch here at Powell Butto for
winter feeding last week.
Mrs Olson of Portland, mother of
Mrs. E. II. William, has returned to
her home after it month's visit with
her daughter
John O'Caltnhaii has returned
Mr mill Mn K A llnmiitH nml
family were guests at the Bert Rey
nolds home In Redmond. Sunday
Mr nnd Mrs. A W Bayne enter
tained a few friends with a HuIIom e'
en partv Friday night The guests
AT MOQT rriIlI? w',r, 'Mr d Mrs. J. A Rlggs. Mr
ALLIUM lllKftbllhl-lHind Mrs I) A Yates. Mr and Mr
- - Clifford L. Worrell. Mr. and Mrs
PLAINVIEW. Nov. 5. The Sandal w, Armoiid
threshing machine Is back In Plain- A,r. n'"1 MrH George Triiesdnle en-
vlnu- nl iu,i.,b it n. i tertllllled Rov Itulierlu nml ilnuelifiir
favorable tho numerous short Jobs , Jdu nl, jHniu'r Friday evening, follow
nwnltlng tho machine should be fin- l,,K.w'1!?" -Mr nn'' MrK' ''"ink Klsstrr
awaiting the machine should be flu
inuua uy tuu wooK end.
Mrs. Spanglor and Mrs. Orr re
turned to their homes In Hood River
nfter a pleasant two weeks' at tho
Pulllam home.
O. C. McCalllster was a buslnesn
cauer in iiend. Saturday.
Homier were InnUlnir nfti.r thiOr- .
tlo Interests In tho Sisters country
tut inursuay
nnd children spent the evening with
mom anu a ueiigiurui time was en
Joyed by nil with Hallowe'en fun.
Mlia Bussett's school had u Hallo
we'en party Friday afternoon to
which the parents wero Invited as
Mrs. J. J. Jones
Was Poisoned
Wni III Serious 4 oinlllloii Anil
Lost iW PoiiuiN Tnnliie
Build Her l'.
"I can truthfully mi)' I don'l be
lieve I would ever have lecovoied If
It hadn't been for Tanlae," was the
statement made Hie other day by
Mrs. J. .1. Jones of Siaill Forly-flfth
stieet, HoiilhwoHt, Heallle, Wash,
when she called at llnrlell'M Drug
Store to get her fourth bottle of the
"One day I was eating In a restau
rant down town," continued Mrs.
Jones, "and I wiih taken severely III
with ptomaine poison. I wiih m
slek I had to be tukoii to my bed at
once. I got win se rapidly and In
Just a shoit time I lout twenty-five
pounds In weight My uppetllu left
me, and nearly everything I ate
qa imed mo great suffering by giving
me terrible pains In my Htomiich. I
couldn't sleep at nil ami at times I
lay awake for hours ami Iioiiih, I
ti'led every kind of medicine I knew,
btt nothing Moemod to do mo any
good I wiih growing weaker and gel-fr
ting worse and worse' each day.
"Finally I wiih udvlHod to get
something that would build up my
HyMem and 1 Immediately thought of
Teniae for I hud noticed about It In
the paper And, Oh. I'll never fotget
It the very first bottle helped me
wonderfully and I've been Improving
rapidly ever since. I'vu taken three
botlleH now, nnd It's the ucttinl.
truth. I never felt belter In my life
I've gulued thirteen poiiudH, eat mn -thing
1 want mid feel better and
Httonger In every way. Those nwtul
pains 1 iiite to have In my stomach
have entirely gone I sleep sound
at it Ik It I and get up early every uioni
lug feeling flue I live illlle a dl
taut from the shopping district, nnd .
today when 1 left to come to low it '
and shop, my husband said 'don t
forget your flue medicine.' and the
first thing I did was to eonio here p
nnd get It My blood has been purl
fled and I fe like another woman
TatilHP Is the mot wonderful thing
or Its kind In the world, and I tell all
my friends nml uelghbois (hut It
saved me "
Taulac Is sold In Bend by Owl
Drug Co., In Sisters by Geo F Alt
ken, and In Bend by Hortou Drue
Co. Adv.
H. T. Hartley, J B. Elklns nnd Mr , ,Mr m"1 -MrH Vwl Aiiglam! are at
ipper were looking after their cat.lhonu' at tn,,lr ranch here at Powell
Better Bulls, Bucks and Boars
Build Bigger Bank Balances.
Here's your chance to secure Pure Bred Live Stock.
Our representative will be at the show and will buy any
stock for those who cannot attend. The prospective pur
chaser needs only to tell us exactly what he wants, what
he is willing to pay, and we'll do the rest. For your con
venience an order blank is printed herewith.
