The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 11, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    I1KN1) BULLETIN, BKND, 0HKC10N, THUIWDAY, 8KlT. 11, 1010
(Continued from Lust Wook.)
Clnhn Docket, Dosrlmtes County,
Oregon, May IS-!, ltn.
W. L. Coffey, Hotly for Truck SG5.00
Mllor Lumber Co., Lumber
(or road work GO. 29
11. Q. Wackwoll, Carrying
electric supplies 36.00
Owl Pharmacy, Supplies forj
Clerk 00
Owl Pharmacy, Shppllos for
Circuit Court. 2.30
Owl Pharmacy, Supplies for
Shorlff - 70
Pacific Tol. & Tol.. Telep
hone Clerk. 4.90 As-
eesor J3.B5 S.4.
Pacific Tol. & Tel., do Cir
cuit Judgo I5.B5, County
Judge, $4.10 9.GB
Do schooHSupt. J4.G0, Sher-
iff 11.10 ........... 15.70
Do, County Treasurer 3.40
JH. II. Clow, care of County
Patient "
II. G. Farrla, Juror Circuit
Court 3(5.00
Deo Harding meals for Coun
ty Indigent 29.05
Union Cafe. Do - n.&u
J. II. Vincent, road work,,
R. It. Keller. Do. 25.00
J. D. Elklns, Do..-. iJ.b
Italph Norcott, Do,.. ..... 13.00
O. W. January, Do, E.2B
W. H. Inmnn. Do,.J. 35.00
W. M. Hunt. Do . 81.00
Earnest Smith. Do. 68.00
Clint Snodgrass. Do. 6.00
Win. Kennedy. Do, 12.00
E. C. Glaub, Do, 12.00
J. J. Cunningham. Do, 85.00
C. II. Miller, road work and
supplies . .. . - 74.60
C. II. Miller. Cora. foes, mile
age etc.,... .-. .... 9G.79
Soth Stookoy, Do, 77.30
Glass & Prudhomme Co.,
supplies, clerk's office 4.41
J. D. Donoran, cash adv.
County Patient G.00
Llpman-Wolfo Co.. Uulforras
for Guards-..-. .. .156 .88
Juno 5th, 1919.
Bond Garago, supplies
work . . .
Do. Do. ......
Hausca Lomb Optical
supplies School
Peter G. Itomple,
Supt -
road work
Do, Do, .....- ......
C. G. Cornelius. Do,
A. L. Sayo, auto hire
road work .... - -M.
O. Wllklns subscription
auto record Snenii
Bend Hardware Co.. supplies
for election
Frank N. Gilbert, Janitor's
salary May
Eleanor B. Whltmaoro, sten
ographer for County Court
August Anderson, oxponses
sheriffs office 90.00
A. A. Anderson, special de-
puty hire Bherlff .... 41.G7
R. E. Grlmea, Juror Circuit
Cou rt 3 . 1 0
Mary Fryrear. recording
clerk, clerk's office ., 75.00
Hnlnn M. Foloy. Do 65.00
Bend Light &. P. Co. Light
C-H otc,
J. B. Cochran, road work
II. II. Clow, care of A. A. An
thony. - ........
Max A. Cunning, Ass't DIst.
Atty -
Frank Perclvall, deputy as
sessor ..... ...---
Glass & Prudhomme, sup
nlles clerk's office .. .
n. G. Black well, auto hire
sheriff 74.00
Pacific Tel. & Tel., Asses
sor $3,25, Supt. Schools,
Do, Treasurer $4.45, uierK
$4.85 ... -
Do, Circuit Judge....
Best & HarrlH, supplies road
work .- .............
E. M. Harrington, road work
Sisters - 6.20
J. H. Hancr, expenses dork's
offlco ..., 7
C. II. Miller, auto license .
county truck, etc., - 28.00
C. II. Miller, Com. fees, mile-
ago etc 125.92
C. H. Miller, Tol. service &
miscellaneous items . 14.18
W. H. May. road work, 86.67
V. M. Hunt, Do , 46.13
Earnest Smith. Do - 4J.00
F. T. Crowo, Do -.... 6.00
Clyde M. McKay, expenses
Treasurers offlco 49.50
Pacific Tel. & Tel., Tel. Bher-
Iff's office 12.70
Bend Bulletin, county war-
rants clerk, .... 32.00
Bend Bulletin, election sup
plies . ----
Bend Bulletin, School Supt.,
$5.25, Treasurer $2.00 ....
Bond Bulletin Sheriff $12.
00, election $26.75 ..
