The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 7

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whllo Imni.
Alfrod t), CVIdKO, of (ho Orojson
Journal, In In Ilond thin wook cover
IriK foalufo work In connection with
tho labor convention, for tho Port
Inild pupoi'. '' ",
The Home of Kuppenhcinter Clothed. h
i'f- '
tVt V-
y 4. i
' tr
$Mr. and .Mrs. ('. Iluiiham worn In
' Illtnd hint night from Uolujrtrt.
. 'JOHciir Harding wum In todny from
(In) Mil ill Lake road ciuup to obtain
.' J- 0. Mollrooiu mid Jorry O'Con
t jiull ii ro Hllyor Lnkit vlnltoia Id
lli'iiil todny.
- Dennis I). Hunt of HlHtnrH spout
'J liiHt nlHlit In Huiiil, mill Ih ruuiuln
jiiu over loiliiy. t
llobnrt I). Mooro of Tho Hlmvlln
Jllxon Company Ih ruportod to bo
Murloimly III with pneumonia.
' W. Yiuicny mid It. I. Jordan,
both of 1'rlinivfllii, worn In Hum!
Jrjst night to attend tliu boxing
0. C. Dill, former rcpri'itontiitlvo
'from Washington, In eongiuxH, ar
rived In Ilond tlilM morning to uttuiid
(ho HtlltO luboi' COIIVDIltldll.
, . J. Illoch, who titiH boon vlnltlnn
"tnl tliti liomi! of Mr mill Mrs, Clur-
't iinro Mnnnholmor for tho tit kt four
mouths, left this morning for hid
lioimi In uS'ow Orleans.
Tim Women's Foreign MlNHlmmry
ocln(' will nmt nt Hid homo of
'Mis. J. W. McDonald on Thursday
fit 2:30. .Mm. A. J. Krlckson will
net iih program lender, and a myall-
tery box will bo conducted by Mia
' Alice Hpnuldlng. All iiit'inborH and
friends tiro Invited.
O. I. Iloff, Mate treasurer, ar
rived In Ilond luitt night mid wus
scheduled a h oiki of tho speakers
at tho state labor convention to
Hoforo leaving thin bocUoii,Ii
in a It t, it tour of Inspection of
. artists
aiuv tiTHirHBrr
This Test Reveals a
Phonograph's Tone
Ask to have piano records played -tho most
difficult test of sound reproduction. The Bruns
wick has proved its merits under this ultimate
trial, for it reproduces piano tones faithfully.
On the'Brun8vick. piano records retain their
original quality. They cannot be confused with
the harp or zither. This is due to the Brunsvick'
Method of Reproduction. .J
Before you buy, or even if you already have
a phonograph, come in and hear the Brunswick.
Put it to any tone test you wish. Let us nlay the
most difllcuie records for you. You will be de
lighted with the way the Brunswick plays
them all.
The Ultona All-Record Reproducer and the
all-wood Tone Amplifier are oxclusivo Bruns
wick features. And they aro integral parts of
the instrument not attachments in any sense.
. Jfr,P furniture Ifpus? of Superior Quality
' ' Homp of
Majestic a"nd Universal Ranges
tho TiinWo Irrigation project,
Aim, 'JrUHlo Jarvln, head of tho
Hobokans of Oregon Ih expected berg
this evening fioin Klamath Kails, A
special mooting of tho ordor will bo
hold this evening In Mathers linll
at 7:3(1 at which Mrs. Jarvln will hi
H. II. Hmlth, of . Lukovlow,
spending tho day In llnnd.
At It. Ilowmaii, county treasurer
of Crook county, spent yesterday
aftnrnoon In Hend,
IMwIn Dodd, of Madras, arrlvod
In Ilond hint, and In remaining
over today.
Mlkn Aiiglnnd arrived In tho city
hint nl'clit from DuvIm Lake, and Ih
remaining for a fow days.
Douglas JohiiMOit loft this morn
ing for I'lngle KiiIIm where a tlmbor
II ro wan reported to tho forum ser
vice. Ooorgo (Itnnlny nnd Howard Charl
ton loft yesterday for Portland after
spending tho week-end with friends
In Mend.
Htato Treasurer O I Iloff will bo
In from Knlom thin evening to attend
tho convention of tho Htato Federa
tion of labor. '
J. 11. Itoborts. A. It. Tlfft, nnd L. H.
Huberts, all of Itmltnond, woro in
Ilond hint night to' tako (ho Itoynl
Arch degree In Masonry In tho Ilond
Max Cunning nnd Denton 0. ltur-
dlck, both of Itcdnioud, woro visitors
In tint city yesterday afternoon,
tinnKctlng hoiiio local business
. 'Plays
all makes
at their
I). K, Vor(tn,vI'owflll Ilutlo whoop
man, wpent InnL nlHlit In Ilond.
