Y IIISNI) IIULMSTIN, IIICNI), OREGON, Til fit I i T " 1'AOi 9 ', POTATO CROP IS REDUCED RIIIZOCTONIA FOUND IN MANY FIELDS. Imhh TIiIn Vhii' Will Ho Etrplloiiii. ly llfiivy l.iidt (-'olil Hii'Ihk lll'lll UN ('llllhlf for HiiiiiIIit Vl.lil. intuit tin riiniiiiliirnl Hint If now noil ii tiro InfucUnl limy liavo lioon ho for a tfriiat iimny yearn and thai tlio only roaHDii rlilzontoulit Iiiim tiiltim (inch heavy toll UiIh mjiihoii Ih that tlio cold HprltiK weather which Hiimtly hiiiiiixirml tlio growth of tlio plant provided thn moiit favorable conilllloiiM for tlio ilovolopinont of tlio iIIkdiiko. Ily II. 12. ICiioiiH (County AirrlculturUt.) Thn pant two wi'iiku tlio potato crop In thin county Iiiih mirrored Kmittly, lino to tlio ravai;oH of illti iwiMit, ItlilKoctonla, wilt and black Idk havn developed In practically all of thu IIiiIiIh to a xroatnr or limn iloKruo. Ithlzoctoiila Ih by far thu worHt. ' Tlio iIInkiiho known an rhlzoctoiila, or llttlo potato," htm alwayri kIvmi mnro or limn trnublii In thin Miction. Hut thin ndidioii Itn olTuctii Itavo boon a cntal dital tuoru wldoripnmil than coiitaioii. Tint cold nprliiK weather lioldltiK buck tlio dovulopniuut of (ho yotuiK plutitn Iiiih iniido alumni Ideal coudltlotin for tlio rapid Hproad and development of rhUoctmila. Tlio flmt HyuiptoniH of UiIh iIIhoiiho aro a Koiinrul wt'iilumliiK of tlio plant, leaven chntiKltu: to a pain Krevn, Htalk thlckoiiliiK and tutor brown burnt! developing over tint leaven, Tlio illtiuano gradually clrchiH thn lit din and rootn, ramOiiK tho nap How to liii cut off ahovu tlmno polutH mid forcltiK thn plant to form nnw nliootH Jimt below tlium) Injured nucllonn. Whan roota aro Klnllod thn yoiuiH potato Ih cut off from lt food mipply and of oourno titakoH no ftirthnr dovulopuimtt. An noon an ouch tuber Ih cut off tho mp contliitinM to How throtiKh tho root, formliiK nnothor potato, which In turn In Klrdlnd and cut off. Whlln thn entire plant Ih Heldotn killed, thlH KlrdlliiK procoiin ontinon now Hliootn to bo nent out and unw potutooH form al Mich friUiul In turvaU that nolthnr tlio vines nor tho inborn niuko luitlnfactory ocrowth. Tim tun of corroxlvo mibllinatn will practloally control tho ill Hen ho In tho hcihI, but thin yoar'a ronultn preiwiit ampin proof that thn hoIIh aro badly Infected and nlmply treat ing tho mied wilt not control rhlx octonla. In older ncctlonn whnro nlmllar troublo hnH been experienced, po tato Rrownrn havo boon able to ro dttcn thu uffnctH of tbu dlnoiiKO by .need treatment and crop rotation. Had noil condition) havn unually rtmultml from a nbort rotation or contlnuotiH cropping with potatnos. Under thono clrctimntnncnn proper rotation and need treatment will ro il u en thu dlnoanu until It Iiiih but little direct on thn crop. llowovnr, our wornt Infected field am on nuw hind which ban been planted with wall treated need. Whlln rotation will undoubtedly bo a great help, It can hardly bo ex pected to produce tho wiino ronulta burn an It Iiiih In miction whom only tho older nolln aro Infected, yet It will no doubt prove to bo onn of tho bnnt inethodH of control. Thu Iohh thin your will bn excep tionally heavy, and many Krownrn -will bo Krnatly dlncouraged, yet It HOW TO I'ltKMCHVIJ HII.OH kou I'lrniui: vhk'VI,si'mh Now that Ibo cont of conntructlnK hIIoh Ih IiIkIi It Ih morn Important than over to protect iitfalnut decay ItboKo that aro already built. A kooiI liiHldn coatluf; for hIIoh, HpnulallittH of thn United Rtalen de partment of iiitrlciillurii nay, In conl tar nolutlon, thlnuod If decen nary with Kiinollun, and applied with a paint hrtinh. Thu bnnt plan Ih to apply It ouo or two dayn before thu hIIo Ih to bn filled, but It can bo dono miccoKHfully during