Bend Bulletin, County Court
Itobcrt B, Gould, surveyors
feo $27.00, fees road work .
$77.40, ........ . . 104.40
J. D. Bowman, road viewer 5.20
S. E. Roborta delivering elec
tion supplies ...-..... 15.50
Win, Pldownlng, meals for
prisoners - 30.00
J. H, Vincent, meals for
county patient, '...i 12.40
GJass & Prudhomme sup
plies school supt 29.10
Juno 6, 1919, pay of election
bporda. . . '
J. D. Davidson i $0.00
Frank N. Gilbert,,.....,......, 6.00
J, F, Arnold ..;..- G00
ABhloy Forrest 6.00
C, V. Silvia .".... 6.00
F, N. Van Matro 6.00
S. It. IlOglU -00
Cora A. Brpstorhous.- 0.00
Arvllla Murphy C.00
Hardest L. Murphy1. G.00
II. E. Baker vv G.00
T J. Sanders U o.oo
E, D. Gilaon -I..,.. 6.00
K. E. Sawj'flr ,...., ,. G.00
V. C. Fish; ..,....,...... G.00
II. G. Ha'rris........... G.00
Clydo M. McKay.. o,oo
J. B, Anderson....... .oo ,
Mrs. Ollvo E."McKay.,..'. G.00
Mrs. F. O. Fnrrls COO
C. J. Lovorott... 6.00
H. n. Whltmoro 0.00
Carrlo Host , 6.00
Bertha B. Morgan G.00
G. C. Morgan G.00
P. II. Doncor G.00
P. Nelson G.00
C. II. Wlgmoro G.00
W. O. Fordham G.00
Earl A. Hlntt 0.00
F. J. Wnllaeo 6.00
W. E. Beualoy G.00
Geo. H. Mcaregor G.00
Al. McClay.- G.00
Jnrod Mooro 6.00
11. Smith G.00
N. Urown 6.00
Grace B. Morso G.00
J, W. Wright 6.00
Bcsslo L. Heed - 6.00
Mabol A. Connolly G.00
P. Gift G.00
Victoria Shultx 6.00
Howard II. Burrlght ... 6.00
P. J. Podorson . 6.00
Fred Hottmnn G.00
Geo. M. Erlckson G.00
Augustn Evans 6,00
Floyd Van Clove 6.00
P. II. Coffey 6.00
S. W. Morrill - G.00
Edw. Goo. Gutflolsch 6.00
S. E. Corroll 6.00
Mrs. E. M. Harmon 6.00
Lndles Pioneer Club, ront of
Polling room 5,00
D. W. Farthing, ront of voting
plnco 4.00
G. C. Palmer, repairing booth 5.00
J. H. Jackson, ront of voting
room 5.00
J. II. Jackson, Do, Nov. 1919.... 6.00
Isaac Martin, rent of hall........ 5.00
Fred O. Rice, six in on Is .. 3.00
Mrs. Zelmn Tuck, ront of vot
ing room 5.00
Geo. G. Sedgwlct, Canvas re
turns 10.20
J. A. Eastes. Do 6.00
J. II. Hanor, Do 6.00
Pacific T. & T Co., Tol sorvlco
County Surveyor v 3.00
Do, Do,... ........ 3.75
St. Vincents Hospital, enro of
County Patient, 66.75
Good Honda Mchy. Co., sup
plies for road work 22.80
John R. Sutllef G.00
W. P. Vandervert G.00
John Atkinson - G.00
Claude C. Vandovert 6.00
Fred A. Shonqucst 6.00
Fred A. Shonquest 6.80
Annlo M. Shonqucst - G.00
O. C. Palmer....: G.00
Nolllo Palmer 6.00
Stella M. Andrews .. 9.60
Graco Pattlson ' 6.00
Joslo Gumpert 6.00
J. L. Scarth 6.00
Robert Beam 9.00
Ruth Madison 6.00
Mabol Naylor..- 6.00
II. F. Whlto 6.00
C. P. Becker G.00
F. V. Swisher 6.00
Harry McGulrc 6.00
R. O. Sammons. 6.00
R. J. Skelton 6.00
W. F. Fryrear. 6.00
P. Van Tassel - 6.00
E. M. Harrington 10.40
C. L. Gist 6.00
Ellis H. Edglngton 6.00
J. IL Stldham 6.00
A. S. Holmes. - 6.00
Tom A. Vedder 6.00
R. S. Towno.... ......... .... 6.00
C. F. Hosklns 6.00
Geo. P. Elliott ..... ..... 6.00
Eunice Gates ,.- 6.00
J. P. Johnson- 6.00
L. L. Gooding 6.00
Mabol M. Kondall 6.00
John T. Park G.00
Zona Tuck.... .......... .. 6.00
W. E. Van Allen . 6.00
M. M. Whltmore 6.00
Albert L. Shultz - 6.00
Wm. II. Pointer - 6.00
Grant Dean 6.00
C. W. Hoech. 6.00
L. J. Seeburger G.00
Ell Spencer - 6.00
Mary C. Keller G.00
J. M. Smith 6.00
Elmer L. King . 6.00
S. E. Lowrlo 6.00
C. B. Harmon 6.00
Mary H. Prieshoff 6.00
I. B. Huffman. 6.00
Juno 26th, 1919.
