The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    hi imii ihii hi Minmmw
K 1
The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly Edition)
Published By
Kntaullshctl 1002.
FltED A. WOEL.KLEN, fEdltor
ttnbltEKT W SAWYEK, Manager
Yl! : ;
An Independent newspaper standing
tor tho' qunro deal, clean business,
'feloan politics and tho best Interests
or Bond and Central Oregon.
Ono year - ,...$2.00
Six months...,......,...,...,.,.',...;... 1Q0
Thrco months. ...... .......-....... .GO
J .
Granting that tho Uonham Fnlls
reservoir liUe la found to be sult-
ablo for water storage thcro ro-
aaalns, -borcro Irrigation work can
j proceed, tho question of tho neces
sary fundst .This wo have pointed
out' several' times In connection with
', the Mondoll bill now boforo con
gress, urging that every legitimate
influenco bo used to obtain votes
; for hla measure. That it needs
help seems to bo generally con-
, ceded, In splto of reports that senti
ment in its favor is growing, and
It may bo that with att that can bo
. dono thcro will still bo Insufficient
votes to carry it through.
Under those conditions it would
bo well for those interested in irri
gation in this section to glvo somo
thought to tho possibility of obtain
ing an appropriation for general
reclamation purposes, as recently
suggested in nows dispatches from
Washington. Tho Mondell bill, it
must bo remembered, is a soldier
land settlement bill. Under it
reclamation will proceed as an in
cident to providing farm homes for
soldiers, just as after tho Civil war
tho homestead law was enacted to
bring about settlement of the west
ern lands and glvo homes to sol
diers. As a bill for soldier aid tho
measure is open to attack on vari
ous grounds ranging from argu
ment that tho soldier docs not need
such aid to questions why ho
should not bo sot up in tho hard
ware business, for instance, ns -well
as in farming. And this will bo
Us weakness In congress.
On tho other hand, appropria
tions for general reclamation pur
poses will not bo open to such at
tacks and conceivably would have
easier sledding. Tho reclamation
fund is now in need of replenish
ment, and reports aro that oven
though the Mondell bill is passed,
there will bo need for funds for
areas not suitable for use under
that -bill.
vith "Wick" SInnott chairman of
tho.'publlc lands committee in tho
house and Senator McNnry at t he
head' of the senato irrigation com-xaltteo'-wo
aro In position to get aid
of one sort or another, and wo
should not let tho opportunity slip.
Fjp'tn.fce. war dopnrlmont bureau
which has busied itself with finding
employment for dlsohnrgod soldiers
thoro hns "Just como tho interesting
plo'ccot' news that "thoro Is n de
mand for ox-Borvlco men in tho bot
tled sodn water trnilo during tho
summer months.' Aa tho present
flWBoirls now drawing to a closu wo
aro1 uncertain whother this mows ia
Intbnded1 to show mm what thoy
may bo ablo to find to do next Bum
mer or simply furnishes another ox
ample of how tho department does
thing always abou three months
Into. ' ' .
Promotion bt'wnr Buvlngs stamps
sales ns a government nctivtttty haa
ended. Tho stamps aro Btlll for salo,
hwovdr,,and provjdo ono of tho sim
plest, Easiest and best ways of sav
ing ever dovisod for tho American
peopiq. ii is 10 do nopcu inni iuii
ndvnntago will still bo taken of them
for promoting habits of thrift
among children and that their eld
ers will continue to savo their two
bit pieces in this way.
(Continued trom Pago 1.)
Among the educational matters
that are receiving attention with
tho ending of tho war is tho Rhodes
scholarship. bequest by which stud
enjsrom American universities aro
enabled to. enjoy instruction at Eng
land's famous old university at Ox
ford. In operation for over 10 years
this scholarship system bus produc
ed men wjth special training who
have como homo to tako desirable
positions In various fields. Those
wbo have had its benoflts have
broadened themselves and gained an
experience that will bo a life-long
pleasuro. Possibly Cecil Rhodes'
bopo of a closer union between
Great Britain and America has not
been'reallzed as a result of his bo
quest, but a remarkable educational
opportunity hns been opened to
American boys of which they should
be eager ;to tako advantage.
