The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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' A
ImTtki'vM. XdPL
f PY JS ccnfs jfl
frJ4 ' M ' W.Vl.
n f Mikity' fc rT'sfyhmL.
r Smohtr ruttt'i m
ffg'Mig, thai lf valua U In I
Wm I ' tlgnrtttn and do m
vjkv " not tKftttt prtmlumi f
mKmk jL. or couPunl .r
Cmh f told mrnywhrt
In rinUflt9lly ! f4cA.
i of 30 nit f Hit, of ton
!( (J(Xr(f((nl tn
W tionjlf immmml Ihl
tlon fat th ham or oltltm
If you want to know what rare and
unusual enjoyment Camels provide
smplce them In comparison with any
cigarette in the world at any price!
CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any
way you consider them! Take quality,
or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that
wonderful mcllow-mild-smoothness you
never before got in a cigarette smokel Yet
Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfaction
you marvel that so much de
light could be put into a cigarette!
Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them
so irresistibly appetizingl And, the blend
explains why it is possible for you to smoke
Camels liberally without tiring your tastel
You will prefer Camels to either kind
of tobacco smoked straight!
You'll realize pretty quick, too, that
among the many reasons you smoke Camels
is their freedom from any unpleasant cign
retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odorl
Onco you know Camels you won't
take much stock in premiums, coupons
or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality!
ft J. REYNOLDS TODACCO CO., Wimton.S.l.m, N. C
U i' . f cow W ' 1
I .
i j wnats Lomg in
I the Country.
lower bridge, fiopt ic -a
meeting of Hid l.owor Bridge farm
liuri'iiu wiih hulil Frldny evening to
dcclilo which ronil to Terrebonne ami
Itmtmoiiil to Imiirovti. It wan derided
to Improve tint South road.
Mr. mill Mm It. H. Towno woru
In Redmond Saturday evening.
Jo Howard and Karl CpdlKo re
turned Kiiiuliiy from a hunting trip
up to tlio IIIkU UiMort.
Mm Fred Walker win n Itml-
inoiiit vlHllor Kiiturdiiy.
i Mr. ami Mm. (' P IIohMiir and
Naomi anil Marlon Honk Iiim woru
MliopiliiK In llnnil on Wud Monday.
(InorKii ItuolH wiih down to IiIh
iiiiicIi at I.oiik Hollow on Tliurmlny
to niovii tliu limt load of IioiimiiIioIiI
noodM to IiIh placo nunr lludniotiil
Mm. I'arrol wlio will touch tlilx
4 tnria of Mclioot lit l.owor llrldKo nl-
tondod liiHtltuto at Ilniid laflt wook
ami roturnod on Kiiturdiiy School
HlartH Monday, Hoptomlwr IS
KuVorul or tlio l.owor IlrldKO la
iIIoh Kiitlivrod at tlio hcIiooI Iiouko on
Thiimday mid kuvo tlio school Iioiiho
a Konoral cloanliix. .
Tliu llnnil thruHtiliiK inacliino fin
IhIioiI thrtmhliiK at l.owor IlrldKU and
inovod to Clovurdalo on Monday.
A. H. IIoIiiioh wiih In Uodtnond
Monday to uttoiul a muotliiK or tlio
lilKh hcIiooI hoard.
(I H HtatllK wiih a llond vlnltor
on Thiirmlay.
Mr. and Mm. Parrot arrlvod on
TuoHiliiy and will inako tlioli homo
with IiIh rather. Mr. Parrot who Iiiih
a ranch al I.oiik Hollow.
Mm. C. K. C'luilfan Iiiih linen hiiN
forlnic from a hard fall received
aboui a week iiko
ChrlH Ward wn a caller In llend
A K lloxn and A W. ArmstrotiK
Hpont WodnuMday In tho city of llund.
Mr. and Mm. H. L. llurKonn went
weok end kiichIh at the J. A. ScorkIii
Mm. Prank Colfolt and daUKhtom
have lotiirncd home after a fortnight
Hpont In Portland.
() ('. McCalllster and C. K. ChaN
ran were Itedmond callorn thin week
The fine rtiliiM wo havo been hav-
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Iluilding Muterial, Kiln
Dried Flooring and nil kinds of Finish
Ix-al Sales Ajjont, MILLKIt LL'MIIKH CO.
I For Men Who Woi k llaril.
Men who work at hard phyHlcal
labor are Miibjoct to kidney trouble,
J. 0. Wolf, 73-1 K. JackHon .St..
(Ireeii Hay, WIh., wrlte: "Foley
i Kidney PIIIh relieved mo of a Hovoro
backacho that bothered mo for hov
oral montliH. A few bottles fixed
mo up In Kood, Hhape." They iiIho
rellovo bladder and urinary allmotttM,
f Hold Hverywhoro adv.