Kllham Stn. Ptg. Co., sup
plies for sheriff's office....?
Western Union Tel. Co., telo
grams West Side Fair Ass'n., poll
ing place election
Mary Supernant, nurso of
county patlont 35.75
Arvilla Murphy, ront of vot
ing place 6.00
Christian Church. Do 5.00
Redmond Pine Mill Co, lum
ber for road work 14.98
J. K. GUI Co., supplies school
Supt 4.92
A. J. Mooro expenses district
attorney - 14.00
Bend Press, supplies Victory
loan 37.00
C. C. Vandevert, doputy as-
Besor 140.00
J. P. Johnson, doputy as
sessor - .. .. 160.75
R. C. Schmeltz, road survey 9.16
II. F. Mader, Do 34.83
Bend Hardware Co. road
supplies 34,7.48
Frank Bodyfeit, auto hire
road work 12.00
C. G. Comeliua bal, due road
work 26.00
W. P. Vandovert, tuklng
sheep out of river 12,50
F. If. May, deputy assessor,.. 100.00
8. H. Stockman, Mdse. Court
house 80
F, P. Luce, road work 4,00
Soth Stookey,oxp. attedn. St.
He. W. Com 34.35
Mlllor Lbr, Co., lumbor
for Tumalo avo. bridge.... 299.80
Bend Hardware Co. Hdw,
for Tumalo ave. bridge.... 43,22
Harry Cramer, road work
Mllllcan 78.00
John 8. Sorall, Do 32.00
Lloyd Portor, Do,.. 52.00
Elmer L, King, Do, 10.00
David Cody, Do, 50.00
8. E. Corroll, Do 50,00
Frank Perclval, Do 24.00
W. D. Barnes; udvanced for
Juvonilo Ct 20.50
R. B. Gould, rent of tran-
Blto 32.50
Clara J. Upton- Juvenile
Court oxp 42.00
w. D. Barnes, exp, highway.
comm ., 34.36
C. II. Hatch, sorvicos of E.
election ro
II. A. Scogglii!
Do, 10.00
Marlon J. Hosklns, Do G.40
(loo. G. Sedgwlct, Do G.00
Goo. G. Sodgwict, o
Fred O. Rico, Do 7.10
Isaac Martin, Do ' G.00
Olaf E. Anderson, Do G.00
Olnf E. Anderson, Do 1.80
E. M. Harrington, Do 80
Mnrlon J. Hopkins, Do G.00
Everett Parr, Do G.00
Evorott Parr, Do - ... B.G0
II. A. IlolmhoU, Do 1.40
II. A. Holmholi, Do G.00
Albert L. Schultx, Do -.. 3. GO
Geo. M. Erlckaon, Do 1.40
August Evans, Do 0,20
P. II. Coffey, Do 0.20
Mrs. E. M. Harmon, Do. 12. GO
J, P. Johnson, work for as
sessor 4.50
Henry Thompson, work on
roads - -....... 45,00
Glnaa & Prudhommo, oloc-
tlon supplies 4.62
V. E. Funxer & Co. Stn. Supt.
schools .', 7.53
Mrs. W. M. Zuchary, board
and caro of poor 35.00
E. B. Whltmoro, stenog,
county court .'. 17.50
Frank Sheffield car for Ju- '
vonllo Court 1.00
Chns. Hludmnn, road work.... 17.50
C. P. Becker, deputy nsaosaor 132.00
E. P. Ilrostorhous, benches
for Circuit Court -... 164.29
E. E. Varco, deputy unaesaor 101.00
Miller Lumber Co., lumber
for brldgea 289.18
July 2nd, 1919.
