The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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1'AOE 11
The Country
you think Ims (jonc
price mad, lmt iL litisn't
Huyiiitf conditions are
not nearly so bad ,as
mihl Ik; llioiiKlit. If
will inquire, ask fiic8
lions and think. ' He
can obtain very Itfh'
prices, and with it hu
will get what he.
Wants Service
Service is not all. lie
must have
Best Prices
and when he pays the
price he wants
Highest Quality
IJ'e gets it at
Ooldlen Who Took Part In the Civil
Wat Proud of the Younotcrs
of Today.
Ilocoiilly one of t f nt current tnnirn
xIiiok contained a plctujo cillod, "IIU
I'ltice t'mipcd." It nlumed the usual
village crowd of youngsters listening
to n ri'tiirni'il soldier toll Morles of his
life "incr thi'ri'." Hitting nt out aide
of tin plclure, rntlicly descried by
( iiry one. h'iin 11 Civil unr veteran.
1 1 In face hiin full of nornm over his
dceiilnn li.v his usual ninllonco.
"Wit wonder d whiithur Hint win
really tin' way people wuiu iIuIiik for
gelling iIir olil fcililli'rtilwi whether
llitt niil soldiers wore feeling it HiIm
nlil iiinii In tlin pletilrw warned to feel."
kdIiI mi Indians, man. "Ho tre took Hit
picture ami alioitf It to nn ftl'L tnnti
who In ii very fuinlllHr ntwo in r
aliwia -nn nrroinii of hi fadM may
uniform, lit looked m the nktuit and
tlii-n he chuckled:
" 'Why. IrftM yonr umjl. I don't j
n-t'i mm way. uw nun a, i want m
listen in ni mytorif,' hi ronllnu-il. 'I
VfUUi to klHlW how Umj- fUllt nt
Yprrs nntl tev If It wn Ilka w aid nt
AiKtoiam. ,m thru, ton,' ua iiiUmI
wor. Hk Jutt Ih'ii way. I've hern i
honored far imirt than 60 ytnrt now,
nut) ilnrliiK llmt time ant xwt Just a
little liunicry for n chance to do a Mill
hnnnrlu' liliiixflf. Bo now It'n toy
ciiMtifo to honor th young fellers. I'm
Kind the tnliliM are turned for u Utile
while, and tut most of the other oltl
comrade mi', loo,' H
nl n co lint llilllsh occupied tin) (crrllory
mi nrchcnloglcnl expedition, guided hy
the photographs, him begun to explore
the, (leml city,
Conquered Desert Qand,
Tlio Hrlllsli mloptcil n giant "snow
Minn" tn compier the sands of Hie
Hgypllnn desert, according to MnJ.
John lliiln of the Ilrlllsh army who
served In the near Hunt. The sihemo.
which was IiiikciI on the same theory
Hint entitled the Inilhin to mlopt the
snowslioe, was dlscnuicil while the
iirmy wim marching to I'nlentlnn. 'I lie
line hiiiiiIk liiipctlml hotli the Infmiiry
mill howiM, ho Unit n ilny'n imirih
never retmlleil In much more tliiiu n
two or three mile mlvimce.
"I'liiHlly oiiih InwnlKi' ceiiliiH tried
liiyliifi riithur coiiimeilieil chicken
wire on Hie NMrnl," wild Mnjor llntri.
'The Tommies Mere tliuo Klven im.imh'
thin- ttit Uhln'i yMil w rmiillly a the
raft wiuilii, mill tlw hortva not n Ix'tirr
ftititlnK. Immeilinteljf fiHiml Hint
murh vrwilor prttjrfw wd hmu, til
nir ailvnuetHi iraon mtiounted to u:f
and ten mlM iloy."
Checks Mine rirei.
4 Tn i heel; the fpriurt of IIiiiiich In
mine exploxlniiH nn 1111101111110 ileUce
him heeii luM'iitiil tlint' hcnttcrx rock
iIunI Into tin. nihldnu air Hint preccilcn
lime nntliliit )iii want qulikly
lliilletin ilii-oirieil 111U will ki'I It.
PhotoQraph TnHen by Airman Over
Mesopotamia rteveal Site of Once
Vat Metropolli.