flllhiK, thu mini In tho nlto palatini; a ntrlp an blfih an tliey can roach, and repeat ing thn proconH pnrlodlcally until thu top In reached. When put on In thin way tho material muni bo thlnn-jd with Kiinollun, which evnp oratoH altnont Immeilliitely mid leaven thn coal tar dry enough not to Injure tlio rillnr.o. Wooden ntavo nlloH that havn bo- Kim to rot at tho bnnn where de cay unually bnitltiH can bn mivuil by Hawing off tho rotten portion. It Ih nncennary, of cournu, to block tip tho nllo before tho Hawing Ih dono, mid then to lower It k radii -nlly. Curofiilly handled, a nllo can bo Hawed off and lowered nbnolutoly without Injur)'. After thin opera tion thorn Ih likely to bo tbreo or four yearn or life loft In a nllo that without It would havo, been worth-limn. "Don't Cheat Yourself" say8 the Good Judge There's nothing saved . by chewing ordinary tobacco. A little cb v of that good ricli-tarintf tobaccogoesnlotfarther, and its good taste lasts ail the way through. Little chew Jasting satisfying. That's why it's a real saving to buy this class o tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-I3 CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco TANLAC FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmac SOLK AGENTS 7 " 1 1 1 u. ri.ij.vrv I'oit nvKitVHonv. Try to make tho dlnlieH norvod of hucIi hIzo that thcro will bo uiioukIi to natlnfy tho appotlto of tho family and no unnucennfiry (able or pinto wanto. Don't bn iiHliamed to plan clonnly. Thrift In food mennn pro vldliiK onoiiKh food, nolthnr too llt tlo nor too much. LEGAL NOTICES NOTK'i: )!' I-'I.VAIj HKTTI.K.MIJ.NT. Iii thu County Court of tho Stnto of OrcKon, for DoncbutUH County. In thu inattor of thu entntu of Mary J. Canada, doceaned. Notlcn In hereby kIvoii that tho un dernlKned, administratrix of tho oh tato of Mnry J. Canndii, docunnod, ha filed In tho County Court of Den chutPH County, Htnto of OrcKon, hor final nccotint an mich ndinlulHtratrlx of nnld entnto. mid that .Monday tho 20th day of Roptembor, 1010 at tho hour of 10 oclock a. in. linn been fix ed by tho nald Court an tho tlmo for licnrliiK of objcctloiin to nald report, and thu nuttlemont thereof. KLM2N 11. SANDKItSON', Admlnlntratrlx of tho entatu of Mnry J. Caitndn, doccancd. 2G-29C within nix montliH from tho datu of thu flrnl publication hereof. Datu of flrnt publication, Septem ber 4, 1010. Klnlo I aOODFKLLOW, AdmlnlHlratrlx of tho Hntatu of , Kreil Goodfallow, Doconned. 27-31c NOTK'i: TO CHKDITOIW. In tho County Court of thu Stnto of OroKon, for tho County of Du- HCllUtCH. In tho Matter of tho Kntnto of Henry W. Ilovollo, Deceased. Notice In hereby given that tho undnrnlKticd wnn on thu 28th day of Augunt, 1919, appointed nilmln iHtrntrlx of the ontato of tlio nbovo named decoanod by thu county JuiIku of DcnchutCH county, Oroson. Thureforo, all pornonn holding clalmn aKiilnnt thu entnto of nnld deceased aro hereby notified to pro nunt thu name duly verified accord InK to law, at my office In tho O'ICnno build Inc. Dcnd, OroRon, within nix montliH from tho dato of tlio flrnt publication hereof. Datu of flrnt publication, Septem ber, 4lh. 1919. OHAUI.KS W. BI18KINB, Admlnlntrntor of tho Hntato of Henry W. lluvellu, Decennod. 