The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 16, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Second Section, Image 13

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    The Bend Bulletin
Pages 13-16
Second Section
No. M
Wednesday, October 22, Bargain Day, Reveille Week
Reveille Week, Oct. 20-25
Ciuiihul 'iiimii) llitx Hliown from
k I'mml to Coiml iiiiiI In HMiki-n
of HlKlily In All ('iiii'r
' Arrlwn linn Hiiiulii).
"I novur thntiKlit wIkiii I iiav Mm
(Ircntiir Allium Miown nl tho Port
In nd rout) fcMllvnl iiml ni;ln tit Ihu
OroKon Htiiln fair tluit an umiimirmitit
orciiiiliulliiM or (liiil inuciiltiiilci would
viir coinii lo IIimhI to exhibit, but I
KHi'MH Urn llttlti olil lionit) town In
i:ttlnr nmily lo put ovr tliu IiIkkohI
i!iii)tiratlon iivnr Miw;ml In lhl huc.
tlon of tin country," nnlil "Jim"
ItiiiKldlpli yiwlordny. nftor rciiilliii;
I hut tho (J rout or Aliiino bIiowh, tho
iiinnt iixti'tiNlvi) compiiny of Itn kind
Unit nvitr vlHlttul Ihu I'aclflc north
ui(t wan to Imi an offlclnl part of
KkvuIIIo Wook, xtiirtliiR Monday and
oiidltiK Hnturdny, nt Homl
Tim (lruntiir Alamo hIiown Iihvh ox
lilbiti'd nt nvi;ry iivciil Imltl In tho
nnrtliwi'Ht thin Hiitiiinnr. It wan tho
flrnt nr;anUatlon of tented iimumi
inontn that ever formed part of tho
official rnim fentlval. Tho Northwcnt
IVnco Jubllco nt Taronin wan another
IiIk event. Tho company han played
tho utato fnlm of WnnhlnKton, Oro
koii. Canadian uatlonnl inhibition at
Vancouver and Now Went Mlnlntnr,
II C, an well iih ii no in bur of other
bin cventn. The company In nt Tho
Dili leu IIiJm weuk, for tho Wniico
county fair.
Kvory city In which tho cmnpnny
ban inhibited lias gone on record an
declaring that tho Ornatcr Alamo
nIiowh were an aprvclnted depurluro
from any carnival organization that
bad playiid tliONe Iomiib. Tho lutlern
of cnmmendntlonn came from tnnyorn,
police chlofN and orcnnl;atlonK. Of
ficial of the Vauroiirer. II. C. exhibi
tion were no welt pleanod with tho
company nud Itn method of offering
HiiiiiHiiuuiul and Ihu purnonuol of the
company that the C'aundlnnn offered
tho company winter quartern free of
chnrK". Kecrotarlen of tho WnnhlnK
Ion and Ort'Kon ntato falrn woro loud
In Ihulr pralno of tho (Iron tor Alamo,
Thenu men bad all had doalluRH with
other carnival companion nnd wero
nble to judr.o relatlvo worth Tho
mi mo Greater Alamo In tho company
that In coining to llnnd for tho Ameri
can (.c-kIoii colubratlon next week,
Moro than n ncoro of tented at
tractions and rldliiK devlcen nro with
tho company, entertainment ratiKcn
from nlmplo fun rldun on thu inurry
Kiwounil, to the noiiHntlonal buttlo bo
tweun forest bred, black mnlnod,
.South African lloun, und tholr trainer.
Tho Kuinut of entortalnmont In run
ilurliiK an uvonlnK on tho nhow
KroundH. Thorn Ih nomuthlnK that
will appeal to every member of tho
family nomothlUK that will ontortaln,
nomo thnt have un educational vulun,
Tho trained wild animal clrcun la
thu feature attraction. Moro than 90.
trained wild and domontlc nnlmaU
tako part In tho 4G mlnuto program
nt tho clrcun. Thoro nro nnarllnff,
HiiapplnR, llon; thoro nro black beam
that rlda blcylua and do a lot of
funny Btuntn; there aro grinning lit
tle monkoyn that piny ball, walk tight
ropoa and do a lot of thlngn that
humana do, nnd omettmea tho little
Hlmlana do tha thing bottor. Thoro
are dancing hornoa, tiding dogn,
trained baby military ponlea, aero
but a, clowns and their funny mules
nnd ovory foaturo that gooa to make
up nn intorentlng circus program.
