The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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.' -i
bend Bulletin
. w
No. JM
i i
Mh. Will .PI Ml it I
il'ntuto Hhntv Not H(t (Jixxl iw In
I'll! Vi-iiix, anil Won Id I'liiu'flt
by ('(iinliliiiilliin ullli Oilier
I'm Irs In Hit County.
REDMOND, Orl. 18. Ncvor Iiiih
Ih boon morn uvldont dial DdhoIiuIck
2 county iimwIh one fair, I unload of
Huvenil small community fairs, tliun
till year. Tliat DohcIiiiIiih comity
can support ono county fair bettor
than Hovornl local expositions In cor
tnln nftrr n survey or threo that
havo licini hold In tltu hint two wroks
ths limt ono of which cloned Huttirday
undliiK on Hatiinlay at Redmond.
Tim Redmond Potato Khow noil
Fair wum not what It lum boon In tho
mt. Suspending IIiIh fimtiiru for
th lust two years has tonilod to dull
Him ougo of enthusiasm ainoiii; tho
potato growers ami raisers of Ihc
Mock. .Another your, In all probabi
lity It will ho hotter, especially If all
fair In tho county nro hold In ouu
place unil under mm head.
Redmond, nnd ItH environs. Includ
ing Pleasant Viilloy, Tumalo. Terro
honiio and I'owoll Ilutto mndo
it creditable showing thin year In
far,) of labor nhortano which han
,v mi used tho far in urn to nttoud moro
clooly than formorly to euro ami
hiirvvstliig of their Kail crop. John
Lnmon, potato expert of thu Portland
8'd Company, In of tho opinion that
the Redmond display of potatoes Ik
not up to former yearn, but any that
It In dun to n number of extenuating
IIonI .Vol J)lplnil.
Mr. Larson bullovoH, howovor, that
thnro nru better potatoes In tho
county than nro on dlnplny thin year
Compared with other sections of tho
Northwest ho han Keen In tho hint
few weeks, Mr. Larson says that tho
ItPiluiond potatoes nro ' better In
quality than any ho han seen Ko far
. this season nnd will rank high on the
Measured by tho display of HpudH
8. 1). MiiHtaid of I'owoll Ilutto. In tho
spud klui:, taking tho blK prlro for
the flvu-biiHliol oxhlbll with Montol
CI. Coo, of Ilend, second. Tho Red
mond show offered tho winner $100
nnd thu second plnco In thin nroup
60, For Nutted GeniM, ouo bunliol
dlnplay, H I) (MiiHtiird a I no took
tint placo with J. L. nibiioii, or
l'owull lliittu, hocoihI. WJth Uur
banks, ouo bushel doss, again H, I).
Mustard took tfm bluoi ribbon with
V. A. Itlco, of Hcdmojidecorrd., For
tho Northern Pacific lllg Potato tho
fllt prlxo went to I), I,. Oaten, of
Torrobonno nod J. I). Dietrich, of
TnrrohfliuiOi hocoihI. For Undo
Ham potatoes J. p. Kinlth took first
General I'nilii KxlillilfN Good.
Thoro wero two oxceptlonally crod
Itnblu nonoral rami exhibits at tho
hIiow. In this dopartmont C. W.
Helm, of tho Torrobonno district
eoppod off flrBt prlzo of $50 and W.
W. Van Matro, second.
Mm. J, G. CunnlnRham ot Rod-
luond la tho sunflower queen at tho
Hhow with 0. W. Klddor, also of
lledmond, hocoihI.
M. C. Conlon, of tho Iowa Porch
oron farm, of Hedmond han an excep
tionally flno display or Porcheron
utnlllonH and ' inures and took;
jtwaopatako pi'ijpoh or, tho following;
nppd cow hKowIuk Holuteln, Uojfer
HolBteln)., bull, (iroint9ln Paroh
ovoft marojNvlth foa, Perchron bul
lion, Mr. Conlon rtook frV wlthtla
fine, draft teiim nnd colta under ono
year old. O. W, Mutna haB i moat
ncdltablo two .yuar. old draft team
on dlHplay.
May Auk County Fair.