PLiAlNVHOW, 8opt. 10.---A now
Htrawborry record has been ontab
IIhIiihI In Plalnvluw at tho Alex. Iov
oronz ranch. Hevon hiindrod yoiniK
Htrawborry plantH were Hot out IiihI
HprlnK uiid to dato thoy havo yielded
11 Hlxtoon khUoiih of iiorrion, Tho
plmltH are Htlll full of blouHoniH and
KrOen Iriilt,
Mohhih. Hoy and Edgar Honrt, Hay
ArmHtroiii; und Jim DawHon Bpent
Hovoral dayH In tho mountaliiH tlio
piiHt weak but wero uusiiccuHuful In
lludltiK any of tho coveted boar. The
lioyn havo not bocomo dlHcaurai;ed
iih thoy plan to hunt iiKalti later In
A toloBram from Ifiihort Arm
HtroiiK received hiHt Wednesday an
nounced dliat ho had arrived uafely
at (Jam p Morrlt, aftor moro than a
year of Horvlco ovoraoaH. Mr, Arm-
'HtroiiK enllHtod In tho cavalry throo
yofls iiko In Juno but wuh later
A tranHforrod to tho hoBpltal corpH,
Ho In oxpoctod lioino In a Hliort time,
Business and Professional Cards
nooroa 13-10 First National
Dank DMk. Tol. Cll
(Dr. Co'i Kormtr Ofnc.)
It. II. I)ArmcnJ Chu. W. Trtklna
DcArmond & Erskinc
u a w Y K 11 H
O'Kattu Uulldlm?! Ilcnd, Oregoii
Cnltxl 8tte UoiuinlMilcrncr
First National llank Dulldlni
Lnwronco DIiIb., noora 3
Phono Red 2251
Uond ProBa Illdg,
III3ND. Oliionnv
Phonea: Offlco Hod 41; Hoa. 123
Phono Dlack 1291
2-4 O'Kano Bulldlnc
0. P. NIBWONQER, Dond, Ore.
Llceoaed KmbAlmer, Funeral
Phono Rod 421. Lady Aiat
NaprapnUilo Phylcln
Over Loguu Furnlturo Co,
Wall Street Houra 9 to 6
Phone Red 48S
Ihb (ho prim wook havo been oxcol'
lent for tlio Kncond crop of alfalfa
that Iiiih not been cut. Thoro ban
boon Inndo'inato Irrigation water for
much of tho Hocond crop.
MrM, A K Mohh and daughter Ida
Mrn. I'atturHon and MrH, II. A. Hcog
glu attondod tho chicken culling
doiiionntratloii at the Fllckeugor
ranch hint U'cdnofiday afternoon, A
number of very valuable polntw wore
Tho Plaltivlow Hchool opened Mon
day morning Koptember 15, with
Mr. ChrlH Ward for teacher. About
10 or 12 ptipllH will bo enrolled.
Threnhlng lnrted In Plalnvlow
Monday tuornlng on tho ryo HtnckH at
tho C. F. Chnlfan ranch.
Mr and Mm J H. Amlnraon wore
callorn at the Colfelt ranch Sunday.
Harry McUtilro from Hunnywldo
called at tho AruiHtrong homo Hun
day. Itov. WllllaniH of Itedmond Hpont
Wodneuday with frlondH In Plain
vlow. Ho wiih a guoHt to dinner til
tho F. O Pfiworn' homo.
MIrh JoHephlno Ilurgefot, one of
tho now ti'iichera In llond thin year
visited during tho week ond at tho
liox A ranch.
Roy and Edgar Hoart wcro buiil
nos callera at tho Ward placo Tues
day. Mrn. Hubert Armxtrong and Wll
mn Ilonuntt woro gucxtM at tho J, A.
Hcoggln ranch Friday.
31 ru. Louzotta Pulllam atnrted
Monday on a trip across tho moun
taliiH, Mcmhors of tho Rnow Creek Irri
gation District met at Tiimato on
Friday to havoi their Individual
water rights approved and accepted
by Mr. Cochran tho Htato water mas
ter. Mrs. Chris Ward attended tho
teachers' Institute In llend three
days last week.
Regular church services will bo
held at tho school houso next .Sun
day afternoon July 21, at three
Paul Hcoggln In company with S.
h. Iltirgcss made a business trip to
tho High Desert Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hartley re
turned homo Thursday from an auto
trip to Hood River.
Miss J. H urgent) and Mrs. II. A.
