The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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,A. . d,
Potato Show
Oct. ir-18
RwciHo Wnk
Oct. 20-26
vot XVII, im:hciiuti:h count', oih:gon, 'ruvmihw, ooronwt , nm
No. svi
- t T
,Jy i j ' 1 . XA
Plumb I'lim In i:pliilurit In Pelf.
liutr liy cx.CoiiKtenNinati Pa-
rlllr .Mi-HmxIm In Attaining
OIiJitIm Am CoiuiM-leil.
With the Ural threo days or tho
week taken up wllli prollinlniir'rii
tlio most Important business of (In
twentieth tonventloii of I he Or?J,M t
Kliilit Federation of Labor, Id pi ti
gress hero, wiih scheduled to liu
timiHnctod to duy following tho ir
port of ttiu committee on ichoIu
tloim. Monday morn I up tho ronvnn
lion aitneiiibled hero til Ihv Hippo
drome, but not until Tuesday oven
lug wore llio delegate seated, thin
being finally accomplished nflor a
bit tor flKbt over tlm rlKhl of ship
wrights' local No. 1020, of Portland.
to send rvupr.tiHinlntlvv to the statu
gathering. Tint shipwrights lliuilly
won ihnlr Imiilt). although their
union bad been Hiixpened.
Tlm big convention of organised
labor vni fornwilly opened by M.
fj. Mage, president of tho Bend
y Central Labor Council, whllo Mayor
J. A. Hasten, In n brief addri f
welcome, placed tho city nt the din of tlm vUltlng delegates. Tho
rmpoiuo to tho mnyor wan made by
Otto If. llartwlg, pronldeiit or tin
Htnto federation.
Among thu more Importunt J
ilrcfxe given no fur tliirluic tlto con
volition win ibut by C. 0. bill, fo in
or IT. K. congressman from Washing
ton, who explained tho Plumb plnn
of railroad control, anil urged It
adoption an a menus of lowering tho
conw of IIvIiik mid liitidUiiQ-ie'ror IL irrlrrntlon dlHlrlct orRnnlxn-
KrwitMr Binclenc) into railroad man
iiKouiunt. Keorutiiry-treamirertnuck
t of tho V-'ukhuiKliHi Klato IVderutlon
recorded nu appeal for common
jOimo methmli In nettllni; dlffirouren
between capital and labor, declaring
that NtrlkluK for higher wiikun Ih u
"part or n vlo?u clrclo." '
No leioi tliaii tlirue cltlen are Htrlv
Iiir for tho honor of oiiturlalnlnR th)
H Ore:on federation next )ear, Astor
ia', Pendleton, and l.a Orundo having
put In their Invitation up to date.
Ah an Indication of tho uplrll of
tho delegate In attendance Ih thu
lint of rexolutloiiH Introduced, and
t whlvh nro iik followm To abollHh
thu profit HyHtum, and thu exlxtlnt;
llnanclnl, banking-, and lnterrt bunr
liiK nyntum; To urKo tho teturn or nil
American trnnpn from HumhIii; To
IuvchMkaUi tho matter of a uttitu.'flro
lUHurunco Hnleni; To oudomu tho
Plumb plan of railroad control; To
oppoHo any compuUory military
tialnliiK lawj To favor a union label
plud'go; To make l.a-' '(Irundo the
headquarternJor an, A. K. or U, re-
K preHontatlve; To ondorBo thu forma
tion of a "laud and labor" party; To
eiulowu tho employment lunurancu
bill; To auk that an orgaultop bo
appointed for e.mteni Oregon.
Tuemlny, tle (leleKti(eM Worn
KU'JHtn of tho lliiud Ccmmoicliil club,
maKliiK mi auto totti of tho prl'icl,lt
' UKilcullural dlHtilcta, HtirroundluK
Ilund, and In tho ovoillnlf a IionIiir
Hinokor wan HtiiKed for their beuollt
at tlu Demi Amutuur Athletic club
KymuuHlum. In. tjily. tliu main event
hutwouu Kied Oilburt, of llend, and
Lou MorrlHHoy, or Heat tie, went to a
draw, and Speck "Woodt. llend. won
tt toclinlt-'al lcnockqut, pver It Ih op
ponent, IlnJtlliiK Tfiylor; of Povtlnjul,
In thu firth round, l.o Clair and
"Kid" Taylor, btitlj of Ilond. fouimlit
to a draw. Kollowlui; thu Hmour
tllU VlultOIH V(M'0 RUOHtH at a dtiucu
given' ut thn' Illppodroino.
