The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    I1END nUI.IiKTIN, IlKND, OllKCON, TIIUltSDAY, RHPT. 18, 1011)
" r
KIrby Shows His Hand.
Thnt scene, wllh nil its surround
lnp, remains Indelibly Impressed upon
my memory. It will never fndo while
1 live. The loup, nnrnw, dingy cabin
of the little Wnrrlor, lt forwnnl end
unlimited nml In n shndow, the single
swinging lump, suspended to n black
cned benm nbovo where the tnble luid
stood, linrcly revealing through Its
Rmoliy chimney the nfler portion show
ing n row of stnteroom doors on either
side, some standing njnr. nnd tlint
crowd of excited men surging nbout
the fnllen body of Judge llenucnlre.
uunhle ns yet to fully rcnllxe the exnet
nnture of wlmt linil occurred, but con
scious of Impending .tragedy. The
overturned tnblo nnd chairs, the mo
tionless body of the Judge, with KIrby
standing erect Just beyond. Ida face as
rlear-cut under the glare of light ns
a enmeo, the revolver yet glistening In
The Revolver Yet Glistening In His
Extended Hand.
his extended hand, all composed a
picture not easily forgotten.
Still tbU Impression was only that
of a brief Instant. With the next I
was upon my knees, lifting the fallen
head, nnd seeking eagerly to discern
some lingering evidence of life In the
Inert body. There was none, not bo
much as the faint flutter of a pulse, or
suggestion of a homt throb. The man
was already dead before he fell, dead
before he struck the overturned table.
"Judge llenucnlre Is dead," I an
nounced grnvely. "Nothing more can
be done for him now."
The pressing circle of men hemming
us In fell back silently, reverently, the
sound of their voices sinking Into n
subdued murmur. As I stood there,
almost unconscious of their presence,
still staring down at that .upturned
face, now appearing manly and patri
cian In the strange dignity of Its death
mnsk, n mad burst of anger swept me,
n fierce yearning for revenge a feel
ing that this was no less a murder be
cause nature had struck the blow.
With hot words of reproach upon my
lips I gnml ncross toward where Kir
by had been standing a moment be
fore. The gambler was no longer
there his place was vacant.
"Where Is KIrby?" I nslced, Incredu
lous of his sudden disappearance.
For a moment no one answered;
then n voice In tho crowd croaked
"He Just slipped out through that
nfter door to the deck lilni and BUI
"And the stakes?"
s Another answered In a thin, piping
"I reckon them two cusses took
nlong the most ov It Enyhow 'taln't
yere, 'cept maybe a few coins that
rolled under tho table. It wasn't Joe
KIrby who picked up the swag, fur J
was a watchln him, an' ho never onct
let go ov his gun. Tliet damn sneak
Carver must a did It, an' then the two
ov em Just sorter nat'rally faded
away through thut door thur."
McAfee sworo through his black
beard, the full truth wwlftly dawning
upon him.
. "Jlellt" he exploded. "So that's the
way of It Then them two wus In ca
hoots frum tho beglnnln. That's what
I told tho Jedge last night, but ho said
lie didn't glvo u whoop; thot ho knew
mpre poker than both ov 'cm put tcr
gether. I tell yer them fellers stole
,that money, ii'n' they killed Ileuu
calro "
"Hold on a mlnutp." I broke In, my
mind cleared of lt.1 tlrst pusslon, and
realizing tho necessity of control.
"I.ft'8 keep cool, anil go slow. While
1 believe McAfee Is right, wo are not
'going to bring the Judge back to life
by turning Into a mob. Tltoro Is no
'proof of cheating, and KIrby has tho
law behind him. When tho Judge died
lie didn't own enough to pay his
funeral expenses. Now see hero; 1
happen to know that ho left two young
daughters. Just stop, nnd think of
them. Wo saw this gamo played, ami
there Isn't u man here who believes It
wuh played on tho square thut two
audi hands wero over ueuit, or urawn,
'in poker. Wo enn't prove thut KIrby
munlnulated things to that end; not
onu of us saw how ho worked tho trick.