Jim Domoro took swoopatnko
prlzo on ahoop and W, V. Van Matro
on awlno HhowliiB Poland China Iiorh.
Tho Torrobonno urn Hedmond Un
ion hlKlt Hohool have flno sehrtol dlH
Dlnya, and Mrs. J, h, Mooro'fi colloo
tlon of JoIIIoh toojt tho oyoa or tho
ladloa who visited tho nhow.
From all ludlcatloim tho bunlnosa
nion and firmer of tho nodmond. dls-
Prirjr A. HtiWoim Post Inilooo liti
incdlnte Deportation of Miieiiiy
AIIoiih, Auulnnl IJirRO
' ,'" Htiiiiilliipt Army,'
Important (juontloiiH which .7 -will
eomo up at thu national convention
of tho American LrKlnn Ilhrt. I'aul
thla year, noro paniied on tJuhday
afternoon at it apodal mealing of
Percy A. Qtavoiix Poxt held utMho
llonil Amateur Athletlu'dluh sym-
nnnlum. A lnr;o Hharo nr IKq.jmiioii
voted on nro already bofoiA,Oj)(RrmH
In noiuo form or anotherA-w ' v
Tho ponl ImlorMed tho KVJ)o;iuh
bill, 11 lid unlvonml military trtUiliiK,
liioludliiK military tralulnir In educa
tional InttltutloUH, hut voted analiiHt
u larwrntiiridlm: army or 1 reiJorvo
corpd, preferrlm: rathor the orKa'tilza
lion and equipment of an eltlclont
National Ouard A rewtrlctlvii nollrv
iim to nil Immlnratlon WutotuvwcA, ..1. . ....... i.i.i.i.i':. ..
nun iiiiniiiuiu iiriiiiiiniiuil.oi 1 110 llll-
mlRrntlou of Anlatlcn, wlillo urlct
naturalization lawn woru lUked,
with tho further cIiiuho that Individ-!
ualH comltiK to tho United Htntea bo
required to mako application for clt-'
Ixeimhlp paporn within nix tnoiitliH j
after arrival In thin country.
Allm Dcportiitlon Favornl.
Profurouco to ex-norvlco men In
acoulrliiK public landn. nod financial
nHitlHtnnco to acrvlco men In Hut
nhaiMj of Ions term loans to help In
homo bulldliiK and In tho purchano or
farina, wna Indoniod, wlillo nmoiiR
other quentlonM on which imirmntlru
votes wero taken, wero tho follow
Iiik: A)olltlou of nil nll.forclRn
InnRuago njtjjapapora; coniitrucllvo
policy of vocational tralnlmr. nnd
Itnniedlato relief for dlnahled acrvlco
men: openlnR of Klamath Lake landn
to aettleraent, Instead or leaalnic loa
corporation: parallol paranraph
iranmaiion or paporn printed In
foreign lanKuaros; amendment, or
tho war rink Innurauco no that policy
holdera may havo tho option or pay
ment belni? mado In a liimn num or
In monthly InHtallmentH; Immcdloto
dportatlon of nil nntl-KoverMment
allona; und complete InveatlKntlon
of nil army prlnon enmpH, and pun
lahlnent of thorn responsible for un-
JiiHt trcutmont.
Other biinlneiiH IratiHaetod Includ
ed tho dlttrutmlnu of llnal plana for
Ilovelllo Week, tho appointment of
military pollqo. nnd tho selection or
John Steldl and Howard Yoiiiik to
havo charKo or tho oiRiiulzutlon or n
post Indoor baaeban team nnd a
football eleven.
.Jay Hteirn and . J. If. Mrlicltly, of
raririiyFirc I'tevrnllon Iturcnii,
and AiwtUtanL Ktnti; Miulinljj
Nkyei Visit Itcnd. .
