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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1919)
FAGK I HKN1 mthU:mt mW, Otttf (Tott, TinmtmAY, hkpt. it, lino fit JOURNAL URGES HELP FOR CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS High prnlso to tho pcoplo ot Con trnl Oregon for tholr long endeavor to Irrigate tho thousands of acres ot land in Doschutes, Crook, and Jof forson counties, Is contained in n comprehensive rovlow ot tho history of Irrlgntlon in this part ot tho stnto, published In tho Orogon Jour nal under the caption, "Tholr Long Battlo." Tho artlclo concludes with an nppeal to tho people of tho stato nt largo to uso tholr utmost endeav or to bring about tho passngo of tho Lano-Mondcll bill, which will mako possible continued develop ment. Tho completo artlclo Is as follows; "Ono of tho grandest battles over fought Is going on over In Central Oregon. It Is a conflict by farmers to bring raw land under production. If helped to got water, tho irrigation farmers ot Ccntrnl Oregon In tho vicinity ot Dond will ndd SOO.000 tons of alfalfa to tho annual produc tion ot Oregon. "For 10 years, tho avorago prlco of alfalfa at tho farm has beon $1S which would mean an Incrcaso In an nual crop yield of $14,440,000. Dur ing tho war years, alfalfa brought as high as $28. "Abundant water for bringing all this land under productivity can bo stored along tho Deschutes neigh boring Bend, Frlnovillo, lledmond, Madras, Culver and Opal CUy. "For years and years, farmers over thero havo been planning, struggling and contriving for nn am plo supply of water. They havo mot disappointments and postponements without number. Thoy havo stuck to tho gamo with tho determination of last ditch llghtvs. They havo seen success Just ahead many times, only to bo baffled in tho ond. Hap pily, they havo had enough ot suc cess to keep them full of purposo and determination to keep on until victory is ultimately won. "Tnko tho farmers on tho Tumalo project. It was away back in 19001 holo through which tho water flood ed, or to suggest means for remedy ing tho trouble. Whether tho fault In tho ground can over bo corrected nt a Justified cost Is conjecture. Fuller Information as to tho exact nature ot tho fault hns been supplied In tho last few weeks. "Professor Crosby, ono ot tho best known geologists In America, until recently head of tho geological de partment of tho Boston School ot Technology, left Bond Inst week af ter two or thrco months spent in '.ho vicinity ns a member of tho fed- sral reclamation board for examin ing tho Bonham falls and other pro jects proposod under tho survey ot tho Dcschutos mado several years ago cooperatively by tho federal and atnto governments. "Ho mado ah exhaustive study of tho Tumalo trouble Ho thinks tho fault is not n sorloa ot openings, but a Blnglo ono, running In n straight lino varying In width from 20 to 100 feet for a dlstanco ot two miles. Its outline Is now traceable It is un happily located in tho bottom of tho reservoir slto on tho east side. Pro fessor Crosby is ot tho opinion that a sufficient study of tho fault will roveal n means of correcting it, but does not venturo to nnnounco either tho process or tho cost. ".Meanwhile tho farmers on tho project aro still planning and striv ing. Thoy held a mass mooting on Wednesday of Inst wpok to consider ways and means for getting nn nm- plo supply ot wnter. Thoy nppolntod n commlttco which met In tho oftlco ot tho project manager, J. F. Wal lace, last Sunday. Thoy do not in tend to givo up tho struggl6, baffling as tholr problems and postpone ments havo beon. "Thoy desorvo tho aid In tholr fight of all tho power of tho stato government and all tho power of a crystallzcd public sentiment in Oro gon, and all tho power ot tho Oro gon delegation In congress. Thoy action on tho Mondoll land bill. ISlthor tho Bonham Falls or Crnuo Pratrlo storage reservoirs would supply thorn with all needed wntor and bring tho umtnod thousands ot acres In tho Tumalo under produc tion. "Secretary Lane, through tho fact that ho was party to tho federal and stato cooporntlvo survey that led to proposal of tho two projocts, Is known to bo favorable to both and nnxluus to seo tham brought to com pletion. It tho Mondoll bill passes It la certain that' tho secretary will sot nsltlo funds for not only tho two projocts, but for tho other two pro jects In tho cooporntlvo survey. "Kvory inlluoncu that Oregon can exert, Including all tho power ot tho stato govornmont and tho unttod work ot Chambers ot Cotmuorco and tho Oregon delegation, ought to get aggressively bohlnd tho Mondoll bill. . "Its passngo would moan thous ands of now and highly productive farms In Central Oregon and mil lions of now wealth for tho stnto." For .Men Who Work llnrtl. Men who work at hard physical labor aro subject to kidney troublo. J. O. Wolf, 734 S. Jackson St., Qreon Bay. Wis., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills relieved mo of n suvoro backacho that bothered mo for sev eral months. A fow bottles fixed mo up In good shnpo." They nlso roltovo bladder and urinary utlmouts Sold Kvorywhoro adv. EARLY PAYMENT OF TAXES IS ADVISED nml Fie Per Cent. Penalty May IU Avoided if Prompt Settlement Is .Made. IcnSJ i q v gPTzmTm. ,n t'10 wor" ut m,y prlcol You'll jjf i kjF& fcyj(jjjF?