Thorn In no clinuco to cot htm I hot
?X HflSltAB
Devi Own,
omcinceoFilicBlrtck Hawk War
Pctcr&sJo ,
n,m1VZllernM wo Kind, tc.
way. Then Vhtil lalt wiTouKliT to do?
Why, I say, make tho thief disgorge
and hanging won't do the business.
"Leave this settlement with me.
Then I'll go nt It. Two or three of you
pick up tho body, nnd carry It to Ilenu
Cairo's stateroom forward there. The
rest of you better straighten up the
cabin, while I go up and talk with
Throckmorton n moment After that 1
may want a few of you to go along
when I hunt up KIrby. If ho proves
ugly we'll know how to handle him.
McAfee I"
"I'm over here."
"I was Just going to sny that you
better stay here, nnd keep tho fellows
nil quiet In tho cabin. We don't want
our plan to leak out, and It will be
best to let KIrby and Carver think tlint
everything Is nil right; that nothing I)
going to bo done."
I waited whllo several of them
gently picked up tho body, and bore It
forwnrd luto the shadows. I slipped
away, silently gained tho door, and.
unobserved, emerged onto the deserted
deck without Tho sudden change In
environment sobered me. nnd caused
me to pause and seriously consider the
Importance of my mission. Nothing
less potent than either fear, or force,
would ever make KIrby disgorge
Quite evidently tho gambler had delib
erately set out to ruin the plnntcr, to
rob him of every dollar. Even at the
last moment he hnd coldly Insisted on
receiving a bill of sale so worded as to
leave no possible loophole. He de
manded nil. The death of tho Judge,
ot course, had not been contemplated,
but this In no way changed the result
That was an nccldent, yet I Imagined,
might not bo altogether unwelcome,
and I could not rid my memory of that
shining wenpon In Klrby's hand, or the
thought that ho would have used It
had the need arose. Would he not
then tight Just as fiercely to keep, as
he had to .gain? Indeed. I had but
one fact upon which I might hope to
base action every watcher believed
those cards had been stacked, and that
Beaucalrc was robbed by means of n
trick. Yet, could this be provenl
Would any ono of those men actually
swear that he had seen a susplclout
move? If not then what was there
left me except a mere bluff? Abso
lutely nothing.
Unarmed, nejvcr once dreaming ol
attack, I advanced alone along the
dark, narrow strip of deck, lending
toward the ladder which mounted to
the whoelhousc. There were no lights,
and I was practically compelled to feel
my way by keeping one hand upon the
rail. I had reached the foot of the
ladder, my fingers blindly seeking the
Iron rungs In the gloom, when a figure,
vague, suddenly emerged from Borne
denser shadow nnd confronted me. In
deed the earliest realization I had o(
any other presence was a sharp pres
sure against my breast, nnd a Ion
voice breathing n menacing threat In
my car.
"I advise you not to move, you
young fool. This Is n cocked pistol
tickling your ribs. Where were you
The black night veiled his face, but
language nnd voice, In spite of Its low
grumble, told me the speaker was
KIrby. The very coldness of his tono
served to send a chill through me.
"To have a word with Throckmor
ton," I answered, nngered nt my own
fear, nnd rendered reckless by that
burst of passion. "What do you mean
by your threat? Haven't you robbed
enough men already with curds with
out resorting to n gun?"
This Is not robbery," nnd I knew
by the sharpness of his reply my words
hnd stung, "nnd It might bo well for
you to keep u civil tongue In your
head. I overheard what you said to
those men In the cabin. Ho you are
going to take care of me, nro yon?"
There was a touch of steel In tho low
voice. "Now listen, you brainless med
iKer. Joe KIrby knows exactly what
he Is doing when he plays any gnme.
I hud nothing to do with Ucnucalro's
death, but those stakes mine. I
hold them, and I will kill any man who
dares to Intcrfcro with me."
"You mean you refuse to return any
of this property?"
