: mi t riKNivrfvitiKtm, mum, oniiaox, tYiuuhday, HKVTKimiin'i,. jojo m .fcrf- vA.iwnrt,, ivwc 7 4 4, i Hi)iif(iTritni!i'niiiiiii!iliiiiiliiiiiliiiil(nriiiiiwii)MliiiiiiiiiiiininiiniMiiiiiniiiiHiMiiiiiiiiniiMMniiiMiiiii!iiMil!iiiii!iiiii BEISJD -HAPPENINGS , . ; FROM DAY TO $rW iiiitiiiiiililiiiiiiiiilililliiiiiililliiliiiiiiiiitiriiliiiitiiiiii!Miiiiiiliiiiiiii:iiiiitii:iiiiimi!iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifitiiiiiitiljiiiiiiiiii!iiiiifi Wednesday W. l Kryronr "f Hlfttiint wan In , lluiut lunl nlKlit. Mm, II. K, IlrooliH returned thin morning (rum Portland, i Nl Jlyburtf was u pimHiingnr on lnut night's trnln for Portland, li. I). Hoy In u vlnltor In Ilnnil ..today from hln Hummer Lnku homo. (J. W. Thornthwnlto, formerly of ijlond, lit now located In Anaheim, California. Mr. unil MrH. K, 0. Ilourk of (Jroncnnt nro Hpondlrux u fow dnyn -In tint city. Tracy Kalrchlld, who Iiiih been wlth Din HrooknHcnlon Lumber Co., loft lust nlKlit for Heatthi. W. II. DuKKott of Itudniond wiih In Iloml thin morning trammeling ltfp.nl luitilnnMH at tho court Iiouno. 4 M. Mm, O. C. Ilonklo unil son Vorgll f nro iipnndlnR a fow wonka at Walla Wallg,' vlttltJiiK relatives anil IrlondH. Lovnn & Chlnluiid nro mnklug ,. 'Kmimn cxUmihIvo Improvements In -? t liilr Htoro hulhlltiK HiIh wook to innkn room for Increased stock of men's furnishings, Arthur Jones, of Martin's Korry, 4 Ohio, will arrlvii tonight to accept ' U poMllon iih clurk In tho Ilond pontofflcit. Mr, Jones him had wldn oxporlenco In tho mall service, Act Inn I'oHtimiMtur W. II. Hudson Males. ladles of tho IlaptlNl church will moot at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at tho homo of Mm. C. J. . I.evorolt, 626 Franklin. 4 Mm. J. W.Wornstafr, of this vi cinity, In III at tho homo of her sinter, Mm. A. C. Larson, of Port land. Mr. and Mm. John Dubuls and chlldrun arrived In tho city timt ulKht from La Pino, wlioro Mr. Dubuls Ih In charge of tho engineer Inn work In connection with tho Walkor Ilimln Irrigation project. Ilnrdtwlg & Ward of DuriHimilr, California, hnvo bought tho alfalfa ranch of T. A. Tuinay, 0 miles emit 4 of Ilond. Mr. Ilnrdtwlg and family will movo on thin wook. Tho deal wax mado through tho offlco of Ilonklo & Haines. Tuesday M. 0, Wagner rotiirniiil Hundny from (i htiuluuKU trip to Lu (Jrmulo, Mm, II. K. IlrookrHoft Innt ,iiflit fbr I'o'rtlaud to ho koiiu for n fow dayi. , Mm, II, M, Morion roturhod thin inornliiK from n iiyvorul wpks' vaca tion trip to Hunttlo. MUh Badlo II. Hchijuldnr, of'j'ort land Iiiih acenptod a position with Tho People's Htoro, t 'A. P. Manloii loft yesterday for Hdattlo nftor visiting horo for novum! dnyn with his hrothor, Harry Mnnlon. HiikIi Thompiiou, I'd, Lyotm, and Mr, and Mm, A. M. Prlrmlo and guests, spout tho wook oud at Odoll lako, Wilson I'oltlbono and Mr. and Mm. John l'ottlbono havo arrived In IJond from Ht. I'auI, mid will innko tholr homo horo. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colton, .and daughter Crotchon hnvo returned to Portland after u fow dayn npont In and near Ilond, Itobt. II. Moorn returned Hunday from I.u C-rnndo where ho attondod tho iiituitlnjc of the Loyal LokIoii of I.oKKom and I.timheriueii. MIhii Ilorundliia OHterman lion ro- turned to Ilond from a nummor vaca tion Hpont nt KoaHldo, and will ro hiiiiiu her cltiMHON lu piano, MIhiiuij Until n nd Dorlnn FloniliiK, who hnvo boon vlnltliic In Hand with frlendR, raturilud to tholr homo lu Portland Hundny ovoiilnj;. Mm, C. M. McKay und hoiih nro now vlitltlriK with rolatlvoH nt Walk er MlnnoHOta. Thny will alito upend a fow wookn lu WUconxlu. Tho I.ndloH' Oulld of tho Prenby torlnii church will meet with Mm. Harris on Delaware nvonuu tomor row aftornoou at 2:30 o'clock. MIhm Ilcatrlco Clieneny, of the Ilond Filith hcIiooI faculty, ban return ed from her vacation to take up her work lu preparation for tho full term. Deputy Sheriff AiiRiiHt Andemon Iiiih returned to I!ond after n vIhII of Hovornl wcukn In Wiliimr, Mlnno-otn, and other pnlnlit In tho mlddlo went. D. K. Hunter, of tho Ilond Com pany returned yesterday tnornliiK front a Mhort huHlneits trip to Cnnada where bo linn oxtuiralvu farm hold In K 4 f A r Announcing the Local Agency of the Fisk I ires Tho Pioncur Gurage wishes to iiunottnuc to its autoniohilu patrons that it is now the local aent for the Fisk--Non--Skitl