The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 11, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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J, M, HinUli lit In tlio city today
from IiIh homo In Mllllcitu,
Krod Houston, of Prlnovlllo, in
upending tilts day In Iloiul.
II. J, Ovorttirf rotiiriuiil tlilii morn
line from u liiniliioim trip to I'ortluml.
MIhh Clnro M. I'riioliu rottirnod to thlH niornliiK from Denver, to
ntlond tlio tuucliurn' liiHtltutu.
MIhm Kiln Duwim, physical training
liiHtrnclor for tlio llontl schoola, Ih
n guest of MIhm Margaret Tlioinpoii,
Minn Mntiul Loronco rotiirnoil thin
niornliiK from tlio Wlllitniiitto Vnlluy
to begin hor full term ua liiHtnictor
in tlio Iluml BCllOOlM,
It. V. Mlntor loft till iiiornlni;
for WlmlNor, Missouri, wlioru ho will
open nm I oittato offlcoH, Mm, Mln
tor will leuvo In tlio near futuro to
Join him.
. District Attornuy A. J. Mooro will
loavo tomorrow hy unto for I'ort
luml, driving by way of tlio Hantlam
road. Ho expects to be r.onu for tlio
next' wouk,
Tlio Woiiioiih loroiKii rnlaalouary
society will moot at tlio homo of Mm.
I', I). (Miaou Thursday aftornoon at
2:30. All Hi' inborn and frloiula aro
In vH ol to attond.
Minn Dorothy Wright, liiHtnictor
In domoNtlc science In tlio Ilonil
schools, nituriiod to Ilond thin niorn-
.Iiik aftor HpondliiK thu Hummer vncn-
tlon In Portland,
It. A. Know Iiiih rottirnod to Ilond
and will havo chnrgu or tlio cruising
tporty which will complete tlmbor
estimates ntartcd on tlio Hummli for
tlio fnriml mirvlco by IC. 1. Cocll.
Tlio Indies of tlio Culhollc church
aro pluiiuliiK a daiico and card party
to bo given at tlii lllppodromn Fri
day hvoiiIiik. Thu affair will bo for
tlio benefit of tlio liu I Id I in; fund.
Minn Margaret Hanson returned
thin morning from Corvnllln whoro
aim hiu boon spending hor vacation,
and will roHiuno hor work Monday
an Instructor In thu Ilond IIIkIi
Moyd Frost ban bcon assigned to
tlio Deschutes NntlonuL Koroiit, and
will romnlu horo for thu noxt 30
duya. Mr. I-'ront rocoiitly rottirnod
from I-'rnuco whoro ho aerved with
thu 318th Knglneer.
An Ico cream mocIuI and wloulo
ronst will bo Klvon at Urooka-Hcun-Ion
camp 1, Friday evening for tlio
bonoflt of tlio CatJiollo church. Homo,
mailo enndloa will bo on Halo. Kvory
ono Ih Invited to attend.
MIm Kva May Marker, of fit. Paul,
MIm Nora Macloy of St. HolonB, and
MIm Ollanna Olson, of Toledo, Ore-
Kon, nro nmotiK Ilond Instructors
who arrived thin morning for the
commoncomont of tlio fall term of
Ami'i-lniii 14'k'oii AiIvNch AgnlriNt
AdullnlMnitlou of I-'iiimIm by Orr
iiiaicAiiHlilan Itellrf HoclHy.
Munny raised Monday nt a
tluiico kIvoii ut tlio Hlppodromo for
thu bonoflt of Austrian babies, will
bo turned over to' lb'a' lloud Chapter
of thu Hod Crono to bo utiod for ro
Ilof work by tlio American Hod
Cross organizations now oporating
In Vienna, according to a statement
Klvon out by tlio oxocutlvo corn-
miltco or Percy A. Htovon Tout,
Amorlciiu Legion, Thin action In
boliiK trikori by tlio, request of tho
Legion offlclaln, an H ban been na
cortaliied that thu (lorinaii.AiiHtrlan
roller nocloty, iindor tho direction of
which organization tho dimco wan
Klvon, In not a nationally recognized
war roller association.
