The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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3 "8 '
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jk -f
t The Wdrlcl at a Glance, -
Although deprived nt the leader
ship ot President Wilson, tho mivrt
who conceived It. tho . rouud tabic
Industrial conference. optimistically
expected to solve tho high cost of
living problem nntl tho difficulties
of labor and cnpllril at ono nntl tho
tut mo tlnio convened Monday, whilo
tho Bteol strike, the greatest walk
out stuged In tho United Sltttos for
years, contlnuos with u slight ap
parent advantage on tho side of the
employers. Other Inbor troubles
nro reported In various parts of thy
country, ono of "10 most disastrous
Jrom tho Btnndpoint of tho number
of human lives sacrificed being tho
carmen's strilto in Oakland, Cali
fornia. No real work was ejepected
to bo accomplished by the round
table until today.
"Kor the latter .part of lust week
President Wilson, -who has been 111
vor since returning irora his stren
uous stumping tour of tho nation,
was In grave dangor, -but Ihls weok
lie rallied, and Is now well on the
way to recovery, although still
confined to his bed. A decision on
tho pcaco treaty and tho league ot
nations covenant will be delayed to
u considerable extent becauso of his
absence .from his official duties.
While this delay has bec.n caused
n nation which has been among tho
most steadfast agreement to tho
treaty has finally ratified not only
tho German peace pact, but tho
Austrian 'agreement as well. This
was tho step taken y Itnly, by
royal decree.
A now European International
complication Is that represented in
tho action ot, Gorman Field i Mar
shal von dor Colli, who hiw led his
troops Into Husala for tho avowed
purpose of ,n$asUng In stemming
tho attack of tho lUolshovlst armies.
Whether this is tho actual purpose.
or whether tho Oormnn genoml's
forces "constitute another army of
occupation, wlUi annexation of ter
ritory for Germany as the object
In VIqWj Is not clearly defined.
Pence reigned In tho llrltish Isles
Monday when strikers whose walk
out had crippled tho entire govern
ment railway system returned to
work. Important concessions were
made by both'wldes In 'tho contro
versy, and In consequence the vic
tory Is claimed by both.
In tho American congress liquor
is again tho Issue, and n conference
report on the .prohibition enforce
ment 'bill' was ordered yesterday.
As the bill now stands, the maxi
mum amount ot alcohol which may
bo contained by a beverage Is small
Indeed, being only one-halt of 1
per cent.
Ono ot tho most hotly contested
fights In- the history of baseball Is
being staged In tho world scries,
for with tho score of games four
to one for tho Cincinnati Nationals,
tho Chicago Americans broko Into
n winning Mrcak until yesterday
only one more victory was needed
by the White Sox to tic with the
I Fifteen Years Ago
(Prom tho columns of Tho Bulletin
ot OcttmeV 7, 1U0 1.)
The government has ordered n
dally mall service- between Hend
mid Hltvor i.iiko, to go into oneoi
about the mlddln of this month.
A movement Is on foot for n
direct stage Hue bulweon HomF and
Hums. It will pass, by way of
Crook. Price anil Fife,
A force ot men is blasting out a
new Intake at the head of tho Pilot
llutto Hume, and lulu bur from tho
Steldl mill Is being delivered In
large quantities. '
Miss Held will attend the annual
teachers' Institute , to ho held In
Prlnevllle ju'xl wee, .being on tho
program for u paper on the "Tho
Public Schools of Now llpniswlck."
Postmaster and vMrs. Stunts of j
Deschutes, and their two sons, re
turned last Sunday from a visit at
Nowport, Independence and Portland.
Cluilfltd atlwrtUinx ctiarg tr !"" SO
cent (or SO vrurda or !u. One ctnt rr
word for all ovrr SO All cltutficd aJvtrtlalnf
tliktlr (uh In driw-
FOR SALE fi registered CoUwold
rams oho and two years old. F. II.
Daughmnn, 'Redmond. Ore.
FOR SALE. Four sucking calveH
and: fresh" milch cows. Geo. nates;
telephone lied C21. 36-3 ltfc
FOR VALE Alfalfa hay, 450 tons
at $20 a ton. Some pasture will
go with it at this prlco. Address.
