I'AOKU HUM) BUld.KTIN, IlKNl), OUK(JON, TIIIJHHDAY, (KnOHKH 10, W PUREBRED LIVESTOCK LOOMS IG AT 9TH TUMALO FAIR ; Usual KUmdanl, hut Quality, 1h (noil I'l-of. 1-VMm1 l'ruNos ; Jtnnchers for Piiisrt'vs. to TUMALO. 'Oct.- IO.--TI10 farmers Sho ami, Fair to bo held Thursday, of tho Tumnjp Irrigation project and Krlday and Saturday. With tho tho WcstShlo Agricultural Fair Asm county spud grower In full twins COLD WATER NO TERRORS FOR AIRS. CURRY "Molhut may go out to swim? oh my darling daughter. Hani; (your clothes on a "Juuljjr" limb, hut don't ko near tho water," doesn't 1 apply to Mrs. Anna Cuiry. truant officer, school mirso, hinh school inn- etc. i!tH It wan 9. 30 on u Monday morning t . - X .. ui...l ... Ili..i nf TI,U Y.'iii-V lotntO noil' """'" ".v hiiuihI,1i . I tho brldgo spanning the DascmijjiHj win ih nn jiipt)-ivi-i. oi-.iB r!vor. She was enjoying tho Hno ' nnil Itacfts on tho rrogvnm. morning nlr. llor step was brink. l l.ooklnit around Inking In tho scon- . , ,, .cry her oyo full upon a youngster licdmona flops' inio mo nmoiii!iiion lho Hc,r hnn)( Its annua,! roiam 14 TTAPtTRRS Sow WHAT4 REDMOND FAIR WlLIi rpUTCV APR -nnTNR. ' FEATURE KING SPUD tronete J.iii-1. ....A...-- --- this week with soclailtm' slopped Inlo tho HmdllRht with Its ninth annual agricultural nnd livestock fair last Thursday and gave all who attended, and espe cially tho- llwxslock fanciers, tt sur prise. In former years the show has been confined almost exclusively to field and itftrUen crops pantry shelf, school, needle work displays, but this year these features hod to divide honors wUli purebred livestock, and many bellcvo-that livestock took first placo In.thn, hearts of tho exhlhl tors as well as persons who ottend t ed. ; E. J. Fejsted, of the Oregon Agri cultural Follcgo expressed his sur prise at the Advancement that hah . been made by tho Central Oregon farmers, who practically speaking, have taken up tho purchase, breeding nnd raising purebred livestock only In tho last two or thrco years, Prof. Kelstcd not only judged tho livestock from the point of awarding ribbons, hut gaVo tho farmers of tho project - somo useful tfps on tho manner of " feeding- livestock and getting them hit&fiiJjpar condition. Ho touched upon tho Important features In dc termlng tho best livestock .material whoiibettering herds. To speak In glowing terms of tho livestock, which was absolutely tho besUdlsplay that has over been rcon In Central Oregon, does not mean to reflect any discredit upon tho high quality of " tho displays of grains, grasses, vegetables, pantry-shelf de partment or ncedlo craft work. Tho displays of" grains, grasses nnd -vegetables was not aB largo as tho fair has'shown In somo former years, but tho quality Vaa excellent nnd gavo a ' very plain conception as to what the project Is capable of doing. One of the most promising rrops for tho project was shown in alfalfa, much of wli'lch was of old seeding, but tho new alfalfa measured up with tho older roost favqrablo. There was .keen competition In tho llyJStock, "department. Tho grand cTmmjtfoii In tho Shorthorn class weijr.'