If there aro boys in Rend wlo aro
going to collngo in Oregon and who
want to add to that experience the
pleasure of a foreign trip with ex
penses paid and a chance to add
much to hotr education they should
begin now to think of u Rhodes'
scholarship, It will bo several years
before boys in tho Bend high school
aro ready for selection as Rhodes
scholars but It Is nono too soon for begin getting ready.
r- -Ji. i
tho actual assurances that Spring
river wnter-vould bo distributed In
Bend should tho 'franchise bo grant
ed. Street To Ho Vacated. ,
Monthly reports of city officials
wore read, that by Chief of Pollco
Nixon showlhg only ono enso of
theft during tho entire 31 days,
while Flro Chief Carlson's statement
touched mainly on tho work In train
ing tho volunteer department. Tho
only serious fire In tho month was
at tho Pino Treo Lumber Co. mill,
outsldo tho city limits. Warrants
to tho amount of $3005 wero retired
In August, according to tho report
of Miss M. E. Coleman, city trea
surer. Because John E. Borg, in erecting
a rcsldcnco In Highland addition
recently, failed to understand tho
pint of tho addition and built his
house facing away from tho street,
a petition from tho Bond Company
was introduced asking for tho vaca
tion of Klamath avonuo and tho re
establishment of tho strcot to remedy
tho error of tho builder. As no
others had previously built, the
change will have no detrimental ef
fect on other rcsldenco property, and
it Is considered that thcro will be
little objection. Tho petition was re
ferred to City Attorney C. S. Bon
son. .
Miller GcLs Walk Contrnrt.
Bids tor construction of concrete
sldowalka and curbs In tho business
scctloTcbf Rend, wore opened, nnd
tho-',continct , awarded to Frank
Miller, on a low estimate of $G7IG.
Additional firo equipment bids had
been called for, but only ono offer
was mado, and tho contract went to
A. G. Long & Co., for $491.70.
Gruecome Binding.
Thoro l a copy of JIllton'H poems
In the public library at Exeter (Eug.)
bound In pnrt of the skin of George
Cudmoro, who, with Sarah Dunn, wns
rommlttril to Hip Devon county Jull on
October 30. 1829, for murdering his
wife by poisoning her, wu tried at
the Lont In the following your,
and executed on March 25, 1KK
Put It in The Bulletin.
V' !
(A Jrjend who spent some months
ihj'Frnrice last yoar working for Un
cle Sam writes "I want to thank
yon fpi 'sending mo Tho Bond Bulle
tln. while I -was in France. No mat
ter hoy, delayed tho other mall was
somehow tho old Bend Bulletin man
aged to show up and many times
gave mo nows that I wanted much
earlier than my Jotters."
vThat Is what tho country paper Is
toolks who aro uway a lottor from
homo. And though, ns wo said re
cently, wo do not advertise in this
editorial column wo lire great on
handing -out good advice, qwl ' to
dny's advico la th'ajt 2g sond' tho pa
per to sonioonu nwny4.frnm.hbr0 who
. . . 'I'll irJn ?- J
wants (o know what is going on.
In tho County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In the Matter of tho Estato of Fred
Goodfellow, Deceased.
Notice. Is heroby rsiven that the
undersigned wus on tho 25th day of
August, 1919, appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of tho above
named deceased by tho county
Judge of Deschutes county, Oregon.
Therefore, all porsons holding
claims against tho estuto of said
deceased are heroby notified to pre
sent the same, duly verified accord
ing to law, at tho office of my at
torneys. Do Armond & Erskine, in
the O'Kune building, Bend, Oregon,
within six months from the date
of the first publication hereof.
Dato of first publication, Septem
ber 4, 1919.
Administratrix, of tho Estato of
Fred Goodfellow, Deceased.
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of De
schutes. In tho Matter of tho Estato of
Honry W. Royollo, Doceuscd.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was on tho 28th day
of August, 1919, appointed admin
istratrix of tho estato of tho above
named deceased by tho county
Judgo of Deschutes county, Oregon
Thoroforo, all porsons holding
claims against tho estate of said
deceased uro hereby notified to pro
sent tho samo duly verified accord
ing to law, at my office In the
O'Kane building, Bond, Oregon,
wthln six months from the' dato
of the first publication horoof.
Date of flrst publication, Septem
ber. 4th. 1919.
Administrator of the Estuto of
Henry W. Ilevollo, Deceased.
' Jk ' -j- ,
Uniform products command tho
best price vPuye-brod' fowls pro
duce uniform product, f
lleglu marketing tho cockerula us
soon us thoy weigh 1 pound or nttatn
a marketable weight.
