4) WEEKLY EDIJION THE BEND BULLETIN. Tumalo Fair Tumalo, Ore. Oct. 9-10 Reveille Week Bend Oct. 20-26 VOh. XVII HKND, DKHOIIUTICB COUNTY. OIIHGON, TIIUHHPAY, 8 KPT. IN, HMD No. 1S DEEP WELL IS SUNK DAW A HP fin I lXtA Iff? A f V A f 17 A WILL DEMONSTRATE IRRIGATION WORK ff-ACrAIUD DAAft on stookey KANcii Ml f A MiK UfAM illflWIl ItLrALrA - .ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOLS SHOWS CITYGROWTH 1015 REGISTERED ON ..OPENING DAY. GAIN IS 25 PER CENT. 7IHI Attriulnl (in l-'lnit Hay of Term Jn HUH Total Will ltd Much (iiriilor by Kuil f Month. ' Hiijh Hiiporlnleiiilrnt. An nil Intllcntlon of thu purrontiiRo of growth In llond'H population which has resulted In (hg overcrowd . Ini: of tho city schools ul tho vury opening of tho turin, registration IlKUroM worn Riven out Tuesday by Superintendent H. W. Mooro, show Ini; n gain 'f mora thiin 200 ovor opening day registration In 19 18. Yoitorday, 1015 uppllud fur admis sion Into classed, mid 790 woro on Ituiid to wtnrt work nt tho bcRtnnlng or tho turin hint your. ' , Monday'ii total uvun boats tho iiiitnbar reached nt thu und of tho first month lnnt year, whan 880 had entered school In Hand. Mr. Mooro considers Hint yeMordtiy'a reglntra Hon In only about 80 per cont of what may bo expected ut tho ond of tho flmt four week. Tho only school lit thu city whoro Inst yonr'n uttoiidanco wait greater than now, wun at tho Control build ing, and thin In readily oxptnlnod by tho fact that only tho lower floor .of that building Is In tino during tho 'present school year, followlnn de cision by tho board of directors taken In order to mliilinlzu tho flro rlskj Jly schools, registration for tho opening day in an follows; Junior IiIkIi, 100; senior high, 1C0; Central, 1IC; Kenwood, 210; Hold, 320; Canipn. 60. html yoar'n figures, whllo kIvIiir not nn absolutely accurnto basin for comparlnnn hocntiso of thu dlfforont plan nu which tho Junior .IiIrIi was at first conducted, Mill rIvo n Ron ural Moil of tho illMtrlbutlou of pu pil ut that time, and uru an follows: Junior and senior IiIrIi schools, 100; Central. 200; Held, 270; Konwnod, 85; Cumpn. 2G. PUPILS TO RECEIVE PHYSICAL TRAINING ihilK't-nlty of Oregon (iradiiato to . lliuiilln KH'rliil Work In (iraili'N mill High Krliool. Physical training In tlnvKrommar Kindnd tho IiIrIi .nchool of tho Horfd pubio fischooltf jfor tho first (lino will lio undur tho personal dlroctlon of n timelier specially trained and -equipped with tho luioWledgo to handln thla foiituro of tho nchool training. MIhh Kiln Down, gradunto of tho University of Orogon, will havo, complete clinrgo jot thu physical tralnlnR nt tho pupils In tho K'rani niAr 'grades and tho rIiIb of tho IiIrIi tichool. Minn Dowh oxpectB to make a IiIk feature of hor depart ment thin your and will dovoto much time , to tho promotion of iithlotlcn for tho Rlrln. Tho public Hchool will havo nc cuun to tlio II, A. A, C. Kyiunn Alum thlH 'year, whoro Minn Down will hold nioHt of her cIiihhos. In carrying on hor work hIio In nnxloiiH to obtain tho cooperation of tho pnrputu of tlio pupils to In uuro success. HEARING DEFERRED. INyAUTOMOIjiLE QASE Bucauso of tho nhnonco of W. P. Myers, uttornoy for Ghironco and Arclilo lllaml, n,rrostod In Prnlrlo City Inst wook on a charge of Btonl Iiir nn luitomobllo belonging to J. K, Hngllu of thli city, no preliminary lioajinjjjAvl be hold in JMotJco court until thir latter l)nrt ' tuo we,c H m'iih announced Tuotulny, 1111 m . i ,i i i , 1IOVH All) 40l HUNTIJHH. :,NK5W"YOnK, font, la.