Mr, and Mr, Itoy OlbbH find noil
Dowcy a ro vhIUik with rolallvcn In
tho city,
.Mr, and Mm. C, II, tialnoH, from
tho Willnmntto valley, aro vliiltlni:
In thu homo of Mr, and Mm. K. I..
C. M Hyunrnon, editor of tho
Oroi;on Labor 1'romi, In In tho city
attending tho utato convention of
tho fcdorallon of labor.
Mm, C, A, Warnor hn ruturmid
to Ilond from Chatflold, Minn.,
wliero nho huu boon vlsltlm? her
pntentn for tho pant month.
ItoborL Cotnor, formerly of Henri,
In In tho' city thin -week an dolocato
to tho labor convontlon from tho
prlntern' local In La Orando.
Klnior Lnhnhorr, formurly of thin
city, returned to Hand thin inorn
Inr; aflur rccolvlni; bin dlHcharKO
from tho navy. Ho expecU to mnko
bin homo horo.
H. J. Power will lefivo thin oven
Iiir for Portland to lay in ntook for
tho J. C. Ponnoy ntoro and to
meet roprcHcutntlven of tho com
pany from tho east. ' .
Mm. A, W. Cook ban returned to
Mend from a trip to tho mint, and
In accompanied by her father, J. II.
Joffrlon, and Minn Laura Duck, who
are vlnltltiK at tho Cook homo.
Mr. and ,Mm. T. A, McCann nnd
Mr, and Mm. J. II, Molntor motored
to Hnsl Lako yentardiiy by tho now
fonint norvlco rond. They fount!
from nix to tHght Inchon of nnow.
Anions offlcorn of tho Ktnto Fed
eration of Labor who arrived In
Ilond yexterdny aro Otto It. Hurl
wIk, prenldont; H. J. Stack, necro
tnry, and Frank llnnnnn, vlco pronl
dont. All nro from Portland.
II. II. Orady of Madrau npent last
nlKht In tho city.
L. 8, Loj?nn and C. K. Hunn, both
of Prlnovlllo, wuro In tho city last
Donnln 1). Hunt of Slalom upcnt
Innt nlnht In Hend, nnd renialnud
over for n fow hours this morning!
Mrs. JchrIo Jarvln of Portland,
prenldont of tho Hobcknh
of Orenon, will bo In
ItjiMfl mvt
Wednesday to visit tho local lodBO.
VI. N. nrrlvod In Hend
this mornlnx from tho district for-
enter'n office In Portland, and will
upend .eaYinily days.. In this, city on
bimlnesi at headtiuartorn of tho De
schutes national forest.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Wolcott nnd
two children nro visiting nt tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hort flhuoy
In tho course of an auto tout
throunh tho west. Thoy nro from
IlartloBvIllo, Oklahoma, tho former
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Shuoy.
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho ChrlBtlnn
church will hold a special mooting
Wcdnesdny afternoon nt tho homo
of Mrs. II. K. Hurch, 1977 West
Second ntroot. All mombors nnd
ladles of tlio 'ohuVcli uro rcQueuted
to bo present to discuss Important
buslnoan and' plan for tho winter's
C. S. Hudson left ahorUy boftno
noon todny on a two day auto trip,
Matt Uabor, of La Pino, was 0 bust
uos visitor In Dond this mornlin,-.
T. H. Wilson, of Duma, Is In Dond
today lookliiK after business mittorfl.
13, L. Clark, of La Pino, was In
tho city, (or a few minutes this morn-
If Jut!
Villa n
dgo and Mrs. J. A. Enstcn loft
morning for Prlnovlllo to nttnnd
tho fair.
Mr, and Mrs. George Orabnin, of
Fort Iloclc, aro vlnltliiK with frlcudi
In tho city today.
I i Olvlu Thompson of Hampton ar
rived In tho city last nigh, and to
romatuliiK ovor today.
Jay II. Upton, of Prlnovlllo drove
to Hend yontorday, and was icr- riur-
Iiir tho nftrnoon trnnnactlnc busl-
iiohh at thu courthouso.
Mlas Mary Fryronr, aftor soverul
mouths spout nt hor homo n tho
Sister neighborhood, hns rcsil'iiiod
hor work In tho offlco of tho county
I)r. H. R. a-ny, Dr. W. 0. Mnnnlnff.
