The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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4 !
Style means the pre
vailing fashion. In hats
it means fcu.
fall styles include
many attractive novel
ties with a featuring of
stiff hats.
Soft hats in blue,
green, brown and pearl
shades are favorites.
What's your color?
CASHMAN, Bend's Clothier
Mont valued among tho pomto
alons of J'urcy A. Stovona post,
American Legion, Ih reproduction
of painting allowing tlio church
and church yard nt Kllnnughton
Hay, laluy. Scotland. Tho church
yard In tho resting plnco of tlio
American Holdlora who woro lout In
tho sinking of tho Tuscnnlu, and
ninoiiR thorn Ih tho Bond boy for
whom tint local post of tho A mori
on n Legion In nutituil.
Tho picture, which won painted
by n Ilrttlnh offlcor, afterward
killed In action, wna sent by MInh
Bottle Shanks, n alator of llio nrt
Iht, to tho mother of ono of tho
aiirvlvora of tho Tuicnnlu dlaastor.
Mlas HhnnkN had helped to tnko
euro of tho boya who woro broiiKht
iiNhoro ullvo, ami attended thu fun
oral snrvlcoa hold Inter. A copy of
tho letter written by tho Scotch
mi:.t i.v two weeks, ami ah
meetinh place for citv
Building la progressing rapidly at
tho now flro atatluii on Mliiuoaota
uvouuo, nnd' with tho floor In and
tho tower already up, tho atructuro
will ho ready for occupancy by tho
flro department within tho uoxt two
wooka, Chief Carlon declared thin
morning. Hy that time, ho believe,
tho roof will huvo heon completed.
Uy tho end of October, tho City
council will have moved from Its
proaonl mooting plnco In tho Hphlur
Ilulldlng, and will iiuiku tho flro
hnuao Ita now houdquurtora, Mayor
J. A. Bastes .states.
"Red Crown" elves eas
starting, It is straight dis
tilled, nil -refinery gasoline.
Look for the Red Crown slca
before you fill,
me Gasoline
W. R. Speck, Special Agent
MpafBjljjljjMaBia1aWaMaaaiaMai.' ! mniw iina awal aaeajay aaaajj
ar fllaaaaaaaaaaaaMaau a" "'Cl
woman nccnmpnulod tho roproduc
tlou of tho (minting, both of which
woro presented In tho Bend post
by Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Davis, now
of I'rlnovlllo, but until recently of
thlM city.
At tho meeting of tho pout lail
iiIkIU, thu gift wna formally accept
od for tho pont by Chairman Chnrlca
W. Eraklno, nnd n letter of appre
ciation will bo sent to tho donors.
Balloting wan hold to pick tho
delegates to tho atato convention
to bo held In I'ortland September
17 and 18, and Italph Allen and
Fred A. Woolflen woro aolcctod,
with Churlea W. Eraklno and J. I-:.
Smith na nltornato dolegatoa.
DlKcuaalon of plana for Hovolllu
wenk, In October, reNtiltcd In a
vote ondornlng I ho work already
dono by tho committee In churgo,
headed by Frank 11. Prince.
Ten thouwiud pnatal monoy
dr blnnka woro received on Fri
day by the Hand poxtofflco, na tho
number oatlmuted to bo necoarinry
fur n half your. Tho aupply may
not bo qultu anough, however, for
approximately 1200 monoy ordera
are lHauud at tho local postofflcu
each mouth, with n valuu of about
Put It In "Till:
wmns t
JUk iir l,,(t.t for CHt-CHKS-TKR 9 A
In Kd n.lA
I with BiurfO)
Bar jry
Oold jntUtllc boat, sealed
Ribbon. Takm ho oth. 1
Br(,t 4 aik fWr CHI.CM
years reirarJnl at Ucit.Bafeit, Alwajr Retlablo,
of Quality.