To Kimrd aitaliiHt nny ponnlblo
wroiiKftll lino or thu monoy rolnod
hint night, iiM)M)clally in view or tho
fact that AiiHtrla and tho Unltod
Mates nro ntlll tochnlcally nt wnr,
thu fiituln will bo admlulRtared
through Jtod Cronn chiuiuolii, Charles
W. Kralclnii, chalruiiui or tho local
pout, ntatod Tuesday.
Safe and
The Dinmond is al
ways considered to be
n reliable and safe
invcslmqnt. 'In the
last four months the
fricc of Diamonds
las advanced more
than 110, and with
in the next 00 days
there Will bfe another
advance of at least
If contemplating a
good investment
Buy A Diamond
Larson & Co.
At the Sign of tho Hltf Clock
awnosH ok kxpihith to is-
Mrn. I. Halk, or 2C0 Bt, IIoloriH
Place, wan plcasuntly surprised Mon
day evening by n number or frlonda,
In honor of her birthday. Tho ovo-
nlng wan Hpoul with cards, and nt
tho clono luncheon wan imrvcd, and
Mm. Halk was presented with a
liauilNornu birthday gift by her
KUentn, Aidiiiik Hioro prenonl were;
Mr. ami Mrn. Kd. Lcacock, Mr. ntid
Mrn. C. A. I'onney, Mr. and Mm,
Lnnipko, .Mr. and Mm. Mlllhalt, Mrn.
Harvey, Illlntar I.arnon, and Har
riott and Mlllan Penny.
Claronco .Mannholmor'U III at hU
homo thin week.
Mm. Kd. DotiKherty In norlounly
111 at hor homo In thin city.
(Juy liiRrnm la In itodny from bin
nhoep ranch near Crcncont.
John M. I,oowon, of Alfalfa, wan n
vlnltor In tho city lant night.
Mm. Oncar Curlnnn loft lant iiIkIU
for Hoaltlo to vlnlt rolallven.
Charlen Clark, of .Sllvor Lako, wan
n vlnltor In tho city hint night.
Mm. W. 0. Cooper Mt thin niorn
liiK for Pendleton, whoro nhu will
vlnlt rolatlveii.
J. II. Fox, of Fromont, In Hpond
liiK tho day In Ilond looking after
bunlnemi uiattom.
H. N. Huckwnlter, formorly editor
of tho Chownucnu 1'rowH or Palnloy
la In thu city thin week,
Mm. F. K. Chltty Ih making ox
collent proKroSH after itiiderKoliiK an
operation for iippondlcltln Haturday.
Mm. K, MounliiKcr of Chauuto,
KaiiHim, arrived lant iiIkIH for n fuw
yookH' vlnlt with hor daughter
Mm. 10. A. Nixon and nlntor Mm, H.
P. Mlntor.
An a reward for four week'
work whllo In thu earn, Deputy
Sheriff AukuiI Andomoti received
n telcKrnm Friday lnformnK, Jilm
that n mini ffolnx under tho noma
of Franken haa been bound over
to tho srund Jury for tho murder
of Carl Anderson, brother -of the
Denchuten county official.
First reportH which reached 'tlio
local deputy nhorlff two moutha
ao were to tho effect that his
brothor'a body bad been found nfc
Wlllmar, Mlnnenota, and that a
verdict or milcldu had been re
turned by thu coroner. IlefunlnR
to nccopt thu llndliiRH or tho Mlnno
sola ornclal, Mr. Anderaon left
for tho eanl after carryln on a
frultloKH correnpondeuce. Arrlvlnj;
In Wlllmar, be InventlKated tho
cauo thorouKhly and bin Htinplclons
pointed to tho man now undor ur
roHt. Ha then rotiiltiod a Plnkortou
oporntlvo without InforinlriK him
or tho ronultH or IiIh own work,
nnd obtained an nfilrmallvo check.
FliiRer prlntn on tho handle or
the razor with which tho crlmo wna
committed mid on cardn found In
Iho pockotn of thu murdered man
woro examined by tho. llortlllon dos-
partmont or the St. Paul pollco
rorco and Ittontllled with thoao of
Franken an tho laHt atop In tho
chain of evidence.
Ilobbery In now generally ac
cepted nn thu motlvu for tho crime,
Mr. Audomon atatoH.