Hfcd and Cord Tires, and that it will have a full ami complete line, The Fisk Tires have a wonderful national reputation. Its guarantee is in miles of satisfaction. Size, Strength, Safety Appearance, Economy that's what you want in n tire, and that's what you get in the FISK FABRICS AND CORDS You get that plus the most unusual resil iency, speed, comfort and luxury, hacked by Fisk quality und all the care and prac tical knowledge that can be built into a tire and assured by the personal reputa tion of the dealer. YOUR. NEXT TIRE WILL BE ' A FISK TIRE. PIONEER GARAGE LOCAL AGENTS MrM, ft I), Jlockor lofi for hor homo In Knllnpoll, Montana Hundny, nftor vlnltlriff horo with hor pnrontn, Mr. nndMrx. U, J. Hoik durliii; the pnHt ''rtf$& ' MrtfOoriTJoknbr and Mr. T. C, DoiMiofofiPoriiand who hnvo boon vIhIUiik' with Mru, A. M. I'rliutlo for Huvernl wooIih fntt JoHt nlRht for tholr bunion In 'Portland. , Caplfllii'cinorKi8. 'VounK. former ly county Purveyor of Dcflchuton comhy, ban raturnod to tho United Htntcs froituiiarvlce overneaii, and la now nt Norfolk, "virKlnln. MJ Helen' Tl, Kly, -of Orofton City lins ndcopte'da portion In the rtmdy.to-woar dequrtrnpnt of J. 0. Punnoy Co,, xind W Kloranco OIIhoii hah tukon a ponlton ait canhlor. JoHopIt WlIe'yVl5s)feldont of tho HI born lu Nittlona Bank, of Portland and wlllHin Healy, ' loft on Innt nlght'e train for Portland nftor npondlnK novcral dnyn flubliiK nt Odell lako, CharlpB LlnBter nnd John Wcntror cher of Kvnnston, 111., aro In Hend for a throe wookn vlhlt nt tho homo of Henry. .Inlntor. Mr. Wcntorchor Ift n banker of Krannton, and Mr. Chnrlcn Ltioitor. formorly of thin city, In a prominent merchant of tho tumio city. 1 M. L, Job nnd family of Ilond aro camped nt the ' Mthla Park auto camp In Ashland according to word which contort from that city. Thoy nro on an automobile trip and nro lookliiK for n location. Thoy found tho Ahlnt)d cfltiip to bo Ideal lu ovory renpoct. Claronco and Frank Young havo purchnnod tho xodn fountain and confectionery ntoro of Chorion Baylor In tho O'Donnell building. Tho Young brothers expect to ntako nevorul nd dltlotiH to tho ntoro. Clarence Young ban been with tho Ilond Onrago for onto tlmo and Frank Young recently wan dlHchargcd from tho service. 1'ut It In Tito Ilullctln. i'kicii l.vmvinrjAMiY. Young plgK flhottld bo given tholr feed In sucli n manner that each In dividual pig gets ltd Hhnro. Tho simplest wny to accomplish this Is to nllow tho plgH to cat from n prop erly constructed feed trough, one that will koop tho 'pins out of tho feed and will lesson tho possibility of crowding. Put It lit Tim Ilullctln. SPUD STORING IS IMPORTANT AIR AND LIGHT NEED MUCH ATTENTION. Tuber Hhotild Not Jkt Piled In TiitiXO IllriN Without Proper. Di vision und Insulation Tem 'petViture Is Important. fllorfng potatoes resembles blink ing money, because ordinarily It' re sults In tho potatoos soiling for high er prices later In tho season when tho supply Is not so abundant as at digging tlmo, Tho potatoes earn dividends while In storage Just as money In tho bank accumulates In terest, If all tho potatoes wcro sold Immediately after digging tho prices would decline, duo to tho cx cesslvo offerings on the market. This Is why, storage Is popular. It per mits of holding tho moro or less per Ishablo potatoes In n salable condi tion over ns long a period as is economically doslrablo. Storago also Insures n moro uniform market sup ply throughout tho season. Caro must bo exercised not to storo potatoes In largo bulk whero dovolopmcnt ofh Igh temperature is deterioration will bo favored. Specialists agrco that 3C degrees F. Is gonorally low enough for practical potato storage. A temperature of io ocgrees k. is an satisfactory ex cept whero dry powdery rot occurs. Potatoos exposed to strong or oven modorato light soon becomo damag ed for food purposes. Exposuro of potatoes intended for seed purposes to modorato light If they aro kept cool Is not Injurious. Helntlvo to molsturo there should ho sufficient molsturo in tho pota to storngo to prevent tho wilting of tho tubers yet maintaining a hu midity content low chough to pre vent deposit of molsturo on tho sur face of potatoes. Humidity of 8G to 00 percent Is suggested by ono Investigator nnd n temperaturo of 33 dcgrccH to 35 degrees F. Itnpld and oven distribution of nlr by moans of air flues Is Important. Storngo of tubers In largo bins or New Arrivals-Latest Modes-Fall Waists and Sweaters Waists in n wonderful nssortjuent of fabrics, colors and styles. Here you. will find your Waist-inthe style you want-in the fabric you want-at the price you wish to pay Georgette and Crepe de Chine, in a full range, at $4.45, $4.95, $5.95 $6.95, $7.45, $8.45 $8.95, $9.95, 10.95 'New Slipover Sweaters Just received another lot of Slipover, Sweat ers. New colors. New styles. Come and see them $5.95, $6.45, $7.45, $8.95, $10.95 When its Waists and Sweaters, we Strive to Please. 