Hcoggln wcro guests to dinner at tho
J. A. Hcoggln homo Sunday.
Mrn. Louzetta Pulllam and John
McKlnnoy wero Slstorn callers Thurs
day. ,
Olios January worked at tho O. C.
McCalllster ranch Wednosday.
Making It a Family Affair.
Junior was much Interested In bis
mother's approaching marriage. A
abort time before the date set for tho
wedding his mother was III with ton
ellltls. Junior wns In distress nnd go
ing to Ids mother ho said: "Mother,
hurry up and cct well, for it won't do
for you to be sick when we marry
(YttiiiK Children Ready For School.
Common colds nro Infectious and
If lt tt-rntit- nnnrl n utiiif f Inir. niinpz
Ing, coughing child to school to
spread dlscaso germs among other
littlo ones. Foley's Honey and Tar
relieves coughs and colds, loosens
phlegm und mucus, and coats rnw. Ir
ritated mombranes with a healing.
Knot hi Mir iiinillrlnn Contains no
oplatos. Sold Everywhere adv.
In tho County Court of tho Htato of
Oregon, for DcHchutcn County.
In tho matter of tho ostato of
Mary J, Canada, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, administratrix of tho es
tate of Mary J. Canada, deceased,
htm filed In tho County Court of Dos-
chu ton County, Htato of Oregon, hor
final account us such administratrix
of said estate, and that Monday tho
29tli day of Hcptembar, 1019 at tho
hour of 10 orlock a. m. has licon fix
ed by the said Court as tho tlmo for
hearing of obloctlons to said report.
and tho settlement thereof.
Administratrix of tho estate of .Mary
J. Canada, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Deschutes County
In tho Mutter of tho Estate of Fred
Coodfellow, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby .given that the
undersigned was on tho 25th day of
August, 1919, appointed adminis
tratrix ot the estato ot tho above
named deceased by tho county
judge of Deschutes county, Oregon.
Therefore, all persons holding
claims against the estate ot said
deceased aro hereby notified to pre
sent tho same, duly verified accord
ing to law, at the offlco of my at
torneys, Do Armond & Ersktne, in
tho O'Kano building, Rend, Oregon,
within six months from the dato
of tho first publication hereof.
Date of first publication, Septem
ber 4. 1919. i
Administratrix of tho Estate ot
Fred Ooodfollow, Deceased.
In tho County Court or the Stato of
Oregon, for tho County of De
schutes. In tho 'Matter ot tho Estato of
Henry W. Rcvello, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned was on tho 28th day
of August. 1919, appointed admin
istratrix of tho ostato of tho above
named deceased by tho county
judgo ot Deschutes county, Oregon.
Therefore, alt persons holding
claims against the estato ot said
deceased nro hereby notified to pro
sent the ttamo duly verified accord
ing to law, at my offlco in tho
O'Kano building, Rend, Oregon,
within six months from tho date
ot tho first publication hereof.
Dato or first publication, Septem
ber, 4th. 1919.
Administrator of tho Estato of
Henry W. Revcllc, Deceased.
Dr. L. W. Gatchell
Optometrist and
Manufacturing Optician
Compete Lnt Grinding Plant in con
DKlion with my office l
LARSON U CO.. Jewelers
143 Oregon tiiett, Brnd, Orrgon
Bring your
Permanently Locatod In Dbnd
with Now Equipment
Private Office in Thorson'a
Jowolry Storo
Dr. Turner will bo In Prlno
villo ovory first and third Fri
day; in Madras ovory uocond
nnd fourth Friday, and In Red
mond ovory first nnd third
Thursday ot each month.
Read the Classified Ads.
Deschutes County Abstract Company
, D. H. PEOPLES, President
Moat- Complete Abstract Plant In Central OroROn, Special Attention
Given to Federal Loan Abstrouts.
First National DonHUldff,, bpND, ORE,, Cor. noxt to Alley
Bend Dairy Store
for top prices
Next to Postoffice
Minnesota Street
In tho matter of tho Organization ot
Snow Creek Irrigation District.
Notice is hereby given that tho fol
lowing petition praying for tho or
ganization ot Snow Creek Irrigation
district will bo presented to tho
County Court, of Deschutes County,
Oregon, nt tho Court Room In Bend,
Oregon, on tho 1st day of October,
Brand Directory
Mlllk'iui, Oregon.
Right aldo; right ear crop
v 11. L. TONE, Sisters, Ore.
To tho Honorablo County Court ot
Deschutes County, Oregon.