27-31c NOTICK. In thu mntter of thu Organization of Know Creek IrrlRtitlon District. Notlco In hereby kIvoii that tho fol IowIiik petition prnylnR for tho or Knulzatlon of Snow Creek Irrlgutlon district will bo presented to tho County Court, of Deschutes County, OreKon, at thu Court Iloom In Hend, OrcKon, on thu lnt day of October, 1919, NOTK'i: TO ('HKDITOItH. In tjio County Court of tlio Stnto of Oregon, for DunchutcH County. In tho .Matter of tho Kntnto of Fred Ooodfnllow, DeceiiHi'd. Notlco Ih hereby .given thnt tho ttndornlKned wnn on tho 2Cth day of AtiKtint, 1019, appointed adminis tratrix of tho oHtnto of tlio nbovo named doconned by tho county JuiIku of DoHchutos county, Oiukou. Therefore, all purnonn 1ioi1Iiik clalmn aKiilimt thn ontato of nald docuaned uru hereby notified to pro- hoiiI tlio namo. iiuiy vermeil accord Iiik to law, at tho offlco of my at tonieyn, Do Armond & Rrsklno, In thu O'ICnno hulldliiK. lloiul. OroKon. Having the Largest Line of Used Furniture in Bend we are in a position to make you some very attractive offerings. Almost Anything You Want If you are Rolng to have a NEW RANGE this year, first consider the Monarch Range Featuring the Duplex Draft. We also Buy Used Furniture See Us first before buying Standard Furniture Co. JJ. nrriTio.v. To tho Honorable County Court of IioncliiitoB County, Oregon. Under and purnunnt to Chnpter 3S7 of tho General Laws of Orcffon for 1917, tho undersigned proposo tho orKnnlzutlou of nn Irrigation Dis trict to bo known as Snow Creek Irrigation District, and particularly bounded and dencrlbcd an follows: Ik'Klnnlng nt thu NW corner of Sec. 10, Tn. 10 S. It. 11 K. W. M. Doncltuten County, Oregon; thoncu N to thu NW corner of tho 8W Sec. 3; nnld township mid ran go; thonco W to tho center of Soc. C, T 1G 8. K. 11 K. W. M.: thoncu N to thu center of Sec. 31, T. IB S. It. 11 K. W. M.; thonco W to tho NW corner of tho W Q. of Soc. 31, nald T. and It.; thonco S. to tho NW cornor of tho 8W Q. of Roc. 0, T 10 8. K. 11 K. W. M.: thonco W to tho NW cornor of tho NB Q. of tho 8K Q. of Sec. 2, T 10. 8. It. 10 K. W. M.: thonco 8 to tho NW corner of tho 8B Q. of Ibo SK Q. of Sec. 11, T. 10, 8. It, 10 B. W. M.; thonco W to tho NW corner of 8W Q. oi tho SW Q. of Soc. 11, nald T. mid It. thonco 8 to tho 8W corner of thu NWtfNWU Soc. 1 1, nnld towimhlp and ruiigo; thonco K to tho contor of tho NW'U Soc. 1 1, said towunhlp and range; thuiico 8 to thu SB cornor of tho SWUNWU Sec. H, said township mid range; thonco B to tho NB cor ner of tho SBU Sec. 1-1, nnld towu nhlp mid rnngo: thonco 8 to tho 8W cornor of tho NU'USWtf Soc. 13, nnld township and rango; thonco W to tho center of tho SKVi Sec. H, mild township and rnngo; thonco 8 to tho 8W cornor of tho SBU SBU Hoc. H. nnld towunhlp nnd rnngo; thonco H to tho SB corner of tlio 8BU8WU Sec. 13, nald township and range; thonco 8 to tho contor of Soc. 24, mild townnhlp nnd rnngo thonco K to tho SB corner of tho NBU Sec. 21, nald townnhlp and range; thonco N to tho NB corner of Sec 21 nald townnhlp and rango; thonco B to tho NB cornor of tho NWU NWU Soc. 19, townnhlp 10 8. Kongo 11 B. XV. M.; thenco 8 to tho NW cornor of tho NB UNWU Sec. 30, nald townnhlp and rango; thenco B to tno .nb cornor of thoNEU NWU Soc. 30, nald townnhlp nnd rnngn; thonco 8 to tho 8W corner of tho SB", of Soc. 30, nuld township nnd rango; thenco K to tho SB cor ner of Sec. 30. Hnld township and raiiKo: thenco N to tho NB corner of Sec. 19, said townnhlp and rango; thonco B to tho NW cornor of tho NBU Sec. 20, said township and rnngo; thnnco S to tho center of Sec. 20, said townnhlp nnd rnngo; thenco B. fo tho NB corner of tho NWU 8WU Sec. 20, nnld townnhlp nnd range; tuenco .N to tlio contor of tho NBU Soc. 20, nnld townnhlp and range; thonco B. to tho SB cor nor of tho NBU NBU Sec. 20, said townnhlp and rango; thonco N to tho SB corner of tho NEV NBU Suction 8. said town ship nnd rango; thonco B to tho NB corner of tho SWUNBU Sec. 9, Hald township nnd rnngo; thenco S to tho SB cornor of tho SWUSEU Soc. 9, said township nnd range; thoncu B to tho NB corner of tho NWVi NWU Sec. 15, Hold township and rnngo; thonco N to the NB cor ner of tho NWU NWU Sec. 10, said township mid rango; thenco