4 IJHN1 IIUMJCTIN, IIKNI), OIUXJON, THURSDAY, HI2ITK.MIJKII 4 1010 FAOB tf ,1 . A i A STOCK LOSS IS LAID TO WEED DCADI.V IIK.MMJCIC IH FOUND (JROWINO M'.imiANTI,Y ON CRANIJ PRAIKIIJ AND HIHTKU8. mktomi'h CA'rri.w ranukh. I.ohkoh of rutllo on tliu Crnno I'ralrlo niiii'.n nro undoubtedly duo to tho poIhoii lioiulock, (Clcutii) uc conlliiK to Jack llortou, of Hid Dmi cluiUw National Foront Hnrvlco, who ii'turnitti Friday from u nurvoy of rnriKii roudltloim In tlio Cm no I'rnlrlo miction. Tlio hoiiilock, tho root of which, ovitn In inliiuto ouuiitltlefi, In fatal. Mr. Morton fouiul crowliiK liixiirlnutly an fur down an tho raiiKor Htittloit, with no Hpoclmunn In ovl ditiicu acaln until Hit; ltlviir wiih Itmcliud. Ho linllovvii thai In tho weodluiut Interval, cattlo huvo crazud tif( tho (tipit, no that tho charactnr ' iHtlO flOWdl'M of tho plllllt do not up punr. Tho uppor part of tho ham look can ho frooly eaten by Htock without harmful rnitultn. t Anolhor part of tho Dimcliutu.-t for tNtt whoro tho hoiiilock urowtt nliiiiul antly In within tho KlntorH-Motollun raiico, whoro u uuiiilior of uuoxplalu- imI doathn uiiioiik cattlo occiirrod thin .muiHon. On tho north uiarKlu of Illtio luko, Huttlim Inko, luko crook, and tho Uppur MalolliiH, tho Hoiii lock In found following tho wator In Hit dlntrlbiitlon. In an offorl to orndlcnto tho ilixully plmitn, work will ho ntnrtud In tho itlnturn-Motollun country thin full, $100 huvliiK ticcit appropriated for thin purpoHu. It will ho a throo year Joh, nccordltiK to Mr. Ilorton, (f tho hoiiilock In to ho coinplntoly killed out, and a' cnnipalKii tiRalunl the polnou whihIh on tho Crntio I'rnlrlo, it wall u on tho Hlntorn Motollun ranee, would now I In tlm iiulclit'orliood of J 1600. SOLDIERS FAIL TO CLAIM TRAVEL PAY Homo Hcrtlrc HTllon of Red Croon Ht III OlTcir Alii(onro to ( IH-xliiugrd Men. Tho Heme fttrvlro .'Juotlon of tho A. It. 0. Ima bean prepared tor momio tluio to tuko rurw of noldlorn who wlnh tits extra travel pay. All million illncliiri;tvl hnfaro Poll. 28. 1919 who nwolvod 316 renin por "Take it from Me" says tho Good Judge Wise tobacco chewers long fiineo got over the big-chevv idea. A little chew of this real quulity tobacco givc3 them better satisfaction and they find their chew ing costs even less. With this class of tobacco, you don't need a fresh chew so often and you find you're saving pert of your tobacco money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW tut ufi in two styles RIGHT CUT is a. short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco TO -& of Induction In wurvlco an now al lowed flvo co n In por inllo from place of dlMcliarco to place of Induction or actual liona fldo ronldouco, which oror In mont doidrahlo. Ily thin ur raiiKoinent many of tho dlncliarcod notdloru aro entitled to quite a llttlo oxtra money. All that thoy need to do to obtain nntno In to apply at tho Homo Service (taction whero an af fidavit will ho made to nectiro tho money for them. Many of tho noldlorn who have paid on liberty bondn liuvo not re ceived n refund on nnnio. Thin may ho obtained by mnkliiK out an affi davit for nti mo. In cnito tho bond ban been paid for hut not delivered an affidavit may alno ho made out for It. Application hlankn for convention of Inniiranco aro bore nlxo. Tho Covvrumont lunuranuo may now ho converted Into ordinary life, SO year payment, 30 year payment, 20 year endowment, 30 year endowment and endowment maturing at .tho ago of 02. Tho Homo Horvlco Koctlon office In FARM t POULTRY CONSTRUCTION OF HEN HOUSE More Fowl Can Bo Kept on 8mall Floor Area Under Colony Than on Intensive Syitem. (rrepnrcd by the Unite fltntra Depart ment of Agriculture.) A liouno constructed for tho conven Ictico of tho uttendant will buve enough cubic air rpuco provided ii to 5 iwjunro foot of floor xpaco Is allowed per fowl. Fretth air nhotild ho Re cur ed by ventilation rather than by furnlHliliiK n luruer amount of cubic air npneo than In required for tho con venience of tho nttendant. The necen nnry iimount of Door npaco dependn upon tho Kyntem, on tho nlzo of tho Ienn, tho weather cnndltlnnn, and tho nlzo of tho bird. More bird can ho kent nn n mmill Ilonr nrnn imilor thn located nt tho flrnt National Hank j col(in. Ulnn on ,ll(, tcnnlro nyntcm, nulldlnc, upntalrn. Hourn 1:30 to1 whero the colony nyntem In uned In a G:30 p. in. Open Kattirdny ovo-.mlld climate tint! tho henn have freo uliiRn from 7:00 to 9:00. For .Men Who Work Hard. Mon who work nt hnrd physical Inbor are Niibjecl to kidney trouble J. O. Wfllf. 