Disabled by nn electric atorm Sun
day afternoon, thu car driven by
Mrn. Harry Manlon of Ilond wan
towed Into tho city Sundny even
ing from south of La Pino. Tho
machine had gono approximately
100 miles when It refused to pro
ceed farther.
Tho car had passed through n
sovoro lightning atorm several miles
farther south, but had apparently
suffered no' damage. Later Mm.
Manlon stopped tho nuto to offer
nld to tho occupants of nnotbor ma
chine stalled by tho road, and on
endeavoring to rcsumo tho trip din
covered that tho starting mechan
ism hud been disabled.
E. n. Shaw, who rocontly drovo
a light truck from Dotrolt, Michi
gan to Ilond, hns, gona- lnjo tho
trucking business undur tho name
of tho Acmo Cartago Co. Mr. Shaw
la a nephew of L. A. Shaw and has
taken offlco room In his unclo'a
food storo pn Dond street. Jlls w(fo
and Infaui child accompanied him
on lila 3,100 in I to trip from Detroit
which took threo weeks.
During tho past two yearn tho
methods of production nnd con
nervation employed by tho rarmom
of thin country havo ndvanccd 20
yearn beyond what thoy -would havo
boon during peace times, says O, I.
ChrJstlo, assistant secretary of agri
culture. Prior to 1014 and oven
up to the declaration of war by tho
United States, thcro were farmers
In ovory community who wero not
Interested In county agents, farm
ers' Institutes, tho agricultural col
leges, or the United States depart
ment of agriculture JJut when war
was declared and Undo Sam asked
tho farmers to grow moro food
stuffs of every kind, thoso who had
beforo assumed an atlitudo of in
difference responded to the call.
Throughout tho nation theso farm
ers, with a spirit of patriotism and
nn additional inducement of fair
prices and assurance of reasonable
compensation for their expenditures,
called upon tho federal department
and other agonclcn that could glvo
them Information. Tho nttltudo nn
well an tho spirit of tho farmers
changed from peace-time to war
time farming.
No .More Old Mrtlioris.
Improved methods and practices
adopted and now bolng applied hnvo
como to stay, says air. Christie. In
futuro farming operations wo should
havo little question an to tho prnc
llco or tho man who haa treated
hla oatn tor smut and has increased
his yield; tho man who han applied
fertilizer to his wheat and has In
creased his crops flTo to ten bushels
nn aero; tho man who bus sought
Information an tho feeding of cattlo
and has found that by adding pro
tein to tho ration ho can produce a
pound ot beer with 9 pounds ot
corn whoro tho old ration re
quired 13 poundB ot grain; tho man
who wan encouraged to build n alio
through which ho Is able to reed
a carload of cattlo with tho crops
from IC acres of land when bofora
It required 2C. Men who havo
learned theso lessons havo seen tho
results, and havo profited by them
aro Dot going back to tho old-tlmo
methods. Farmers aro reaching out
and Inquiring In a broader way; for
additional aid
'Tlioro wero moro tona of fertil
izers applied' on wheat land than
during any prevloua year," says Mr.
Christie. "There was moro early
plowing. Thero was better culti
vation. Thoro was better selection
of vnrletloa and better treatment ot
Fall Wear
Ireland's Kid Gloves, for dress or
street wear white ivory - tan
brown-gray -mode-$2.75 to $4.50
Townels Fabric Gloves, in Filosette
and Doett, in .all fashiona
shades $1.1 5-$ 1.75.
Children's Gloves, in fabric andkid
Men's Gloves, for dress or work
or motoring.
The largest and most complete stock
of good gloveswill be found at
Quality Pioneer ifnce 1911
VERITEX Underwear
Tut It III Tlio llulletln.
Sweet Is Sympathy.
Bympathy Is ono of tho great secrets
of life. It' overcome)! evil and
strengthens good. It disarms -resist-nnce,
meltH tho burdened heart, nnd
develops tho better purt of human nature.
irsj 'Sit'l I u.?rff -y HkasaTyaaw6--
1 HRm' "VVfrX J flLWliMI IBHBlBlBlBlBlBft
When Remodeling the Interior of Your
Home This Fall What About Framing
Several of Those Pictures?
i. u ' '
The 'bette, under
wear ttaat it is economy
to buy, because it fits.
wttrVand satisfies
T7XAMINE our underwear assortments note
-L- how carefully each detail of manufacture
kis carried out the excellent quality of the yarns used.
jYbu will find the very garments you have in
imind here now the proper weight in the right style.