-rNntlon. Vde machinery of the Hoy Scout or ganlzatlon .wU bo net lu' motion to get back Jobs for returned, douRl l)oya, U wna. minouncel here today,' Drill (Iocn 1)0.1 IV-et Hi-foro Wati'i In JtcmhiMl AIiiiikIiitiI Hiiily for 'Block Sow AhhiiitiI. One of tho daopoHt wolln overnunk In Central Oregon Ih Hint Junt'com plotod by County C'ommlnNloilor Beth Stookoy. on htn Horno Kldgn ranch, Tho drill hnd roiio 900 feet when finally n wutor bearing layer wan reuched, florliiR wax ntnrtod on tho Htookoy ranch early In tho iiuinnier. .Tho Biiecenn of tho drlllern will Innurq tin ndeguntn nupply of water fur stock on tho 3000 ncien Included In tho property. ' POTATO CROP MAY BE SHORT OUTPUT W)ll KNTIItlJ NATION wimj in-: la h pi:u ci:nt. m:sb THAN I.ABT VKAIt OUKOON NOT UP .TO BTANIIAHO. , IllRhor prlcen for potntooM tills winter are Indicated by n report Just Klven out by thu U, B, Depurtinont of Anrlculturo, bureau of crop cntlnint qi, which forcantn that the total crop of thu United Htn ton will amount to 310,191,000 IiuhIioIa, nn contrasted with 400,100,000 hiishelH, tbo total for 1918. Thin will represent n do cronno of 12 Hi pur cent. OroRon'n potato crop will bo 4, 000,000 husholn thin year, It In ontl mated, nn n&alnnt 0,000,000 last yoar, nnd 0,4:4,000, tho avcraRo for flvo years. Thu entire stnto In tlmatcd nt 09 por cunt of tho avo rngo. In making up this forecast, Ucichutcn C'Hinty In placed nt 74 por cent, Crook nt 72 per cent, nnd Jef- fornou nt 30 per cent. WiiHhltiRtou'u total output, snyH tho report, will bo 7,011.000 husholn an iiRiilunt 8,080,000 last year, nnd 8,888,200 for tho flvt yearn nveniRO. Thu statu percentage for 1919 Is forccaniod nt 74. POST MEMBERS NOW OVER 100 lin.NI) OHOANIZATION KNTITI.r.l) to two im:iji:uati:h at AMi:maN i.koio.v btati: CONVKNTION IN POItTliAND. Percy A. Slovens pos, Amorlcnn Legion, now linn ,moro than 100 paid up mumbern, which will en title' It to two doloRqtort In tho Htnto convention, which meetn In Portland Wednesday, Thurnday and Friday; whun deloRutca will bo so lecled to thu natloiial convention In Mlnnonpolln on Armistice day nnd u permanent statu orRmifzutlou, ef fected, , Tho 'local post startcdjjfcnmotlilnR In tho way of n post-waiuchnck on Oorniun propaganda wlion It ad vised the Portland post; tn Inoulro Into tho activities of cortaln Ger man Boclotlos In Portland promot ing bonoflts for foreign aid. -Tlio local post wnu given .credit for Initiating this movoinont, Tlio Dead post Is mootvlng' thu cooperation of nil tho merohnntB of tho elty In phuiH for ijjid big Ho vlollo wook fete, lo bo' lipid hero during tlio wook of October 20-2G, FOREST OFFICIAL I?, STATIONED IN' BEND To spend tho noxt six w'ooks In this Vlolllltv 111 irnnnrnl liinnuhMmi wnrlr W. N, KavuniiRh, usslstnt district foroBtor, from tlio Portland off co. arrived' in Demi this morning. Mr Kiivnnagh'H vlult lino booir inr.do poa Hlblo only by tho termination of tho flro Benson, na un to tho comlne of tlio full rains, ho hnd worked for wooln BiiporvlsIiiK flro flglitliiK on the for.ests of oastern Oregon and Washington, FOR CAR THEFT AHCIIIi; AND 'l,AHKNC'i: IHiANl) TAKII.V AT PKAIHIK CITY I.ONO IIIKK BAH) TO 1IAVI2 iNBPiHKD di:biui-: I'OIt AUTO. Pacing trial on n charge of lar ceny of a Dodge car bolonglny; to J. !-: .HnRlIn of this city, Arclilo mid Clnronco (Dlnnd, aged 18 and 10, respectlely, both of Terro boniiu, wore brought Into Ilend on Btindny by Italph Curl of Canyon City deputized by Bborlff B. K. nobertn. Mr. Itobertn returned Baturday night from Prairie City, whoro ho had traced the two buys, and whoro ho hnd furn lulled Information which led to their, cujituro and tho re covery of tho car by Jack Howell, marshal of Pralrlu City. Tho car, which had 1oon bor rowed by Hurry Klloy of thin city, disappeared from In front of tho Pilot Hutto annex onrly the morn Im; of Beptcmbor 1, nnd Bheriff Itobertn left an Thursday of tho snmo week for Orant county, hav ing reason to bollovo that tho Indi viduals taking tho machine had headed that wny. After passing Mitchell ho lost track of tho fURl tlvon, nnd "later loarned that ho had left thorn behind him on tho rond. Tho arrest wan mado In Prnlrlo City on Soptombor 10, but tiro trouble tnado n long trip of It for tho doputy and his two