Standard OH Company,
yk.Vafl XZS
ay W, jf WfAi r
Avoid Any Interruption of Regular
Habits or Radical Change In
Fowl' Diet
(Prepared by the United fltatea Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
The growing pullet la n creature of
habit, thoroughly addicted to regular
ity nnd vigorously opposed to dlsturb
nnce and unusunl commotion. It la
rMentlnl for tho icood of (ho flock In
Ita entirety Hint the pulleta ahould
Krow nnd Improro like clockwork,
from tho time of hutching to maturity.
Laying la often retarded by seemingly
trivial disturbance, such an moving
the fowl from plnco to plnco and
changing the makeup of the ration.
In order to Inauro early eggs aec to
It that tho growth of thu pulleta Is
not retarded In any manner whatever.
Almont without exception the pullet
whoso growth from hatching to ma
turity hna been regular, not subject
to cliccka nnd Interruption, Ih an
early layer. In aupport of the stntc
mrnt that checked growth results In
retarded laying, cornea the fact that
May-hutched pulleta often lay earlier
than other which wero hatched In
April but retarded In the early atngea
of their growth by unfavornblu
weather. Retardation by weather
condition, however, la only ono of
many factors which mny atunt tho nor
mal growth of n pullet and defer her
entrance to the laying class.
An n rule, egg production beglna nt
or before the cessation of tho pullct'a
phyalcnl growth and development of
the reproductive organ. Generally,
InllucnccB which hinder growth nlo
operate to delay egg production for
aevcrnl month. Any disturbance nf
fcctlug the hnhlta, quartern or com
fort of the pullet at any Htngc of her
life may retard laying. Shifting the
bird from place to place nnd abrupt
cliaugea In the diet often disturb the
fowl enough to retnrd laying. In fact,
poultry fancier who desire to keep
pulleta In condition for exhibition
often use till means of keeping them
from laying. On the nveroge, pulleta
about to begin laying nrc more aen
altlve to dltturbanccB than nt any otti-
A Flock or Well'Devcloped Pulleta
Rendy to Begin Laying.
er stage of their growth, and there
fore requlro greater enro. In handling,
but disturbance!) retarding the growth
even of amnll chlcka are likely to post
pouo tho beginning of egg production.
It la Imperative that every poultry
keeper exorcise tho maximum of cau
tion from the time the chlcka uro
hatched until tho pulleta attain ma
turity, ao thnt tho fowl will mnko reg
ular growth and not bo subjected to
nny factors which will stunt or divert
the proper development of tho birds.
The alphabet of proper management
of the pullets emphnslxcs such factors,
ns correct nourishment, constitution,
exorcise, nnd cleanliness. Given tho
proper care nnd surroundings, tho
early-hatched chick will develop Into
n profitable, enrly and persistent pro
ducer of eggs. This Is tho goal to
ward which every poultrymnn should
When Brooded by Hena They Remain
Under Mothers Nearly All tho
Time for Threo Days.
(Prepared by the United Statoa Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Tho first requirement of young
chicks Is warmth a temperature com
fortntilo for them. Chicks hatch lu n
toinpernturo of 102 degrees to 103 do
.rocs I When brooded by hens they
remain under tho mothers nearly nil
tlio time for two or threo days. Chicks
shipped In small boxes nro kept warm
ty tho hen t of their bodies so long ns
tho boxes nro not exposed to ncur
(rccr.lng tomporuturcs, but this uatural
hnnt in not miltlclont when they are
liven more liberty.
i '
aVkJaai aaWv
1yV t IwJatf VjfclSaaaaMfc. 'VaVaV'ji
New Couraea Offered Text Hook
Clwingo Effective Tlila Year
Compulsory Attendance Up
(o IH Ycnra In Grade.
Uy H. W. Monro
(SutxrlnUndrnt Ilenil Public Bchooli.)
Tho Dond Public Hchools will open
In all departments Monday Septem
ber 10 at nlno o'clock n, m. Tho
dato of opening this year has been
sot ono twcek later than tho uaual
tlmo on account of tho conatructlon
work under way at tho Kenwood
Tho other threo buildings In tho
school plant have undergone n
thorough renovation during tho sum
mon montliH and In addition tho
plumbing system nnd tho heating
plants nro being repaired nnd iicccb-
sary additions made.