I. lent. Col. .1, A. Itenruley xlvea In
Gi'oeruphlciil Jotirtinl (London) nn In
terqiitlni; etnniplo of hotv iliotnruphy
from 1111 nlrklilp cnu extern! our Knowl
edge. When mnklui; nil nerlnl recon
iiiilfmiiuct' In McHopotiiuiln over terri
tory occupied hy the Turku he took n
Rcrlei of plmioernphi nenr Kiitunrrn
which hliown distinctly tho ruin of nu
nncleiit city cxtendlnc SO tnllcH nlonp
the Tlcrhi rlrer find two mile nml 11
half wide, lnrae iiiiiiikIi to xhelter
enxlly l.KXI.(KXi lnluilltiiiiti.
Thl rlly would neer hnve heeti
noticed 011 en rlh. Mnce It In not miirkei)
hy niothlni; hut ioiittrreil hillock, 11 1
though pottery nml uiednl Inn) heen
illcocrnl 011 the Nile. I! lit the photic
Kntplm nhow- olenrly Hn whole plan,
with Km foitlllcutloiiH, rntiiiU for lr
rleiitlon, nml HtreetH.
The full of the nlrplnue wltliln the
enemy line nml the rapture of Hu
pnnyeuuerN did not penult Colonel
1lijr..W in nm-iiue lil ret'nrrhe. hut
Development of Army SiaroJillght.
A ri'ttf of tli work nf tint arroir
timlnwr eorpa In tlta war. flrot In
uh1 hy thi war dumnment. aaya that
im rortm producml m iww form of
wnrchllaht morn (Kiwerfnl limn mi))
(hat hail pmrdeil It In nay army, with
which Hit Second Held iinny hail liccn
rl)Hlly eiilppml, "It welched." tin
riiMirt my. "onielRhili nn mtieh an
liiiiiKi of former denlun, com out) om
thlrd inurli. wan nhout one-fourth
n Innttt In hulk, nml threw- 11 light 10
per cunt ulrotifjor Hihii uny thor port
nhlo projector In exUtenee." Still fur
thrr to perfect tho nenrchllxht, our en
elm-cru were nt work on n remote con
trnl when lio-tllltlc i:eoMtd. Scleiitltlu
Vl'immi for r.illwHy, . ZHiSA.7i.
000 for Hum! renderlnc comhlneu
crvlc nn liiereiiHo of nhout $8,005,
0J0 over hud year.
Temparament and Vatch.
Thnt fMirtlf ulrir klmU of lempcrn'
mint exenlne a hnleful lufliieridi on
riitehc neem to he 11 common expe
rience, "I onre rnrrlrrl four In three
moiilhN," wilti-N a cnrri-Nimnilfiiit. "nnd
nil Mopped A wntehmiiker told mo
thnt they ltiiMcd nn untclmi do whun
the nprliiK of the hiilniicii Retn unit;'
retle(h thunirh why thi'y nliotilr hnvo
done an he 'mild mil any,"
The frtcf v lien mentioned to I'rnf,
Uylviinili 'J'liiMiifHKMi. dlMlnu'iihlixl
oJectrlpllin notlnil that the clock-nlop'
per flileutH konI deal, and ventured
tn siiosl Hint man nwvimnlK tiroh
nhly MPriii'-il n Ntnnll amount nf fifty
tlntml oh'trwiy at hlgli intnUm.
wlilfli Iflhlit ot tltnea umffnctlH the
One Prenehmcn'a Sacrifice,
TTiIrt!' '!, rt.-nd. thnt rpprMenf
jwrt Af-11" wrii rout to a lrrwh
fUrniw -li' lled at KnlnKlH. imr
'ltrmu"1v a rword. I Jo hail M
oldlUroli rol 1MI f hi 22 mhih fnoiit
oil th , fronta. la 1017 I In
wlilew of imc of the won wan klllml
iy m Onnin Niiril at Dunkirk. Tb
fflrmur lilmMf and on of hi lUnmh
Um mt a trnlc end. In Octotier.