-Every cent", every nigger, every
acre that's my business, llenucnlre
was no child; he knew what ho was
betting, nnd he lost"
"That may bo true, KIrby. I am
not defending his nctlon. hut surely
this Is no reason, now that ho Is dead,
why ypu should not fihow sorno degree
of mercy to others totally Innocent of
any wrong. The man loft two daugh
ters', both young girls, who will now bo
homeless and penniless."
He laughed, and tho sound of that
luugh was more cruel than the accom
panying words.
"Two daughters I" he sneered. "Ac
cording to my Information that strains
the relationship n trllle, friend Knox
ut least the late Judge never took the
troublo to acknowledge the fact Per
nit me to correct your statement. I
auppen to know more ubnut lleau
aire's private affairs than you do. He
eavcH one diiughter only. I have
never met tho young lady, but I under
stand from excellent authority thut
fche possesses Independent means
"1 Advlss You Not to Move, You
Youno Fool."
flirouiT.i Tlie Heath sumo years ligo ol
her, mother. I shall therefore not
worry about her loss and, Indeed, she
need meet with none, for If she only
prove equal to nil I havo heard 1 mny
yet bo Induced to mtiko her a proposi
tion." "A proposition?"
To. remain on tho plnntntlon as Its
mistress plainly, an offer of marriage,
If you please. Not such n bud Idea,
la It?"
I stood speechless, hold motionless
only by the pressing muzzle of his pis
tol, the cold-blooded villainy of the
man striking me dumb. This then hnd
probably been his real purpose from
the start. He had followed llenucnlre
deliberately with this flnnl end In view
of ruining him, and thus compelling
his daughter to yield herself.
"And you actually mean that you
proposo now to forco Sfudgo lleau
culre's daughter to marry you?"
"Well, hardly that, although I shall
use whatever meuns I possess. I In
tend to win her If 1 can. fair means, oi
(To Do Conttnuod.)
Your Attention, IMenso.
A Foley Cathartic Tablet la n
prompt and snfo romedy for sick
headache, biliousness, bloating sour
stomach, gas, bad breath, indigestion
constipation, or other conuuion
caused by clogged or IrTOguIar
bowols. Thoy cnuso no griping or
nausea nor will thoy oncourngo tho
"pill habit." Just flno for porsons
too stout. Sold Evorywhoro adr.
It maybe a trifle
early to suggest
Christmas Pres
ents, but here is
an idea-step into
Larson & Co. and
make a deposit
on a Diamond.
You will have it
paid for by Christ
mas. A Diamond
is a most accept
able gift at
Larson & Co.
At the Sl;n of tho Hij,' Clock
At theSIGNjt
The Red Crown sign means iflHHflb
"The Gasoline of Quality" flA
always dependable. Look for BflHBfL
the Red Crown sign before Bl&ljgL
yu BBoKSmtL.
i p- mjjfM OZe Gasoline
W! R. Speck, Special Agent Standard Oil Company,
Wife's Trouble
Cost Him $300
NntlihiK 1M Mr. Huther Any
Hood I'M II She Took
"I spout morn than three hundred
dollars during tho vt ' f"'
treatment nnd imiillcliia top my
wlfo, but sho didn't got any rollof
until sho comnionroit tnklnjt Tun
lac," snld Olo II. Hnthor. who lives
nt Hubbard, Oregon, whllo In thu
Owl Drug Store In I'm timid u tow
days ago,
"Up to tho time my wlfo began
taking Tnnluc." continued Mr.
Sathor, "sho had not been ublo
to do hor housowork for nbout
two years. Sho had boon nurturing
from Indigestion and stomach
trouble nil the tlmo, mid although
sho wuw under treatment, and had
taken many different kinds of medi
cine, tho trouble Just seemed to
got worse all tho tlmo. Finally,
sho camo to .Portland hist spring
nnd underwent a thorough examin
ation nnd wont under special treat
ment, but It didn't do hor uiiy
good nt ull. Kvory tlmo sho nto
anything sho would surfer some
thing nwful with gas nnd cramping
spells afterward. Sometimes sho
would bo so nnunontod thut she
could hardly retain what sho ato.