In goneral tho plan of organiza
tion followed last year will obtain
for tho coming yenr. Tho first six
grades will bo housed in tho Central
Kenwood and Held schools and tho
sovonth to twelfth grades Inclusive
will attend thu high school.
Definite asslgnmonts hnvo not
boon made as yet; but It Is probable
thnt the prlnclpalshlp will bo desig
nated as follows: Junior senior high
school, It. C. Johnsou; Central
school, Ivy Dnvldson; Kenwood
school, Clara Hudson; Rcld school,
Vernolca Cano.
Courses In biology will bo offered
for tho first tlmo In tho Dead schools
this year and It Is probablo tho
iichool nurso will offer courses lu
first nld und homo nursing during
tho year. An O. A. C. gradunto has
boon secured to head tho department
of manunl training and athletics.
Ho comes highly recommended by
tho college nnd has had successful
oxperlenco lu his lino of work both
In this stnto and In Washington.
Half hour periods will bo given In
twlco each week In tho grades, nnd
onco ench week in tho high school
and junior high throughout the year.
Tho work will bo elective In tho
high nnd Junior high schools.
On account of tho recent stato
adoption of text books, tho pur
chase of school books has been pass
ed from tho board of education to
tho patrons of thu district. Pupils
wilt bo expected to provldo thomscl
ves with books adopted In 1919,
through local dealer.!. Ite-adopted
toxts will bo Insuod to pupils on re
quest ns long ns tho prosoni supply
lasts at 20 to 40 por cent on tho
orlglnnl cost, dopondlng on tho con
dition of tho goods.
The 1919 session laws of Orogon
mako school attendance compulsory
up to 18 years for those who havo
not comploted the elgth grndo. Tho
situation In this district vlll bo
nunlyzcd and the applications of tho
law compiled with. Employers will
do well to Investlgnto tho law as ap
plied to employees between tho ages
of sixteen nnd olghtccn years who
hnvo not comploted tho equivalent
of eight grades In school.
Tho faculty for tho coming year,
consisting of 43 toachors. is practi
cally comploto. With tho exception
of principals thoro will be but two
members of last years forco remain
ing nt tho Central nml Held schools
and tho forco at Kenwood will bo
mado up of now faces nnd tho num
ber doubled. Thoro will bo threo
nnd two now teachers added for
work in tho special branches lu
music and art, a at) physical train
ing. Coupling an organization of ono
years growth with a reasonably satis
factory school plant nnd unquestion
ably tho best faculty that tho pros
ont wugo scalo will nttrnc wo feol
that tho futuro shows tho possibility
of substantial forward movomont In
building n crodltnblo school systout.
Definite announcements j-olatlvo
to tho nsslgnmeut of teachers and
for districting ward schools will bo
mndo at a Inter dato.
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho mnttor of tho ostnto of
Mary J. Canada, docoasod.
Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho un
dorslgnod, administratrix of tho ob
tnto of Mary J. Canada, docoasod,
has filed In tho County Court of Dos
chu.tos County, Stnto of Oregon, her
final account ns such administratrix
of said ostnto, and that Monday tho
29th day of Soptombor, 1919 at" tho
hour of 10 oclock a. m, Iiub boon fix-
od by tho said Court hb tho tlmo for
hoarlng of objoctlous to sntd ronort.
and tho sottlomont thoreof.
Administratrix of tho estate of Mary
J. Canada, deceasod,
In tho matter. of tho Organization of
Hnow Creek Irrigation District,
Notlco la hereby glvon thnt tho fol
lowing potltlon praying for tho or
ganization of Hnow Crook Irrigation
district will bo prcnontod to tho
County Court, of Deschutes County,
Oregon, at tho Court iloom In Dond,
Oregon, on tho 1st day of October,
To tho Honorable County Court of
Deschutes County, Oregon.