(SUM K. KT.tlWJ, MA.VAt.'I.U DI-S-Clll'TIN
(Contlnuod from Pago 1,)
With pupllu In attendance. rapcliiK
from 10 to 6vor 50 ycura In, ng?, tho
llond nlKht nchool conniloted? Ita
third Howjlon Thursday wjth m en
rollment of 03 pupllH, ninliicrcaso of
10 over tho ovonlnj; before v Tho
.u-l.,..4l t L .... ..v.
cni'uaiiua. Hun uuoil aVfOIICUVOy R
conslderablo number pf returned
soldloro nud Bailors, soin or whom
aro taklnc tho work ii( probation
ror co I logo entranro, nnd ototira who
nro taklnn dlfforent commercM Mh
Jecta to make thomaolvea eliKlblo for
promotion from tho positions, they
urn nfiw KnMlu.
...w ..wn iwiuiui
O. J, 8elk, 0 mill employ, be
lloved to bo tho oldeat In nttoudnnco
t nlKht achool, nlthouRl) ho d(d not
Klvo hlH uro on reRlatilrliiR. Ho was
ii-Htwidy attendant at tho waning.
cutanea hold laat your, nnd found
thpm to bo or so much b.onqtlt p htm
In hlH work Hint ho oiirollodvpRuIn
thin year, ho -explained.
Ous K. HtadlR, manaRer or tho.
Deschutes Valloy Potato Growers as
sociation, Ih moro optimistic regard
ing tho potato sltuatlou In thu valloy
than most or tho growers. Mr.
Kladlg was la llond Tuesday, looking
over tho local Hltuatlon.
"I beUove." said Mr. Stadlg. 'HUat
tho ylold will bu aboutTO po rep tit of
uormiil, which compares ' favorably
wlh most of'jho country, thia jear.
ShlpmoulA aro boglnnlng to coino In
to thu wurdioimo or tho nsnoclutlon
at lledmond mid It Is certain now
that tho quality or tho Central O10
Rou Hpuda will bo up to par nnd will
hrlng tho top notch prices on coast
mnrketa. Severul buyers havo been
In tho country tho laat two weeks
looking over tho Hltuatlou nnd go
away hlRh In their pralso or tho local
"It aeoms certain that the two dol
lar price will bo about the mcrnga
thlu season. This. I consider a "very
fair price. This season Centra! Ore-
Ron has 1331 acres of potatoes
under cultivation that Is being hartt
vcstoil now and tho ylold should be
arriving at tho warehouso runldlr
rrom now on. Tho per ucro nverago
IH light, but tho quality H cooil.
Thero Is going to bo n strong do
mund ror any kind or potatoes this
season of all grades. Tho domand
ror our need Netted Oonis Is going
to bo particularly strong."
Tho flrat car shlpmont rrom Bond
Is nboutj ready to bo made.
Tho rarmera or tho Fort Kock-J
district aro anxious to obtain bet
ter dairy, cowa It was learned Sat
urday -when IL A. Ward, or tho
Flrat, National Jlank, upon special
mqucstofKiany farmvwi went to
oti Hock to speak to tho ranchers
upon 'the merits of certain breeds
of dairy cowa for their business.
Mr Ward explained that It Is
difficult, under present conditions
to obtain tho quality of livestock
dosred. but that tho bank would
nui"ko a thorough canvass to see If
It can obtain tho slock tho farmers
waut Mr. Ward rccommonded
dairy cows of tho milking Shorthorn
strain for tho Fort Itock farmers.
In addition to this work Mr. Ward
spoko to tho farmers on reeding nnd
keeping dairy records.
After conducting a scries or meet
ings In Hcnd to usher in Fire Pre
vention week here, Jay Stevens,
coast manager of tho Pacific Firo
Prevention bureau, J. II. Schelvly,
publicity manager, and Horace
Sykes, assistant state flro murshal,
left on Monday for Portland, declar
ing themselves entirely satisfied
with tho interest taken locally In tho
cauno they aro furthering. Tho three
officials aro covering the entire stato,
and by concentrating tliolr work on
tho schools. Intend to reach every
homo In Oregon, before leaving on
a similar trip througbCallfornla.
"Bond UBcd to havo a bad flro re
cord," Mr. Stevens said, "but it Is
Improving markedly from year to
I'iro HII111 it Shoun.