.to'E A. Griffin. This bull, 10 months old was purchased for Mr. drlffln by tho First National Bank of Bend. . The Bccond prlte In this class went to tho bull owned by lho Tnmalo Bull Asaoclotlou. . . A. J. Hartor won first prize in tho ,(hlfer.,class, two-yoar-old stock. It. ' U, Fllcklnger. second and Olaf A11- f derson third. To Mr. Anderson went first place In the yearling class, In the yearllngi and under A. J. Hnrter took first, F. G. Flowers, second and ..Armstrong & Sou, third. In tho class of grand champion Shorthorn . cows A. J. Hartor was first, and J. V Brown, second. A. J. Harler was first in the Jersey class and Fred X, Wallace second. Grover Gerklng had his Aberdeen Angus beauties well groomed for dis play. He was the' only exhibitor in this class and made a splendid Im pression with his cattle. It was Intended to publish the. awards made lust week e( tho Tumalo Fair, but Secreta'ry C. I. Becker an nounces that the list has not been complied. TIiq prlte winners will be made known at u later date. digging tho 19.19 crop tho bust of this year's crop Is likely to bo on dls Consciousness of duty always up pormost In her mind, Mrs. Curry bent hur stops In, tho direction of tho Innocent joungstor. As luck would hau It. this enterprising gen; Ins "of the fourth grade 11, proved to . .. . ... .. . ,. ,- ...... . . , ..,.1 . piny, aiuioukii "u er '"' -;ba u t of n water dot. Just as short of previous years tho quality Is hu Hm(o ft (Uvo fr thy nnd said to bo excellent. . ,)0 wade- n lo ulskmiC!(i P.U1K ou; Tho tontnllvo program includes' 0 wr. You can't get mo." Friday street sports and paraded Well, of course, Mj-s. Curry Imd to Saturday awarding ofjirlics and one- ,0 or Ulty q n,0 1() WBcr ,, lion of prlio winning potatoes, unUiwnlll . K,niull.,.., .hMi-mhi, v. 1 I- ?,''' . s1"' strM)t sports and races. bo known as Bend, Tumn ters Day. Friday will ,howw, . of' wRjp,,,rV.'.per lo, nnd Sis- vutor blU UMuonjftVedl Mis, Curry called: ''You betW not, try to swim r -1 . . . . , .... ... ,.- .,. ... -:-."". - ( iv !-.t.-i- rrinmriiy a puuuo suuw iiiu- o-l(, , , .... ,i t ..' 11 .In rlirht hlblts will Include7 grains, Brasses f( . - ;.'. 1 - fruits vegetables, art aid fancy; s'Th!s litil tTorHi haU ItttToct on worKj. wowers Jinn iivciock. v whllo prizes Jinvo becu offered wnriu , ,, ,.. ,,. 1,,,-tt.w,.i'fin ... .i ..i. .,uw, ...... ,, ."-- . VV " - "' for every entry. lowed himself to Wjlfl ud out of tho Y011 ran buy lltt-alork throusUTho Bulletin rlnvslflil nils. ! irnlnr nnil Iilll,lij1 liHpLln itr.linnt 'Moral: If you want? to play tru ant hoop away from tho river. IT 11. Xfartur, i-y fit." , 4 (lRBRNPA !Ntmtmiiiimiiimm!.iimmi.mimtiiwtiiu OFFICIALS FIND SPARKLING WINE ,1 12 QuaitN of ItuiKiiiicly Aid In Con 1 lotion of 1m Ontmlo r f, . Jlotorlst. ' 'A, 'hlHkbRnaybo Soiimejledfand Vf ovoi" la'steiUat Intervals, .and, lipnto 1 '.Ainqdetboar- chiefly - foam way bo i ITrocured, but tho ease of- sparkling Burgundy tal:-n by Sheriff !. IJ, lloberts and Police Chief 'CT A. W. 