Under and pursuant to Chapter
357 of tho Gancrnl Laws of Oregon
for 1917, tho undorslgncd propose
tho organization of an Irrigation Dis
trict to bo known as Snow Creek
Irrigation District, nnd particularly
bounded and described ns follows:
Iicglnnlng at tho NV corner of
Hoc. 10, Tn. 1C 8. It. 11 E. W. M.
Deschutes County, Oregon; thonco N
to tho NV corner of tho 8WM Sec.
3; said township and range; thonco
W to tho center of Boa 6, T 16 8. It.
11 B. W. M.; thence N to tho contcr
of Hoc. 31, T. 1C 8. n. 11 E. W. M.;
thenco w to tho KW corner of tho w
Q, of Sec, 31, said T. and It.; thenco
8. to tho NVV corner' of tho SW Q. of
Sec. 0, T 10 8. It. 11 E. W. M.; thenco
W to tho NV corner of tho NE Q. of
tlio HE q. of Hoc. Z, T 1C, 8. It. 10
B. W. M.; thonco 8 to tho NW corner
of tho 8E q. of tho 8E Q. of Sec. 11,
T. 1C. 8. It. 10 E. Vf. M.; thenco W to
tho NW corner of BV Q. ot tho SW
q. of Sec. 11, said T. and It. thenco 8
to tho 8W corner of tho NW4NW4
Hoc. 14, said township and range;
thenco E to tho centor of tho NW'i
Sec. 14, said township and rango;
thenco 8 to tho SB corner of tho
8WVJNWU Sec. 14, said township
and rango; thenco E to tho NE cor
ner of tho 8EU Sec. 14. said town
ship and rango; thonco 8 to tho SW
cornor of tho NWtfSWtf Sec. 13.
said township and rango; thenco W
to tho center of tho SBU Sec. 14.
said township and range; thenco 8
to tho SW cornor of tho 8B48Ei
Sec. 14, said township nnd rango;
thonco E to tho SE corner of tho
8BJSW Sec. 13, Bald townahip
and rango; thenco S to the center ot
Sec. 24. said township and rango;
thenco E to tho SB corner ot the
NBVt Sec. 24, said township and
rango; thonco X to tho NB corner
of Sec. 24 said township and rango;
thenco E to tho NE corner of tho
NW NW4 Sec. 19, township 10 8.
tango uc. W. .M.: tnence 8 to tho
NW cornor of tho XE tf NWU Soc.
30, said township and range:.thenco
12 to tho NE corner of the NEU
NWU Soc. 30, said township nnd
rango; thenco S to tho SW corner of
tho SEU of Sec. 30. said township
und rango; thenco E to the SE cor
ner of Sec. 30, said township and
rango; thenco N to tho NE corner of
Sec. 19. said township nnd rango;
thonco E to tho NW corner ot tho
NE4 Sec. 20, said township and
rniifco; thenco S to tho center of Sec.
20, said township and rango; thence
E. to tho NE cornor of the NWU
SWU Sec. 20, sald(townshlp and
range: thonco N to tho center of tho
NEVi Sec. 20. said townshlD
and rango; thenco E. to tho SB cor
ner of tho NEU NEW Sec. 20. said
township nnd range: thence X to tho
SB corner of the NEU
NEU Section 8, said town
ship and rango; thenco E to tho NB
cornor of tho SWU NEU Sec 9.
said township and runge; thenco S to
tho SE cornor of tho SWVSEU
Soc. 9, said township and rango;
thenco B to tho NE corner of tho
NWUNWU Sec. 16. said township
and rango; thonco N to tho NB cor
nor of tho NWUNWU Sec. 10. said
township and rango; thenco W to tho
point ot beginning.
