The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 11, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 5

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J. L, KoHtur of Sinters Is In Hood
for u few days on buiilnoiw,
Jonnollo lUuvonii of l'rlnovllli) wan
n week-end vlitltor In Hond.
Mrs, J, F. Arnolil rutnrnuit on
Sunday from it vIhH In Portland.
H. H. Hamilton nnil U, 0, Jacob
lion loft (IiIh morning by nuto for
Davis IuUu.
i J, A. Martin nrrlvod In Jloml yon
(onlay from hi a homo In Lukovlow
it ml Ik rtiinalnliiK over today.
MIhh I.nclllii tinydor has return ml
to llond from Dlack Dlltto, anil Ih
working In tho.foroMt Hurvlco office.
Clydo M. McKay Imu roturnod to
Jlond from a trip to La Ornndo,
whore ho attcindud tho Hlirlnu cere
monial. Jim. A. M. Prlivglo In In Port
land for a two weeks visit with
liar parents,
Mr. and Mm., John
MrH. M. If. Morton ih recovering
from a novorn Illness,
F. K, llavliiKton or Hurnn Ih a
business visitor In tho city today.
Tom Sly and Hoy 13. Moffltt woro
In tho city Innt night from thulr
homu at La I'lno.
. A six-pound baby girl wiih born
'Inst night to Mr. and MrH, M. P.
Cashinan, of Awhroy Itoad,
II. M. Morton drnvu In hint night
from Seattle, accompanied by IiIh
brother, Marry Morton, from Mexico.
It. F., llrnwn and family arrlvod
In tbo city yesterday from Hulom,
and will inako thulr homo In llond.
Mr. Drown In a plnmbor by trndo.
Miss Marjorlo Palrlamb arrived
Ih lloml t IiIh morning from Van
couvnr, II. C, mid In visiting at tbo
homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. IC. Hrooks.
MrH. F. A, Kvorott, Ioln and Kva
Kvurott, and I). V. Van Matro and
Vnrno Hkolton 'worn among Sinters
residents who visited In llond Innt
Italpli Wntnon of tho Oregon
Journal, accompanied by Mrs. Wat
non, wiih In tho city Innt night on
hln return to Portland from an
outing at Odell lako.
Jay W. Stovons, .manager of tho
Kirn Prevention Ilureau of tho Pa
cific, will be In llond In tho near
future to Inspect local conditions,
van tho Information received this
morning by Flro Chief Tom Carton.
vlHlt for a fow ilnyM boforo leaving
on a trip to the middle wont. Hho
oxpoctn to return to llond within
tho next three weeks,
Clydo M, McKay returned (o llond
yesterday afternoon from Portland,
nud loft thlH morning for La
(Irando, where he will attend the
Hlirlno ceronionlnl,
Mr. and Mm. K, P, Mnhaffey and
Mr, and MrH, M, M, Lamping and
hod ntarted by auto thin morning
for La (Irando to attend tho Hlirlno
O. D. Abblnghnm and W. K.
Glover and their famlllim arrived
In llond ItiHt ii lit lit from (Jrnnd
vlow, and will make their lmmen
In HiIh city during the winter
L. 13. Hinltli was n btinlnoHH vls
Itor In tbo city yentorday from IiIh
home at 'Hedmond.
HIiorlfT H, K, Kobertn left yoster
day to npend IiIh vacation in the
oantorn part or tho iitate. He ox
puctH to bo gone for the next two
William l,on veil and Claud Clirlm
of Itedmoud were In illornl yentor
day afternoon trammeling buHlnoHH.
T. II. Foloy loft taut night for
Portland on a brief .hUMlnunn trip.
Minn Htollu Pollock ban returned
from Tnconui, whore nhe wan called
on account of the recont death of
her mother.
Mr, and Mm. AHhley Format and
Mr. and Mm. William Speck re
turned thlH morning from a week's
outing at Klk lake.
L. T. DnwHon hna nrrlvod In Horn!
from Portland and hnn accepted a
jiOHltlon an bookkeeper for tho llunil
Water, Light & Power Co.
Paul Moyottn of (luthrlo, Okla
homa, arrived In llond tlilri morn
ing to uccopt a ponltlon with tho
nuoo department ot J, C. Pennoy Co.
