iiRprn bulletin, ijk.vi), omcno.v, tiiurhdav, octoiikk in, into Vtan 9 V I KNOWING LAYERS FROM NON ; LAYERS WILL SAVE MUCH MONEY GUIDE GIVEN TO KNOW WHICH PRODUCE. i:ciy I'mmcr Who Unit Poultry Should Know Hit1 I'mv I'rlnrlplcH About ('ulllng l.onfn from Woilu'in Wnlch Mnullcrx. Tim procunn of culling Ih roitdlly Iwirnod nuil us wittily understood ns ti nrlmur Innson, iiiul In un nnpllcitlilo to tlio nmnll flock nB to thu okb farms whom thouitiinilN of huun urn kont. Who, with n doxun Iiuiih In tho buck ynrd, lins not kllluil onu for it Kiiniluy dinner, only to find hur full of oiuw onn perhaps of tm t two or thruu that wore liiylni;T lly upptylni; thu culling touts thoNii Hint urn not Rood layers, mid inn not luyliiK ul nil nl tlio 1 1 mo, nmy bo fill on utt drnlrod unit thu pro- ducors kopt. H lly iihIiii; llinmi inolhodH thu con Htnnt ciilllni; out of thu poorest pro ducers lllCIDMIllllKly upbtilhU tlio flock Into "business linns," leaving no niiuMloii nbout their paying u pro fit, by disposing "f thu non-paying lionrdorit It assures next year's chicks roiuliiK from heller layers, Indis criminate In ft'dlmc m mum countuut deterioration. To tlm nvorngo poultrymnn tho tllffuroncu hulwoen profit uud loss often In dolormltiod by whether riilln from thu flock nil unuproducor. All of thu lost glvon enn bu np lli'd to I.oghnrus, but Orpington mid lii'iiH having blnrk nhntiks, tho color of leg ciiunot bu used. Am llhoda Island ItcdN hnvit horn-colored beaks, t tlm color of thin ciinnol bu readily lined, uxcupt In lower hulf of licnk. Condition of pluiniiKu nnil nbdomon rapacity, Judged by tho illNtituco be tween lay bones nuil lire I bone, sofl nes nud pliability of thu flunh In thin region can bo lined In nil breeds. In applying pigment tost allow ance intint bo nindu for pnlii color unturnl to various breeds, tho kind of itrnlu fud nud range condltlonn. Comb Tho comb mid wnttlcn of heavy laying hunn nru brlnht red, v full slio for tho breed, inthur waxy In upponruncof In a non-layer or poor layor tho comb In ninall nud covered with n whltlnh scale rosombllng dand ruff, Iinrd nnd dried. I'mlrr lU'ixk I.OM Color 1'lmt. llenk With thu conimuncuinunt of laying thu niulcr purt of thu beak fnilcM flrnt; tho upper part of tho beak thou fades' next to thu hund, Kradunlly IohIiik It color with thu heavy loyliiK until nil In faded. Thu color comon back un It left : Hint In. If thu bunk In found nearly whlto, uxcupt yulow uunr tho hund, It hull ontuH Hint tho bun linn luld heavily hut Mopped. If tho beak In yullow uxcupt for whllu neat to tho bond It hhown tho hun linn recently ntnrlud A laying. A degroo of Judgment munt bo usod with thin muttiod, nn feed nnd ranging condltloiiH hnvn much to do with tho coloring matter nnd In Judg I UK by coloring uiattor huun of tho Hnmo flock nhoiild bo unud to form tho bnnln. Greenstuff nnd yullow ' corn nro great pli;muut innkorn. A huuvy Inynr fud n ration of yollow roru nnd rouging op clovor would stilt have-more yullow bonk mid legs tbuu a poor layer confined on a bar ren ynril mid fud mnluly on oats, bar ley, etc., no It In uhnolutoly necessary that thu general color of thu logs nnd bonk of tho ontlru flock bu tnkon Into consideration buforo tho Judging NtnrtH, AIho thu Kuiiornl hunlth of tho bird should bo ronnldurud, un a bird In phynlcal condition too poor to lay In apt to bo pulu. A sickly liun In enslly distinguished by other hIkiih, howovur. Logs Thu shnnks contliiuo to futlo EXPERTS AGREE that Zcrolenc holds better compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts, deposits least carbon, There is a consistency of Zcrolene scientifically refined to meet exactly the needs of your car. Get a Cor rect Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) W. R. Speck, Special Agent -.' with liunvy laying, Inning