The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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    paok u
Anionic tlioHu who worn In Hum!
Hifliirdiiy worn C. II. Hpiiuli, 0. .M
donch, Vlolut Hpiiiich mill .Mth. C A.
I H, Wlmor diillvoiod u Hnu hoi;
In Iimul on Krldny.
H, It. IIukihi of llollll, llllH llllll II
crow of iiiuii on IiIh phtco (IIkkIiii:
0, W. Hnydur wiih In I lo ml on
Hoy WoIIh inn) family liuvo movi'il
to tint I'Iiih Trim for n fnw montliH.
ho U lonkliuc itfttir Inmlior.
Mrn. C. ,M. 1'linlpn wiih IntlpliiK
Mr, llohimnii cook for tlm potato
lllKKVIH hint wmilt.
Mr urn! M rH Finiik Mc.Miiiiniimon
iiiovimI to tlm I'Iiih Turn Huuilny.
Mr unil Mm. C. 11. HuhurIi wuro
callnrii ifl Hurry McOulroii Himday
oven Inc.
Mr. mill Mrn II. T. Ilurtloy unil Hon
Jack wuro lit thu Kdi;owood fiimi on
V, A. Ilowoll loft Monduy for Idaho
whiiro ho will utayp for hoiiiij tlmu.
A lux llowoll mid hoii who wiih
vIhHIiii; ifum wmt) calling on 0. W,
Howell unil fmnlly one dny IiihI woitk.
(' II. HpuiiKli mid fmnlly mid Minn
Itulli llaylny wuro ut Mr. NIcIioIh
Mrn. ('. M. I'liulpn mid Mm. Holo
mmi wino ul T. V. HwlHhor'H on
I'm It In 'llio Ilullrtln.
'linen 'IlioiiMind AiiliunN Will III
on DInjiIii)- at Ninth Annual
l.lK-xtotk Hlunv, Nov. I7.ii2.
and representing on Investment of
nearly half a million dollrirB, Thrco
thoumind pure-bred nnlmaln In tho
cnttlo, home, Hhcop, Bwlna and goat
cluflHGH have bron entered. Eleven
fltatcH are roproxented In tho exhi
bits Coincident with the Kxposl
Hon will ho hold tho extremely ex
tensive exhibit and practical educa
tional program of tho Western
Dairy I'roductM Show. The annual
convontlon of tho Wostcrn Dairy In
truders' Association will also bu
held In conjunction.
i yL- r fa
Telephonic Periscope.
"Sunny corner outside nulte, flvo
rooms. Can be hcoii hy phono after 7
p. m. Hoy MCM" Vnncauvpr (II.
C.) I'rovlncc.
5 VVllcllS LUUiy 111
ji the Country.
l'lNKIIIMtHT, Nov. n I. 13, Wliimr
wiih ImulliiK liiiiilinr fiimi tliii Tuiniili)
mill liiHt wook. 'I'hti liiiiilinr' will ho
tmml to cover liny.
MIhm Vlolut HiiiiiikIi. who In allouil
Int: IiIkIi Hchhonl In Tuinalo muuiiI
tint wonk mill ul homo.
Thli Woman Kounil lU-llcf.
Mon and worann nufferlnft from
kidney and bladder trouble will ho
glad to read how one "woman found
relief. Mn. O. Ilydn, Homestead,
Mich., writes: "I had that terrible
backacho and tired out feeling,
scarcely abln tn do my work. Foley
Kidney Pills made mo feol llko n,
new person." Sold everywhere.
In ltn nlnilryoar of growing huc
cmn the Tuclflc International Mvo
Htock KxpiDiltlon will txj clvoii nt
Portland Omgriii, tnu wok of No
votnhcr 17 to 22 under tho roof of
u now pavilion coverlm; 7 A acron
Put It In Tho llullctln.
toirwazmmMvamrEanx rj.wjMauux.rjzsj-masxai'.
iiuni) nuMiirriN, iu;m, ohkgon tiiuiihday, .vovi;miii:k o, tout.
The New Motor Car
The Greatest Improvement $ "
In Riding Comfort Since The Introduction
of Pneumatic Tires
HERE Is a brand new type of
car. It solves the problem
which has baffled automotive en
gineershow to combine riding
comfort with Unfit weitfit and
Our new Three-Point Cantilever
Springs make this possible.
These are the first springs of'
their kind and they are made of
chrome vanadium steel. They are
exclusive with Overland.
Because of these springs, Over
land 4 combines the riding qual
ities of large heavy, expensive, long
wheclbaso cars, together with the
advantages and economy of small
light cars.
.With 100-Inch whcclbase, Over
land 4 has the luxurious riding ease
of 130-jnch Springbase. '
The exclusive, Three-Point Can
tilever Springs cushion the car so
that it rides well on all roads: they
reduce choppy rebounds and side
swaying, protect the car from road
shocks and prolong its life, 'mini
mize twisting or racking of frame
and body, enable the car to hold
the road better.
The car and passengers ride
smoothly as though floating, free
from road shocks that the springs
ward off.
But this ncip riding comfort, pos
sible only with these Three-Point
Cantilever Springs, is but one of
the advantages of Overland 4.
Its light weight makes possible
great economy of gasoline and tires.
High quality materials Insure
durability. All vital parts of the
front axle and steering gear and all
highly stressed gears and shafts for
driving the car are made of ooy
The equipment list of Overland 4
is high grade, including Auto-Lite
Starter and Lighting System
Electric Horn Marshall Divan Up
holstery Springs Demountable
Rims Three Speed Transmission
Slanting Rain Vision Windshield
Tillotson Carburetor U. S. L.
Batteries and many other high
quality conveniences.
In every respect Overland 4 is a
quality car. The body is all steel,
all enamel, the brightest, hardest,
most lasting finish.
Overland 4 has been tested for
two years and more than 250,000
miles over tho Rocky Mountains?
prairies, through deep mud and
scorching deserts through quick
sharp climatic changes. As a result
of these tests we were able to judge
the car's performance under every
condition and to perfect it before
offering it to the public
There Is no previous car of any
size or price to adequately compare
with the character of service Over
land 4 introduces.
The farther you ride in it tho
more you will appreciate it. Come
in, see the car and ask for booklet.
The demand will bo greater than
the supply for a long time. (
Overland 4 Touring, $845; Road
ster, $845; Coupe, $1325; Sedan,
$1375. Prices f. o. b. Toledo.
M f
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