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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1919)
Mm "V w 4 HRND WIXKT1.V, IIKNI), OIUXION TIM.'JIHDAV, OfTOIIKH 1(1, lfll 1'ACJK 1.1 A A TWO MORE DIE IN LONG RACE PLANK CltAHIIKH TO (JIIOI'M) IS" lll.l, ltl, K I I, I, I N U (!('((' PA NTH I.IKl'TKNANT MAV NAItl) IN I'OltCKI) TO LAND. Illy Ulillr.1 IVr., lo'Dir llrrxl I!ullMln, NKW YOHK, Oct. Ifi.CrnMlilm; 200 foot 1 1 1 r i 1 1 k 1 1 u mountain bllr. wtrd, I ho airplane carrying l.loiitnri ant Kliliy uinl Lieutenant .Mlllnr, dashed Km occiipuiitn to death near ICvatiMtoii, WyomliiK Into ymlrday afternoon. .MAVNAItO LANDH. OMAHA, Oct. 10.- Lieutenant Mayunid, Hid "sky pilot" of tho ) ocean to ocean airplane race, was forced to land noar Wnlioo, Nobrauku 'hocntmo of a brnkmi shaft. Ho wun not hurt. mavnaiid to oontinVk. wini to lili iixcollijiil showing. l,ltil'iinnt Mnynnrd will not hit de barred from further purtlclpnlloii In tlm air ditrliy, tint director of tlm air pervlcn iinunuiicod today. A piano (ijniuited by an officer who iiilt (ho race, will hu placed at Muynnrd'H dUpoHnl. LAKEVIEW MAY GET p A 1 1 r a v in'Ti'vemv tllll,ll l I IJll liMUIWll 1 .. . . PORTLAND. Oil IJ If mii ix aIhiimIoii of t Ik NhvsiIh, OrKou k CallfornlH rnlliOMd run h' made for h illManct of IS iiiIIm lo Valhy I Falls, l.aliMVlnw will probably bo uomii tlm horiiH of a gri'iit box in ak in i; IndiiMtry. according to Col F. 11 Place, who U mhH(Irk right of way for tin HXtitiialun. Timber of ex ceptional iiunllty for this purpomt will Iik npnuHtl up If ihii nillrmid onti bo extended, CoIoiihI I'laco declares. FREE Rogers Silverware FREE With Every 2 5 -Cent Cash Purchase Gasoline Tires--Accessaries the pur- chaser will receive one ticket. Dollar ' With every 25-ccnt cash purchase GASOLINE, TIRES, ACCESSORIES, the purchaser will receive one ticket. ISO tickets obtain... Teaspoon 50 tickets obtain CofTce Spoon 100 tickets obtain Sugar Shell 135 tickets obtain i- Table Fork 150 tickets obtain ........:... : Tablespoon 150 tickets obtain - Orange Spoon 200 tickets obtain : Butler Knife .100 tickets obtain Table Knife Central Oregon's Leading Automobile Agency I TO SHOW DIKPLAVH. County Annul II. It. Kooiin ha col lected tlm beat specimens of ngrl- eultural displays from tlio Oram,'" Hall fair, and tlm Tumalo Pair to bo soul lo Portland for exhibition purpoMM. Pioneer Garage Co s Central Oregon's' Leading Automobile Agency Want In buy luty, iimi Hiilletlii ibn-UriiM iuN. 3WMiwi:MM :awHiw.a :a :ja -?Miii. WEEK AT BOTH THEATRES m ftE GRAND THEATRE Matinee Daily, 2:15 Two Shows Nightly imiiiui!i!t:!:;;nnimu,::ttii:.:mut:ttt.'itii:tiim:u;iiiii:mm im'imimmmwtmtimmtMumwmumi::! Sunday Only, Oct. 19th BILLY RHODES in "The Love Call" The story of the little rough-nck girl who found the wild country and love more appealing than college. Also Lloyd Comedy Pathe News Ford Magazine muiwimmm: MMuiiUMmmmniiiwimuitimimanmiiiimu'iiuiamtniiimtiiinmuimuiuiMMM Monday and Tuesday, OcU20-21 H. B. WARNER in "The Pagan Cod" 5 a Thrilling Drama of Intrigue, Oriental Mystery and Love See amid lavish setting a seductive; siren of the Orient vamp the American secret agent. Christy Comedy and Cartoon and Topics . . i;:.. .Mij:t?:tii!:::::ii:ii!::::tii!r:!:t::i::::uti::tj:tnitij::ni:!iuj::t:::tii:ju:i:iiiii!ttui:rT:i:tJtim::i:ilti!i::::ti:;t Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 22-23" Rex Reach's Tremendous Drama of Alaska I TWO NEW FIRES ARE REPORTED NATIONAL IOUKST IlLAK IS AT PIUNOLK M'TTK, AND SKCOND ()Ti:i IN TIMUKIt KAKT OF I.A IMNi: I.AST NKJHT. UNPAID TAXES TOTAL Day Specials ! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 1 Heavy Turkish Towels, 21x38 in. 3 for $1.00 2 Ladies Black Cotton Hose; . 6 prs. for. $1.00 3 Children's Black Cotton Ribbed Hose; 6 pr. for. .$i.oo 4 Light Percales, 27 in.; 7 yds. for. ., $1.00 5 Colored Outing Flannel, 27 in.; 4 yds. for..; $1.00 6 Bleached Outing Flannel, 26 in.; 5 yds. for .'........