Butte. Mr nml Mm ll.mrv U'
are remaining with them until Nov
ember 15, as they cannot got posses-
recently purchased
before Hint tlmo.
if Dlrerlnrs nf Hhimnnl
.. . .. - ."; .,,, ol.l 1...1.1 .. i -.. .
.Mrs, a. b. uoss nnd Mrs. Paul Scog- f"-""u' " ' uumm's meeting ni
gin wero guests nt tho Box A ranch , urUay "'Kbt, at which time a rnlie of
Tuesday. 'ten dollars on teachers' salary was
Mr nnd Mrs. Momero nnd family !"m"'- """ w" wnouy unsolicited
cently of Portland, hnvo arrived u' l"?t cliors
Tho now potato digger Is being!'' n,"'r'5' "Vh
led out this week by A. W. and Tlon ,f . ,M,'r.
jy Armstrong. "om' " ""l b
Mrs. Skeol. Mrs. Emma Patterson. Tn", l1l0,1,", '
Bend, Oregon,
To The First National Bank of Bend:
Please buy for me at tho Pacific International Sbcrthorn, Hereford, Hoi
stein, Jersey or Guernsey sale at North Portland, Oregon, Nov. 20-21-22, tho
stock listed below, as cheap as yon can, but In no case bid more than tho limit
I have set opposite each choice, or what your Judgment Indicates as bojng it
fair price. I deslro to buy In all females and bulls,
- ;breed,
rntST ciioice second choice
CLIor No..., Trie Unit CaUloc N Prlc Limit
CiLlor K Vritt Unit..,,, C.Ulot No ; I'rlre Limit
C.Uloi St.... Price Limit C.Ulof No Prlrr Limit
In case you are not able to buy what I have marked nt tho prices indicated,
please buy at the best price you can, according to "your Judgment, ....,..,. ....
bulls and females, limiting yourself to $ each for
tho bulls and f each for tho females.
Let mo know after tho sale whether you have purchased anything for me,
and if you have, havo it shipped by mo at
It is understood that this stock will be purchased for mo by Tho First
National Bank of Bend at the lowest prico possible and turned ovor to mo at
actual cost, plus the expense of bringing stock to Bend, It Is understood that
I am to pay cash for thla livestock or arrange with Tho First National Bank of
Bend for credit boforo I sign this contract.
at their new home purchased a short
iimn ago irom ucorgo uray.
F. A. Powers Is working at the
Van Lassol ranch this week.
Mrs, Spangler of Hood River was
entertnined nt the Hartley homo
several days last week,
Tho McCalllster District Improve
ment Company hold n meeting at
tho A, B. Hom homo last Thursday
evening to enrry on routine busi
ness. Tho pupils of tho Plalnvlow school
gnvo a very good Hallowe'en pro
gram nt tho school houso on Friday
afternoon. A number of parents nnd
friends wero In attendance.
Mr nnd Mrs. H. T. Hartley wero
callent at tho Elklns homo Sunday
Tho O. D. O. Club hold Its regular
meeting with Mrs. Lolizottn Pulllam
on Thursday afternoon, October 30,
At tho business meeting tho ladles
decided to hold an old tlmo party
and weight social on Thanksgiving
evening at the Scott house Tho
proceeds of tho evening nro to bo
donated to tho Community hull fond
There nre sixteen niinlln
in our scnooi
Mrs, Arthur Mllner entertained her
pupils Frjday evening nt her homo
with it Hallowe'en party. A Jolly
time was had by all the children and
a fine luncheon was served by tho
teacher hostess In tho way that she
knows how to do,
C, M. Charlton nnd son spent sev
eral days last week In the mountains
hunting. They did not get nny deer,
nor did they see any, but they enjoy
ed tho outing.
Dnvo Hnurlgnn recently purchased
sixty tons of hay from Carl Llnd
quint. This wns on the Ableson
place that Mr. Llndqulst held n
lenso on. Tho prico was 20 it ton
Including pnsture.
Uncle Cben Says
"Clilllun must be n henp smarter dan
dey once was. It's pulllckly beautiful
de vy dey mnkes delr parents obey."
Want to buy liny, um Bulletin clax-
Nlfleil iiiIh.
Don't Allow
Farm Crops or
Buildings to go
We will insure
your farm and
allow you one
year in which
to pay
the premium. '
Consistent with our Live Stock Improvement Policy, we will finance farmers
wishing to purchase live stock at these sales.
The First National Bank of Bend
If You Want
The Top Notch
Potato Price
Ship your potatoes through the
an association of the farmers by the farmers and for the
farmers assuring the top notch market price.
Shipments Now Being Received
Consult your local committeeman, Bend Shippers see R. A.
Ward at First National Bank of Bend.
GUS &. STADIG, Manager, Redmond,, Oregon.
The manager will be in Bend at the First National Bankevery Monday.
r .(HI'