Market whlto-shellod and brown
shelled oggn in separate packages,
When selling egga to tho country
merchant or cash buyer insist that
tho transaction bo on a quality basis,
Ship or deliver eggs nt loast twlcq
or three times wcokly.
Small or dirty ogga should bo usj.l
nt homo.
When tnklng ogga to market thoy
should bo protected from the aim's
rays. ,. , v , .
Wort Ho eggs will withstand .Mjtri
kotlng conditions hiu'chDatW Uiui.
fertile eggs. ,
. ,.
Poultry minors frequently maku
tho mistake of keeping old hens on
their farms nnd killing tho younger
hons and pullota bocnuso thoy aro
unablo to distinguish thorn ntter the
pullets hnvo matured. Marking tho
chicks when they nro young with n
too punch will help to avoid this
and will enable thci poult.ryman to
dotormtno readily tho ago nnd breed
ing and to keop nay otherro cords
desired. Tho chicks sould bo murk
od boforo thoy aro transferred to tho
broodor or brood coop.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
nnd made to yield paying crops.
Timber lands hnvo boon moro
closely estimated by tho assessor's
doputlcs than over boforo In tho his
tory of tho county, nnd despite ex
tensive logging operations, 291,833
acres of privately owned timber nro
shown ns ngnlnst 305.279 acres of a
year ago. This year's valuations In
this clnss aro $2,918,820, lu contrast
to tho $2, 13C.440 or last year. Im
provements on deeded laud aro now
assessed at $0,277,160, Instead of
$3,054,970, tho total in this division
last year.
City Property Advnnre
City lots and improvements In
Bond were $1,209,220, and $219,850
In Redmond, while corresponding
figures for 1918 wero $094,820, nnd
"f a t K L. :i
Yoif don't need a compass to find the
Best Values in Men's Suits. Steer
right for Mac & Reinies to buy stylish,
serviceable, satisfactory suits at rock
bottom prices. Prices at from
$20.00 to $60.00
Featuring the famous
L-System Clothes
MPUf EAII UATC Here they, arc nlrcntly for
niin rALL HAIo-you. a ha fA co ca
Smart styles, new shades, at f f.UV- III ipO.JU
Exceptional values
New styles and models, arriving
!.:':i.$7.50 to $15.00
The Qotdeh Rule
$109,415. Tho totnl of lots and Im
provements on them throughout tho
county, was $1,035,575 this year and
$1,000,895 In 1918, and personal
property wont to $1,418,790, u nota
ble Incroaso over the $1,174,935 of
Inst yoar.
Among tho Itoms In this Inst class
aro Included: morchnndlse, $401,
550 : farm nincliluory, $98,775;
HprsoH. $00,775; Cattle, $241,306;
Sheop, $87,025; Autos, $129,020. It
Is noted that thoro nro moro horses
In tho county than was tho enso n
yoar ago, but tho quality has suffered
greatly us tho result of tho activity of
artillery nnd cavalry btiyors. Cattle
number 751 moro than tho year bo
foro, falling to substnntlatu stato
ntntomontH mado toward tho uml nf
1918 that stock animals wero being
rapidly sold off on account of tho
high price of feed. Hhi'op, however,
nru moro than 4,000 lens than Inst
year. Tho value of automobiles has
Incruniiml $41,700.
Thu total vnluatlou of personal
property In thn cities nnd (owns nf
DoMchutcH county Is listed ul $430,
1 000.
-onARMY(Mtifton)attdoinef lasis
Men aro paying more attention to value
nowadays than ever before. They want real
value and good. style but they want it at a
sane, sensible prioe. -
And how well BUCKHECHT Shoes fit this
standard 1 Despite the growing scarcity of
good leather despite the steadily mounting
cost of labor and manufacture we have
adhered to our policy of putting into every
BUCKHECHT Shoe onty top-grade materials
and top-holch workmanship. The net result
is that, in spite of rising costs, you can still
get comfort and wear and service in a shoo
at a reasonable price.
Small wonder, then, that mon who know
how to measure true value have found that
their shoe-dollars go further in BUCKHECHT"
At, principal dealers in the West or if your denier fa
not suppliedsend us his name nnd order direct.
.Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM C& HECHT 8n I'
"- Established In the Karly 1'lfties