The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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iiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiittitni iimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi i
It. H. Ilntnlltoti Iiiih returned from
ii bunlnorw trip to Portland,
J. II, Minor Ih nwuy on a wonk'H
liuntliiR trip to Dlnmoml -punk.
Minn Miirlol WIUiimm of Hummer
Lnko wiih u vlflltor In Bond lust
JuiIro T. I!, J. Duffy and Mm,
Duffy nro In thn city today from
C. A. Warner of Wnrnor company
returned yardordny morning from a
tmnlnoiM trip to Portland.
Jity II. Upton won In Ilond yea
tcrdny nnd today front Ii Ih homo In
Prlnovlllo on IuriiI IiuhIhohm.
Minn Darin Ilurton In ubln to
louvo thn lumpltnl nftor undergoing
an operation fur appendicitis,
W. 0. Illrdmttl, who Iiiih lioou
mirlotiHly III for tlin pant two day,
vim reported to lio hIiowIiik tnurkod
Improvement today.
J. W. Wariihlarr, of nnur Hand,
linn returned to his Iioiiiu nftor a
row dayn with Mrs. Wnninliiff In
Portland, whoro tho funeral of
tholr Infant daughter wan hold,
If. A. (lorwoy leaven Hominy for
lltiffnlo, N, Y., whoro' ho will ropro-
hoiiI thn tocul union an Itn delegate.
Tho convniitloii inm'tM at & o'clock
ii. in.. Hnptombor 9th, Mr. (losnoy
will join tho Northwest dulogutlnn
nt Hpoknno. Ho will ho gono about
oho moiitli.
Mr. and Mrn. II. L. Kloppor of
.Portland arrived In Ilond cut onlay
morning and will mnko tholr homo
1 1 or i). Mr. Kloppor wan recently
discharged from tho service urtor
1.S inouthn with mi aiiglmmr regl
mont. lid will ho employed Ity
Tho Hhovllii-IIIxou Company,
JohbIo and Konnoth Donahtio,
grandchildren of Mm. M. (!. Donn
Iiiiq of thin city, who will Icavo for
Portinud tomorrow, woro honored
by a party given 'hy Mrn. Donnhuo,
tiNNlntud hy Mrn. August Ilartnch
nnd Mrn. Doit Caldwoll Wodnoa
day nt tho Donaliuo homo on flhnsta
place, Among tho guests woro Inez
Ilnnnon, VlrRlnln Dnnloln, Joan and
Prudence Coldwoll, Loona Ilond,
Kdnii nnd Knrl Evans, Beryl nnd
Lamond Hrynn, Edward Luycox,
Kdnu HlmonHon and Hobort McKoo.
A Safe
Since April of this
year Diamonds have
ad v a need in price
approximately Mto.
There is an unprece
dented demand for
Diamonds. What
better investment
can yon make than
The leading diamond
dealers of the Pacific
Coast advise that
there will be anoth
er advance within
the next sixty days
of at least 25 96.
Is Our Advice.
Larson k Co.
At tho Sign of tho Hlj,' Clock
0, A, Warner returned thin morn
Iiir from n bind noun trip to Portland,
Mrn, H, I), Ullnon wan taken III
yesterday, and In uimblo to leave tho
It. H, Hamilton returned thin
morning from n two dayn' biiHlncan
trip to Portland,
II, IC. Alton, Dan HoIhIiir, and J,
iO, McKliinoy, of HlxtoiH, woro busl-
noun vlnltorn In Ilond yoHtorday.
Mr, and Mm, Cluudo Muonholmur
returned thin morning from an ex
tended IhihIiiohh trip to CIlcai;o.
Mr. and Mrn. W. 0. Van Cluvo nro
paroutH of 11 10-pound boy born thin
morning at tho Jlonit Surgical liuapl
tal, Ernest II. Fuller and Minn lluby Q.
Ilottroll, diiURhtor of James Ilottroll,
of thin city, secured a murrliiRo II
conso at tho county clurlt'n offlco
Wllnou (loorgo hnn roturncd from
Kant Lake, whoro ho hauled a truck
load of T. N. T. to ho lined In road
work now being conducted by tho
forent norvlco.
A marriage llcunna wun Innuod yen
terday afternoon from tho offlco of
County Clerk J, II. Honor to For
mal M. Alfrey, of Clackamas county,
and Iloulah Landfnro, of Ilond.
,M. P, Canhmnii ban returned from
11 three weeks btiHlnenn trip to Ht.
