ft, TVK&A;tft BKPT. ll 11 1 HOME SWEET HOME Jack Wilson 2!i,52Eiex,tt.OFr fowl Tin tw tofdrwcr Tv iVtV AY.! ,c "1 lur nT rrgfipc, hum lii"i AOUMiribTUKC MWi SWCUM IMS A3K0 EAfll ONE OP US TO VtfAO SOME ARTICLE W'lVf?W?fcPlttttNTD ULA.LLMTn Li " r r 1 1 h --r i - "T ,-- -UfOFYoU'f fr1B-' J 0 A title or 43')'"J'"k-t V. r UFgS HAHDiCAP?.' & VJCa.WHAT WILL 1 1 W PICTURE L m&Lj MP wl I jtAUQII.lAOflflD 5HO' " I. . I Watt) leursoiMTIsl i fflWiakBKp H miBj -"- skEvti l iw $50,000 COMPANY IS BORN TODAY lUKK.'ATIO.V COHPOItATIO.V TO Ol'KUATi: IX DKHCIIUTKH COUNTY" FIIjKH aiitici.kh IX HALKM.' ' SrlltoThellutltln.J SALEM, 8opt. 8. Tho Cnocado trrlgntlon Corporation ot Deschutes bounty filled nrtlcloH of lucorporu Ion lioro today. Tho IncoriioratorH ro O. II. Hardy, Jr.. V. I. Smith ml W. A. Jlurdlck. Capital stock i $50,000. UNREAL HONOR IS GIVEN BEND DISPATCH HAVH I'lltlJ LOSS FOH AUGUST 9100,00(1, HUT ONLY Ilia IHiAH WAS Ol'THllHJ CITY MM ITS. 1RANGE PREPARING FOR OCTOBER FAIR Vrinniunt Orpinlitloii Formed by Kanrliers Living NYnr lU'int ' for Annual Kxhlhlt. Proparlng for tho autumn fair to o given by tho residents of thu Iran go and South Sldo districts, n irumlutu IIhI l now bolng drawn 1 1 and will ho niuilo public within ho near future Tho fair will bo luld on October S, during morning, tftornoon .and ovonlng, and nn cn oyablyAturo of tho day wilt bo i basket luncheon to bo served at loon. -. A pormanont fair association woh 'ormed n faw evenings ago when 'csldonts of (ho two districts mot it tho GraoEo hnll and oloctcd C. . Wlgmolro ns president and P. J, 'edorson an secretary-treasurer. JJl octors chohon wora E. E. Ilutler, irn. SottonR and A. No ft. " j Kor premiums, tho nsrfnclati6n ins J 150 nllotod this yoar by tho )cschutes county cburt. v W -OOATIXtt THE POULTUV HOl'KK. In locating a poultry houso It is )CHt to sclct an olovatlon having i natural drulungo away from tho nilldlng, for dninp ground moans old ground. If tho houso can bo milt in tho loo of a windbreak or 4 hill, or in front of farm buildings, o much tho hotter. A dry, porous .oil, such an Bandy or gravelly loam, ii proforablo to n clay noil, for tho ormor is moro easily kopt In u Hnnl jiry conditio!!. If It Is Imprnctl iablcto 'select a soil that Is natural y dry, tho soil should bo nindo dry y thorough undordrnlnngo. A purely sandy soil should not bo se lected. , ftiwUltoTtiliulMln.l SALEM, Bopt. 0. Ilond nnd Klamath Falls share honors for tho hlKhest flro loss In the slnto durliiK tho month of August. Kach city Is credited with f 100,000. Ah far as any competition Is con cerned, Head yields In favor of Kla math Falls, for tho only loss which could poflslbly have brought Head's total for AiiKiist up to $100,000, was tho flro ut tho Pino Trou mill last month. As tho milt property Is only about eight miles beyond tho city limits, It Is possible Hint novornt cities in tho state, Including Port land, would huvo a higher loss than Ilond. I 4 NECK BROKEN, RIDER LIVES PKHCV Dltl.NKWATini OF HU.M MICK LAKE .MAKKM COMPLETE ni:eovi:itv I'ouit weckh AITEH FltAOTl'ltl.'. Calendar Facts. The month of Janunry always begin on the snme day of the week ns Oc tober and tho same Is true of April and July, September and Dcci'iiibvr. Ffbruary. Alnrcli nnd Noypmbrf nl (n'gln onrtbo nnmo day of the week. This, however, Is only trjie In nonnnl yrars of SOS days. A d'htury can uovqr begin on Wednesday, Friday or Satur day. Furthetmorv, thu' ordinary yfar ends on thu mmc day of tho week as that on which It begins. A broken neck Is' ordinarily con sldured to bo synonymous with death, but to Percy Drlnkwdter, of Summer Lake, It Is merely mi un pleasant accident. Four weeks after suffering a trnusvorso fracture of tho third cervical vertebra, ho Is i nblo to walk and ride, apparently suffering no Inconvenience from tils unusual experience. An X-ray pic ture taken lust Wednesday showed thnt tho fracture had been success fully reduced, leaving only n slight enlargement at tho point where tho broken ends of Iho bono had knit. Mr. Drlnkwntor'n nock was broken early In August, when ho was thrown from a horse at Hummer Lake, and dragged for a consider able distance. It was suveral days before ho was brought to Head, ami then It wns found that not only had one of tho units of the spinal column been fractured, but that n blood clot was pressing on thu brain ns well. Tho clot was gradually absorbed, and tho recent X-ray examination showed that tho fracture had been successfully reduced. Thu patient will, be discharged from tho Ilond Surgical hospital Monday. lilt It In Tho Dullctln. TTT" Fllcklngor, at which moro than 25 poultry rulsors attonded. Tho jomonstratlon was conducted by Prof. C. II. Ilrawstor of tho Oregon Agricultural college. Farmors from various parts of tho project brought in their hens for scientific culling. Prof. Draw jtor brought out points of Intorost to poultry raisars, most of which aro contulned In nnothor articlo in this issue of Tho Dullotln under tho heading, "Now Tlmo to Cut Kgg Cost." Owing to 'confusion In dates, not as, largo a crowd attended this demonstration as was oxpected, but Prof. Ilrowster expects to return lator In tho year -for moro extended doriionstratlons. In speaking of poultry possibil ities In Control Orogon, Prof. Ilrew stor said; "This part of tho stuto ought to bo Ideal for raising puro bred poultry. On farnjs such as tlioro aro in tbls part of; tho ts(into ovory farmer ought to havo at loast 100 bens of a good laying utraln. Ono hundred lions can bo mudo to ylold u most satisfactory profit," Just in Time for The "Kiddies" A wonderful assortment of Coats for little tots from to i years and growing girls from 8 to 14. Then we've Coats for the. ,Iljgh( School Girl or Young Miss from 15 to 11) .years, . in Wool Materials, Velvets and Plush in Hll.tho new fall shades ' Priced at $4.50 to $22.50 - - .t School Dresses in Ginghams and other washable materials, all sizes. f6r.the little kiddies and bier school 7 gir)s, priced at $1.18 to $4.68. a:' Armor Plate Hose for School Wear, k I m , Light and medium ribbed cotton and fine silk finished stockings, for girls, in bok, white andibrownwat.n'i ZDc, IDc, 48c pair. .'to il - rt Heavy Ribbed Stockings for Boys, all sizes, 6 to ., iy, jpc lo 4c a pair. BCND.ORCCON "m i i ' S . , , . t W AT, ' i i i t .