W to tho point of beginning. Excepting therefrom tho following dencrlbcd tracts: Tho NV4 of tho NWU. nnd tho NWU NBU Sec. 9. Tn. 1C, S. IU 11 B. W. M, Tho SBU and tho XV i SWU Sec. 8, nnld township nnd rnngo: tho NWU NBU, nnd tho NBU NWU Sec. 17, snld township nnd rnngo; also tho SBU and tho B4SWU. nnd the EH NWU. SWU NBU. 8WU.NWU Scc- 18. said townnhlp nnd range; also 66 acres out of tho southoantcrly portion of tho SBU Sec. 30, Tn. 1C, S. It. 11 B. W, M. belonging to tho State of Orogon. Alno Sec. 7 Wis of Soc. 6 SB Q. of Soc. 0 Sb of Sec. 5 N WQ. of tho NB Q. of Sec. 8 NB Q. of tho NB Q. of Soc. 8 W of tho NW Q. of Soc. 8 nnd tho WiS of tho SW Q. of Sec. 8. T. 10 S. It. 11 E. XV. M.; NW Q. of tho NW Q. of Sec. 17 snld T. und K. tho SB Q. of Sec. 1 nnd Bit of Soc. 1 tho NiS of Sec. 12 tho NiS of tho SW Q. of Sec. 12 the NW Q. of tho SB Q. of Scc. 12 tho BiS of tho NB Q. of Sec. 11 tho NE Q. of tho SW (. of Sec. 11. nil in T. 16 8. It. 10 E. W. M. In Deschutes Coun ty Oregon. And your petitioners respectfully represent. I. Thnt thoy aro each mid all owners of land within nald proponed irriga tion District, which said land Ih Irri gated or suscoptlblo of Irrigation, mid that tho undersigned aro n majority of tlio nwnors of laud within said District. II. Thnt It Is tho purpose of your peti tioners to organize mi Irrigation Dis trict within snld boundaries undor nald Chapter 3S7 of thu aouernl Laws of Oregon for 1917. III. That your petitioners desire, by oiviii .,. . i i !,. dlntrlct, to iH4Htyi it i ruction of . or, -i ; . ...I5 tor tho pro- ir m ' ifrlgablo land fftMn . 'i i ii"i for tho ro- 'tjitflt" - i i .Hut. Improvo- ml, ' ' ' ttrsh'SQ, operation n.fl mil ' i " of any nnd nil Avi-M . rtt"td for tho Ir ).i'.ii.f .''i ! !" nil any other i'.1h wdh i. wild proponod Irrlgn- ' o' DlHtr'et Hi rough tho storage, dl-j im hi. . . ; u of tho waters of I I'tm Crk Snow Creek, IJIg and ! Uftlo I,nko and tho trlbutnrioH of Id HlroAitin snd taken, situated In "Hohtiton County, Oregon, and to do y and Mil things necessary to bo !ono to fully reclaim all tho Irrlgablo uds within nnld district, and to por orm any other act or things por ilttcd under said Chnpter 3G7, Gen eral Lawn of Oregon for 1917, and your petitioners pray that said Irriga tion district, an proponod, bo organiz ed under and pursuant to nald law', nd thnt nn election bo called, had and hold for that purpose. II. T. Hartlayruutnlo, Ore.; Paul A. Scoggfn, Tumalo, Oro ; Lou Pulllam, Tumalo, Oro.; Mattlo A. and Goorgo Crnwford, 200 Wygnnt street, 1'ort Innd, Oro.; (by, Lucy Crawford, Smith ogent), Tumnlo, Ore.; frank Colfolt, Tumnlo, Ore; II. A. Scoggln, Tumnlo, Oro.: I. M. McKlnnoy, Tu malo, Oro.; Clara Isabel McKlnnoy, Tumalo,' Oro.; Mortgage Company for America, J. Armfcld, managing ngont 22 Alnsworth building, Portland, 'Oregon. 2C-30C NOTK'K FOR PUIILK'ATK Department of tho Interior. Lnnd Office nt Lnkovfew, O July 30, 1919. Notlco In horeby given that 8pringntubo of La Pino, Ore. on Juno 17. 1915, mudu horn' entry No. 08746 for NWU 8 20, Townnhlp 23 S. Ilango 9 Willamette meridian, ban file tlco of Intention to mnko three-year proof to establlnH to tho land abovo described I E. L. Cark, U. 8. commission' La Pine, Ore. on tho 20th d September, 1919. Claimant names as wlthcnno Lucy Springntubo, of La Orogon ; Knto Zlcrolf, or La Pino, Or John Mnntcn, of La Pine, Ot C. II. Claw, of La Pino. Oi 25-29c JAS. F. HHJIIOE Hop NOTICE I'OK PUIILICATIOX. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Lakovlow, Oregon, August 13, 1919. Notlco In horeby given that Thomas P. Llnvillo of La Pine, Oregon, who, on March 30, 191G, mndo homestead application No. 08C36 for SWU SWU. NiS SWU. SEU NWU. Section 9, Township 23 S. Rango 9 Bast Willamctto xner-' Idlan, has filed notlco of Intention to mnka final three-year proof to , establish claim to tho land abovo described beforo E. L. Clark, U. 8. 