YuHturday noon olllrlala of tho
federation woro uutortulnod at
luuchoou hv tho (loud Coinmornliil
o)th, imd.lKtlio bauquot wjiloli
Vlll foniially coiKiludu thu convent
ion Ih Hcliuilulod to bu hold nt tho
lint initio luii. '
lthuuRh rushed for tlmo, the do-
loKiitee Hbuglutely rafimed to hold
oviiiilnif huftfnpHH HetfHlonH during thu
convention; doclnrluK thUt to do bo
would vioUto tho pvlnclplo of the
eight hour Any.
Hirni.Kiw to ow.'an'izk ih
TltlW ON IMM'KMIIlAt JI i:.v
TK.NHIVi: I II It I A 'l 1 O N 11.
,, J .
ActhiK on a petition jptoHcnled
by thn tiettlciH iihIhk DwMuVivh t
line luvpffViK
inty courtv fiiVfjt'K-
Hnow Crook. ror Irrlit
tho DunchUtPN Coil
nlon yi'Htorduy nftoriiooii.UiMiiiMKiui
onlor for an lrrli;atlou ojRtflct'Jfir
KauUlon oli'Cllou, to bn 1'WriJi'W"! -cnibor
3. W'"' v!
tTi cnntuinphttt'd llntrJri. wlijch
Include tiomti i'COO acn,HmiiriiI'ljiM
l ho location at pionDiit for Afi..niruiH
and proKulitM an aliuoNt lijkrji'l hip.
for Irrigation purpoHoit fmJj '
sanitation once coniplotcd. .(iflfrro'vi)
moutM arc plunnml which 'wrtl Innn
tlit) iixpciidltiiro of upprofcluintvh
ISG.000 worth of damn ahd ca.iUU
Tho HutllcrH nro ntpnV)iitftil In
thrlr organization by Da Arnojul
Sr. JJDtldlio.
ItelluvhiK lliat Newport nvenuo
whonld bo ooiml'ilered partly' from
tho Htandpolnt of n county roud, 60
reMldiintu on Hint ntreut, filled a pet-
lllon ll Ihojeounty court on Vwl
uoiidny. liNklnit that tho county
boar u portion of thn uxpo'nuo of iho
Tho court wiih chiefly occupied
with audllliiK IiIIIh thin niornlnc. but
thin afternoon tho counhlcratlon or
thu petition or notllurH of tho Know
Creek tiectlon. iiMklnr; for nn order
Hon election, wan nchedulcd to come
Authlxatlon wan received yonter
day by tho court from tho Htnto high
way t'ommlHHlon to build tho flrxt
four and one-half mllea ofhlghwny
eant or llend under thu HtipennRloit
or tho communion. On tho 'utato
highway Houth or llend, nuthorUa
(Ion wan iiIm iccelved ordering tho
cindering or tho remaining four
mlluH of grnded road, whlo an eng
Ineer'u UHtlmate U called for to de
termine thn exponHo of recluderlng
a portion or tho highway which It
Ih considered bait not HUfllcluut Biir-faclHK-
Two hundred dollnnt a mile
Ih to bo allowed for inulutenunro.
i:pIiiliiM Plumb Plnn,
Urging tho Plumb plan of railroad
control iih a moans or lowering tluW
high lvlng cost, C. C. Hill, former
U. 8. CouRrossmnu rromf tho Spok-
uno district, omphualzed particular
ly Hint tlm plnn whleh lie!fuvors itpes
not contemplate any conJlHtatlop' of
propnrty, but does qontomjilnto (ak
Ing over thu railroad at tke)r actual
vuluo, eliminating apfu'xliifttoly
t7.000.000.000 or waturKtcok
trom consideration In effecting, tho
transaction. Mr, 1)111 sBp'jkfl aLho
rlosu or Wediu'Hday'H ufjeVibon'Xiuii
Mon. gf..