1011, Uiyv went u IJIIa tn lnk rt
In eel iraliiuc th liumlrijdlh lilrtllay
of a rWnlle Thy rten mot on tiirtr
return lijr n nminti jialrol and wero
idiot. '
Honey 92.1 Per Cent of Normal,
Tho honey crop of th. United Sitntwi
wn tC-.l per cent of nor-unl on July
1, nccnrdltiK to iho eatlmtitH of the
L'nltnl Hlnlen department of agricul
ture. Iteportn to the bureau of crop
cHtlmntrfl wiirrnnt the cnllmnte thnt
tho jh'Id of aurplus houy per colony
was 20.8 pouiidn nnd that about onc-f
luilf of the iinnunl product per colony
win rcnllr.eil hy July 1, The IiIkIi con
dition nf U2.1 M-r cent of nnrmnl on
July 1 HiIn year compare with C'J.7 In
1013 and .VU'l In 1017.
Electrical Undertakings In Japan.
There nre 715 electrical umlertnk.
lues In Jnpnn, Includlnc nJo power
plant, -12 electric rnlhvnyi. nnd 4H
compnnlea npenitlm; both power plant
and trnmwna. Thin nu lncrenc of
10 compiinleo oer lait jenr. The to
tal nmount of luxeited cnpltnt In thcae
enteriirlfeH Ii about &ftS.000.000. In.
rludlm SH.'t.n00li0d for turner iilintw
Making Mother-of-Pearl.
The Mrret of HiHitlmr Oermim kej
Industry Iibn Iwi dUeovered, the mnn
ufneturi if nrtlflrlHl taother-of.Hurl.
J. W. II, Hew. n fellow- of the llrltluli
Itoyal Hodty of Artx, found the proc
otM, after n.ueli iatleiit experlmeiitlns.
Onctor Ot-w was enirnKetl during the
trliolo er1od of Hi.; wnr In recon
atructlns. Mop by step, (be method of
Arllllchil innthpr-of-r.earl Is used for
mnklui; faii'-. luitrtm. drcs trlinmlnci
nnd many other urtlclox. Ileforc the
war mutt of It came from (Jennany.
Chinatown Hides Jots.
The tninsfonnlni: of Chinatown that
hni been In prngrc for n decade ban
flnally thrut U Amerlcanlzlnc Infill
enccN Into the Cldnce temple In Mott
alreet with the result that the Ji5
nnd leM-r Idol hnve been rclej-nted
to a dusty clooet. Fur yenrc the Jow
wn one of the attraction of China
town nnd eery well-conducted part)
wan led before the Idol thnt occupied
n prominent xidtlon In the council hall
of the temple. New York Times.
Von can buy llwMnrk tltroiiKli Tin
Itullellii clnHnlfliil adt.
Tftey can be of real
Value to every farmer:
Want Ads
Will help you to m your alack.
' Will ittlp you to MfctJl your farm.
Will hlp yon to mnvlUMo a fantt.
Will help yow to toaa mors land.
Will ImIp you to oliUla Ittoaiuik. "
Will MU you 1 ebUHnhig Mlp.
Th CMoalflml AdvarWifenuiilt enl
11pm fn any nraoapar la 6fVo of tha
rflont vRlHbl madia for tho x
dhnH of wodn. Try it for rwtilts.
The Bend Bulletin's Want
Ads are read wherever The
Bulletin is read.
Vuu got quicker action on a small
The cost Is small
Tho rosults uro sure.
1 tn 20 worda per Insorllou, 20 els.
20 or more words per Insertion,
Ono cent per word.
The Bend Bulletin
i' '
f r
Youthful Diplomacy.
Little Itoy and I1I1 cousin were (tit
ting on an una chair In rather clone
quartern, whoa Hoy said: "ilnry,
there would be more room for me on
till;) chulr If one of us gets off." Bos
ton Transcript.
Stature Inherited.
Not only Is stature ns a whole Inher
ited, but also, nnd ern more clearly,
each ficgtncut of stature, mii-li ns neck,
length nf torso, thigh nnd foreleg. And
the Inheritance of the length of these
segments follows the xnnic law as
does the length of stature as a whole.
Columbus Day Celebration
Under Auspices
Knights of Columbus 4
Sunday Evening, October 12, 8 p. m.
ht n n m wj '-
,L i .
f 1,
t liA. li ji
THOS. G. RYAN and DAN KELLAHER, of Portland
Musical Program by Local Talent
Everybody Welcome
Remember October 12 -Sunday -8 p. m. -B. A. A. C.