prison ers. Tho boys nro said to havo admitted taking two tires nnd two Dodge keys after reaching Prnlrlo, previous to their arrest. They had agreed that they must havo n car, whon, during tho last week in August, they tramped tho Ions Journoy from Palsloy, whoro they had been working, to llond. Their opportunity ta acqulro n ma chlno camo shortly after their ar rival In this city. LOST HUNTER IS LOCATED OI.Al'8 KIAIQUIKT LOCATHD IN KAItliY MOHNINO TWO DAYS AITIMt niCCOMING BKPAKATH!) ritOM I'ltlKNDB. KenrB which hnd been folt by friends In llond for Claun Ulmqulst, Bhovllu-Hlxoiv yard omployo, who wan lost whllo on a door hunt 25 in 1 1 o.t southwest of Crescent Sunday, were allayed today whon It was learned that tho missing mau hud been found early Tuesday, No details were available. Tho hunting party, composed pf Shevllii-Hlxon umployes, missed Kliiuiulst after combing one of thu mountain ridges for doer. All at tompts to layito their comrade prov ed In vain nnd thoy returned to llond lonvlug Chnrlos Iloss and Henry Car ter to continue thu search. This morning It hud buon planned to send out roonforcomonts, na no nowa had boon received from tho Croscont country since tho huntors returned to llond Sunday night. J. BUXTON PRICE WEDS IN REDMOND Leaven Thin .Morning with Hihlo, Formerly MIhs Olive Campbell, on 7000-Mllo Auto Trip. A wedding of Interest to both llond and Kcdmond rosldcnta was that of J, Duxton Prlco of this city and Mlsn Olive Campbell of Hudmond at, tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Camp boll, In Hodmoud at 8 o'clock' on Monday! Hov, Father Shnrkoy of llond pronounced tho marriage sorv Ico. Following n wedding bronkfnflt, Mr, and Mrs. Prlco left for Pondlo ton to attend tho Hound-Up. From thorn, thoy will drive to California, planning u 7000-jnllo woddlng tour lasting over two months, 'boforo re tiunlng'to make the!)- homfe In this, city, S C'OUNTl'i COUHT CUM.H OUT OIL .IKCTOItH, f'HKt'KINO CONTItO- VKItHY INVOIA'INO MANY HKHI DUNTB OI-' CO.M.MUNITY. Tentatively deciding tho question of proponed rnd extension in tho Al falfa district, tho Doschutcn County court yentorday evening appointed vleworn who will go over tho route petitioned for making their report nn to tho ndvlsnblllty of construction, and on thu location, in October. He can ho of tlio long program of road building and Improvement on mar ket and feeder roads within tho county, the court may bo unable to start work for many months on tho four mile stretch asked by Alfalfa rcHldontii, oven if a fnvorablo roport should bo brought in by viewers. Agitation for tho road started soino nix months ngo, and from thin started n controversy which Involved a largo number of residents of tho community. Finally when tho peti tion wan presented to tho county commissioners, a romonstranco wan filed' to which was appended more immon than has boon signed by tho buckora of tho rond. To mako sure of thofrcsldonco and property hold ing qualifications of all signers, tho court'd,efcrrcd action, nnd yesterday it wan found that 17 doslred tho road, nnd 12 objocted to it. Tho original remonstrance was signed by 23.. " XV. II. Daggett, of Hodmond, ap peared for tho petitioners, and H. II. Do Armond, of llond, for tho ronton strators, whllo K. O, Stadter, deputy district attorney, acted as advisor to tho court. Another road matter to como be fore tho court, was brought up by C. F. Hosklns, It. 8. Towno, and Joo Howard, Jr., who woro In from Lower lirldgo to suggest highway construction from Lower lirldgo to Torrobonno. 