J. 11. Elklns clork of election
Anna E. Tuto clerk for asses
sor R. G. Blackwcll, auto Juvo
nllo Court
S. E. Roberts, expenses of
Hnzol Mnnlou clork for sher
iff 90.00
Frank N. Gilbert, Janitor's
salary - 75.00
Glass & Prudhommo, record
books -.. 83.50
Glass & Prudhommo Journal
record sheets 11.63
Glass & Prudhomme, bounty
record . 19.75
R. R. Keller, road work 1G.00
Standnrd Oil Co., gasoleno.... 1.30
Do. Do 1.04
Do. Do - . 5.98
Do, Do .... 8.90
Good Roads Mchy. Co, on
road roller act 1925.00
Do, gravel screon plant 2591.50
F. M. Lowls, vlow road to
garbago dump - S.30
Helen M, Foloy, clork in re
cord's offlco -.. 63.50
Mary Fryrear, Do 57.7Q
Bend Water. L. & P. Co.,
water and lights 8.20
J. II. Hnncr, Co. clork, post-
ago advances 3G.G5
Max A. Cunning, nss't. dis
trict attornoy 25.00
W. G. Rnmsowor, work on
road machinery 4,00
Clydo M. McKay, treasurers
oxponses 12.60
Bond Bullotlu Stnty for DIst.
Attorney .... 25.00
August A. Anderson, doputy-
puty sheriff - 150.00
W. II. May, foreman road
crow - 160.00
Wm. Hunt, truck driver. 101,25
Ernest Smith, laborer, road
y OrK . altbU
W. H. James, Do 38.25
board -carry
turtm .... ..
Seth Stookoy, Comm 72.20
C. II. Miller, Comm 114.10
W. D. Barnes, postage ad
vanced 5.00
Orvlllo Shults, work on roads 12.00
Albert L. Shultz. Do 4.00
J. M. Pointer. Do, 4.00
M. J. Irvln, Do - 8 .00
Best & Harris, vulcanizing
tires 11.50
Win. P. Downing meal tlckuts
for Roborts, 25.00....
Florenco Bore, salary as
clork for Supt G0.00
Florenco Berg, salnrg for
Clerk for Judgo 60.00
July 17, 1919.
Carlson & Lyons, rails In
Court room $ 30,50
Jno J. Cunningham, election
booths 10.25
Bond Garago, supplies for
sheriff 3.11
C. II. Mlllor, commissioner 40.15
Orogon Trunk Ry ront of
wnrehouso ground 5,00
St. Charles Hospital, caro
Serena S. Barron 112.60
Horton Drug Co., offlco sup
plies 7.25
Bates numbering inch. Co., 6
bottles of Ink 1.58
Robt. B. Gould, Water Mas
tor 47.60
Donnls D Hunt doputy water
master 47.50
Glass & Prudhommo, legal
blunks - 1.80
Glass & Prudhomme, record
books v.. 108.75
Glass & Prudhommo, pons,.. 3.10
Oregon Trunk Ry Co,, rent
of grounds 10.00
E. W. Palmer,' mako elec
tion booths 6,00
Kllham Stn. Ptg. Co., offlco
supplloa 10.75
Do, Do 12.72
Do, Do, 1.97
Do, Do 30.30
Do, Do 2.21
Do, Do, 47
Western Union Tol. Co., Tol.
service , 16.26
R. R. Oliver, doputy aasea-
aor 276.00
Cent. Ore. Motor Co,, sup.
plies, Supt. schools 14,98
Pacific Tol. Co, Bherlff'H
Phono 10.70
Mrs. M. Zachnry, board A. A.
Thoney 63,53
Pacific Tol. Co. Assessors
phono 3,25
Do, Treasurers phono 12,00
Do, Juugo's phono ' 3.26
Circuit Judgo phono 3,25
Do, Clerk's phono 8.05
Do, Supt. Schools phono 5,40
It. 8. Towno, doputy naaoasor 120.00
J. K. iiiil co. supplies school
Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co. sur
veyor's phono .'. ..
Robert B, Oould, surveyor's
8, O, Lovack, It, R, Furo
Bond-Portland ;....
It. B. Grondall, road work,....