-M prefer Canwl quality to premiums, ttT'l t Nf l fcJ coupons or gifia I ir': Camel are eohlvry where in tclentlncally rated pnckt of 20 cigarettes or ten pack' a&ea (200 cigarette) In a illaln'papnr covered carton. Wa atrongly recommend thla carton for the home or offlco aupply or when you travel! R. J. RjntlJiTetccC. Wln.lo..Slm, N. C. 18c apackago CAMlSLSnro tlio moat rcfroHhlriK, satisfying cigarette you ever smoked I Put all your cicuruttu deslron In u bunch, then buy some Cmnelfl, Ktvo them overy taste-tent und know for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth body und In mnny other delightful wayti Camah ara in a class by thamsalvasl Camels nro nn export blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. You'll not only prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked ntrnicht, but you'll appreciate the remarkable full-boiliecl-mlldnens und smooth, refreshing flavor it provideal Camels nru a cicarvtte revelation I Dimeln win you In no mnny new wayNl They not only permit you to amoka liberally without tiring your tanto but lenvu no unpleasant dgnretty uftertunte or un pleasant clj'.uretty odort Compare Cumels with nny ciunrette In the world nt any prlcol You'll prefer Canwl quality to premiums, coupons or gifial or thereabouts that a project for rc-and tho other farmers, who, llko claiming 27,000 acres was undcrta ken under tho Carey act by a private concern. Contracts for purchnso of 17,000 acres were entered Into by tho farmers. Tho company became embarrassed, tho project was passed around among various companies, tho farmers waited and waited for water that never came, and finally tho stato took over tho project and conbtructcd a reservoir. "A great dam 75 feot high, over 400 feet long, 350 feet thick at tho base, and with Its foundations em bedded 12 feet in bedrock, stands at the foot ot tho reservoir ready to hold storage water for which they have waited these 20 years. "The great dam cost $110,000, the rights of way $55,000, and con struction of the project tho remain der of $400,000. Everything thnt human foresight could do to prevent the thing that happened, was done. Borings wero exhaustively mado all over tho slto of tho reservoir basin. These preliminary Investigations were mado by tho best engineering experience obtainable. At their con clusion the reservoir bed was pro nounced fully fit, and tho work went forward. "It was not until tho project was finished and tho water turned In, that the defect In the slto was dis covered. Then the high hopes of tho patient and planning farmers wero dashed (o earth by discovery that through a subterranean scam or fault in tho underlying bedrock, tho water poured down in a torren tial stream and flooded away in tho bowels of tho earth. "A survey by a board of experts made shortly afterwards failed to locate tho exact nature of the great them, aro striving to bring 200,000 acres of fertile but dry land under productivity, aro worthy citizens who aro doing their utmost to help them selves and by that process to add heavily to tho wealth producing ns sets ot tho commonwealth. Thero are no moro deserving men. "Tumalo Is not a total failure About 5000 acres aro under water, but not In ample supply. On fllo in tho office ot tho project manager aro applications for an additional 2000 acres. Among theso applica tions are many from returned sol diers and Bailors. Project Manager Wallace, who with Infinlto devotion, has stuck with tho Tumalo project through thick and thin for 13 years, says that if sufficient water wero avallablo ho could sell 4000 ucrcs of land in tho project within 30 days. Nothing could more profoundly evi dence the dcslro of peoplo for farms. The land on tho project is rich and highly productive under wator. Two crops of nlfalfu aro grown In addition to tali pasturage after the second cuttlirg. Tho ave rage yield Is four tons. By uso of sulphur, applied for tho first time last year, tho yield Is almost doubl ed. Tho quality of tho alfalfa Is 14 to 20 per cent, better In heal producing effectiveness than that grown in milder regions. Ton car loads ot Bulphur, 400,000 pounds, uro used in this ono slnglo .district In a year, and tho amount Is In creasing. Ono of tho most success ful farmers on the project, Mr. Peterson, used 100 pounds per ncro last year. Tho uuuul application Is 40 pounds. "As relief from insufficient water supply tho farmers are hoping for Although tho second half of Des chutes county tnxes will not bo do llnquont until nftor October 5, n number of payments are already be ing mn'dc, according to Chief Deputy Sheriff August Anderson. Mr. An