(Tho Intlmato ,connoct,lqu ofAtho
people with tho lallrondtinH a public
Hurvko HVHtom, togothoil''ith Mho
fact that construction oftHuk l(ueH
wiih made poHulblu by liniaoiiin fed
eral laud grants, hu gavo 'Vj'f nmdoun
for thu luauguaratlon or tlm''lunh
plan, Ah ut pteuuut outlined, inau
agomeut ot tho roada would bn by n
directorate composed or llvo kovIm'ii
munt appnlntueH, llvo olllclnlH uftlio
ro.tflH, mid llvo uiuploych, 'Vut tlilH
110 Hall), mluht bn chnnL-ixl in nimit
Vltli tho tmprovnl or ..ircrlcnUurnl
InturentH. -1(1
Pleilvs ,Vo Itulo plM.'
'Tlmro will bo no rntafovilHlnf; to
lijtfuro prolllH," hu alllrinM. "fheso
will dopund on tho orrortHjcif tho man
who will Iiiiyq iih tin lnceptlvo a CO
per cont Bhuro of what ,t)ioy mnko.
Whon prollts ranch 10 JWjOont of
oponUIng bxponsoH. tho rntes win bo
lowprod." SJ5 , v
TJto pvovIbIouh o( tho 'RImnh plnn
allow (or thu rotlromout or tho 10 to
Vi billion ludohtodneHS (ngurred, In
titKing ovur ti)Q lonrta, u a period
or 30 yonrH, tho upoakor oxplulnod,
I 'aii try Hli'lr.crdlc Woik Dcpiut.
incnt MiiKi l-'ltii' Apiwahinri'
P'orini'M t'i-u'l to I't-ixluro
mill Kn.o to Itcduro Co-t.
AltlnUKli Hio ftxhlbltM on display
yi'Menliiy 'nt Iho Clrnuco hall woi-j
not o Icnsjvo thy Id nrcnunt
wluit thu inrniVrH In tho (ranu hall
ni-i roi'lh ldo, dlhttlcl n doliiR
and lutvo arcoiipllHlicd durlut; Iho
p.i. ( Ionian Altnouiri . per tnpn, liu
piriipkliiH, ho currotM. bit oilonnj
and oMut voRPtnb tH woro not iik
larKo an have been neon ut othur
fnlrH. they wero of lino quality and
tho farmer of tho farmlm; Koctlon
nro duo for n great deal of praUo
for what thoy have done In tho do-
velopmeut of u IiIkIi quality of root
There wero more than ICO entries
on tho tnblcH nt the (IruiiRo hall.
KIiik Kpud n evident. If thu Hpud
crop ol thu Dencliuteri river valley
enn bo judged by what wan neon at
,,,e ftt,r Jr,,",e",,,p tl10 ,u1'or" at cn"
iiiii iijfti'u win -, uiiutiuu irii;u
that will "turtle thu farmciH them
RelvuN. Alfalfa hIiowh up minimally
good thin yeur a Hhown by Iho vx
hblt. That nunllnrn'orx will grow
high an Juulpor tree and bear headK
thut will make tho mouth of thu old
milch cow water wan nlxo manifest
ed. In all thu root cropH Mhowed up
County Pair Alrl
Tho KidleM and children had their
Inning too. Tho exhlbltn In 'the pan
try ldiolf detiartment brought forth
roiiHldembla prnliio from thu JudgcH.
Tho children! hcIiooI exhlbltn worn
uiitiHunl for tho rural mcIiooIh of tno
count). ' J
Ituallzlng tho haudl i. under
which thoy nio wo. Icing In carrying
out each year a coittjniiiiltjy fair of
tho character as shown yuHtfrda at
the Cnngti nail MlhtriCt a vo"t tuVfli'
in wo course i tin proqrnm i;lvo:i
during tho after'ioon to draft re
solution to bo presented k to tho
enmity court t)cchutcs county
far bo established borluulig next
rail id hrt thu (air bo helililn llend
Tho program or tho afternoon
coiiHlsted or short talks,. C. tS. Hud
son, president of tho First National
Dank or llend, who has been respon
sible In a largo measure for tho
healthy development of .ugrlcultun
and livestock raising in tho comity
apoko of tho work that Iioh beJ;i cir
Vled on to improve condltlonu ainoiii?
tho farmers and urged them to-pot-slst
In their efforts tor hotter runn
ing conditions. v-
"l-'iunier" Smllli SHakee.
II. K. Lawrence, dulegato or thn
Ongoii Federation or Labor spoke at
length on Increased production
throughout reducing tho cost of llv-
lug. Hu snoko also or thu nctlvlttes
or thu Grangu and Its offorta to but-
tur tho country us otto or thu means
or conditions or thu farmeis lu Ore
gon. 'Farmur' Smith, or tlo O.-W. It.