J. n. Miner, Ilend, Ore. 7C-3ltfc
FOK SALE Six tons of rye. cheap
for quick snlu. Inquire J. O.
Whltnko-, Delewnre Avenue.
82-3 In,
KOH SALt: 3 nigh grade Jorsoy
cows, all milking. "May bo seen
nt old Christian Nelson ranch.'
northwest of Tumnlo. AlldVessl
P. O. Box 505, uend. so
FOR SALE One water wheel, one
double-action force pump, also one-)
pump Jack. Williamson's Second
Hand Store. 3.21-22p
FOR SALE Forty acres, well Im-j
proved, mostly all 'In alfalfa,'
dose to. Bend. Write Box 3G8,'
, Bend. Ore. A 12-32-4p
FOR SALE Bar and back bar with
large mirrors, In lino condition.
suitable for soft drink parlor,
cafe. etc. Sell ut sacrifice price.
Inquire C. H. Irvlh, Redmond.
Large Oval
Roasters $4.98
, Round Roastei's....($i.89
, Percolators, 8-cup..$1.59
Tea Kettles $2.98
6-cit. Covered -
Kettles .'.., :.$i.S0
2-qt. Rice BoiIersy$SL25
I 1-qtv Sauce Pan.iS...50c
I Special This Week
i 6 Water Glasses :35c
!faiI stoI
0..t-Un.. 01,1
I OillllUI uiug.
The Store that Serves
as Weil as
I Shoes for Work
N :
22:1:3:3 tnusistxnKnssasra&xnssnsnunsK&f
Shoes for
You have had it hammered into you that the price of
shoes will almost be prohibitive. Do not be alarmed
as everybody knows we are your friends. Selling for
cash and buying for 197 stores enables us to under
sell the one man merchant. Our desire to give you
honest prices, has been proven by the continual in
crease in our shoe business. Be one of those to take
advantage of our prices.
Men's Elk Hide Shoes
- - $2.98 - $3.25
Men's Heavy Elk and Chrome Tan $4.98 to $7.90
Men's 12 to 15 Inch High Tops $8.90 to $ 1 1.90
Felders Loggers Plain and
Caulked (Hand Made) - $ 1 2.50 to $ 1 3.50
Men's Dress Shoes, Blucher in
Kid and Fine Calfskin
$3.98 to $9.90
Men's English Shoes, Black & Tan $4.98 to $ 1 1 .90
Better Yalues
for Sawi ,
Money '
L C. Penney Co., Inc.
Same Values
'for less
Our ambition is, first of all, to please every visitor to our
store, whether we make a sale or riot. Our efforts are
always to give satisfaction and real service, and not sim
ply to sell our goods. That this ambition of ours has had
the result of bringing us more customers and more sales
merely proves that our efforts are in the right direction.
This storeys built on the firm foundation of "Your Sat
isfaction." We devote ourselves to giving you full value
in JStyle, Fit and Service in the Clothes you buy here.
The Largest and Best Varieties of Men's
and Boys' Clothing, Shoes and Fall Wear
ables of all kinds are here for your in
spection and comparison.
WANTKO -to buv. oiitKo t'-nTT.
Sco Hems & Gilrlson, Bistort). Oro.
WANTED--Wo will call nnywliuru,
tiny iiluco, nny lime, to look nt
your unoil furnlturo. Let UH know
what you huvo. Wo pay conn. Tlio
Standard Kurnlturo Co. U7-IDtfc
WANTED Team. wnKon ami liar-
nuns, 1100 to 100 lb. liorsoH. '
Kontlo, woll broki'.'ftouiid and not
ovor 7 ''r. I'rTbii' niUMt lin ;
rlRht. A. T. ltennol, Tumnlo,
Oro. C-32p
AVANTKD Location- by two trnp
purs. .Anyono liotlmrrd with
coyotou-nr other dcittructlvo unl
mnU can hnvo rolloC freo by writ-
liiK F. K. Shaw, 1C04 8th Avo.,
Boattlv, 'Wimll. 983Zp
STIIAYEDThrco (.1) head two-
year-old (iteern, branded 1X1- on
, left hip, ttqunro undor bit In loft
our; ono (1) two-ytmr-old li ul fur,
branded on left Hhouldor, Kii'nu
Any Information up-
ear mark
mom), Ore.
