fagh9 BEND GOES ON A CASH BASI YOUNG RANCH SELLS FOR FANCY FIGURE WILL SAVE ON S! niJNI) IIULLKTItf, IIH1W, OKKOONj THUIIHWAY, HKVT, II, 1010 CHOOL REPAIR K mJsT NOTES FOR .$25,000 ARE SIGNED BY MAYOR. l'lDiiiciii or tfii.noo wnmiMt in. 1ht'lii; Ik Hi'kIii i Hniii its liitt'it'M In I-'Iki 1 I))' . TI(y TioiiNiiivr. Kor tho first tlmn In yonrn, Hond wont on a cash basin Krltlny. Ap ltroxlnmtuly 1 -1,000 worth of lillln for tlio clty'ri running expenses, homo of tlioin iin much iim 10 tnonthn old, uro outstanding, lil llit city Im on u cu)ili basis novorlholoss, Tlio ohungo In thu municipality's Jlnnnclul Ntuttm was brought alio ut on Friday whim llccnrdor I). II. I'uouIqh received $25,000 worth of AuVjvur 0 not cunt. gold notes from M-irrlN llroH. of Portland. Tlio notes woro promptly signed by tlio ri'Ciinlor and Mayor J. A. ICiiHton mid put through tlio I'M rut National , lliinlc of 'llond, giving tlio city u chocking account with that Instltu tlon. Am to llio olly'n warrant Indebted iiohh, that will tin discharged at oiia, nllowlug Htifriclont tltno, how nvor, for Minn M. K. Colnmnn, Irons iiror, to flguro up tlio Interest on tlio warrants, Tho mnrkullng of tho city's noton van offoatod itovornl weoks ngo through tho ngancy of tlio First Nutlonnl bank, nftnr tho notes had 'leon hid In hy ono Portland bond In K tiouno nnd tliMi turnod down touuiw no popular oloctlnn hud uiithnrlzod tho luniio. It Ik tl nmted that the loan floated In thin way will not only lako oars of tho prftiil Induhtednoss, hut also nf tho shortage which will result dur Iiik tho romalndor of tho year bo- . cause of an Insufficient hudi:ot. Tho hudgot voted hy tho poopla this Hummer will rotlro. tho noton whnn tliny mutiro. Put it in tiii: hulli.tinv' A Put It In Tho lliillctln. !!!( A itch of Irrigated 1,1111(1 Untight hy Lako County Htocluiieii for 912,000 for U'liilfi-liij: Hlicop. PurchaKO of nnothor ill falfu ranch for llio purpose of wlnturliiK raiiiio stock In tho vicinity of Hond wan iniido Thursday whon M. H. Lester of Hllvor Lako nnd J. J. Payno of Luki'vlow nciiulrod 120 itcron of tho P. J. Young Irrlitutod proporty north of Hond for a con sideration of $12,000. Tho doal wan cloHud throtiKh (ho agency or llonklo 0. Ilaluon, nnd tho desirabil ity of tho laud la hIiowu In tho fact that It wan mild on llio hocoiiiI day It wan on tho tunrkot. Ono hundrod acres or tho ranch purchased by llio Lako county stock iiinn In In nlfiilfa. Tho entire prop- orty wnn originally 1C0 ncros, hut tho home, with 4 0 ncroii, in retuinou hy Mr, Young. Mr. nnd Mm. Lou tor will movo In tho noar fuluro to rnako tholr homo on llio ranch, whllo Mr. Payno will romnln In Luko county, according to proHont plnnn. Vour Attention, Pli'ttoi. A Foley Cathartic Tuhlot In n prompt and safo remedy for nick hmidacho, biliousness, bloating nour ntomnch, gas, bad breath, Indigestion count Ipatlon. or othor condition caused by clogged or Irregular bowel. Thoy rati no no KrlpltiK or unuscn nor will thoy encourttgo tho "pill hnbll." Just flno for porsons too nluut. Hold Kvory whuro udv. ENGINE TROUBLE HALTS O. T. TRAIN PiutnciiRcrH llfttl for Hour Near Mi'tolliiM iiutl Am Not Hrlicilulril lo An ho Until '1 o'clock. Head missed Us usual morning mall Thurndny, nnd passengers who woro headed for tlio nouthoru terml nnl of thn)rognn Trunk nponl most of tho day nt Motollun, nftor onglno trouhlo had hallod tho train early In tho morning, At tho tlmo tho train ntnllud oarly In tho inornliiK, It wan far from any station, nnd hourn passed boforo communication with Motollun could bo mado. A -"V .1 GORDON Today a $&. stiff hat is part of every well groomed man's ward robe. Of course he will also sport a -fatnu soft hat possibly the MANITOU, a novelty with a real personality; in black, brown, pearl, green and blue. You're next! HATS CASHMAN, Bend's Clothier & 1' Cl U SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT Zcrolene, scientific ally refined from se lected California crude oil, gives better lubri cation with least car bon deposit. GetaCor- rect Lubrica tion Chart for your car. xSSSv J standard oil MmmKKKKMmHmKr company ML i II -.T.1 m J i lJJk (Ctll(ornlt) flf 1 3 fi 1 3 .1 1 ZK f. W, R. Speck, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Bend, Ore. hum) nmixToiw ii:ni: that )SI,Y HAM'1 OK CKNTUAIi IIUILDINO IH TO J IK UHKI) I'lltK ('IIIKI.' APPItOVKH. llocaiiKO of tho larK'i oxponno which would ho onlnllod In ropalr Ini: tho uutlro hulldliiR to conform to llio rucommondatlonH mado by Doputy Htalo Klro Marnlinl Htokon, (ho Hond Kchuol board, at u npo clal hohhIou Friday nflornoon, do cldcd to uro only (ho lower ntory of tho Contral nchool durln? tho comlriK yonr, inuklni; tho chnngcH Indicated hy tho doputy ninnihul'ii roport In llio part of tho hulldltiK which will ho occupied. That UiIh courxo of action -will moot with hU ontlro approval wum (ha Htntomont thlM morning of Flro Clilof Tom Carlon In coimnontliw? on tha ac tion takon by tho board. Tho dlroctortt aro nnxlouM (o keep down uxpondltunm, an It Ik planned to UNO (ho Central bulldiiiR only durltiK the noxl two torma, whon tho luxpayom of tho district will bo nnked to Indorno n bond Iiihuo lo extend tho IiIrIi hcIiooI bulldlnR. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE SYSTEM HERE Automatic Control for Klivn to I to Inotnllrd Kori Xw I'lrclioimo to llu lU'tuly In Thiro VickM. Maklni; powilblo tho IhhI utop In brlnitlnx liond'H tiro flghtlnc nyidcm up to date, tho equipment for an automatic alarm control arrived hero on Hnturdny nnd will ho In Matlod im (iilckly am poMlblc. Thin tnnkoM pohilblo the ojwnitlon of tho electric nlron throufdi tho (olophono oxchanco. without continually throwinx thu Hwltch on und off. Had weathor l holdlnK up the work on tho now flrehouiio, hut It Im oxpoctcd that tho now lioad qunrlorti will ho ready for tho vol unteer department within tho noxt three wooks. IncronnlnKly difficult drill aro boltiB practiced by tho voluntcors, nnd tomorrow morning a demou nt ration of Heating will bo given at tho Central rcuoo building. RANCHERS DIVIDED ON ROAD QUESTION It) Xiimra on IVtllloii for New Itond In Alfnirn Dlntrlct, Wlillo 1 Sign Hcmoiistrnncc. With 10 nameH appearing on tho potltlon for the proposed Carl Lar son road In tho Alfalfa district, and S3 niiinos signed to n remonstrnnco against tho road, backora nnd oppon ents of tho road were In county court WoduofUlny nflornoon. A deci sion was postponod by tho court un til Heptomhcr 17, whon Information can bo secured oh to tho proportion of resldont frooholders who hnvo signed each potltlon. I). Daggot, of Iledmond, ro prosentcd tho faction fighting for tho road, whllo II. II, Do "Arniond, of Hand, nppearod for tho rnnchors listed with tho opposition. BEND HUNTERS DOWN BUCK NEAR CRESCENT I'lvu Pointer IlitniKht Into CJty Last Night llellcvod to Ho Flit of tho KciiMin. To It. H. Loop, Q. P, Smith, ami "Poto" Dulleau of this city, bolougs tho honor of bagging'' tho first buck brought Into Uoud this sonRon, uh far as can bo luaruod, whllo Loop baa tho distinction of firing tho shot which brought down tho animal 15 miles from Crescent, on Labor Day. Tho buck, n flvo pointer, wan brought into Hond last Wednesday. Door are ploutitul In tho Croscout soctlon, according to tho Dond hunt era, hut lioavy undorbrtmh makes hunting no easy matter. Mrs, Loop, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs, Ilollenu ac companied tholr husbands on tho trip. ' CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND ft!V ovo DRAND A if r.AiiR3 1 r j kill mur l)ru..tit for CIIt.CItK9.TnR fl A PILLS lu Hitn iiihIa scaled with tllue Hut of -TourvCf .cui's.