Excepting therefrom tho fullowlng
described tracts:
Tho N of tho NWU. and tho
XWUXEU Sec. 9. Tn. 1C, R. It. ll
E. W. M. Tho SEU and tho W
SWU Sec. S, said township nnd
rango; tho NWU NEU, nnd tho
NEU NWU Bee. 17, said township
aud rango; nlso tho SEU and tho
EM SWU. nnd tho E&NWU. SWU
NEU. SWU NWU Sec. IS. Bald
township and rango; nlso SG acres
out of tho southeasterly portion ot
tho SEU Sec. 30, Tn. 10, S. It. 11
E. W. M. belonging to tho Stuto of
Oregon. Also Sec. 7 W& of Soc. 0
SE q. of Sec. 0 SM of Soc. 5 N Wq.
of tho NB q. of Sec. 8 NE q. of tho
k q. or sec. s wm of tho nw q.
of Soc. 8 nnd tho Wl-i of tho SW q.
oi hoc. a, r. ju h. u. u e. W. M.;
NW q. of tho NW q. of Soc. 17 said
T. and It. tho SE q. of Soc. 1 and EM
of Sec. 1 tho NM of Sec. 12 tho NM
of tho SW q. of Soc. 12 tho NW Q.
of tho SB q. of Soc. 12 tho EM of
tho NB q. of Soc. 11 tho NE q. of
tho SW q. of Sec. 11, all In T. 1G
S. It. 10 E. W. M. In Deschutes Coun
ty Oregon.
And your petitioners respectfully
That thoy aro each and all owners
of laud within said proposed Irriga
tion District, which said land Is irri
gated or susceptible of Irrigation,
nnd thnt tho undoralgned nro a
majority of tht owners of land within
said District.
That it Is tho purposo of your peti
tioners to organize an Irrigation Dis
trict within said boundaries undor
said Chapter 3C7 ot tho General
Laws of Orogon for 1917.
That your petitioners doslro. by
moans of said irrigation district, to
provldo for tho construction ot
works, ditches and canals for tho pro
per irrigation or tho Irrigable land
within said district, and for tho re
construction, hottormeut, improve
mont, oxtouslon, purchaso, operation
aud mntntounnco ot nny and nil
works already constructed for tho Ir
rigation ot said lands, and any othor
lands within said proposed irriga
tion District through tho storage, di
version and uso ot tho waters ot
Threo Creek, Snow Crook, Dig and
Ltttlo Lakes and tho tributaries of
said streams and lakos, situated In
Dosohutos County, Oregon, and to do
any nnd all things necessary to bo
dono to fully roclnim all tho Irrigable
lands wthin said district, and to per
form any other act or things per
mitted undor said Chapter 357, Gen
eral LawB ot Oregon for 1917, and
your petitioners pray that said Irriga
tion district, as proposed, ho organiz
ed undor and pursuant to said law,
and that an election bo called, had
and hold for that purposo.
II. T, Hartley ,Tumalo, Ord.; Paul A.
Bcoggln, Ttimalo, Ore; Lou Pulllam,
Tumnlo, Ore; Mattlo A. and George
Crawford, 260 Wygnnt street, Port
land, Ore; (by Lucy Crawford,
Smith agent), Tumnlo. Ore; Frank
Colfolt, Tumnlo, Ore; II. A. Bcoggln,
Tumnlo. Ore: I. M. McKlnnoy, Tu
mnlo, Ore: Clara Isabel McKlnnoy,
Tumnlo, Ore; Mortgngo Company for
America, J. Armfeld, mnnnglng ngont
22 Alnsworth building, Portland,
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Lakevlow, Orogon,
August 13, 1919.
Notlco la horoby given that
Thomas F. Llnvlllo of La Pino,
Orogon, who, on Mnrch 30, 191C,
rondo homestead application No.
08G36 for BW'A SWU, NM SWU,
SEU NWU, Section 9, Township
23 8. IlangO' 9 EaatrWIllaraette mer
idian, has filed notice of intention
to mako final three-year proof to
establish claim to the land above
described beforo E. L. Clark, U. 8.
commissioner, at La Pine, Orogon,
on tho 20th day of September, 1919.