Paul and other eastern polntn. While
on IiIh trip .Mr.-Caitliliian did connld
orablo buying for full and winter,
Mrn, It. 1). Htowell ontortaliied on
Wednonday about 30 friends In
honor of Dr, StowoU's blrtndny. Tho
evening wun apont In dancing nnd
curdn. ItofrcahmoutH wen Nerved.
M. O. Wngnor left yesterday for
Lu Uraudo to attend tho 41. conven
tion thoro. Ho In roprcsnutlng tho
Ilrookn-Sranlon Lumber Co, Itobort
Mooro, of Tho Hhevlln-lllxon Com
pany, In alno In attendance.
A. P. Mnnlo'i, of Seattle arrived
In Mend lant iiIrIiI to lull n row
dayn with bin brother Hany Muulon.
Mr. and Mrn. Frank Kelllher ro
turued Wednesday from u Hovorul
weekn nutomnbllo trip through
HOtithoru Oregon nnd northern Cal
ifornia. W. C. Illrdnull wan brought back
to Ilond Innt nlRht, after being forc
ed by Illness to mop on n trip to
Portland which ho had iindertulcon
with Clydo M. McKay. Tho return
wan made from Mecca, nnd Mr. Itlrd
nnll Ih reported today to bo In seri
ous condition.
Mr. and Mrn, J, II. Coykandull, of
Hcuttlo .who have boon vlnltliiR In
Ilond for tho pant week, loft thin
morning by motor 011 their return.
Mrn. CoykonduU'H aunt, Mrn. F. M.
OitHbar want with thorn an far as
Portland. Mr. Coykondull U mamiRor
of tho Northwest hardwuro company.
The Late
Are Here.
They Go Quickly
Get Yours.
Juil Remember
Magill & Erskine
Our Vlnculon Drptrtmrnt ii Complde
in Ereiy Dtltil.
Urml Figliler Oiji'b to Mat for Count
of Two In Kevcnth an iSVntrat
Approach to Knockout
Wood Iaihvh on Foul.
hi:mmm:imoxi iioad will
hi: acckitki) ah soon ak
Junt iim noon an tho proportion
from tho ntato highway commlnnlon,
outlined Wcdnundny at tho Commer
cial club mooting, la formally pre
sented to tho DoiicliutcH county
court, It will bo quickly accoptcd,
woh tho ntntomont on Thurndny of
County JudKO lJarnen. Tho com
mlnalon'u offer, which wnn dlscuiiscd
yentorday, provldon that tho county
nhall i;rudo that part of Tho Dallcn
California hlKhwny lying between
Itend and lledmond, nt n coat of
100,000, and that tho ntato will
put on n macadam surface, to cost
approximately $17C,000.
An yet, tho county court linn only
had tho comtuliwIon'M offer second
band, and henco hnn been unnblo
to mnko any final answer on It.
Tho nontlmcnt of tho mombora,
howoor, In entirely favorable, Judgo
IJarnes xnyn.
M. P. Cnnhman roturncd last ulKht
from n protracted trip In tho oaHt.
Fmnk McCaffory nnd son nro In
Ilond today from tholr homo nt lledmond.
OWING to ft Great Labor
Shortage, we wish to an
nounce that there may be a de
lay in the arrival of the new
text books for the Bend Public
Schools, which opens Sept. 15.
We will keep you advised about their
arrival 10 that you will be cauicd the
leait poaiihle inconvenience when ichool
time comei.
But we now have an hand a moit
complete line of all achool aupplie of
the lieit grades. 1
Horton Drug Co. ;
The Rexall Store
J, Alton Thompson left thin
morning for Itodmond to 1 pend tho
day on hunlnosn.
Fred Plnnoy, of Lakovlow, camo
Into Ilond last night, nnd Ih remain
ing over today,
W. O. Hndloy. Doputy District
aatno Wnrdon, arrived In Ilond Inst
night 011 official buslnosa.
Mr. nnd Mrn. Claudo L. Mannhol
111 or returned yestorday evening
evening from n visit to tho cast.
Miss Jnnolco Simpson Is recover
ing from nn attack of mumps, It la
oxpoctod that sho will rosutuo hor
work In tho offlco of J. A, Eastos
John Fnrrol roturnod to Hond last
night to rosumo bin work at tho First
National Dank, nftor a vacation apont
In Portland.
Word wns rocolvod thin morning
that W. 0. Illrdsall, who with Clydo
McKay, Blurted yesterday for Tort-
land by nuto, Iiub boon tukon serious
ly ill nt Mecca.