-rcud V DIAMOND 1IUAND Oolo lutlsllli: Iioicj. Klbtion, Tasr mo oihsu. Ilnllk ul mtV w. Kill! IIIAllONl) IIUANIt I J 1. 1.8, for twenlrdra jenra reitaruta uit tuuit, Always Kciuuie. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE ffiii'i .ammr vSSfe "'IS If ffll' YOU can't help cutting loose joy'us remarks every time you flush your smokespot wiih Prince Albert it hits1 you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine and as satisfy ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four 1 It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture 1 For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will! For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tonguel Toppy ted bast, tidy ltd lint, handsome pound and half pound I in humidor $ and that eltvtr, practical pound cryital glass humidor with sponge moistencr top that kteps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C SHOWERS DELAY ALFALFA HAYING Llltlo Cut When Storm Ufgnn Kiiln of ImmctiMj Valuo to Itangc in Uncultivated .DMrlctM. Putting up of tho second cutting of alfalfa hay has been seriously delayed by tho cool weather and showers of tho past wcLk, but llltlo of tho crop is damaged, as cutting had been started on only a rela tively small number of ranches whon tho wot weather started. Tho only harm which -will bo sufforcd by hay nlrondy down will bo from bleaching, providing dry woaluor comes in tho noxt day or two. On tho high desert a honvy rain roll Friday and will bo of im tnonso value, stockmon say, In nld Ing tho growth of ningo grnss. and In this way Having largo quantities of liny which would othorwiso bo used for wlntorlng. KHUIT1 KIIUIT! Tho pouch season Is now on and wo.nro ready to book ordora for expross or parcel post nt tlio fol lowing prices t. o. b. Tho Dalles, Oregon. Add -7c for expross or parcel post on pouches, prunes ana tomatoes, nnd COo on apples and pears. Good canning ponchos, SSc; Ilartlett pours, J 1.75; Hungarian prunes (20-lb. box). ?1.25; Italian prunes, $1.25; apples (cookers), $1.50; tomatoes, $1.00. Address Tho Dallos Cherry Orowors' Union, Hox 327, Phono 731, Tho Dalles, Oregon. Adv 2C-Sc. BORROWED AUTO IS STOLEN ON STREET Muchlno Taken from in Kront of Pilot llutto Inn Annex During Kaily Hour of Morning. To loso an nutomobllo which ho had borrowed to mnko a trip to La Pino, was tha oxperionco of Hurry Illloy of this city last wook. Ho had returned to Hond at 2 o'clock, loaving tho Dodgo car which had boon loaned to him by J. E. Hnglln of nond, In front of tho Pilot llutto nunox, whoro ho was rooming. Whon ho nroso (hreo houra lntor, tho mnohlno was gone, and no trace was loft to Indlcnto tho direc tion taken by tho thlof. In addition to tho muchlno, Ulloy had loft In tho enr n Ca,dlllno rim nnd a tiro which ho had brought from La Pino to vulo.tulzo. This al so was takon, A $100 rownrd la being offorod for rocovory of tho qtolon property CATCH SMOKK. A hood suopondod. QVqr tho klt ehon raii'go mill connoctQtl to tho fluo lu tho chlmnoy will gather all tho Btoum and odors and carry thorn away, S. ASKS HELP AGAINST POTATOWART U. Potato wart which caused such 1om in Suropo has made Its appearance la America and the U. S. De partmenV of Acrlatltare tt taking eitrerae raeasarea ta halt IL'--e-ftJ Rough spongy growtka oa' the tubers, mostly txom Ue eyes and aa sbowb ta the, photorrapb, will affect a' the polatoea ta tho allL Taa disease does sot attack Um rlnea above groand. - iwJ Officials ask all potato raisers to watca closely dar-l ing the dlgglag seaaoa aa4 report all sosplclooj eases to county agent or to tho Plant Survey. U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C. xac ftmmmmm STRAIGHT AHEADON v '."fi It's the Mileage that makes the Diamond User Smile Put on a Set of Diamonds and you too will become a booster. 6000 Miles on Fabrics p 8000 Miles on Cords BEND HARDWARE COMPANY fci t yft Wl W jA