Jonophlno FluinmiiiR and hor diving
Klrla from another Intorentlng fea
ture. Tho glrln uho a largo glnau
tank flllod with water Into which thu
turn n numbor of trick und fancy
dlvlni; fcatH, porformlni? many diffi
cult undor-wator nctH. Tho Hnucor
of Death Is tho pulao qulckonor of tho
company. Thoro n dure dovll drlvoB
a motorcycle around nud ncrosB per
fectly BtralKht walla, porformliiK a
numbor of fancy fontu whllo In mo
tion, An lntoroBtlng nttractlon In
Dollottu, tho Bnmlloat human mothor
in tho world, Tho llttlo woman Ib
28 inchoH high, weight 28 pounds und
In tho mnthor of two normal hIzo
chlldron who appear with hor, Thu
American Legion and Labor Day.
The American Legion and Labor will lake posses
Hion of the city. Stunts will be pulled off that day that
will make Bend think reveille.
Tri-County Day.
On thin clay the people of Jefferson, Deschutes and
Crook counties are cordially invited to be present.
Bargain-Merchants' Day.
The merchants of Bend will offer special bargains
to persons of the city and country in Central Oregon.
These bargains are made known in this section.
Firemen and Commercial Club Day.
The Bend Volunteer Fire department will give a big
demonstration in the afternoon, including the use of
newly purchased fire equipment by the city of Bend.
In the evening there will be a big display of fireworks
under the auspices of the Bend Commercial club.
FRIDAY. Fraternal Order Day.
On this day the Elks and Moose of Bend plan to set
the town afire. The former will stage one of the clever
est burlesque shows ever seen in this neck of the woods.
The Moose are reticent. They will hold up until the
final day.
SATURDAY. Farmers' and Children's Day.
The farmers of Central Oregon and the children of
the three counties are invited. School exhibits, pig club
show and judging, football game between the Crook
county high school and Bend high school will be featured.
feature dancer In tho Hawaiian vil
lage with Alamo Shows during
Kevnlllo Week In IJcnd, October
Pig Club Members Attention!
OjUR PIG CLUB is nearing completion and it is time
to plan for the exhibition at which final awards will
be made. You remember when you received your
pig you agreed to exhibit him at the final show to be
held in Bend.
This exhibition will be held during REVEILLE WEEK on
October 25. It will be known us the Deschutes County Pig Show nnd
Industrial Club Fair. There will be prizes for nil classes of club work.
Your Pig will be judged by the O. A. C, Pig Club man, so be sure to
bring your record book. There will also be a boys' nnd girls' judging
contest nnd other attractions. Have your pig on hand by '.) n. in., October
25. This is Farmers and School day at the Carnival and we want to see
YOU there.
The First National Bank of Bend
l"- 'S
The Golden Rule Store
Our store is filled with new arrivals of Fall and
Winter Clothing for men and boys, featuring the
L System Clothes in the latest models and materials
for young men, priced from $20.00 to $50.00
Mackinaws, priced at $7.50 to $15.00
Mackinaw Pants, priced at $4.95 to $5.95
Wool Shirts, priced at $2.00 to $5.00
Complete line of Jerseys and Sweater Coats
$3.45 to $13.95
Our Underwear Department is complete in all dif
ferent weights, priced at from $1.50 to $6.00
A new lino of HOLEPROOF Guaranteed -Hose,
in assorted colors, black, tan, grey, navy, cordevan,
etc., in silk lisle and silk.
Our Shoe Department is filled with the very best
shoes obtainable, featuring O'Donnell, Chippewa and
other. good brands.
C "4 l?riTm camel
It Is An
Extraordinary Thing
For us to offer Special Bargains be
cause our goods are always marked
so that the purchaser is given
the benefit of every price.
But On This Occasion
Bargain Day, Oct. 22
We deviate and come forth
with these unusual offerings
Ladies' Ribbed Velvet Lined Union Suits; all
sizes, 36 to 44; Special Day Sale, price $1.87
Children's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants,
Sizes up to 24 38c
Sizes up to 34 53c
Jap Silk Blouses, in white, flesh and maize; all
pretty new styles; Day Sale price $2.38
Beautiful new Blouses of Georgette and Crepe
de Chine; six attractive models to choose from;
in white, flesh coral and peach; Special Day
Sale price $3,95
Separate Skirts of excellent quality, Wool Poplin
and Serge; all sizes, including extra sizes for
stout ladies; some of these skirts are worth
twice what we are asking for them. Special
Day Sale price ..: '.....-. .$4.38
Mercerized Poplin Waists, black only; a splendid
service waist, good looking; fast color; all sizes;
Special Day Sale price $2.53
White Voile Waists; all crisp, new styles; Special
Day Sale price 98c
Can't-Bust-'Em Play Suits for little boys and
girls; navy blue denim trimmed with fast color
turkey red; Special Day Sale price $1.18
Positively No Exchanges on These Items.
The Prices Are Good for lliis Day Only.
People's Store
i (Continued on Pago 1G.)