I'nder and pursuant to Chapter
357 ot tho General Laws of Oregon
for 1917, tho undersigned propose
tho organization of an Irrigation Dis
trict to bo known as Snow Creek
Irrigation District, and particularly
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the NW corner of
Sec. 10. Tn. 10 S. R. 11 E. W. M.
Deschutes County, Oregon: thenco N
to tho NW corner ot tho SW4 Sec.
3: said township and rango; thenco
W to tho center of Sec. C, T 10 S. R.
11 E. W. M.: thence N to tho center
of Soc. 31. T. 15 S. R. 11 E. W. M.:
thouco W to tho NW corner ot tho W
Q. of Sec. 31. said T. and R.; thenco
S. to tho NW corner of tho SW Q. of
Soc. 0, T 16 S. R. 11 E. W. M.: thenco
W to tho NW corner of tho NE Q. of
tho SE Q. of See. 2, T 1C. S. R. 10
E. W. M : thenco S to tho NW corner
of tho SE Q. of tho SE Q. ot Sec. 11.
T. 10. S. R. 10 E. W. M.: thenco W to
tho NW comer ot SW Q. oi tho SW
) Q. of Sec. LI, said T. und R. thenco S
to the SW corner or tho NWUNWU
Sec. 14. said township nnd rango:
thenco E to tho conter of the NW'4
Soc. 14, said township and range;
thenco S to tho SE corner of the
SWHNWU Sec. 14, said township
and rango; thenco U to tho NE cor
ner ot tlio SEU Sec. 14. said town
ship and rango: thejice S to tho SW
cor nor ot tho NWUSWV Sec. 13.
sold township and rango: thenco W
to tho center or tho SEU Sec. 14.
said township und range; thenco S
to tho SW comer ot tho SEU SEU
Soc. 14, said township and rango;
thonco E to tho SE corner ot tho
SEUSWU Sec. 13, said township
and range; thonco S to tho conter ot
Soc. 24, said townshlpfand rango;
thonco E to tho SE corner ot the
NEU Soc. 24, said township and
range: thenco N to tho NE corner
ot Soc. 24 Bald township and rango;
thonco E to tho NE corner of tho
NWU NWU Sec. 19, township 1C S.
Rango HE. W. M.: thenco S to tho
NW cornor of tho NE UNWU Sec.
30, said township and rango; thence
E to tho NE cornor ot the NEU
NWU See. 30, said township and
rango; thonco S to tho SW corner of
tho SEU or Soc. 30, said township
and rango; thenco E to tho SE cor
nor ot Soc. 30, said township nnd
rango; thouco N to tho NE cornor ot
Soc. 19. said township and rango;
thonco E to tho NW corner of tho
NEU Soc 20, said township and
raugo; thonco S to tho center of Sec.
30, snld township and rango; thouco
B. to tho NE corner of tho NWU
SWU Sec. 20, aald township and
range: thenco N to tho center of tho
NEU Soc, 20, said township
und rango; thonco E. to tho 8H cor
nor of tho NEU NEU sec. 20, Bald
township nnd raugo; thouco N to tho
SE comer ot tho NEU
NEU Section 8, said town
ship nnd range; thonco E to tho NE
cornor of tho SWUNEU Soc. 9,
said township nnd range; ttionco H to
tho SB cornor of tho SWU SEU
Sec. 9, snld township and rango;
thouco E to tho NE cornor of tho
NW NWU Sec. 15, said lownnhlp
nnd rango, thenco N to tho NE cor
nor ot tho NWU NWU Hod. 10. snld
township nnd range; thonco W to tho
point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom the following
described tracts:
Tho NU of tho NWU, nnd tho
NWU NEU Hoc. 9. Tn IB, H. R. H
E. W. M. Tho SEU nnd tho WV4
SWU Hctf. 8. said township nnd
rnngo: tho NWU NEU, nnd tho
NEU NWU Sec. 17, said township
nnd rnngo; also tho SEU nnd tho
EUflWU. nnd tho EU-NWU. SWU
NEU. SWU NWU 8ec 18. said
township and range; also 5C acres
out of tho southeasterly portion ot
tho SEU See. 30, Tn. 1C. S. It. 11
E. W. M. belonging to tho Stato of
Oregon. Also Sec, 7 WJ4 of Soc. 0
SB Q. of 8ec. 6 8H- of Sec. 5 N WQ.
or tho NE Q. of Sec. 8 NE Q. of tho
NE Q. of See. 8 WV4 or tho NW Q.
or Sec. 8 and tho WU- of the SW Q.
of Sec. 8. T. 16 H. R. 11 E. W. M.l
NW Q. of tho NW Q. of Sec. 17 said
T. and R. the SE Q. ot Soc 1 and EW
or Sec. 1 tho N or Sec. 12 tho N4
or tho SW Q. of Sec. 12 tho NW Q.
or tho SE Q. of Sec. 12 tho K'A ot
tho NE Q. of Sec. 11 tho NE Q. of
tho SW Q. ot Sec. 11, all In T. 16
S. R. 10 E. W. M. In Deschutes Coun
ty Oregon.