'IT ii' I i .'. i ll ' . . , rM ' ' ' i i .tl ftp For These September Mornings ! New Fall Wraps that will keep you warm Striking Models in the Season's Newest Vogue. Velours-Silvertones-Sparkle Clpth--. ' Polo Cloth-Plushes : You Mill save money by purchasing your .,. Autumn Apparel at this store. h PRICED FROM $16.50 to $6S.OO Everybody Knits with Minerva Yarns complete stock of all shades. 55c per Ball ' PHOENIX SILK HOSE . Black-Cordovan-Gray-Russia Calf-Navy $I.35-$I.65$3.00 Stop and Shop it 1 vfr a vSTTTirr"rnT7Tr7TPiT7rv M AUUJUiouiMUYI UP. W BROTHERS Quality Pioneers since 1911 THE WARNER COMPANY piles Is hold to bo bad practice When potatoes aro stored In a depth of 10 or IS feet, tho pile being corres pondlngly largo In other di mensions violent sweating results. Over heating may bo avoided by In sorting division walls at Intervals throughout the pilo. Tho division walls mny consist of 2 by Inch uprights, on tho 2-Inch face of which aro nailed Ti by 4 inch strips of any desired leugtli, leaving n 1-Inch space botwoon each strip. This provides a ventilated partition, whlchycan bo of any helgth nnd length desired. Hy placing these in an upright position. 5 to C feet apart as tho bin or storage houso Is bolng filled good ventilation will bo secured nnd nu easy nvenuo of escape for both heat and molsturo provided. A light layer of straw on tho floor over which potntoc? aro stored will bo n great preservative aid. The pllo will bo insulated against cold nnd heat by covering the spuds with alternate layers of straw soil. As tho cooler weather sots In moro straw and soli should bo added, Tho straw should bo about six Inches thick when compact und the final layer of soil should bo six or eight inches thick, depondlug on weather conditions. scientists," says Dr. Copcland. "Wo nro old fashioned horo. Wo do not bellevo in closlns schools or churches. Wo did everything un conventional hero in 1918 and had tho lowest death rato of all." To prove that masks aro danger ous Instead of healthful, Commis sioner Copoland cites tho case of San Francisco, which had n high death rato, ho thinks because "tho masks aro filthy, prevent tbAjPationt from getting good air, and causa him to ro-breatho bad breath." "Abovo all, lot's not get excited," says Commissioner Copelnnd, who advises ovcryono to do his utmost to "keep his equanimity, '.piety ami occupation." CONSIDKK ItOTJK A systom of sheep farming that Is to bo continuously successful can not ignoro either wool or mutton. Jn many cases tho two products will bo worthy of equal constderntton. In others cither ono mojr bo emphasized nccordlng to tho pocullarltltw of con ditions, managomont, and market ing. Edinburgh Landmark Gone. An Interesting Ml of old Kdlnburgh, dntliiK bnck about 1G00, hns been burn ed. The destroyed building, which con stMel of n slnule story nr.rt uttle. wns one of the lnndmnrkx of tho Holyrood urea. It Jis tho old Yew Trea tnvern, and Mood Inside tho bounds of tho Holyrood sanctuary for debtors, within which. In days of yore, the fugitive was free from the attentions of his creditors. INFLUENZA THIS WINTER IS FORECASTED (Continued from Pago 1.) day with soap and water." Commissioner Copoland says thdro is no cause for oxcltemont olnco tho board of health la 'watching aymp toms of Influehia 'tho.'. world over and la cooparsttlrig with other boards of health throughout Amur lea, It Is also working on vac School Supplies Pen tablets 5c and 10c Pencil tablets, special, 5c Drawing tablets, ., 5e and 10c Spelling tablets 5c Note books u,,-5c Pencils lc, 5c, 10c Prang paints -.20c, 05e Crayons 5c and 10c Pencil boxes, ink, pens and. all needed for school Fair Store Sather Building H cines. , . ,v.. "Masks nro no good, It lias boon . demonstrated to tho satisfaction of '