$1.00 7 Good Quality Ginghams, 27 in.; 4 yds. for. i; $1.00 8 Union Linen Toweling'; 4 yds. for $1.00 9 Racine Stocking Feet; 7 prs. for $1.00 10 Corsets; values up to $4.00;. broken sizes - $1.00 11 Bleached 9-oz. Canvas Gloves; 7 prs. for ; 1.00 12 Men's Half Linen Handkerchiefs; good quality; 5 prs. for $1.00 13 Men's E. & W. Collars; 2oc linen collars; 6 for $1.00 Mannheimer Bros. bo hold early In 1920. Just whnt tlio amount of taxes Involved in this milo will bo, Mr. Anderson is as yet plumbic to say. $52,690 "THE BRAND" n AlthmiKli tlio forest fire season was theoretically over a month nnU a half apo. Forest Supervisor X. G. Jncobson. and Deputy II. K. Vincent were called out last nlKht to 1'rliiKlo tlutte, where n flro Is reported to bo In proKresH. At tlio sauto time, n blare of considerable extent on stato laud vast of I .a I'luo had started, and J II Honor drove out this morn- lui; to take charge of flro flKhtltiR operatlonu. Practically all forest fires starting since the early part of September have boon either wilfully set, or have rosulted from the carelessness of campers and others, in throwing away unextinguished cigarettes, or In forgetting to put out their camp fires, Is the belief of forest officials. PK.VAI.TV AI-TKK NOVKMIIKIt t Wll.h UK HKAVV 1TIWT SAI.K SINCK COUNTY WAS KOILMKI) TO UK KAUIA IN YKAH. MOVIE DIRECTORS ARRIVE IN BEND Motor Through Woods ami LorrIii;; Camps In Preparation for Filming Silent Drauui. SUN WILL GOVERN U. S. CLOCKS SOON .He paid his debt according. . to the Law of the North AND TEMPEST CODY'S MAN HUNT :imiii:!i!ii:i:mm!!!!H:n: ii:it:iititittiit:i:t:::iitKiiiKiiiiiiun:ii:i:::::ii iitKiitiiiiiuit:itij:t:ti:::iitii:i f Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24-25 iririT i Visits ttm n i MI vim a nana in nnasp hpr marnon ; In a sparking Broadway sucqess, in which is at ' her fetching best Jester -Comedy, "Her Honor the Scrub Lady" October 20, 1919, Is the date set by law for tlio change, of time back to "sun tlmo," and the official end of tlm daylight saving plan. It Is suggested that clocks bo turned back one hour on Saturday night, Octo-. ber 25, This will put nil clocks upon the now time Sunday, Octo ber 20. At present clocks iuo ouo hour ahead of "huh tlmo," which gets you up ono hour earlier and to bed ono hour before tlio old tlmo. (Dayllnlit saving was abolished by congress recently ovor tho veto of President Wilson. i Out of a total tnxes amounting to $291,032, more thun one-sixth, $52,090 to bo exact, remain unpaid and will draw 1 per cent. Interest per mouth, from tho property own ers, Chief Deputy Sheriff August Anderson roportcd this morning. In addition to tho interest, a five per cunt penalty Is provided for all taxes remaining unpaid aftor November 4. On somo property In tho county. tnxes liavo not boon paid for years.! a 09 per cent combined penalty and Interest having graduully been piled up against somo realty. Tho first salo of taxes slnco tho organization of Deschutes county, will probably T On a preliminary visit to Uond to Investigate first Land the natural udvuntuges offered hero for tho stag lug of a moving plcturo based on tho logging Industry, W. II. McMonies, L. II. Moomaw, Jean Hersbolt. and Miss Elizabeth Mahoney, represent ing tho American Llfeograph Co., ar rived In Dend this morning, and left shortly after with Clydo M. McKay on a tour of the woods nnd logging camps. ler of the Livestock Stato Hank of Portland, arrived In Hem! this morn lug. and will leave Saturday with B. P. Mahuffey, of tho Central Ore gon Hank on a 10 day auto lour which will include Klamath Falbi, Lakevlew. Fort Klamath, Sllvor Lake, and the "P" ranclj. Mr. Swift will return to Portland by way of Heud. ALAMO SHOWS BIG FEATURE (Continued from Paco 13.) SWIFT WILL TOUR CENTRAL OREGON To mako a thorough Investigation of conditions In Central Oregon, Carletou D. Swift,' vice-president of tho Central Oregon Hank, nnd Cash- athletic show offer a dollar a minute to any nian who stays with one of tho wrestlers 10 minutes and they meet all comors. Thero Is a Hawaiian Village with native singers, dancers. and musicians-. There Is a circus sldo show with strange people from evory section of tho world and thoro aro other Just as interesting. Four rides, tho giant ferris wheel, magni fivieut merry-go-round, sensational whip and nerlal swing. Tho advance agent had only two tips on tho show. Qpo was to tho "Hoys" to take their glrs .to see Oh Doy and the other to those eligible to take thoir motber-In-law to tho Hon Houso to roost with tho chickens, SPRINGBOARD ADDED AT B. A. A. C. PLUNGE An nddod luducomout to swim mers frequenting tho pool at tho ). A, A, O. gynnslum will bo offered toulght with tho Installation of n springboard recolvod today. Tho ono formorly in uso was broken sovornl wooks ago by a too uuthuslnstic diver. iXvS-wPSiBHlj - Ilk, ; ik . i r a i , , o .u l., ... .'"TAI. VAVih JOHANNINO And his group of South African 'black mwwd lions, lo ha seen durlns JRoYelUe Week 1u JJend, ,0.ft f5-25. t rt "' WJ v' tri'-j m ki-l Jnn".