'ixon in their lust uuti-llquor ox- w iiodltlon, Is a novelty Jn tho way, of . toxicants. Tho owner, W. JII, Per- ' kins, of La Orande, who wjtiiound '4, ftvemllesJto tho northeuat of Bond iyjH'lf.ttBdrJils car and makii)g need- JiiWwUrii to tho machine, pleaded jffitBlity. and puljl ?100 In Jiidgo Sliwites rouit for haying iltqtior In his jrSBsIoii. He had started Out with 30 quarts Tftitho Hparkllug wine, but all but 12 rjtttlefl had beou brpl.on duifuK tho Trl'p, he toW tho courli Ho frankly ffdmltted hrjiigliiK tljb liquor oyer lho llnei from CallforAla. H. II. MUNKU IN QLQHES for lier I bby is'onc of the big problems of every moth er. Clothes of high qimlity will lcssciljthese troubles and also lessen the cost of clothing the boy. - Ha r t Schaffne r & Marx Clothes for Boys Will Stand Hard Wear. Boys don't need to worty; wo ban clothes now for I hem that will Maud tho strain ,of a, football game; t ,Bnt lM b))nl hJjr for C,010HJ foollm ,, , ,,,. We've never. oL found a boy who stopped n footb'iill game 'to sce'if lie'd lost any buttons or torn- a hole in ti.8 suit; 'But we do-know a number of boys who have stopped on the way and wondered what -Mother was going to say when they reached ' home. ' l r m - y mjz .We are glad to say tlto we can bring you saving on our School Boys' Shoes. They WILL WEAR and we "know it. All prices. But if on the way home from schooPyouSh't resist a serimmagcTor two these clothes will stand it. Hart Schaffne? & Marx made them; and made them right; young-man stylo- all-wool fabrics; they'll last a long time. " Good 'Cap Values iphese are made just like ", "he stylish caps for young men; all the style features; many fabrics and patterns; special at x ,;!", 75c to $2.00 ., .. Blouses for Boys ..iou can't find any better anywhere; in all colors and p jjatterns; attractive values A '4 i in all sizes at" ' l 'u' 85c to $1.25 M P CASHMAN BEND'S CLOTHIER k I TIIK PAC.V.V OOIV AT TIIK tiltAMjmiK.Vi'KK IT miiviih- i vii rrifivn I .i.i'.i.'.i. ,..., v -... , ..-:;nn::tKS2Si::aHr4t:tnti::iam:ittiHu.iuiJUiuiiaiuiiuuinHmiiuiuiiiatmiui"i "" .uuuu '. ;u :iut.at;miunmuij wL. lBjitV j? mh DghtefeU,MF, At the I.llM-rty Turhday and yiVdneMliiy. AT THE' MOVIES AAA, AT THE GRAND. riunday Ml A 1 llancu and uttractloiiH. On Sunday , matluoo Sunday erenlng mid Monday ut tho Mhorty, William S. Hart comes In "Wagon Tracks," a picture story full of real wostern .sentiment and showing Hart In a different character. Tho wagon tracks take tho hero Into strange scenes of wast oru llfu showing tho bigness of his character. Tho Grand Theater will featuro II, II. Warner Monday and Tuesday lu "Tho Pagan Ood," a ' story wlth an Oriental setting deal ing with Hie life of a diplomat In Mongolian revolution, Tho hero Is loved by n revolutionary slroti. . Tho play Is exceedingly good. 1 I,lla Leo, always known for er pop and Klllott Dexter will bo seen In "Tho Daughter of tho Wolf," horo I Miss I,ee has fallen among a ba'pd of I human wolves iftilll Into her life camo n man different sort. The sfpry, (Ike all others carrying M In Leo In tbo leading role Is full of action. k T,hi well kupwn book f Itoxjwl covering nil olaasea of agrlctn- (Hiicn..iitf ,urao(i7 wiij m winwi lnr, ,ie aiock. poultry, and domes. .y 1111117... flit llln flrrihit rpiiAMl.tn Mf Ji.UJi1. TI,rsd..y or next w,ok. This Is n'lc "'' Fl" wlth-,ssranco .storvtrif ihn N'nrih co.inirv In u-iiWi . ""1 'he entry ulll ben long 0110. right In pitted iigalnst might und., r,,e " "Wo lio fair wins. Marguerite Clark Is to bo scon i ''f! ,m,1 ,mm 'Ko:'", 'll l'rY at (ho Liberty Theater TlmrmlBy 1"'011 ,,,,,,K "VS1" ,or norln nnil ffoii. only In "Htlll Waters." 