Hr. J. O, Vnndovort, Hugh O'Kaun,
W. 0. Jacobson, Rd. Lyons, R. P.
Mahaffoy, Wllnou QoorKO, nnd S. KK
noborts woro anioiiR thoso driving
to Prlnovlllo thlB inornlnfr to cclo?
bnto Rika' Day nt tho fair,
R. H. Sparks, of
last night in Bon-V.
SlBtors, spent
Pi Stewart, of South Junction,
s .Hpwinino aay n Ha,
County CominlBaloRMi'6r-H
,.-. ..
nf 'HailtMAtlil l In TIamiI
wniwiU H ill uouu
toajro. nt-
That's the way
young men express
their opinions of
the new fall suits
here assembled.
We too, think they
are the ubest ever
-made especially
for us by
The House of
Single and double-breasted models. You'll like them you'll
iike everything about them. Some have full belts that can be
t onverted into half belts, or taken off entirely. This is only one
of the new style treatments. The fabrics are unusual. The
1-est from foreign shores and from home brown, grey, bhre
and green tones.
tend n session of tho county court.
jnnopcomcnts nro belnt; Issued
for tho wcddlnB of Glenn E. Me-
Kolvy nnd Miss KIsa N. Orison, bothj
oil inn city.
--Thojwonion of Mooseheart Legion
will glvo a, banquet tonight In houor
of tho now members. All Moose aro
invltedro uttendr
E. L. Clark, of 1a Pino, arrived
In Hend yesterday evening on a busi
ness trip, and is remaining in tho
city thlR morning.
W. X. Dowser, of BomldJI. Minn.,
Ih in tlio city on n business trip. His
brother, huB been ranching in tho
TUm'nItoctlon for a number of
Sidney Ice. who has been spending
tho summer logging on tho Noholem
river, returned to Hend last nght,
and will spend tho winter trapping
01 OMSK.
Department of tho Interior, United
Stntos Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles,
Oregon, October 3rd, 1919.
Notice is hereby stven thnt Ann
Mackintosh of Ilond, Oregon, who
on tho -6WI or jsovoniDor, iu,
mndo homestead entry ro. uibbio,
and who on Kobrunry Cth, 1918,
made additional homestoail entry
No. 019C33, for NW-4 SRW. NH
SW'J.'Soo. 29, NKU SKU section
30, Township 18 South Hango 13
East Willamette meridian, has filed
notlco of intention to mnko final
throe-yonr proof to establish clnlm
to tho land abovo described bofore
II. C Rills, U. S. commissioner, tit
Ilond, Oregon, on tho 17th dny of
Novembor, 1919.
Claimant numes ns wltnossos:
Arch lb McDonald, of Hend, Ore
nihuloau. of Hend,
gon. .- . .
Mildred Illlaaeau, oi nomi, um-
go"- . .
Donald A. McArthur, of Dond,
Oregon. ,
Itoso Mackintosh, of Bend, Oro,-
' Itoglstor.
Call for' Central Oregon Irrigation
District Warrants.
Notlco la horoby glvon that regis
tored wurrnntB Nos. 1 to 38, Indus
Ivp, drawn on thQ Central Oregon
Irrigation District nro horary called
for puyiaont on October 10 nnd aro
payable ,-. at' the, county treasurons
offlco, Iopd, Oregon.
,4 Interest on thoao warrants, stops
h and after Octooor 10th. 1918,
320 CLYDR M.-MoKAY.nj
Treasurer Deschutes Counts
' Jfr?A
MImI i i
) mwi s i r
Superb values at $45.
Others at $35, $10, $50, $55.
What are you going
with the Spare Bed
Doesn't the living room need papering or tiutir
Isn't the bathroom or kitchen in need of eiiptftt
ing? And do the floors need refinishing? The.
are tilings every housewife should be think ihgri
now before the weather is unfavorable or 11
great holiday rush is on. C,
When You Want Any of These Things ft one
Let Goggans Do It
He Knows How and Does It Better
Interior Finishing a Specialty
Being in Touch with the Market for High Rmd
Rugs, We Are Able to Supply Your l
Axminstcr Rugs T.ipestry Rugs" Grass Rurs
Matting Rugs
Axminster Rugs $35.00 to .T57.0
Rag Rugs, large, 9x12 : 23.0
Tapestry Rugs, 7.6x9, 9xl2l ; $23,(K)sP3.6
Grass RAigs,9xl2 , , pfa
Matting Rugs, 9x12 .- ifi.o
"... Use Your1
ubert s vf urniture' fetor'
hM iff i:U 0 c ld:fc "tu- J
to do
Cretiirat?;" " aZ
.,.,. , a nl nmhtiv $ifh
"T'SWWSgymWTfrpr v
-4fcl... -.fc.- WK...rf "
' -V.. taM.n