all color. Tho roar of tho nhmikit In a liunvy Inyor nro iitiually thin nud noft, on a non-producnr full nnd round, Marly .Monitor Poor I.ajeiH, Plumiigo (loot! Ia cm moult Into, hnvo roiiKh, worn feather, which imiinlly fndo much moro than thoHii of a poor prodiicur. Many good lay urn, properly fud, nuvur moull In thu rent sense of tho word, but drop oc ciinlounl fontliurn tho year mound, nud lay ovury mouth In tlio year. Onu of tho principal reasons why July, Auguift nnd Hoptumhnr an) thu bunt inonthn to cull Ihu flock In bucaunu It In tho bont tlmo to Judge tho pliiuiiiitu, Whllu tho bird with tho brlirliloflt plumnKu In (hu nprlui; In apt to bu tho pooront layer, later It fur ulnliun onu or tho bunt criterion, Thu hun that moultx uurllont In iilmont In vnrlbly a poor prodiicur, whllu thu olio that luyn Into tho full doen not throw hur fuathorn until Into An oc riinlouiil hen will lay until nearly naked, but nlio wjll utop whou n.ivv font Item ntnrl Krowlmr. Knr Lobo Tho unr lobo nhoiild bo full. If wrinkled tho npocluicii In not producing. Kyo IlrlRlit, nlurt, In nonlayern. dull ntiuky, Thu Iny bonen nro widespread In thu Rood Inyor, ununlly uIIowIiir thruu fltiRcm to bu Inlil bulwuon thotn. Thu cud of tho Iteel bonu Hhould bu forced fnr down by tho lay Inn ornnnfl, nllowlnn four or five fin Rurn to bo laid but ween It mid tho Iny bonen. Tho abdomen nhoiild bu noft mid pllnblo mid velvety. In uink Iiir thin text It munt bu romomborud Hint If thu npoclnicu In very fat thu keel bono will thtin iiIho bo.fijrcUd down. Thin In unnlly told, an In n fat umiproducur thin portion In hard mid firm. To Rot thu bet luyern, pick thonu with Hhort too nalb, whltlnh Iokh nud bejik In thu yulnw-lvRRed vnrletlen; Ioiir bnckn, deep bodlen, wldo at tho back; from (hone pick tho ouen with thin, alrnlRht, wldu npnrt Iny Ikhich. Dlncard thu bird that In AtiRiint ban flnu fenthurn, yellow beak mid Iors, nnd pinched tall. When A Clillil Iln Croup. Tliotinnudn of mothern my Foluy'n Honey mid Tar Compoiiud l.i thu bent rumedy they know for croup, rniuthn uud cold It cum thu thick, chokln-r iniicun, climrn away Ihu phleRiu. opunn air pnnsnRcn nnd ennen hoarnu nenn. Thu RanpliiR, ntrmiRlliiR flRht for brcnth Riven way lo quiet brent h Iiir mid peaceful nleep. Sold Bvcry whuro. Adv. The Sleep nation. John WoMey exiM-rlnu'iiInl In nleep nillonlnc nn a euro for lnoiunhi. I'lndlnif be woke every nlxht nlmiit twelve and lay Mecplev for nome bourn, he deehleil to pi tit bed la'er nnd rlK. earlier. The first day lie roo nt woven Intend of eluht, thu next nt nlv, the next ul live, the next nt four. Ity rlxlut; nl Hint hour he found he Mop) without wnkliiK thniURlMiiit bin "rot Inn," uud thereafter, rone nt four for Rood. Doeinl Know It All. It In when the brnml-new terminate heRliiH nimparini; notes with the furii who hnve been tnkliiR u "" or -lO-year IMixt-Rrndliulu roiimu In the CoIIuru of Hard Kuorkn Hint hu It likely to be tohl that there In Hill niiiaethlin: to bu done In the way of admiring inure W'ImiIuiii. Ilontou TmiiKCilpt. Hauler Now" Than loiter. It In oiiHlcr to break up u cold or check u cough now thnu It will bo later. I'uralntout roiiRhn that "Iuiiir on" nil winter pnvo thu wuy for nerl onn throat nnd Iiiiir iIImokkom. L, W. Day, OR Campbell Av., K. Detroit, Mich., wrlteHt "Foluy'n Honey nnd Tur relieved ono of bronchltlH very quickly," Sold uverywhore. Adv. I'ur It In Tlm Ilulletln. Tsttnfrn F "tv Standard Oil Co., Bend, Ore, WW GORDON 4?rM is the ultimate word in ha.ts. It's the word that will get you the right one from your hatter, whether your fancy is for a stiff or a soft hat. (fa&nu Hats this fall are good to look at espe cially the SPENDER. HA T S CASHMAN, Bend's Clothier HIGHWAY WORK AGAIN DELAYED LOW BID REJECTED BY COMMISSION. W. I.. Thompson Helps Hold