Mr, nnd Mm, llono West will movo
In tho noar futuro to Portland to
mnko tholr homo whllo tholr son,
Lylo, Ih nttondlug tho Oregon Stato
Training school.
Mrs. M. S. Lnno nnd daughter, cor
nice, of Corvnllls, woro guoats of Mr.
nnd Mrs, C. II. Alton Tuesday jilght.
Tho Lunos woro on tholr wny to Sil
ver Luko, whoro Mrs. Lnno has sons
In tho cattle business.
Outhoxed by a more clover, nhlft-
lor opponent, Frod Gilbert, of Ilond,
lost a 10 round go, thn main ovont
of tho Labor Day smoker, to Leo
Morrlnnoy, of Scattlo, on a roforco'n
decision. Tho nearest thing to a
knockout camo In tho noventh round,
when tho Scattlo boy nent a left up
porcut to his opponent's chin, Gil
bert wan on hln foot again nt the
count of two, but It wan tho only
tlmo In tho bout that either fighter
wan knocked off his foot, and was
an Important fnctor In giving Morrls-
noy tho decision.
Onco before, in the third, Gilbert
wont to tho mat but It wan not tho
r cull It of a punch, and rather becauso
ho wan rushed off hln feet by the ag
grosnlvo Seattlo boy.
Tho bout started in whirlwind
ntylu, and tho flrnt round could
have been called nothing but a draw.
Doth ondeavorcd to force tho fight
ing, nnd Morrlnncy's clover blocking
and his ability to cover up and then
lanh out viciously with either hand,
mndo up for Gilbert's slight advan
tage In reach. It wan this ability,
displayed early In tho battle, which
apparently prevented Gilbert from
gouging In, when nt raro intervals
a wldo opening would bo presented
to him.
Hovenlli Ih I)Nn)trouK.
Tho second round wan u nhado In
Gilbert's favor, the Dend boy rush
ing the milling nt a paco too fast for
hln adversary. Morrlssoy's advan
tage In tho third, of literally smoth
ering Gilbert to tho mat, gavo him
tho round, but Morrlssoy had n
nhado tho better of It In tho sixth.
nnd took tho (seventh by knocking
Gilbert off his feet just before tho
gong Hounded.
Throughout tho latter rounds, Gil
bert Incessantly jnbbcd his right In
to Morrlssoy's faco, but tho blows
wero Ineffective. Tho eighth wont
to Morrlssoy, but In tho ninth, ho
wns apparently weakening, nnd Fred
was quick to take advantage of thin
fact Jabbing viciously to tho head.
Mont of his punches were blocked,
but tho round wns for tho local
Morrlssoy showed up strong in tho
10th, but It was tho belief of many
fans that If tho fight could have
gono for thrco rounds inoro, Gil
bert's greater strength nnd endur
ance would have enabled him to
scoro n knockout.
Wlllurd Houston, tho third man
in tho ring, was a most satisfactory
Foul Wins for Mcfoniivll.
Tho main preliminary, was lost by
Speck Woods on n foul, when tho de
cision was securely within his grasp.
Fighting ngnliiBt "Frisco" McCon
noll, Woods had floorod him twlco
In the second round, and tho socond
tlmo ho wont to tho mat ho was so
groggy that it wns plain Speck need
ed only to select tho tlmo and place
and thou ndmtnlster n sleeping po
tion. Too anxious to end tho fight,
however, ho launched a vicious right
nt McConnoU'B ehln ns tho latter was
still on his hands and knees, at tho
count of six. Iloferoo Stephenson
promptly assisted McConnolI to his
toot, and ralsod his hand In token
of victory.
Kid Taylor, of Ilond, fought n
brief, but aggresslvo battle in tho
first preliminary with Kid Gates, of
Seattlo. Gates took the count in ono
The Bed
The bed is the center and boundary of
huraanV life ; around it cluster the senti
ments of birth and death, of home and
rest and love; it is the sovereign throne of
the night, the greeting place of the dawn,
the rich reward of a well spent day; it
sooths pain, calms care and levels all dis
tinctions in the mystery of sleep; in all
time and place a thing of beauty and
honor among the creature comforts of
This sentiment is expressed throughout
in the
a distinct creation in bedroom furniture.
The Simmons Brass Beds are an asset to
any home. Some in plain satin finish,
others in ribbon band effects.