derson urged toduy that early piy monts would bo advisable In ollml nnt tho usual rush nt tho oloveuth hour, and In saving tho ono per cent n mouth which 'Is charged agnlnst all property ownors whoso taxes aro not In on tlmo. In addition to this, a flvo per cent penalty will bo charged after November 5. "Delay Is dnngorously oxponslvo," Is Mr. Anderson's warning. FIRST SNOW FALLS IN THE MOUNTAINS While a light dnsh ot rain fell In Bend Thursday, snow was descend ing In the mountains, and forest service men roportod this morning that six Inches of new snow lies on Paulina Ponk. Tho storm. It Is ex pected, will drlvo deer from tho ridges, whero thoy havo been most frequently seen during the first fow days of tho opon season. MAIL LIST IN CITY GROWING AVKIlAOi: OF 70.1 DAILY AHK FOR LKTTKILS AT OKXKIIAIj DKMVKIIV WINDOW box iw auk hi:.ti:d. m "Red Crown" qual ity is proved by its performance. Lookfor the Red Crcwn siga before you fill. Experts Say : Central Oregon Is An Ideal Dairy Section You enn have your share. m k wm WMLmBSammmaMK&a standard oil iH l 'rH&fkBisvTiiBPI COMPANY LH cSjjjjjgJLm (CtlUeroU) Gasoline K-fM I "Qua SSg I Every farm with a fewcowf ihould have A Cream Separator Every farm with a cream icparator houlJ nave a Sharpies Separator Suction Feed No, 4-450-550 lti. $110 No. 3-350-450 1L, $U5 No, 2-250-350 lt. $80 F. DEMENT & CO. Bend, Oregon W. R. Speck, Special Agent Standard Oil Company, An nverago of 703 nnmes n day aro called for at tho gcnerul do livery window of tho 'Dond post ofllco. according to figures given out by Acting Postmaster W. II. Hudson today after a threo-dny count had boon kopi of thoso who have no boxes and must mnko vorbul requests for mall. Tho count will bo tnken dally until .next Wednesday, as 'Mr. Hudson Is anxi ous to Includo i.Monday, when the honvlost business of tho week Is usually transacted. Tho count Is being taken to fur nish data in support of tho request which Mr. Hudson will shortly mako for a city delivery system In Bend, At present, in addition to the largo number who call at tho gonornl dri ll vory window, thero aro H C boxes rented, und 300 moro could ho easily placed It thoy woro available, Mr. Hudson says. Muny of tho boxes aro now used by moro than ono family In nn. endeavor to re- llovo congested conditions nt the offlco, but still tho general dellvory Hut la greatly in excess ot tho nor mal proportion, tho preliminary count alreudy taken lndlcatos. Thursday of tho sale by Jnxoph In lies, of his interests In the Metropo litan Harbor shop, to J. I). David son and K. C. hnudlnghain, his for mer partners In tho business. Tho consideration was not given. Hhort ly after, the statement was made by II. P. Mlutor that he hnd sold his real estate business to Mr, Innos. Mr. Mlnter will leave next weok for Lusk, Wyoming, whero he In locat ing permanently. Mr. Innos was associated with Mr. Davidson In tho Metropolitan for the lust 10 years, the firm being In creased only a fow mouths ago when Mr. Lnndlngliam purchased a ono third Interest, Tho present owners plan a numbor of Improvements In tho establishment, Including tho addition of another chair. PORTLAND MAN BUYS ARNOLD DITCH LAND INNES SELLS OUT INTEREST IN SHOP I.'. C. Lntidingliniu and J. I), David- ow flolo OwneiH l'oiinci- Partner Buys I teal I y BunIiipnh. Mill Announcement was nmdo on Announcement was made on Fri day of the purchase by A. 8. Lattln of Portland, of 120 ncros, with u 10 aero water right on tho Arnold ditch, for a consideration of $2300. Tho donl was mado through Honklo & Haines. Mr. Lattln will remain In Bond during the full and wlntor months, and will move onto his now property In tho spring. FOWLS MAILED THROUGH BEND rivi: ckati:i) ciiickknh puo.m P O W K h h II V T T I! IIANCII HTAMI'KI) AND HH.NT ON TIIHIU WAY TO HKATTI.i:. Tho first livestock to pass through tho Bend pnstofMcu since tho order ot April 7 permitting such ship ments Is a crate of II vo chickens sent from the Dobhruntl ranch In tho Powell Butto section to Kenttlu. According to this regulation, ship ments of the kind may bo made providing tho tlmo from mailing to delivery Is computed to bo lea than 48 hours. Weight In the Hrnt, second and third zones may be up' to 70 pounds. Tho crate of chickens sent through Bend is the first handled through the local offlco since throe years ago, when u shipment ot poultry, was made from Hllver Lake. Nif postal regulation covered the case at that time, but as the fowls had been accepted by tho Sllvor Luke postmaster thoy wore allowed to proceed to tholr destination. Your Fall Vacation Spend it at East Lake Hot Springs Sulphur Springs New Hotel Accommodotlons Under New Management Cabins to Rent Camp Grounds Available Boating Fishing 40 Miles from Bend For information, inquire Bulletin, or write to Eugene T. Jensen, Lu Pine, Ore. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 Build With BRICK! BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. IT uL