Mrn. Potor Ilyberg ntarted Innt
night tor Spokane, whoro alio will
Fred Itaclne, of IluriiH, Ih a bunl
noun vlnKor In the city.
Mrn. M. If. Morton Ih norlounly ill
at her homo In tliln city.
Mr. and Mrn. J. J. Cunningham
will loavo tonight for Portland.
Mr. and Mm. P. K, Hhaw of Cren-
cent, nro npnndlug tho day In llond.
Tom Binary, or Hllvor Lake, Ih
npoudlng tho day In Dead on bunl-
J. V. Kiihn, ot Huplee, arrived in
the city lant night, and in remain
ing ovor today.
Ooorgo T. Mlchaclnon, or Fort
Hock, wnn In the city today looking
after bunlnenH mnttern.
"Plnklo" Lowln will loavo for Kan
PrunclHcn tonight where ho lian n
bout ncheduled with Jim Harry.
Minn Noll Mnrkell will loavo to
night on a trip to Chicago whore
alio will npend tho noxl two monthn.
Mm. J. C. Vaudovorl and little non
accompanied by Mm. Anna Day, loft
lant night to npoud a month In Seat
tle and nearby bench ronoru.
Mr. nil d Mrn. ChoHtor Catlow
ntarted lant night for Portland.
wboro Mr. Catlow Intends to ntudy
pharmacy. Mm, Catlow will toacli
In tho Camas schools.
Announcomont wnn inado today of
tho marriage of Klnora F. Ilobortn,
nnd Hugh L. I)odsonr both of thin
city, on Sunday. Mr. nnd Mm. Dod
non will make their homo In llond.
II, B. Hakor hna returned to llond
from an auto trip or novornl wooka
through tho western part or tho
ntato. Mr. Ilakor declares that Con
tra! Orogou rondn, on the whole, nro
in an good condition nn thono on tho
wchI count.
Mrn, Pelkor Ih upending tho wook
oud in llond,
A, 10, Froo Is building n nice
bungalow on hln much, recently
piiroliaiiad of tlm Johnntou milnto,
Tho Alfalfa school building In bo
lug renovated, and school will open
Kept, in, with MIhh lloatrlco Pullard
or Tiimalo nn tonchor.
The Jolly Neighbor' Club mot
with Mrn. (Joo, Oglo Thumdny, nnd
elected tho following officers! Mm.
A. (J. Harbor, president; Mm. Albert
HhtiltH, financial secretary.
Hovernl or our young people at
tended the Heiiorit ball In Hend on
Monday evening.
Gustavo Horry and Mnmball Ho
liorlH em ployed at Powell Hutte, vis
Ited homo folks mid friends In Al
falfa Sunday,
All Tciichliiic Vacancies Filled
font Term Megan American
ICglon Post In Organized.
Dr. Hess
Stock Foods
are Best.
Just Remember
Magill & Erskiiie
Our Prwiipliun Drpailnirnl It Complete
In Uvriy Dcliil.
What's Doing in tl
the Country.
ALFALFA, Sept. 10. A party In
cluding Mm. F. J. Clnrko and Hro
thor. Mr. nnd Mm. Lenlle V. Clarko
and daughter Marjorlo, Mr. and Mm.
Chester Clnrko, Dr. and Mm. Stout
nnd Herbert Clarko nil of Portland,
Oro., npent two weeks fishing in tho
streams nud lakoH or DohcIiuIoh coun
ty. They arrived In Alfalfa 8ntur-
lay evening whoro n dnnco was
glvon In their honor. At tho hull
more tlinu eighty people were proa
out. The Clarkoa formorly lived In
Alfalfa and have many friends hero
who will bo plouHod to learn that
thoy may return to this section to
mako tholr homo. Tho pnrty loft
on Sunday morning for Portland, via
tho McKlnzio pass.
Mr, and Mm. Chnrlos Smock no
compnnlod by some Hond rrlondn
Hpont Sunday at Halph Smock's In
A aurprlao pnrty wan glvon nt tho
Janus homo Wednesday evening In
honor or Miss Mlldrod Jnnou and
Minn Elslo Shob or Portland who
have boon visiting at tho Junos
Mr. nnd Mm. Frank Huffo nro
again renldontu or this soctlon after
two yonm In, and near Portland.