Accompanied by Firo Chief Tom
Cnrlon, and city school Superintend
ent S. W. Mooro. they visited tho
Bond schools yesterday, beginning
with tho primary grades, and finish
ing at tho high school. Mr. Schelvly
spoko to tho tiny tots In the begin
ners' classes, emphasizing the need
for caro In prevention of fires, and
telling stories to Illustrate tho many
causes which may undcrllo highly
destructive conflagrations. Mr.
Sykes and Mr. Stevens, who was
formerly chief of tho Portland flro
-department, spoke to tho older pu
pils, and also at the Liberty Theatre,
where tho flro prevention film,
"America 'b Gicatest Crime." nro-
d)uced by Thomas H. Inca at a cost
oi many inousanas or dollars, was
shown free of charge.
Mr. Stevens stated that another'
film to (each the sanio lesson, is
now being produced In California
Jr three reels, and that when : it is
completed, It will bo shown in Bend.
More of tho comedy element will be
Introduced, and like ita predecessor,
It will bo given to tho public free.
Hivrr Cfinrtructlon "Will Coit la
Neighborhood or $1.1.1,000
Frewnri' of Young Girls At
Dnncci Objected To.
,i T
O, S. Hudson has purcliasod the In
terest of Dr. U, 0, Coo In'tlio uitildltie
on "Wall iitroot now 'occupied by tho
Aiannnoimor Bros, store. Tlio consld.
erntlon wus not uunouncod.
f -
' Proparfttlqns to sot off , n giant
blust nt Windy Point;, on tfio McKou-.
lo pas highway woro being com
pleted "todny, and h' charge or half
a carload or T. N. T.r will bo explod
ed tomorrow or Friday, nccordlng
to the contractors prosont plans, It
wiih reported today. . A mass ot rook
200 root long, roaohlhg a maximum
or 30 root n holght, with 12 feet as
tho minimum width, will bo blown
out. A tuniiol which runs along tho
roud location Is now being filled
with tho high explosive,
Tho shook of tho , explosion may
bo folt In Bond, It In stated and tho
pass road wjll probably be closed tot
1 no remainder of the sauson,
Majkthtl law went out of oxlstonco
in Bond nt midnight Monday, when
I tho Mayor's proclamation reached Ita
time limit, nud city ofQciala prompt
ly turned the tablos on tho military
pollco who held away Monday,
when Chler or Pollco h. A. W. Nixon
sproad his not and effected, tho ar-
roat of tho Judgo advocate, tho
offlcor of tho day, tho sergeant or tho.
Ruard, and a nuinbor or other mem
bers or Percy A. Stevens Post who
took an actlvo part In the wholesale
imprisonments' nud convictions or
civilians- on tho opunlng day ot
Itovoilfl -Week.
MraVClara Upton and Mrs. Eleanor
Fowlor, oM'ortland, who uro making
their headquarters hero this week
raising money ror tho. building or a
baby homo, were prosont at tho ses
sion or pollco court, and advised
j Judgo Peoples against allowing any
lonloncy, as tho fines collocted woro
divortod to tho baby homo fund,
Mrs. Upton , and Mrs, Fowler wero
among tho prisoners who woro tnKon
Into camp Mouday nttoruoon, by tho
in, i- a,
Chargos preferred against tho
American Loxlon members woro not,
ontered on thsdockot, an, effort bt
ng mado by tka city administration'
to keep tho pMcwdlnsa of the after"
noon a aocret, 1
Tho unit or sugar measurement
Is no longer tho suck It Is tho
pound, and soon it will bo ' tho
ounce, according to local grocers,
whoso stocks nro either entirely
depleted, or uro so nearly so that
another day will seo tho end. Sov
eral merchants havo been out of
bugiir for weeks, nnd havo assumed
tho fatalistic attitude that "when
our ordora aro 'filled, they will bo
filled, so what'a tho uso of worry
ing." Others, moro fortunate in
their early ordering have new stocks
on tho way, but theso, In general.
amount to but 200 or 300 pounds
for each grocery. Merchants who
still havo augur on hand havo cut
down purchases to 25 cents worth
tor each individual, and jobbing
houses, ulso in, bad 'straits, havo
cut down tho ardors of their, cus
tomers in much tho same fashion,
Two causes aro Klvon for th in.
tinned shortage, ono that tho 200,-
000, sack government order from
tho ' Pacific coast, Is responsible
while av'mVreV'-baalc reason la s(ven:
that tho comhvg'"crf prohibition has
increased tho domand or sugar 25
per cent, rnr exceeding tho sugar
equalization board's estimnto or tho
country's needs. Tho increase or
aweet drinks to tako tho placo ot
alcoholic iboveragos. Is also blamod.