When It's Underwear
We Strive to Please
tho seed. Thero has been moro
top dressing of tho crop with straw
and manure than over was known
In nny other year. Part of the crop
la duo to tho weather, some Just to
plain luck, but tho big results that
aro showing at this hour in tho
wheat fields all over this country
are duo to tho Improved methods
employed by farmers.
'Thero la largo and sufficient evi
dence to show that agriculturo has
made a rapid, suro and substantial
advance. It that is true, then agri
culture will not readily revert.
'At no time bas tho farmer been
called upon to glvo greater atten
tion to tho business aide of his
operations. In this day ot high
priced land, labor, seed, fertilizers,
machinery, and other materials and
equipment, careful attention must
bo given to economical production.,
Industrial plants havo found It
necessary to Introduce tho cost ac
counting system in order that the
cost ot each part manufactured may
bo determined. In tho same way
farmers must conduct tholr busi
ness and know more definitely tho
deslrablo and profitable lines of
Not every farmer has it within
his power to Increase his acreage
but he can very materially increnso
his Incomo by Judiciously increasing
tho slzo ot his business. Thoro Is
ono wny ot doing this that seems
to bo open to farmers in practic
ally nil parts of tho country. Tho
farm management studies conducted
by tho department of agriculturo
bring out the fuct that tho simplest
and surest wny for tho land-locked
farmer to mako moro monoy is to
produce moro and better livestock.
Thore is but limited opportunity for
expnnsion In the production ot tho
Intensively grown crops, but thoro
Ib groat opportunity for expansion
In tho production ot all classes ot
"Tho moro scrub cows z man has
the worse ofT ho Is If he persists
in trying to produce milk from
thorn, and In soma cases the quick
est wny to increaso net returns is
to sell a bunch - ot cannors. Tho
hlgh-clasa hog nnd tho high-class
cow, each In Its own field, lias no
equal in efficiency In turning raw
products into human food, but un
til wo realize tho wide difference in
efficiency between tho scrub cow
producing 2000 pounds of milk and
tho animal yielding 7000 pounds ot
milk, or between tho razorback
hog and tho hog that converts corn
into pork rapidly and economically,
wo aro not n, a position to make
tho most ot this tact.
"Sq tho farmer who seeks to In
cronso his business by going into
llvoutock entorprlsos will make a
grave mistake unless ho pays strict
attention to tho vital question of
qunllty ot stock. It is not neces
sary to begin with expensive regis
tered animals, for good igrado stock
Will sorve. but it la nRsnnttnl that
1 ' '
I great euro be exorcised In select
ing tho Individual animals that aro
to serve as tho foundation of tho
herd or flock. When such care la
taken, however, thero is no safer
way for tho farmer to increaso tho
slzo of bis business than by Intens
ive production ot livestock."
Tho poultry keeper who sprays
his chicken roosts thoroughly three
times during tho season, beginning
in April, will havo little "cau.a 'to
worry about mites.
The troublesome poultry house
mite Is sure to appear with warm
weather. Tho moat common means
of control perhaps is kerosene spray
ed on tho perches each week, some
farmers give the roosts an ocaatsa
al coat of whitewash.
Stronger liquids snch as tho com
mercial tar products aro bettor;
thoy last longer work more thor
oughly. It Is well to dilute tLe
coal tar products with kerosene, so
that a spray pump can be used to
apply them. Instructions specially
adapted to each preparation are
supplied by tho manufacturers, and
If carefully followed, reauUJn a
thorough elimination of th'e'pestsr
Prize Mixer.
"A good mixer, Isn't, ho?" Toil bet
chal" replied 11 citizen 'of Orudse. "lie
can tell moro funny jitorles, borrow
moro money, pay less of It back, get
more signers to petitions, be elected
to more lodgo Offices nnd do less hon
est work than nny oUier three racfl
In towu." Judpo.
Hot Cake
6-inch Round.. .$1.20
'I , V
12-inch Round . 1.75'
19-inch Long 1,35 ,
21-inch Long.. 2.'
Cake Turners .
Waffle Irons
Fair Variety Store
SatbcrBhlg. -