948 ASK DAILY FOR MAIL HERE With i tho completion of n nine day count mado at tho gonenil de livery -window of tho llend post office, Acting Postmaster W. II. Hudson announced on Thursday that on nn average 94 S names are called for dally. This Is greatly in excess of tho number who havo boxen rented, only 740 securing their mnll In this way. The figures secured In tho general doltvory count will bo used by Mr. Hudson in urging that llond bo placed under tbo city delivery sys tem. APPRECIATION OF INSTITUTE SHOWN Appreciation of tho work dono by speakers and instructors, tlinnks to County Superintendent J. Alton Thompson for bringing specialists in various linos of education for thla work, nnd to City Superintendent S. W. Mooro and tho city school board for tho uso of tho high bcIiooI build ing, was oxprossod by tho toachors of Deschutes county through resolu tions passed yesterday attornoon in tho concluding session of Institute, Other business transacted Includ ed tho oloctlou of Superintendent Mooro, of' llond, and Suporlntoud Ir vine of Redmond, as mombora of tlio oxocutlvo board of tho Central Oro goii Tii-Couuty AUilotlc and decla matory association. SULPHUR ORDER FOR BEND IS STILL OPEN County Agriculturist II. E. Iooiib, while In llond yostorduy, reported that tho sulphur ordor for "the ranchers in tho llond district ia still opon, Two cava havo nlroady boon ordered, and will bo dollvercd tho lattor part of Soptombor. Thoy will Iuw4bi . total load' of 81,400 poundsT The sulphur ia o bo used In strengthening tho soil used tor alfalfa culture. VIEWER Check I'loiMiim; Bystctn to lie .Shown at John Park Hunch by County Agent Koonn Bntunlay. Undor tho direction of County Ag riculturist II, K. Koonn, an Irrigation demonstration will h held Saturday of this week at tho John Park ranch In the northern part of tho Tumalo project. Tho purposo of tho dem onstration will be to show tho best proceed uro in irrigation by tho check flooding, jsystem. Strip border checks, contour checks, and level checks will bo used, nnd water will be turned In no that visitor can nee tho results of actual flooding. ASK BIDS FOR STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION WOULD LCT CON TItACT FOK WOKK I1ETWKEN I1KXD AND JKFFEItSON COUN TY LINK ON HKPTKMDKIl 20. SALEM, Sept. 18. Tho State highway commission Thursday asked for bids for (ho construction of the section of Tho Daltes-Cutlfornla high way lying between Bend and tho Jef ferson county lino. Tho work which will bo bid on'wilV includo 10 miles of gravol surfacing, nnd contractors' estimates will bo opened on Septem ber 20. WATERFOWL FOUND IN LARGE NUMBERS Thousands of wildfowl aro to bo found In tho country surrounding tho headwaters of Crooked Itlvcr. according to Clydo M. McKay, ono of a party of hunters who returned to llend yesterday morning; Others who mado tho trip wero II. S. Dart, E. O. Stadter, H. E. Allen, and C. P. It. Short. Tho hunters bagged an nverago of 10 ducks each. Decauso tho birds aro wldolv scattered over tho fields, hunting is : nut yet especially good, Mr. McKay says, but tho number of ducks Is in calculable. Hundreds of wild geeso woro also seen. With tho coming of rnlflnr wnntfinr Ifin hlrrla trill lrnnn No tho water courses, and hunters will havo a much easier time of it, Mr. McKay believes. HIGHWAY ENGINEER LOOKS OVER ROADS Looking ovor road conditions in this section preparatory to tho be ginning of stnto Improvement work, Highway Engineer Herbort K. Nunn spent tho better part of- tho weok end in tho Dcnd vicinity, going ovor tho stnto highway south as far as Harper, accompanied by W. C. Ulrdsall. Mr. Nunn was not en thusiastic ovor this stretch of road, and 'gave it as his opinion that it should havo been dragged imme diately utter tho recent rainstorms. Two auto trucks will bo nvull nblo tor highway work la this vi cinity, ho stnted. IRRIGATION EXPERT IS VISITOR IN CITY John T. Whistler, well known Irri gation engineer, who wns in charge of tho Deschutes survoy and othor co-operative work dono in Oregon by tho stato nnd tho Federal govern ment arrived Monday from Burns and Bpent Tuesday horo. Mr. Whlstlor la now ongtnoer advisor to the Fodqral Farm Loan Board with headqimrtora in Donver and Is mak ing a