Hack t'oiiHtitirtlon if The Dalle- Cali fornia HlKhuay In I-Jiht .Meet Intt Heforo Leaving Hoanl. An ono of thu lanf nctn of bin. career un a member of thu Stntoi IllRhwny Communion, W. L. Thomp- non whonu rcnlRiiutlou became ef fective lant week, uimreutly took a . Until opportunity of doltiR what hu could toward thu pontponoincnt of conntriictlon work on The Dnllen California highway. Thin duvoioped today whoa County Commlsnloncr C. H. Miller, of Redmond, who nt- I o tided thu hlRhwny CoinmltiHlon meet Iiir In I'ortlnud on Innt Tucnday ru portud Hint' tho low hid for tho con struction of thu hlRhwny butweun lluud mid thu Jeffemon county lino. oiKiucd at a pruvloun meotliiR of the couimlnnlon bad flrnt been tabled, mid then turned down. A dlncrepaucy of $C,000 butweon tho uiiRluecr'n cntlmnte of tho con struction cost, nud the bid of LoRnn & Ward, contractors. In tho only ox cunu behind which tho conimlnnlon could ponnlbly hlilo nn n Justification for itn nctloif, Thu lowest off or, mndo In tho courno of compotltivo blddliiR, won $89,000, mid lit Tucb duy'H meotliiR when thin wu.i sched uled for consideration Mr. Miller was prentuit. Mr. Tliompnou. ho Mays, nfter nnkiiiR quentionn reRiird Iiir tho dirrurunco butwuon this offer mid thu OHtiinntu of JS 1,000. moved that tho matter bo laid on tho tnblo until October 20th. Later In tho day Mr. Miller learn ed that tho commlHHlou had decided to huvo no uicotliiR on tho 20th.. nnd SPECIAL SERVICE IN Oxy Acetylene Welding ...and... Machine Work Most Modern Equipped Welding and Machine Shop In Ceritral Oregon Foundry & Pattern Shop 22 in Connection Bend Iron Works Bend, Oregon Phone Black 74L had rejected tho I.ORnn-Wnrd bid. Ho wun informed also that now bids were to bo called for to bo opened at tho moutltiR on .November 4th. , but hun been unnblo to conform thin. They t.Vt Aiiloti At Once. Foley Kidney 1111 invigorate, ntrotiRthcn and heal Inactive, weak mid dlucnncd klducyx and bladder, Mm. O. J Kills. HDC 8th Av., Hloux Knlln, H. I) , wrlten; "I niiffured with kidney trouble; lined to have novure pallia acroKH my back nnd felt mlhor nblu nnd nil tired out. but after tak- JIiir Koloy Kldnuy I'llln I mi voll." Hold Kverywnoro -Adv. ALWAYS A At Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products at home i H 1 Chas. Boyd CASH MARKET Cut. Til Out It I Worth Money. Don't Minn Thin. Cut out thin Blip nnclnnn with fir. In Vnnv A I'n . In in Hhuftlold Avo ChlcnRO, 111., writing your nami) nnd nddrnnit clearly, You win rucoivo in return a trim packaRo containing tnlev'n llnnnv nti,l T-ir Compound, for cotiRlin, colds rnd croup, Foloy'n Kidney I'llln and Foley Cathartic Tnblutn, Hold everywhere. -nav. LEGAL NOTICES XOTfCK KOK.I'UIHiirATIO.V. (Xot Coal I.aml.) Department of tho Interior, United Htaten Land Offlco nt Lnkevlow, Oregon, September 17, 1919. N'otlco In hereby Riven that Michael C. Donahue of I.a Pine, OreRon, who on February 2Gtb, 191C, made homentend entry No. OSiTiO for northennt qunrter ncctlon C,' townnhlp 22 8. rnnRO 10 TJ. Wil lamette meridian, linn filed notice of Intention to mnko final threo yenr proof to entnbllnh claim to thu land nbovo described beforo H. C. Kill, U. S. commlnnloner, at Dend, Oregon, on thu 24th day of October, 1919. Claimant natnon an wltnc'nsen: John J. Iltew, John F. Duvereaux, Wlljinm Illley, C. II. Clow, all of Lit n'lne, OreRon. 30-34C JAB F, UVnOKSB, ItcRlster. XOTICK OI KI.VAIi KKTTLKMK.VT. Notlco In hereby Riven by tho un- dcrslRncd that nlio ban made nnd filed with the County Clerk of Des- chutcH County, OreRon, her Klnnl Account an Administratrix of tho entuto of Matilda Ycomann, deceased and that said county clerk has set, Saturday, tho 1st day of November, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day nt the County Court room in tho Cotird'llouse at Bend, OreRon, as the tlmo and place for the hearing and settlcmunt of said final account, at which tlmo and place nny person in terested in said estate may appear and object to said settlement. Dat ed this 2nd day of October, 1919. ANNA IJOAKDMAN, As Administratrix of tho estate of Matilda Yeoman, deceased. 