& N., known widely throughout
Central Oiogou Apoko at lmptlt loll.vglon Is now bolng distributed
tho farmerH present regurdlut; thulr throughout town nnd country. Pro-
duty lo tho country to keep on io
ducnu, mort nov iih wot t. dii-uih'
wr tlmoti. Ho ml nou.nhed Hu
rinnnrH ngiliiHt wa. to. lu the opln-ilng
lot) of thlH ugrlcuPuinl e.port the
furmei.v.tud llitlr fa nille.i a in brlu;
'.H Into tholi homos liundredH of
tliliiKfl to' produce happiness thnt
thoy npvpr tfiought ot plx yenra ago.
Mr. Hniltlt said that thoro was noth-
tin; wrong. with tho : government.
Tho calajnlty howlors ho, pointed
out tiro usually tho poisons who
nevor said u good thing about tho
government or did n thing to help
If rl.n liter). ...tut .. . 1I..I...; ...Ill
it. Thu high cost or . living
will !
oouio down, according to
"fnrmor.t whon nil
',!' whon all thoppoplo. real
thoy nro a part or ilnwhole.
.. .. -if
Izu thnt
Music wua Rlvun during tho nrtar
noon by tho Juniper orchostrh cpn.
slstllig of Mr, mid Mrs. Chris Hub-
i i. -i i ' i i I, 1 1
(Continued ou Pago 4,)
fli! 10.000
ISoml IxHiir (o lltiy Out
Will ll L'p for D.tI-
Ion by HHHi'i- KhIo Con
Imrl Will Hoin Ktplrc
Following tho roorgnnlzutlon or
the bo'ard or director or tho C. O. I.
Irrigation dhilrlcl earlier In the
week.. In which (ieorgo Moore be
nivf?prrl 'out Mie"eedlug J l
ton Thompiton, aiinoiinccment wax
mailo last night or tho order for a
1240,000 bond election for Novem
ber 21), the bondK, If carried, to bo
lined In buying out tho company'
Interontn In tho project. Theae In
loroHtH, under a contract for Halo
prevlouHljr made by tho company,
may bo bad for $200,000, tho re
maining 140,000 being Intended to
take care of discount In marketing
thu bond, together with the first
year'.M Intercut
A vote on thu name qucntlon wan
to have been taken by tho Hcttlera
or thu district early in the year, but
thu election wa given up because or
unexpected opposition which dc
veloiM'il rom thone who urged thut
tliocompany will noon glvo up It
rfghf In tho project without an
payment. Ah the contract with the
company will noon expire, and alnci
tho director have- legal advice ri-
futlngnthe argument formerly uned,
H'hnVbecn deemed advisable to hol.l
tho election In order to give settlors
a final chance or making known
their desire In tho matter.
Hate Petition I Kpur.
Slnrp tho tlmo at which tho bond. , "" ,, "'" . V. ' , , " "v
election .was first scheduled to bfl "" ,b"w l, MorrUiey'. neck,
held Iho company has filed with thoUBedm rncture' b"t f"""0
Slate, Public Service commission an m Gilbert seeonas knew that hu
application to be allowed to chorge
an Increased mntntnlnance rate cit
ing oxteiiHivo improvo-uutits and re-
building of old II u tee, together
c.uoim 'ti wvilcli tie'catlun 's
ineroliseu JRiTofyofrorallon, as i'is
IniHed. Krotn the present maintain-
aneu reo or 80 conts and II per ncro
to $2 Is tho Increase asked, and It
Ih pointed out by Hiipporters or tho
j bond luo that
granted, tho dil
should this bu
difference lu costs to
tho wttluni would In llvo years time,10""" wuen,.Mornssey rusiteu ail-
moro than equal tho totnl or tho uert ofr hls,reot, and then stood
bonds, .clear until his opponent could le-
... , . sumo a position or defense, whllo
1 Krwn Anmrndmii A m? !aBu,n " tenth, Morrlssey Weill
JAZZ , ORCHESTRA TO to tho mat and was assisted to his
k " "; j
Tulk nboti, jiuz. Thero'll
worlds and worlOs or It whon Colo uol acts. Tho Incident or the last
McKlroy n'ponrs on tho scono wtth",oull(1 ' an Important rnctor In tho
his Jaw orchestra artists nt tho gym-' nwnrdJiiR or tho decision tor up to
nnslum for six days during Itovvllle jthnt time. Jtorrlssoy had a distinct
Weok In bo hold ll Bond October .advantago In points. His blocking
20-2C under tho auspices of tho
American Legion.