trip ovor tho Twolfth farm loan district. BODY OF RANCHER IS SHIIED NORTH Tho body of' Matthias P. Smith, rancher who died hero Sunday night, was 6ont on Monday to The Dalles, whoro funornl sorvlccs woro hold yestevnay. Alri Smith, who with his brother, J, A, Smith, owned tho Mll licnn ranch, was 23 yoara of ago whon doath came as, tho combined result, of paroslsi ami arteriosclero sis. Other rolatlves reside in Califor nia. MOVE CHECKED RESOLUTION TABLED BY BUSINESS MEN. Menace to Bncccsn of Tlio Dalle- California Highway, In Feared Club to Cooperate In E tcrtalnintc Labor Men. J ' Whether or not tho Dend Com mercial club shall ndvocata a Cas cade mountain highway connecting tho Crater Lake and tho Mt. Hood National Parks, was tho subject for longthy dobato at tho weekly meet ing of tho club yesterday, when res olutions in favor of such a high way, proposed by H. J. Ovcrturf, of tho roada committee, were hatted in tholr passago by C. S. Hud son, who declared that ho consider ed such a movement to bo most dan gerous to the welfaro of Ilend. Mr. Hudson explained that tho construc tion of a mountain routo of the kind might seriously Injuro chances tor securing a hard surfaced north and south highway passing through Bond, and that it would moreover, detract from tbo tourist travel through hero, Instead of adding la It. He suggested tat the mere nearly Ideal plan would be for a soricn of roads to radiate out from Bond, connecting with tho points el! chief scenic interest thus mak ing Bend headquarters for tourksSs. ltesolHtlen Tablnl. " Mr. Ovcrturf and W. C. Blrdsall spoke in faver of the Cascade high way, but a motion by J. P. Keys m carried, tabling the resolution until next week, during which . time ft thorough Inveatigatfdn Is to be raadu. A Whisnant declared that opposi tion to the proposed highway Is ill advised, maintaining that sufflcleat support Is already behind the move ment to insure its success. Continuing his report, Mr. Over- ;turf moved that the cJco urge tho county court. In attending the next mooting of tho stato highway com mission, to request maintenance funds for tho south highway from Bend to tho Sbonqulat ranch. The motion was carried. Ijihor Contention CoihIhr. D. G. McPherson mentioned the coming stato convention of tho Fed eration of Labor and on his motion it was decided that a club committee bo appointed to cooperato with the Central Trades council in regard te tbo cntertalnmont of tho delegates. E. L. Payne spoke of tho Prlne vlllo fair to be held early in October, and urged that a good delegation be sent from Bend on at least ono day of tho four day exposition. THREE DAYS GIVEN TO FATTEN HORSE William South Admits In Police Court That Quo Bushel of Grata Fed Animal Two Weeks. ii After he was' arrested' undor the namo of John Doo, afid arraigned under tho name of William Smith, hearing in police court was held Tuesday for William South on a chargo of providing insufficient food for his horso. Tho nulmal, hitched within a block of Recorder D. II. Peoples' office, showed little indica tion of having beon fed within the last wook, the court decided. Neighbors appoared as wltnessea to testify that tho horse was re ceiving a scanty ration of Interior food, and the defendant himself ad mitted that in the two weeks that ho had owned the horso, tho only purchase of feed, made, had been a, biiBhel of barley. - A Jail sentence, was, suspended for three days, during which time South1 will bo expected to add noticeably to tho weight of his emaciated steed.'' ACREAGE PURCHASED NEAR EDGE OF BEND Tho Gllson. Land & Investment Co. Tuesday purchased from tho NIhwod ger estate 40 acres of land just north of Kenwood, lying on thai wejtt slope, of the Deschutes and rungRg down to the river hank. T.hee7 siderfttlon is net knew. I( Vi Ut Intention at tli new owners to it the tract and phxee it upon th4 niarket in the near future. I