11 great story "rul ,,'"-"'fUlit, tliut will remove of circus llfo. It was tho greatest 1 1',?' l'oIMUiy .of (hero being any circus story when It was written nndr"" '""""" y " " "iienuance. romaliis so today. ? b"Hl ty1' l"lllo " find iii iiiBiini mir iiisiriniidoii or Uif. awards and thu liharal cash prizes will make It worth whllo for tho ox hlbltor lo enter In nil classes for ,wh(rh ho hus entries available. Dances will he held In lho gymnas lum Friday mid Hulurdii) ovonlngs, A movoinent Is 011 foot (11 make this itnntiaf event tho Deschutes Comity Fair after this year. POTATO FAIR WILL BEGIN ON THURSDAY a-.i RKDMONI), Oc. 15. All arrange meuts havo been completed for tho potato show with 'prospects or ono of (ho most successful events of lho kind over held thoro, The formal ppenlng will be tomorrow morning, the fair lasting through tho October 1 8th. Liberal prizes bavo been provld- Kour chairs Ut. your MrVlco at the Metropolitan, No witllBi-Adr. . I'ut It In Tho Bulletin. VILMAM S. HART 7iVa0on Tracks' AACTCDAf7ll-i- At the Lllx-ily Kunilay mid .Monday. U. S. Truck in Last Lap of Farm to Consumer Tuesday and Wednesday Elliott DcxterLUlu Lee in "Tho Daughter of tho Wolf" MutliHH?, levelling nnil.. Monday a Bill Hail In "Wagon Trucks" " , ! TliurMlay only Marguerite Cjark In "Still Waters" Elmo Lliicolnlln "Elmo, the MiVh'ty" I'rIUttyiHi Hat uidny Hale Hamilton In "Full Of Bop" j $ J J 5 J A A Now then, there will bo something doing Reveille Week at the movies, youcan bet yourllftf, A program ha( b(ioH selected UiHtlwill'nlea8c'circry body, AT THE LIBERTY. Sunday only Blllle Ithodes In "Tho Lovo Call" Monday noil Tnchdiij' II. K Warner lu "TWWb'an Ood" Wednesday and TliurMlay Bex Beach lu "Tho Brand" I-'ilday and Hut diday Viola Djina In "j'l'easo ,Gct AIarriwV A ', ' A A A V At tho Onuid on Sunday comes Bllllo Bhodes in "THi.t.oyS' Cull" or the Mory of thoJlttinSrtht) loves the mountain unci mountain people better than thv&tjju brll-j Congressman M Clyde Kelly of Pennsylvania believes In carry lot Ibe farmers' motor truck Idea one more step and has prepaitfd a bill lo further the use of momr trucks ntho poMoflko departr moot for"dlroct dlstril4Ut(qn.1 of fsrm products to the cJty;c,oi' sumers by parcel post. This lit M" ' 9 - i?i ity n v vBPMnraininHHPiiiiH " .1: mt-L ujt t t a- r ' i I, i .. : -, ' . mrm ' mm. iPViHkSftHHHFMflH the ' biggest, trilik 'hlil"!! a IKiiV'faWWBA.'V; ' . v-ih the' biggest, trilfik ivaHiiing on, u, c , routo, enrry- Ing 1 26.000 pounds nor mouth and clearing HJ,flOn for th pOHiolhre Ihsl year It was Key who (hit through (lie bill for tM Of surilllls armv Mini I bv linril HlMwt , Kylly I ihuWu "standing by I " , . , i tx I J . t f H fc i'Vt.-v. " V ;-1 - lfSSWM ifc-WHW f v 'jurat l&4iti&tdm&!!rxe&&B'nj&rr-