Whllo In'Prliievlllo last week end,
chairman Fruuk It. Prince signed a
contract with tho Jars duikers who
will bo hero all weok
That headquarters may bo hud lu Talor- Portland 135 pouuder. about
preparation lor tho bis week, thethe r,nK n,mo ut w,n B?"K Ht
American Lerlon bus secured ,hu ,,,u ,u return but some nasty kidney
lower floor nf thn tni hniMin InM I
south or Carlson & LyoiiH on Wall "noro thllu onco' Tu',or wns tull or
Street All business connected wHh.nBnt u,ld 8ll0wcd no effect from tho
.Reveille Weok wll bo
Advertising mut.erlnl
"wako up" weok br tho
for tho
pnrutlona will soon bo inudo ror tho
grounds which will cover moro thnn
three blooks ou llond and Intersoct-
streots below Franklin
are iiNnrcrc mNTT?fT,'K
Forest llres nt Prlnglo llutto nnd
lu tho vicinity of the Summit Btutlon
aro both undefcpntrol, It was stilted
on Wednesday ,l)y, Deputy Supervisor
H. M. Vincent offibn nosnhiit. n.,.
tlonnl Forest. Tho aron covered by'
tlonnl Foros
tlio Prlnglo
llutto tiro Is not known,
but tho total burned over lu the.
Summit flro amounts to approximate,
ly 2000 uoroa, Two fires whloh
(qrmurly liad ham considered under
control, combined, icoguntlng tor
thu uuusually lars area Included
lu tho ultue.
Marine Owne r of
Pershing's Fla8
Tho flrt United Mates flag
which flew over tho A, K. V.
4r general headquarter of Oener- !
nl PerHhlng In Franco Ih now r
In poKseHHlon of John Dobry or
I'rlnevIIle. TIiIh national cm-
blem In greatly cherlnhed by
It poeor. Do'ury, It Is
undernlood wa offered a big !
sum for tho flag while ho wa fr
In Chicago, but refuncd to well
It. Dobry wan In Trance with
the nth .Marine and wns among
the flrat to cnluU from Central
Oregon. He saw moHt of tho
major cngagementa on tho
wcHtorn rront In which hi or- -fr
ganlzntlon engaged,
Dnnv Is Auaitlnl Oilbert In limit
Willi It' Morrlhscy Hpi-rk Wood
Kli't Decision on Technical
ICnorkoulf Over I 'oil lander.
Although differing Intense pain
from a brokeu hand, Fred Gilbert,
or Ilund. gamely battled bis way
through tho last four rounds of his
light with Leo Morrltwoy ofSeattle.
In the main event or tho labor con-
ventlon smoker hero Tuendny. and
gained a draw when ho could have
been excused In yielding the dccls-
wis iiijiircu until mo enu 01 me
llght, althounh It was noticed that
thereafter he ucd his left exclusive
ly lu hitting.
Doth men wero In tip-top condition
at tho opening or the bout, but Oll
bort wns wary or the lighter whnliad
0,,ce wniwl n rorereo's decision o.-r
1,lm nml Protected lilmseir. ijiqr
carefully from Morrlssey'8 nasty ltfl
JUHl llow "ucli sportsmcnsnlp In the
"iik is npprcciaieu was snown in tnc.
ft,5t b' th0 no,ul "Rhter at a t,ni
when a knockout might have settled
tho Issue. Hearty applause was nc-
corded by the fans In recognition or
wns clovor and to evndo many or
Fred's punches, ho made uso morely
ot n quick shirt or tho head. Tho
lighters weighed In nt 145 pounds.
I , In the main preliminary. Speck
'Woods, or llend, knocked Ilattllng
Ichoa which muda hlat wince.
i,u",B""10111 uununisiruiou, until tno
third, when ho weakened under a
stiff solar plexus jolt. A number
ot times Speck delivered blows
which seemed rather too low. but
which wero not so decided by tho ro
reieo. Ed Skerry, one- or Taylor's
seconds, jumped Into tho ring In the
lUth, and tho fight was awarded to
Wlllard Houston, ot llond. oftlcl.
atod lu both tho main bouts.
