ii PAGE a BKND nUIiLKTIN, I1RND, 0RKG0N, TIIUIWIMY, HKPT. it, lt)tl) s:m!i:!t::u!:::t:Rt:i:ti!:t:tt:nit:::u:i::tm:t:::t:t:m::Kiiut:tim:tmR::iit:i:R:im:::i:istt:ii::stiuii::t!tiitii!iti:!it:utitr What's Doing In The Country t&-:K:::!!:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::!:!i:t:::::::ni::::i:::::::::t::::::::::n:::ii:::i::::::::::!::::::::!::!:::!:t::::::::::::::::!::::::::t!::i::: THRESHERS WORK ON PLAINVIEW RANCHES PLAINVIEW, Sept. 9. Tho Col folt threshing machine started up last week under tho management ot LoiiIb nnd Albert Nlschcll. Tho first threshing wns dono at tho Col folt ranch, F. A. Powers Is to receive n ship ment of fruit from Hood River this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hartley and nay Armstrong attended tho Labor Day danco at Tumalo. Warren Chalfan returned to his homo In Portland Wednesday after noon, after spending soveral days -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Chalfan. Mrs. Hubort Armstrong and WIN ma Bennett were callors at tho Van Tassel 1 homo Sunday. Tho Snow Creek. Irrigation com pany met at the H. H DeArmonda' office In Bend Thursday to check up on the undivided claims prior to tho hearing boforo tho water board at Tumalo on Friday, September 12. Frank Bowers at present of Red mond, spent soveral days recently at tho Georgo Gray ranch. A. W. and It. .Armstrong wero business callors inltcdmond Tuesday. Nclllo Van Tassel Is visiting rela tives at Sisters this week. Mrs. Chris Ward wont to Bend last Wednesday to take a special teacher's examination. In case or favorablo returns, Mrs. Ward will teach tho Plalnview school this year. u. t unairan was a business call er In Bond Tuesday. Although corn is not concecdcd generally to bo a successful crop in this vicinity it Is making an especi ally good showing this year, ono examplo being that P. A. Scoggin de livered sixty dozen roasting cars in Bend tho past week. Mr. and Sirs. Grondoll and Mr. J. O. McKlnney of Sisters wero guests at tho John McKlnney homo Friday. Miss Gladys Blakcsloy and brother left via of Bond last Friday for their homo in Washington. Tho Blakcsloy young peoplo havo had a very enjoyablo month's vacation nt tho Van Tassel ranch. A. E. Hoss has just purchased a bunch of sheep from a shipment in Bond. G. C. McCalllstor attended a meet ing In Clovordalo on Sunday after noon where improvements of tho Squaw Creek Irrigation system wero discussed. Mrs. Skeel and daughter Mrs. Paul Scoggin spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. John McKlnney. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hartley and Mrs. Flora Hartley started In tho car for Hood River on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley plan to be home again the last of this week. The regular church services woro held at the school houso on Sunday arternoon under tho direction of Rev. Williams. There was a small attendance. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W. Scoggin, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Scoggin, Mrs. Skeel and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bur gess were guests at the H. A. Scog gin homo Sunday. Mrs. C. F. Chalfan spent Friday at tho A. K. Hoss homo. DITCH MEETING AT CLOVERDALE SCHOOL CLOVERDALE. Sopt. 9. A Plalnvlow and Squaw Crook ditch users was hold nt tho school houso on Sunday afternoon. Hotter mo thods nnd places of obtaining tho wnter woro discussed, Thoso In at- tomlnnco woro Dennis Hunt, Guy Stadlg, Geo. Ayrus, 1'orry Van Tas sol, R. J. Shelton and son Vorno, Bill Fryroar, Frank Arnold, J. L. Parborry nnd son Irving, F. J. Burl ing. V. T. E. Wilson and sons Lynn and John. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Woods of Sis ters woro visitors at tho Parborry ranch Wodnosday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. C. Klino. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skolton, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. Wilson and family attondod tho Banker-Farmer mixer at Tumalo on September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bocker and family ot Tumalo called at tho Parborry ranch on Wednesday to look nt a sunflower silo. D. It. Long and W. T. Harrison wero at tho Covo soveral dnys last week after fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Burnsldo and, llttlo daughter Irono woro Red mond visitors Sunday. School started on Tuesday with n small attondanco. Sevorat new pu- Mlsd Rqxio Morris, who taught tho school last year Is tho tcachor. Mrs. Frank Arnold nnd Storllo Fryroar nro both on tho sick list this week. Russel Long is at homo from tho High Desert and his brother Soveno Is taking his place out thoro. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parberry wero in Redmond on wodncsdny. BUI Fryroar was a Bond visitor ono day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hodson at tended tho danco at Tumalo on tho first. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold at tended tho Tumalo danco Monday night. Mr. Harper of Cllno Falls was a visitor at tho Parberry ranch on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Burnsldo and family wero callers at tho Burling and Klino homo Monday. Cal. Burnsldo was a caller at tho Robbins ranch on Sunday. Mr. Hatch of Redmond was n vis itor at tho Parborry and Burnsldo ranches on Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs, Naomi, and Marlon Hosklns woro shopping In Redmond on Friday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnpninn nnd daugh ter returned Saturday rrom Hood River whoro they havo boon visiting relatives tho past mouth. Georgo Klddur who has boon working nt tho Hosklns ranch dur ing haying ruturnod to Redmond Friday. Darwin Walker was n Redmond visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A F. Hotinor and son Dwlght and Mr. Huuboi'h bro ther nnd family who nro visiting hero from Wyoming loft on Monday in their car for Crntor Lake, Med ford nnd Eugene. Elmo Gladheart who hns been working at tho Hosktu ranch roturn- od to Portland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nowbold nnd family Goorgo Tuckwell returned on Tuesday, from a two weok's camping trip at Fish Lake and Clear Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Howard, C F. Hosklns and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Kid dor attondod the Farmor-llankor mixer at Tumaloo n Monday. SOLDIERS HONORED AT POWELL BUTTE Fourteen Attend KuttTtiiluini'iit by HomxlK'Clul Hiiiu'Ihm'n to lluy Hlirep to (luattl I lay Prices. RYE IS SCARCE ON PLAINVIEW FARMS Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip encloso with 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Avo.. Chicago. 111., wrltting your namo and address clearly. You will rccelvo In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. for coughs, colds and croup. Foloy's Kidney Pills and Foley's Cathartic Tablets. Sold Everywhere adv. Tut It In Tho Bulletin. NEWS ITEMS SENT FROM LOWER BRIDGE LOWER BRIDGE. Sopt. 9. A. 8. Holmes was in Redmond on Tues day. Fern and Fred Walker loft Sun day evening for Tacoma, Wash., whoro they will attend high school this year. PLAINVIEW, Sopt. 9. Tho farm ers of Plalnvlow aro beglnnlg to wonder whoro their ryo seed Is to como from for next year as tho Into frost mado tho yield very light and a largo part ot tho crop has been cut for hay. Miss Graco Rlggs returned to Portland Monday aftor spending a uollghtuil two weeks at tho C F. Chalfan homo. J. A. W. Scoggin spont three days tho past week ridding after cattlo on upper Squaw Creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Armstrong nnd party mado a trip to Alfalfa via Bond last Tuesday to look at a ranch. A. E. Hoss was n callor In Tumalo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. II, T. Hartley mado a business trip to Redmond Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Volgt hud n pleasant dny nt Big Moadow near Three Crook Butto on Sunday. Tho sunflower crop planted for onsllago Is making a flno showing whorovor a stand was secured. Mrs. A. E. Hoss spont Monday nf tcrnoon with Mrs. C. F. Chalfan. Mr. Jones of Sunnyslda has boon working for II. T. Hartloy tho past weoK. C. T. Chalfan is working on tho school Iioubo changing tho lighting system nnd making other necessary changes preparatory to standardiz ing tho school. J. O Mills has moved to Sisters nfter spending tho summer on his homestead. Mrs. Frank Colfolt and dnughtors aro spending tho weok In Portland. James Pulllam was u caller In Sisters Friday. H. T. Hartloy and J. I). Elklns at tondod the salo at tho Jones ranch August 20. Mr. Glpson Is cutting his second crop of alfalfa but It Is not very heavy owing to tho shortngo of water this yoar. J. F Dawson and Goorgo Grny wero business callers in Bond Sat urday. D. Donovan of Bond was In Plaln vlow Saturday. With the Fall Days and Nights Rolling Around You Cannot Help Feeling the Necessity of a New Suit or Fall and Winter Garments. Leather Vests ,. $9.50-$13.50-$17.50 Mackinaw Coats $10.00-$12.50 Wool Shirts $3.50, $5 and $6 Logger Shirts $8.50 and $10 Corduroy Suits $19.75 Corduroy Pants $4.95 Society Brand Clothes have distinction they are for all men they are made from the best of materials they typify the times. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS $6.50 TO $10 VILLAGE SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, $2.75 TO $5.00 LADIES' OUTING SUITS AND BREECHES Ladies' High Top Hiking Shoes $8.50 Ladies' Dress Shoes $7 and $7.50 LOGGERS Hanson, Hunkidore, NiehofT and Nap-a-Tan Shoes all hand made. For Men Who Work Hani. Men who work nt hnrd physical labor are subject to kldnoy trouble J. G. Wolf, 73 i S. Jackson 8t.. Groon Bay, Wis., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills relieved mo of a sovoro backache that bothered mo for sov eral months. A fow bottles fixed mo up in good shapo." They also rcllovo bladder and urinary ailments. Sold Everywhoro adv. MILLICAN FARMERS APPRECIATE RAINS LOVEN & CHLNLUND sv MILLICAK Sopt. 9. Tho rain af tor tho long dry spoil is much ap preciated, Tho woll drlllors aro progressing very slowly on tho L. Smith placo. Mrs. L. A. Shoffor nnd son Guy mado a trip to Bond ono day this weok. Tom doing and Joo Holland havo boon employed on tho Rosin placo several days this week. Mr. Morris bus been hauling sand to tho Rosin placo from near tho Ream's pluco, for tho cement houso thoy aro building. Wm. A. Rulm was a Bond visitor Frldny. Returning Saturday with R. R. Keller. Mr. Dykstra also caino out with Mr. Koller who had mado a business trip to Bund tho same day. L. P. Rooney called at tho Holland homo Sunday, Tom Goings accompanied his fa- thor, who hud boon visiting at his homo to Bond Friday. Mrs. J. J. Holland wax a visitor at tho Rooney homo Monduy, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Grlmstoad mado a trip to Bend' Monday, W. W. Orlmsteud was u Uond vis itor Thursday. A brother of J, A. Smith Is suf fering from a dlsoaso of tho brain. R. R. Keller accompanied by Mrs, J. A. Smith and hor mother, Mrs. Turk took him to Bond to tho Iioh pltal Wodnosday. After an extended visit with her homo In Wushlngton, Wednosday, Mr. Marthony. undo of Mrs, L, G. Morgan Is lenving for his homo In 8pokano, today, uftor u two weoks' visit with his nleco and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Crabbier of Portland camo out to visit with her son Poto and family Wednesday. R, R. Kollor took them to tho Poto Grabblor placo Thursday. Mr. Torrol has returned from Bin lock, Wushlngton, whero ho has boon, looking after his wheat and jiuy crop of tho Beaver Lund company, Wm. A. Rohn holpod his undo C. II. Grabblor haul hay this week. Four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan, No waiting. Adv, POWELL 11UTTE, Bopt. 10. Powell Hutto Snrouls Club guvo a re ception Friday night to tho ruturnod soldiers and sailors of this commu nity to which all tho community was Invited, Fourteou soldlerH accepted tho Invitation and enjoyed tho hos pitality of tho ladles. Tho hall was beautifully decorated with greenery and cut flowers nnd tho American colors, Making n splendid silting for tho fourteou young men who In uniform occupied roaorvod seats on tho platform. A flno program was given, consisting of solos, soloct readings, recitations by ono or two ot tho children, an address by Mrs. Gen, Tuosdalo and ono by J, F. Rico. Tho program was flnlshdd by n drill of eight Indies of tho club, aftor which Ico cream nud cako wan served, mnklng It ono of tho finest and most onjoynblo affairs that has over been given nt Community Hall, Ono lucldont ot tho ovonlng was tho calling to tho front and tho Intro duction to tho nudlonco of Mrs. J, fl. Wells, mother ot throo soldier sons. nil of whom wero present. Thoso young men all enlisted In California but after receiving their discharges joined their mother at her homo noro nt Powell Hutto. Othor young men who woro present as guests of tho evening woro: Kills Carl Char ton, llruco Lludoulst. Lloyd litis sott, John Moyor. Clydo Moore. Ar thur Mllnor, Walter Minor nud Will ruuis. Soveral of tho ranchers or this section will buy sheep this fall to reoil tholr hay crop to, rather than soil It at n lower prlco to cattlomen. 