Mc. nnd Mm. Frnnk Mcllrooni nnd
Mr. nnd Mm. Frank Dobklns or 811
vor Lako woro visiting rrlondn In
Alfalfa Wednesday and Thuroday.
Mil and Mm. Arthur Hoyuolds or
Powoll llutto visited Mr. nnd Mrs.
Curl Liu'hoii In Alfnirn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Will living accom
panied by rrlonds from Portland iu-j
Mr. nnd Mrn, Ooorgo Oglo rotiirn
ed from nn extended antn win
through Oregon, WnHliinuton and
Puul MortHohlng and Win. Hnrooll
roturnod Sunday from tho vnlloy
with n nlco lot of fruit, v
HISDMOND, Sept. 10. School
ntarted In full forco Monday morn
ing. All vacancies for teachers wero
filled in time no that there wnn no
delay In that way. Tho ntteudnnco
this yenr Ih nomowhnt larger than
lant year, there bolng morn pupils
from outside towns attending bore.
MIhh Maude Nichols roturnod from
a short vocation to Portland Hun
day morning.
Mr. and Mrn. J. J. Huckloy havo
moved In with Mm. Huckloy'n moth
er, Mm. 8 wnn Krlcknon. Thoy
have rented their houso to MIhh Hill,
who In teaching tho first nud second
The Hedmond post of tho Ameri
can Legion mot In the office or the
County Agent Thumdny night to
nlgu the Constitution and obtain a
Charter, and also to discuss a name
for this organization.
Mr. and Mm, Clarnnco Calbreath
and non Ardath, stopped overnight
Friday on their way to tholr home
In The Dalles to visit old friends.
Miss Georgia Woods of Slstcrn
emtio In Tuesday to ntay with her
nlnter Mrn. ueorgo uoldoti ami at
tend high nchool.
(loo. Cyrus linn rocontly purchas
ed tho Dobsou property went of town
nud moved hln family in Sunday no
that the children could nttend
MIhh Laoun Gooding loft Tuesday
night for Marrlnburg, where her par
outs havo rocontly moved.
Verne Hkolton of Cloverdnlo wnn
a callor In Hedmond Wcdnesdny.
Misses Ifnzol Handolpb nnd Mnr
garol Golob and Jon McKlfrcnh and
O. McVey npent Sunday plcnlclng
nt Opal Springs.
W. J. Huckloy moved his family
In from Lowor Hrldgo, whore thoy
hnvn boon spondlng tho summer,
Sundny In order that tho children
might bo prcsont lor tho opening or
Mrn. A. I). Davonport and baby
daughter returned homo from Port
land Sunday morning.
Dr. K. O. Hyde or Prlnovillo has
routed tho nfflco rocontly occupied
by Dr. F. H. Wilson and will soon
bo ready to begin his practice horo.
.Mr. Asnioy rorrcai or uonu was
n visitor in town Tuesday.
Miss Donn Whlltomoro of Deschu
tes is working for Mm. Denton Hur-
dlck nnd attending school.
Put It in Tho liulletin.
Tho pencil season is now on nnd
wo nro rendy to hook orders for
express or parcol post at tho fol
lowing prices r. o. b. Tho Dalles,
Oregon. Add 27c for express or
parcol post on ponchos, prunes and
tomatoes, 'and C,0o on apples nud
ponrn. Good canning poaches, SGc;
Hartlott pears, $1.7S; Hungarian
prunes (20-lb. box), 11.25; Italian
pruuos, 11.25; apples (cookers),
$1.60; tomatoos, $1.00. Address
Tho Dalles Cherry Growers' Union,
Hox 327, Phono 731, Tho Dalles,
Oregon. Adv 2C-8c.
Put It in The liulletin.
A Talcum Powder
Prevents Chafing
Almost Invisible
Not'tiflectcd by
Cim be applied to most &
delicate irritated skin
1 Ideal For The Baby
Bend's Book.Store
A County Distributor for
School Booka,