1 commissioner, at La Pino, Oregon, on tho 20th day ot September, 1919. Claimant names ns witnesses: ! H. C. Scott of La Pine, Oregon; John Mastcn, ot La Pine, Oregon; I R. E. Eaton, of La Pine, Oregon; J Carl Wise, ot La Pine, Oregon.) 2G-29c JAS. P. nilROESS, Register, j NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho County Court of tho Str Oregon, for Deschutes Oo In thu matter of tho catato ot ert Hyslop, deceased. Notlco Is horeby given that Hamilton has been appointed a mlnlstrator of the Entato of R Hyslop, deceased, by tho C( Court of Deschutes County, Or- All persons having claims ng tho said catato aro hereby no' to present them, duly verified, proper vouchers, to said admin) tor at tho law offlco of R. 8. I Ilton. In tho First Natlonnl nulldlng. Bend, Oregon, wlthl months from tho dato of tho publication of this notlco, to Within six months from August ' 1919. R. S. IIAMILTO 26-30c Admlnlntr Dr. L W. Gatchet OplMKtrist and Manafaclaring Optician Complete Leal Grinding Plant in cot section with my office t LARSON T CO.. Jeweler M3 Oregon tfreet, OcnJ, Orrg Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of SuacUrd Sue. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER. CO. Business and Professional Cards BE A LEADER ".I win V'f.i IiaJii rVu in Mi (Mity "J mtf lijt 4 )wt .iu"-Eiy An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? hd7t,mV U-UjttH J..-7 ' SiMlIilkffisSSl "ssr Oregon Agricultural College Tralnt for IcxJtnhlp In th Induitrlo tod rofcilon follow, . HOME HCONOMICS. AGRICULTURE. COMMERCE. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, CIVIL ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS, MININQ ENGINEERING. LOOOItia UNaiNEERlNG, MILITARY SCIENCE. The Collet trlnln Includti courttt In Entli.h, Economic. Art, Malhcmttln. Modtin Ltncutiti, Phytlctl Education, Induttiitl Jcutn.lUm, NMuril Scitncci, and 11 cucntial ol nn cdu;tion, Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 I ni(ntlMMMIM p)MBl M ! Ij-- k)J'taM till IfJI UIMI fllTj U5rTTJB rMH I For Coltrct Cllog. Illulrltd DooVItt ind othrr InformMlon tddrtti THE REOISTRAIt, Orccon Acncultuml Collar, Cwvullu I rt. ' L i. ' . vvHr uyJ R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Dank Dldg. Tel. 511 (Dr. Co' Former OITlce.) II. It. DeArmonJ Chu. Xf. ErVln DcArmond & Erskine 1. a w v k u s O'Kano Building, Dond, Orogon Phone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect S-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... OREQOJ H. O. JQLLIS Attornoy-t-Lw United Btaten iaiuilAslouer First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawrence Bldg., Room 3 Fbono Red 2251 DR. C. H. SOLL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bond Press Bldg, BEND, OREGON Phones: Otflco Red 41; Res, 123 j O. P. NIBWONGER, Bond, Or UNDERTAKER Iilceased Knibalmer, PunrriU Director. Phono Red 421. Ladr Asa DR. R. D. STOWELL NaprapAthlo Physician Oror Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to I Phone Red 482 DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Denr with Now Equipment Private Otflco In Thorson's Jewelry Storo Dr. Turner will bo In Prlne vlllo ovory first and third Frl day; In Madras erery seconc and fourth Friday, and In Red mond every first and third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified M Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Completo Abstract Plant In Central Oregon. Special Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstracts. Firs! National DanK Bldtf., 11E.ND. ORE.. Cor. next to Alley