Claimant names as wltncssea:
D. C. Scott of La Pine, Oregon;
JohmMasten, of La Pine. Oregon;
It. E. Eaton, of La Vino, Oregon;
Carl Wise, of La Pine, Orogon.
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Offlco at Lakevlow, Oregon,
July 30, 1919.
Notlco le hereby given that Felix
Sprlngstubo of La Pino, Ore., who
on Juno 17, 1915, mado homestead
entry No. 08746 for NWU Section
20. Township 23 S. Rango 9 East
Wlllamctto morldlan, tins filed no
tlco of intention to mako final
three-year proof to establish claim
to tho land above described pefora
E. L. Cark, U. 8. commissioner, nt
La Pino, Ore., on the 20th day of
September, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lucy Sprlngstubo, of La Pino,
Kato Zlcrolf, of La Pino, Oregon;
John Mnsten, ot La Pine, Oregon.
C. II. Claw, of La Pine, Oregon.
25-29C JAS. F. DUROES8,
In tho County Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho matter of tho cstato of Rob
ert Hyslop, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that R. 8,
Hamilton has been appointed as ad
ministrator of tho Bstato of Robert
Hyslop, deceased, by tho County
Court of Deschutes County, Oregon.
All persons having claims against
tho said cstato aro horoby notified
to present them, duly verified, with
proper vouchers, to said administra
tor at the law office ot R. 8. Ham
ilton. In tho First National Dank
Building, Bond. Oregon, within six
months from the dato of the first
publication of this notlco, to-wlt:
Within six months from August 2Sth,
26-30c Administrator.
County Hoard of Equalization.
Notlco is hereby given that tho
board of equalization of Deschutes
county, Oregon, will attend at tho
offlco of tho county assessor In tho
court house In tho city of Bond on
Monday. September 8. U19. nnd
publicly examtuo tho assessment
rolls and correct all errors In valu
ation, description or qualities of
lands, lots or othor property as
sessed by the county assessor; and
it shall bo tho duty of persons In
terested to appear at the tlmo and
placo appointed.
Assessor of Deschutes County.
First publication, Aug. 14. 1919.
Fourth publication, Sopt. 4, 1919.
(Not Coal Lull d.
Department ot tho Interior, United
States Land Office at Lakovlow,
Orogon, July 28, 1919.
Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt Frod
B. Reagan of Crescent, Oregon,
who on May 14, 1914 and Juno 5,
1915, made homostead and addi
tional homestead entries No. 07374
aud 08G12. for the SW U NEU,
WM SEU. NEU SEU. section 6,
township 25 south rango 8 east,
Wlllametto meridian, has tiled notlco
ot Intention to make final threo
year proof to establish claim to the
land abovo described, beforo E. L.
Clark, United States commissioner,
at La Pine, Oregon, on the 29th.
day of August, 1919.
Claimant names as wltnossea:
Elmer Coyner, Craig Coyner,
Oulsoppl Tripoli, all ot Bend, Ore
gon and Thomas Bracken ot Cres
cent, Oregon.
23-27C Register.
(Not Coal Iiuuds.
Dopartmout of the Interior, United
States Land Offlco at Lakovlow,
Orogon, July 28, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that Dora
Harper, on behalf of tho heirs of
Milton J. Harper, deceased, who
died in military service ot tho
Unltod States, ot tilendalo, Oregon,
who on August 7. 1915, mado home
stead ontry 08819, for SEUNWU.
EM SWU. section 11, NEU NWU
section 14, township 23 south,
rango 9 oast, Willamette meridian,
has tiled notice of Intention to make
final throe-year proof to establish
claim to the land above described
before E. L. Clark, U, S. commis
sioner at La Pine, Oregon, on thu
16th day ot September, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A, R.Cole, Lucy Sprlngtube, Cora
Leland, B. O, Scott, all ot La Pine,
23-27 Register.