Skerry, who tormluntod tho bacond
?o, was luttoducudi'io tho crowd In
tlrst Droltmlunry. betweon
"Frouchlo" LeCalffnud "Kid" Tay
lor, both of llond, as roforoo, Aftor
' IClulr hud outpolnlod Taylor easily
j'uul ,llul om knocked hint to his
kuoos lu tho final round, Skerry
learned a hearty Htorm of hisses
vr,,on lvo vnlsod Taylor's .hand.
i.ator in tno ovening tno winner of
tho mutoh appearod In the rlng.oncu
more, mul publicly requested .that
t)io decision bo considered us &
Charles Whltmore, of Ileud, and
Jack Dobroy, of Prlnovlllo, wero tho
nnuouncers tor tho evening.
Hjullcnllsm largely Due to Itecrnt
OrKanlzntlon, Dccbirr.i H-crrtary
of Stato Federalon Union
Will Fight Anarchy.
That tho State Federation or
Iabor conventlpn now In session Ia
Bond will develop a labor program
tor the state which nil can approve
was tho declaration or Prealdeat
Otto HartwlR In n spocch before the
Commercial club ycstcid.iy. When
the program is ready he asked that
the fact that It Is a labor program
bo forgotten but that it bo studied
and given the consideration ' &
whkh It is entitled.
Called on by President Foley at
tho Commercial club Mr. Hart wis'
expressed the thanks of tho Iafeec- .
delegates for the entertainment pro
vided them yesterday nnd for tbe
hospitality with which they were be
ing received In Bead. "Some of W-'
delegates," Mr. Hartwlg said, "fl (
that there Is a difference between '
Bend's commercial club and others
clubs. You are not so hide bousd
here that yo'i cannot see that the
efforts of organized labor are te
make a better world ror all."
Continuing, Mr. Hartwlg asserted
that somo buslaew men had already
forgotten the lesson of the war asd
wero seeking to return to the
methods of qutocracy which the war
was fought to ond. Opposition ta
the progress of labor ou the part ot
such men ho warned would create
a condition that everyone should
wls'i to avoid. He was glad to know-
that the business men of Bend aw
things differently and ho felt that
the Inbor program now bolng worked
out would be approved by the clnh.
"It Is up to tho modern mnn so 'ta
arranso his affairs," he said, "that
'autocracy on tho one hand and an
archy on the other will be prevent
ed." E. J. Stack, secretary ot tho State
Federation, explained that the -radical
tendencies now noticeable Inieer
taln labor quarters wero due tojth'e
tact ot recout organization and a de
sire to euro long standing grlovnnces
at once.
"Oregon has been largely an agri
cultural state,- said Mr. Stack, "and
before tho war there were no large
Industrial centers except for Port
land. During tho war people flock
ed to the sea ports where workwwns
so plentiful and shortly organ
themselves, and' then, bolng organ
ized felt that grievances they bad
nursed tor yearn could be ended Im
mediately." t.
Bolshevists Mr. Stack defined as a
group or lmposblUts who want to
substitute anarchy ror orderly gov
ernment, going on to Bay that the
question of Bolshevism would b
dealt with by prganlzed labor a
Amerlcau citizens. "We will neat
all groups who 'qre antagonistic ta
Amorlcau principles," ho declared.
going ou to say that steamship com
panies nnd Industrial leaders had
Induced immigration to this country
that lessened (he. opportunity guar
anteed by (ho Declaration ot Inde
pendence und weakened labor.
"Tho oft'ovt of labor," ho conclud
ed, "will bo to try to restore tho
principles, qt, equal opportunity by
orderly progress," -
Farmer' Smjth, gt tho O.-W. It.
& N'., culled on nn tio last upoakor
urged that whon poupla weru talking
over such matters thoy glvo uttun
tlon to tho great quantity or good
that was to bo round with such bad
conditions as Uioro were, saying
there wero mora things right than
wrong, 'f ho talr solution or our pro
blems can be reached best by owr
getting together In ono group tUaUc
things over, Jio ald, $Q$,
At the conclusion ot his speech, ,
urged that busjna m,qia-d Wtm
Ins men recopla the farmer Ir'St
tending the. country talis. Y ,
Stute Treasurer 0 P. Hoff atoa
lHhdu a rw retqarks. saylms tht
capital Und .labor did not have tar
to qo to get together,