31-34c litis PAPER HEPREJErtrEO FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE acNERAL ornccs tfEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN At L THE PRINCIPAL CIT1E m Brooks- Scaittan Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS . COMPLETE STOCK o! Suad Su. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Iwocol Sales Agent, MILLKR LUMDKR CO. Business and Professional Cards It. S. HAMILTON ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1G First National Dank Dldg. Tel. 611 (Dr. Co' Yoxmtt OIBcr.) It. H. DcArmoaJ Chi, W. ErVln DeArmond & Erskine LAWYERS O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon h. o. m l l ra Attoraey-at-Law Dadted States CommlloB First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON MISS B. OSTERMAN riAXOFORTE SCHOOL Lawrenco Bldg., Room 3 Phono Red 2251 DR. C. H. SOLL PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Bond Press Bldg. BEND, OltEOON Phones; Offlco Red 41; Res. 123 Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H, PEOPLES, President ,Yon Comjiloto Abstract Plant In Contral Oregon. Special Attention Givon to Fcdorul Loan Abstracts. First Notional DanK Blag'., BEND, ORE,, Cor. next to Alley ammo. OWO'Mt. NOTICK FOIt I'UHMOATIO.V. Department of the Interior, United Htatcn Land Offlco nt Tho Dulls, OreRon, October 3rd, 1919. Notice In hereby .given that Ann Mncklntonh of Hund, Oregon, who on the 2Cth of November, 1915. mode homestead entry No, 015610, nnd who on February 6th, 1918, mndo additional homentend entry No. 019C28, for NWU flBtf. N4 flWU, Sec. 29, NBVi SBU Section 30, Townnhlp 18 South ItniiRO 12 Bant Willamette meridian, has fltuA notlco of intention to mnko final thrce,-ycnr proof to entnbllnh claim to tho land nbovo described boforo II. C. I'llln, V. S. commlnnloner, at licnd, Orceon, on thu 17th dnr of November, 1919. Claimant namen as wltncnnont Archie MoDonnld, of Dond, Oro- Ron. Louln Ullndenu, of Dcnd, Oro- Ron. Mildred Ullndenu, of Ilend, Oro Ron. Donnld A. McArthur, of Head, OreRon. Itonc Mncklntonh, of Bond, Ore Ron. 32-Cp H. FKANK WOODCO'IIC. IloRlntor. NOTICK. Call for Central OreRon Irrigation District Warrants. Notice in hereby given that ruRl tercd warrants Nos. 1 to 38, Inclus ive, drawn on tho Central OreRon Irrigation District are horoby exited for payment on October 10 and nro payable at tho county treasurer' office, Dcnd. OreRon. Interest on these warrants stops on and after October 10th, 1919. 32c CLYDIJ M. cKA.Y. Treasurer Deschutes County. Dr. L. W. GaicteH OptMKtrUt ud MiMtactaiig OptictM Complete Lent Cekdinj PI J at in ceo- necticn with my offic l LARSON U CO,. Jeweler 143 Orejoa iticct, Bred, Orrgoa Brand Directory A Right side; right ear crop ped; wattle right bind leg. B. L. TONE, Hbten, Ore. d.dr.l69e Fkono Black 1391 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. ' Arckltect 2-4 O'Kano Bulldlag BEND ... OREQON O. P. NISWONOER, Bead, Ore. UNDERTAKER Liceaaed Enbabaer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Aaet. DR. R. D. STOWELL Napraptthlc FhyakUa Oxer Logaa Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 te I Phoae Red -188 DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located in pond - with New Equipment Prlvato Office in Thorson'a Jowelry Storo Dr. Turner will be In Prlno vllle oTory first and third Fri day; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, and in Red mond every first and third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified Ads. 1 A