Sho was vory nervous, too, nnd
novor slept well, nnd would got up
In tho ntornlHKN fooling tired and
worn out. Sho Boomed to lose nil
her energy and strength, and llln
niiv cot so weak and run down
that sho was nbout ready to glvo
up ull hope of over getting any
"Wo had boon reading about
Tanlac and tho good It was doing
nthnr naonlo. so sho decided to glvo
It a trlnl. well, sir, Tannic wn
simply put her on hop foot In llttlo
or no tlmo, and now sho Is Just ns
well and hourly as sho over was
In her life. Sho cats three hearty
meals every day now, unci enjoys
them, too, and tho host part ot It
Is, sho novor suffors afterward.
Sho hns actually 'gained llftcon
pounds In weight and does nil hor
housowork without tho least trouble.
Wo aro glad to glvo this statement,
nnd wo novor loso nn opportunity
to boost Tnnlnc, for It cortulnly has
dono great things for my wife"
Tnnlao Is sold In Horn! by Owl
Drug Co., In Sisters by 0o, K
Altken. nnd In Horn! by Horton
Drug Co. Adv.
rut It In Tho Ilulletln.
"When you have to buy
ihould try our
Eat our Lunches
Eat our Pastries
As a good Index lo tho advnueu In
ronlty values In llnud, announce)
moiit was mada cm Friday by Ulutrlon
Carroll ot tho sale or his 1!00 by 100
warohotiHo site on tho north side of
tho flour mill spur, near Wall
street, lo Anton Anno, for a consid
eration ot ftifiOO. Tho dual was
miidu through tho Central Oregon
Realty Company, Tho property had
boon acquired by Mr, Carroll only
two weeks buforo from Rouo West
and li. h. Fox, fop $2000.
Mr. Au no coiitmnplates the erec
tion ot u brick warehouse buldtiiK
to afford storage facilities for hay
mid grain In connection with his sta
ble nnd contracting luminous,
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallls, Sept. 18. That tho people of
tho farms may havu tho namo op
portunities tor education, worship,
recreation mid social contact as
those In the city us tho big object
In view, tho college will cooperate
with tho newly organized farm eco
nomics committee of the department
of agriculture by holding a commu
nity life conference fanners week at
O. A C , Decombor 2'J-Juuuury 3
Palace Market
Bend, Oregon
Sell your'products
at home
Chas. Boyd
Gilbert's Spe
cial Offerings
IRON BEDS- White, Vernlcc
Martin and Ivory, large posts,
heavy filler, $17.75, q r tr
special ., $IOtyO
SPRINQS--Heavy Steel do
Springs, $9.55,
MATTRESSES- Felted Cotton
Top, Bottom and Sides, rolled
edges, $y.75,
Watch for these specials weekly, and
use your credit at
Gilberts FurnitureStore
Th$ Owl Pharmacy
Prof M T. Rood, coIIoko uclllor, Iiuh
Iiuoii appointed ulnilriimii of a rum
iiilttcm In iii'ruiigo for thin ronfciiuucn
which Is expected to attract many
peinons fioiii tho rural districts or
Wiitcifoiil Hafe Itcluivn Sunset lo
Hour mill Half Metoio HiiiiiIm',
Writes V. H. Win den.
Kspeclul etnphasln Is laid on the
rule which prohibits hunting of
waterfowl oust ot tho Cascadn
mountains from sunset to nil hour
and a halt hotoio sunrise, accord
ing to a communication Just re
ceived from the office of the United
States gamo warden lit Portland.
Tho open season on waterfowl In
September 10 to December :tl, both
this section of the ntntn lit from
dates Inclusive.
Put It in Tho lliillellu.
Your Creamery
Builds Business
for Yourselves
The Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
Will Pay One Cent
Above the" Market
Price for Butterfat
Paid by Portland
Yearly Market
Fair, Honest Tests.
Tho Creamery Should
be Your Asset.
Bring in Your Cream
Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
" -iKDE-