'i ihh is n good move as It Is always woll to food tho hay on tho ranch whoro It Is raised. It 1b reported that J. A. Rlgg's wheat turned out forty bushels per aero. Mrs. Allco Frawloy. who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Tuosdalo and family loft for her homo In Tacoma Saturday night. Mrs. Martha Fostor Is preparing to Icavo tho last of tho month for Glenn Fnlls, Idaho, whoro alio will visit hor son, Torrlll Fostor, Mrs. Idn Morso and two daugh ters Ednn and Ada and Mr, Gardner Perry of Prlnovlllo, woro guests at tho B. A. Ilussott homo Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young and Mr nnd Mrs. llcrt Reynolds wero also dinner guests nt tho snmu hospitable homo. School started In tho Wilson-Shop-nrd district Monday of this weok. At Wilson thirty children reported on tho first morning with Mrs. Georgo Hobbs as teacher. At Shepard tho now boll recently purchused and prosontcd to tho district wns rung for the first tlmo and fourteou fell In lino nnd marched In. .Ml km Fay BusBott Is teacher at Shepard this year. Too much rain is holding up tho hay activities In this section. There It a largo amount of alfalfa cut and lying In tho fields, nnd much nlso that Is standing In tho shocks, whllo a groat many others nro await ing to start cutting. Tho rain how over, will do a world of good in tho way of starting tho grass on tho Buttos, nnd in particular whore It had got very short during tho long dry soason. An Item of Importance this week Is tho sale of tho K. Foudrny forty aero Irrigated ranch near Powell Hutto Post Offlco to Bert ("Plnklo") Reynolds of Redmond, at a consi deration of $4000. This forty lies woll for Irrigation and tho entire placo Is in alfalfa. The buildings nro not ot tho host, but Mr. Reynolds will orcct a modern homo In tho near future Ho will not move how ovor, until noxt spring. Mr, und Mrs, K. H. Stowart and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hnborli nud daughter Ida visited In Hum! Sunday. Miss Gladys Pauls will teach In tho Mofflt district this winter. Miss Holon Suydor will attend tho Crook County High School this win tor. While thoro, Her homo will bo with Mrs. Dobbs. Graco Pauls will They Are Not True C Slanderous remarks have been made regarding the sanitary condi tion of the American Bakery and about its employes. These state ments are absolutely without found ation. C That an authentic report might be made regarding the sanitary condition of the bakery and the health condition of its employes we asked Dr. J. C. Vandevert to make a special examination and inspection. Dr. Vandeoerl has this to say: "I lmve made n thorough nnd complete inspection of the plant oi the American s Bakery, and find that in every particular the management has complied with ev ery requirement. The .statements made against the bakery and its employes are untrue." J Every effort is being made to give the public a clean, wholesome product and nothing is being spared to keep our establishment up to the standard of sanitation. American Bakery Louis Dornecker, Manager. bo at tho IlnpllHt parsonago during tho school your. Mrs. Scott llufflno nnd hor mothor Mrs. Ilussott of New Moxlco, who havo been visiting at tho K. A. Bus- sett homo for sumo tlmo, left for tholr homo Inst waok, declaring themselves highly pleased with this state In general, nnd Central Oregon In particular. Thoro will bo n danco at Commu nity Hall Friday night, September 12, to which everybody Is Invited. Mr, und Mrs, Arthur Mllnor vis ited Mrs. Ralph Hamilton and son 4 Ilorhort In Prlnovlllo over tho weok und. Mrs. Nancy Long, who hns been spending several weeks at tho homu nf H. M. Mustard, returned In her homo In Prlnovlllo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nod Augland vUlted with Dan Ilorrlgaii at I'owell Hutto last weok. At prusout thoy hnvo a homo nt Crescent where they aro making tholr homo. Demonstrations That DemonstrateNo. 2 WATCH FOR No. U. w E helped a farmer get some sulphur last applied it in the fall accord Last year this field cut about This .year it cut 1 50 tons. Just a $ 1 40.00 increase. PLAN TO USE SULPHUR THIS YEAR k AND GET IT ON IN THE FALL. vear. ne ing to directions. 80 tons of alfalfa. We will help finance your purchase of sulphur and supply you with information concerning it. THIS HANK OF 1MSKSONAL HISHVICIS The First National Bank of BEND, OREGON. "it? Put it in Tho Bulletin.