! few homos.
Albert Julian,, Jtfd-
Alfalfu nnxturu for
I'hono Iturul 1128.1
. W
Notice In hereby Riven that tho
City uf Ilend Iiuh taken up tho fo
lowing doNcrlbcd llvuMtock, to-wlt;
Ono Mack gelding, branded OH con
nected loft hind quarter, halter on;
one black mare with brown filly
colt, brands, if any, undecipherable;
one buy mure, wlro cut right hind
foot, brandK, If any, undecipherable,
Tho cokI of redeeming Maid lve
Mtock will 'be f 1.00 per day and cost
of advertlolng. In canu uf failure
ui redeem on part of owner, mild
llvuHtock will bu void uh provided
by tho charter of the City of 'Jtond
on tho Utli day of October at 3
Pr m.
f r it . i
II. II. KIiik. Well ICnown Cotifrarto)1,
(.etH Kid of Old Trouble
Tnklriu: Tanlac.
"I havi) L'lilnml -t Weill v.nli'hl
jjiouihIh nliice I coni'menceil taking
iiiiiiiiv, uiiu iiiii it wish uuu nearly
ua I ovor wuh in my llfo," Hit Id
j II. H, King, u wall-known carpenter
Lmid fontutctor who Hvoh at 5027
SiKBfjth Avo, SotithoaHt, l'orlliind, th
oiitor uiiy,
"I ivuit certulnlv Jn ))m Hlinpu
when I cOJn)npnci( taklijif Tunlac,"
colitlliili'd-Ali'i KhiK.' ''for I had liiinn
about tbreo yean. I had nut been
able to find n medicine or treatment
that would give out any relief, and
JUitt kept on Kelt Inn worSth until I
wan Hlmply nil In and had to give
up my work altogether. I had, no
nppelljo to xpeak of, and what little
I did eat would itour and I would
bo all bloated up with run for
houm ut u time ' "red
from Hhortneit of ieath. hiuI at
tlmi'H I would liccrw to dlry "ut
I could, hardly nunl nt iny fitft.
Then rltounititlnm li'f m I" my
right leg and hip, and thu p.ilnK I
bad from thl would nlnwm dr've
mo wild, .''ut Union. 1 mi'.iIoiii got n
good night' Hiee'i !! nrcnunt ot
the pulii in my leg mid hip,
"On" day a friend ot mlno told
me about lliltt Tanlac, and udvlited
mo to give It n trial, and I am
mlghly glad I took bin advice, for
It certainly did the work for mv,
nnd I 'iini a well, hearty man again.1
1 huvo no lgn of rheumatlMin now,
nnd inntead ot lying inuilie and mif
ferlng at night 1 Nluep right
through until time to get up In
the morning. I never had a better
appetite, and eat three hearty meal J
every day and never under a par
tlnlo utlerwardK. I am baok on tho
Job again, nndJtuvor Ioho any time I
from my workf Tnnlac Jut can't
be beat, and 1 never fall to booiit
It .everywhere I gi."
Tanlac l Mold In lleud by Owl
Drug Co., In fllMont by Geo, F, '
Attken, and In Hend by llorton
Drug Co. Adv.
Whenever you put down good, hard-earned
money for footwear, you want footwear that
justifies the payment of present high prices. You
wont complain about prices jf you get the wear.
In the selection of 'a line that meets this re
quirement, we have chosen as our leader
if ' ' ' -
for dress
$10 to $15
leather loggers, high tops, 12-inch pacs. of the
best workmanship and materials
' "' " $14.75
Best for yinter and wet weather. Tnisliho is
-heavy and the best we have.
for man and Ijpy x ' ,
Boys' Work Shoes : :,.$3.75 to $5.00' '"
Men's Work Shoes, low tops $6.50 to $8.50 '
Meii's 10-inch High Tops $15
!...- r .i ii-.i .. ''i t"
society uraiiu uioincs ma w
' - Clothes for Every Man J f"
toven & Chinlund
Wearables for Man and
MjiuJTiiiittjj; jwltk- MNmliaBli) for