Priced at $32.50 to $60
Sealey Mattresses
Duilt of ono big bat of pure white cotton without
tufts. All the comforts of tho old feather bed with
none of Its undeslrablo features. Comfortable, sani
tary, durable.
Warranted for 20 ytfare not to pack or lump.
The Furniture Store of Superior Quality
Fowla In Confinement Must Be Sup
plied With Abundance of Green
Feed and Meat or Milk.
Chicks nnd fowls In confinement dur
ing the hot weather must have lots of
green food and meat or milk, or both.
If they arc on free range they can ob
tain much of their meat food In the
form of bugs nnd worms nnd can ndd
to their variety of grain the various
vegetable growths that they obtain by
foraging. This Is equally true of Uie
call von inns.
IIIiIh will bo rocolvod by tho
undorHlgnod for tho directors of
School District No. 28 up to 8:30
n. m. on Tuesday, Soptomoor 9,
1019, for tho construction of a
now school building tor tho dis
trict. Plana nnd specifications can
ho soon' nt tho offlco of Leo A.
Thomas, nrohltoct, O'Kano building,
or at tho homo or H. I, Elliott,
It. F. D, 1. Tho board rosorvos tho
right to rojoct any and all bltln.
173.4 w27o II. I. ELLIOTT.
Olork of tho Board,
night Definition or a Clastic
A classic Ih properly n book which
maintains Itself by virtue of that hap
py coalescence of matter and style,
that lunate- nnd exquisite sympathy be
tween the thought thnt gives life nnd
the form that consents to overy mood
nnd of grace and dignity, which can bo
Hlmplo without being vulgar, elevated
without being distant, nnd which Is
Homelhlng.nelthor undent nor modern,
always new and incapublo of growing
old. Lowell.
Chinese Dietary.
Chinese cooking has for Its general
bnslH chicken broth or poultry jelly
and red sauce, Tho hitter nccom-
panics nearly all tho dishes; It Is a
kind of dissolved meat Jelly flavored
with pimento and coriander, Pork nnd
mutton nro almost exclusively eaten;
linrso and cnmel meat, however, may
bo bought. The number of edible dogs
eaten annually In China Is estimated
at 8,000,000.
Keep tho houso and yard clean.
Glvo n heavier feed of grain In the
Keep poultry free from lice and the
house free from mites.
Feed grain In straw or other Utter
to make the hens scratch for It.
Grow green crops .n tho poultry
yards If they are not la permanent
If you hovo had littlo or no experi
ence In poultry keeping, start in a
small way. Then Increase as your ex
perleuco and success warrant.
Don't let roosters run with the hens
after the breeding season Is over. Tho
hens will lay Just as well and tho egs
will be Infertile and will keep better.
Let the hens help themselves to a
,lry mush.
Market white-shelled and brown
ihollcd eggs In separuto packages.
Ship or deliver eggs at least twice
r threo times weekly.
Cull tho flock so us to cllmlnato the
;arly molters und other uuprofltablo
Infertile eggi will withstand mar
keting conditions much better Uian
fertile eggs,
Market hens which you do not wish
to carry longer as soon nu they Btop
mylng and begin to molt In tho late
lunimer or fall.
Acting Postmaster to Start Corns
(.pondenco with View to Im
proving Mall Service In
hpector Will Hack Move.
That ho will within tho next
week, start correspondence with tha
postoriico department, which will
have as Its object tho securing of a
city mall delivery for tho city of
Bend, was the statoment Saturday
of Acting Postmaster W. II.
Hudson. Preliminary to taking this
action, Mr. Hudson will bring the
matter up with tho city council and
tho Bond Commercial club, to ob
tain their endorsement. Mr. Hudson
is confident that some sort of dell
very can be had for Bend, and that
If this is not a full city delivery;
some other typo of service can be
obtained whlcn will gradually bo de
veloped Into the kind actually neod
cd. For several years, movements
have started at Intervals to get a
city mail delivery for Bond, but al
though all requirements had been
mot more than two years ago, the
letter carrier fulled to make his ap
poarance. Recently Mr, Hudson has
boon studying tho situation, and
bolloves that the rapid growth of the
city will soon make accomodations
inadequate even aftor tho now post
orflco has boon moved Into, Tho
city delivery plan offers tho quick
est nnd best remedy for this condi
tion. Mr. Hudson states that In this
movomont ho will have tho assist
ance of tho postal Inspector for this
Four chairs at your service at thfl
Metropolitan, No waiting. Adv.
Put it Ih Tho Bulletin.