Itoliot is promised whou tho beet
sugar crop Is marketed, but al
though tho roflnerlea ,vero busy
grinding out tho finished product by
tho mlddlo of tho prosont month, It
has not yet coia jnto circulation.
Bend merchants hope that tho situa
tion will be rpmedled by tho oarly
part ot Dpc?ibar, but they admit
that it is only a hope.
One ot the most important steps
for tho development or Bond was
taken Tuesday at tno regular meet-
day by J. C. Rhodes, chairman oftha
city building, when tho report ot
tho strectB committee outlining a
general policy of sewer construction
and street Improvement ror tho com
ing Tear, was adopted unanimously.
and city Engineer Robert B. Could
Instructed to prepare cost estimate;
Tho sewer work, which will include
a major part of tho territory betweaa
tho Brooks Scanlon Mill nnd tho bus
iness section of the city, and betweaa
tho Pilot Butto canal and tho river,
will cost approximately 3133,000.
Mr. Gould stated, but no figures are
availablo as to tho cost of street im
provements. Increases n assessed
valuations In Rend, will mako pos
sible more extensive operations
under tho Itancroft bonding act.
Mayor J. A. Eattes pointed out to the
council. It Is planned to bave pre
liminaries disposed ot in time to
start actual work in tho spring,
while some of tho sewer construction
may bo begun Uiis winter. Hard ar
faclng of "streets will be considered
on petition from property owners.
Uoad Ordinance Pomsc.
After a, long delay, proceeding)
were received from Freeman. Smith.
i& Camp, bond buyers, of Portlasd.
rclatlvo to the city $5,000 revelv
I Ing fund, and an ordinance was paw
ed under an emergency clause pro
viding for tho sale of the bonds
which will secure the loan.
Discussion of public dances oc
cupied some time during the early
part of tie meeting, and attenttes
was called by D. G. McPheraeB.
ot tho Pollco committee, to- the tact
that girls under IS years of age are
attending such affairs twho are
not being attended by their parent.
The pollco committee was ordered
to authorize tho dance matron tcTen
forco tho ordinance which provides
against this.
Flro Work I'rogratsln;:.
Flro Chief. Tom Carlon reported
on tho progress ,bolng mado by the
department ) "flro prevention work.
nud Mayor Eastes mentioned that
Jay Stevens, manager of tho Paclgc
m... tj :..,2 .. ..
rue in.-f.'m,ii(ii uuruuu, ono 01 mo
officials wh,o. ,yjsjted Bond Monday,
hud promised to report tho condl-
lions now- existing in Bond, and te
advise a lowerjug pf tho flro insur
ance. rates hero. ,
As their part toward tho cele
bration ot Reveille Week, the Bead
schools will put on an elaborate
program at the high school Sat
urday morning, City Superintendent
S. W. Moore announced today.
Musical selections, folk dancing.
and gymnastic drila will constitute
tho main part pf the entertainment.
Tho public is cordially invited to
' The'bl Itigk school event la the
atterno6a trillfr (he football game-
wokncBu rmTMra na uwia.
To take the pUce of A. WhfSwiBt.
a district manager of tho Four IVs,
J. R. Johnson, ot Portland, arrived
In Bend, on Monday and wjll re
main iu the city for the next two
wooks. During tho war Mr. John
son was o'ne uf (he national speakers
for tho Emergency Fleet cornnU4H.
and travelled extensively in the east
in this work,
He will address an open meeiln
here on Thursday slant, the mca
hour and plaee to bo anBennVwd kiar.
A special invUatiou to the puViU
extended. ' ,'