Redmond Pino Mill Co., lum
bor 40.96
HnrryC ramor, road work.. . 100.00
W. II, Crawford, rond work 60,75
Wonthworth & Irwin repair
parts 11.80
Cent. Oro. Motor Co., repairs 5.15
W. II. Crawford 18.75
Joo Davis, labor 2,50
Dan Jackson labor 4.00
Hugh O'Kano. ront of sur
veyor's offlco 26.00
Glass & Prudhommo Co, car
bon papor 5,61
Carlson & Lyons, rails In
court room 30.50
Mrs. W. M. Zachary, board
for A. A. Anthony 63.00
Glass & Prudhommo Co, Plat
books and elect, ro 78,45
Do, Jury book & record of
trials i 63.90
II. K. Alton, services election
clork 6.00
Sanitary Lnundry, for A. A,
Anthony 3.40
L. A. W. Nixon, taking caro.
of Juvonilo cases 25.00
Max A. Cunning asc't district
utty 25.00
Frank N. Gilbert, Janitor's
salary 76.00
Wm. P. Downing, prisoner's
meal ticket . 40.00
Hugh. O'Kano rent of offices
Stato hghwy. ongr 12.50
August Anderson, doputy
shorlff '.. 160.00
Hazel Manlon, sheriff's clerk 90.00
August Anderson, P. O. box
rent 11.00 onvolopoa' 45.-
12 16.12
Bond WatorLight & P Coi
Light and Wntor 8.00
August aalnos, cloanltit; Cin
der pit 2.00
Bond Gnrago, supplied 31.33
E. M. Harrington, repairing
bridge S.fiO
OIo Slmlnson, road work .... 40.09
Wonthworth & Irwin, sprin.r
for Truck J J 00
Geo. Calvorly, road work '..00
Albort Nlchol, Do, , 8.00
II. P. Hilton, Do 31.00
Mnuuhoimor Dros,, bedding
for Jail 29 00
Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co, supt.
of Schools 1.20
Do, Clork 4.05
Do, County Judgo H.30
Do, Circuit Judgo 3.25
Bond Proas, records LL '
Binder Tags for Shorf 95.75
Helen M, Foloy, recording
Clork 76.00
Constanco Knlckorbockor Do 66,24
Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co. Co.
Assoasor 3.60
Do, Co, Treasurer 3,25
Westorn Union, messages.... 0,11
Anna E. Tato, clork in Asses
sor's offlco 75.00
Florenco Borg, clork In Supt. '
school's offlco 75,00
J. Alton Thompson, express
139,48, screens 3,00, Gas
.02 43.10
Bend Bulletin, postul cards.. 60.00
S. E. Roborts, oxpouao 109,55
Robt. Gould report for wur
dopt 6.00
Robt. Oould, water mastor.... 75,00
Donnls D, Hunt, ass't. wutor
mastor , 76,00
J. II. Hanor. misc. oxponaes.. 33,43
Bond Garage, uhorlff's offlco
(May) , 34.06
Bond Bulletin, Irrigation No
tices, ltd. wk. Rickets 18.36
W. D. Barnes, oxponses to
highway mooting 29,48
O. II. Miller, Do 32.27
W, II, May, foreman road
crow 200.00
Will Hunt, truck driver 00.00
Ernost Smith, laborer 90.00
Mrs, W, II, May, cook 10,00 !
of JKtjM iBiflyl.
rSI ram
Ross ForroU, laborer 13.50
Bend Bullotln, road blanks
otc, 87.50
HAVE .Ml'l'll FUN.
Companionship, good times, nnd
n chanco to tnnko money am ttm
three thing a country boy or girl
looks forward to finding in u city.
Club work provides thorn In tho
country. '
Frosty Mornings and
Cool Evenings-
without a fire make
room uncomfortable
Look over your old used stove ami see if poor grates
were not responsible for a great deal of the
exeessive fuel hills last winter.
Perhaps a New Stove Will Solve
the Situation.
Universal Heaters
Built of heavy steel with east iron linings.
Variety of Attraetive Patterns.
Make Your Selections While Stocks Are Complete.
Wool and Cotton
Priced from $2.75 to $25.00
Bend Furniture Co.
Store of Superior Quality Furniture
who Wants neat, snappy styles,
newest designs and patterns in
his Fall Suit or Ooercoat, will
find it in one of our-
L-System Suits
or Overcoats
Priced from $25 to $65
Union Suits 81.1)3 to 8 fi.00
Wool Shifts $'2,U to $ 7.50
Sweaters, 81.05 to 8111.15
Every PaiV Guaranteed by Manufacturer
$8.00 to $13.50
DUIJ-MONDAY. How about that
Suit? We have them in smart, stylish
patterns just the thinjj, at
$5.50 to $13.50
Also a fine line of Hoys' Underwear,
Shirts, Stockings, Shoes, ete.
Kltchon walls should bo painted
ho that they may bo wiped with a
damp cloth, making cluanllnusa pos
sible without great demand on
strength nnd without the disarrange
ment cnusud by white-washing or