And your petitioners respectfully
That they nro each and all ownora
of land within said proposed Irriga
tion District, which said land Is Irri
gated or susceptible of irrigation,
and that tho undersigned are a
majority of tht. owners ot land within
said District
That It is tho purpose of your peti
tioners to organize an Irrigation Dis
trict within said boundaries under
said Chapter 357 or tho General
Laws of Oregon for 1917.
That your petitioners dcslro, by
means ot said irrigation district, to
provldo tor tho construction ot
works, ditches and canals tor the pro
per irrigation or tho Irrigable land
within said district, and tor tho re
construction, betterment, improve
mont. extension, purchase, operation
and maintenance ot any and all
works already constructed tor tho ir
rigation ot said lands, and any other
lands within said proposed irriga
tion District through tho storage di
version and uso ot tho waters of
Thrco Creek, Snow Creek, Big and
Littlo Lakes und tho tributaries of
said streams and lakes, situated In
Deschutes County, Oregon, and to do
any nnd nil things necessary to ho
dono to fully reclaim all tho Irrigable
lands within said district, and to per
form any other act or things per
mitted under said Chapter 357. Gen
eral Laws ot Oregon for 1917, and
your petitioners pray that said irriga
tion district, as proposed, bo organiz
ed under and pursuant to said law,
and that an election bo called, had
and held for that purposo.
II. T. Hartley.Tumalo. Ore; Paul A.
Scoggln, Tumalo, Ore; Lou Pulllam,
Tumalo, Ore.; Mattlo A. and George
Crawford, 2C0 Wygant streot. Port
laud, Oro.; (by Lucy Crawford.
Smith agent), Tumalo. Ore.; Frank
Colfelt. Tumalo. Oro.; H. A. Scoggln,
Tumalo. Oro.: I. M. McKlnnoy, Tu
malo, Ore.; Clara Isabel McKlnnoy,
Tumalo, Ore.; Mortgage Company for
America, J. Armteld. managing agent
22 Ainsworth building, Portland,
Department ot tho Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Lakevlow, Oregon,
August 13, 1919.
Notico Is hereby given that
Thomas F. Linvlllo of La Pine.
Oregon, who, on March 30, 1915,
mado homestead application No.
08536 for SWU SWU. N SWU.
SEU NWU, Section 9, Township
23 S. Range 9 'East Wlllametto mer
idian, has filed notice of 'intontion
to mako final three-year proof to
establish claim to tho land abova
described boforo E. L. Clark, ,U. S.
commissioner, at La Pine, Oregon,
on tho 20th day or Soptombor, 1919.
Claimant names as wltnosses:
B. C. Scott ot La Pino, Oregon;
John Masten, of La Pino, Oregon;
R. E. Eaton, of La Pine, Oregon;
Curl Wlso, ot La Pino. Oregon,
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Lnkoview, Oregon
July 30, 1919.
Notico is hereby given that Follx
Sprlngstubo ot La Pine, Oro., who.
on Juno 17, 1915, mado homestead
entry No. 08746 ror NWU Section
20. Township 23 S. Range 9 East
Wlllametto morldlun, has filed no
tico ot Intention to mako final
three-year proof to establish claim
to tho land above described boforo
E. L. Cark, U, S. commissioner, at
Ln Pino, Oro., on the 20th day ot
Soptombor, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lucy Sprlngstubo, of Lu Pino,
Kato Ziorolf, of Lu Pino, Oregon;
John Maston, or La Pine, Orogon.
C. II. Claw, ol La Pine, Orogon.
25-290 JAS. F. BURGESS,
In tho County Court ot the Stato ot
Oregon, tor Deschutes County.
In tho matter of tho estato ot Rob
ert Hyslop, deceased.
Notico Is heroby given that R. S.
Hamilton has bcon appointed as ad
ministrator of tho Estato ot Robert
Hyslop, deceased, by tho County
Court of Deschutes County, Oregon.
All persons having claims against
tho said estate aro hereby notified
to present them, duly vorlfiod, with
proper vouchers, to nald administra
tor at tho law ofttca or R, S. Ham
ilton, in the First National Bank
Building, Bond, Oregon, 'within s4x
months from the dut Of the first
publication of this notice, torwlti
Within six months from August 38th,
2C-30o Administrator.