734 H. Jncknon Ht , Oroen Hay. Win., wrltcn- "Foley Kidney I'll In rolloved mo of a novoro hacknrho that bothered mo for nov oral monlhn. A fow bottle fixed mo up In Rood nhapo." Thoy alno relieve bladder and urinary nlliuoutH ranRo throughout most of tho year. Colony liutiNc holding from .10 to 75 lions tiro about um larpo an can bo Brow older lliey co'nnuino connfifcrnbfo khimh and olhcr growing Krccn inn torlal and In that way cut down their feed bill. They can ho allowed frco rmigo when they are two weekn old. OoiIIiikn aro fieldoui brooded nrtlflrlally hut will do well with mother geenc, hoim or even duckn. DOULTRTNOTEC I'rovido a nc-nt for each 4 or C hen. Feed tuhlo und kitchen wacto to tho liens. Olvn, n light feed of grain In tho morning. ncgln marketing tho cockerels nn mmiii nn they weigh one pound or uttnln a innrketnblo wrlght. When wiling eggn to tho country mprchint or ennh buyer Innlnt that Umj trannactlon bo on a quality banlii. KggH from "ntolen" nentn nhould not bo marketed j they aro of unknown ago and quality and should ho used at homo. SHEEP PROFIT ON IRRIGATED FARMS l'. K. Department Itulletln No. 1051 Given 1 f In) h AIkiuI l'roHr Han dling of Hmall riockn. iHllii from placo of dUoliarg" to plaro Hold Kvorvwhere adv. WRIGLEYS 5 5 5 c a package before the war c a package during the. war c a package NOW '? . THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! f KilHHHHnM hk- mm' i K999R 9MHRHHM mm mmm- 1ST An Open-Front Poultry Houto Kcepi Hens Healthy. easily moved, hut larger numhern may bo kept In ono (lock In it long house. Flocks of from GO to 1R0 aro well ndapted to tho average conditions for the production of market eggs. Large number require lens labor, fewer fences, nnd a lower houso cost than small llockn, but there Is a gtoater chance for dlMeiiKO and tho Individual hen receives less attention. fiheep keeping in tho Irrigated regions of tho northwest might bo mado n nourco of profit by many moro farmers. Numerous farmers scattered throughout tho north western Irrigated districts have found It n profitable business for a nutnbor of yearn, und havo gained experience which should bo of ben efit to othor owners of Irrigated farms. Methods of handling nnd feed ing sheop as practiced on 12 repre sentative farms, largo nnd small, In various parts of tho northwest, havo bcon studied In detail. On most of those farms sheep hus bandry Is combined with somo othor major enterprise, such as dairying, hog raising, orcharding or growing sugar beets, but n fow of tho farm era speclallzo in sheep. It Is bo Moved that ono or moro of these 12 farmers has como In contact with practically every difficulty that J that Is likely to confront tho sheop grower on Irrigated lands In tho northwest. In most casos the? havo found some moans of avoiding, or 'at least or mitigating, tho diffi culties). Special attention Is given to methods of establishing pasturo gruxMs nnd pasturo supplements, as pasturo Is one of the most serious problems of Introducing shoap on nn irrigated farm. Possibilities aro potnd'd out for combining far sheep growing with the range sheep In dustry. Tho farmer who oxpoots to xrow grade shoep may bo able to. buy his owes from tho rango moro advantageously than elsewhere. Tho grower of purebred sheop may find nn excellent market among range meii for his ram lambs. A profit able combination hotwoen Irriga tion fnrmors nnd range mon Is fre quently possible, tho sheep being run on tho rango during tho Hum mer und rail, brought to tho farm at tho beginning of wlntor and BUCKHECHT oia. u.s. pat at. ARMY &? SHOE Ym this ii the ihoe that givei you "Extra lervice -com- uri f tr - fort every minute," ' Why? Became It U tuilt right to tirt with! Our first comideration hat always been to put Into tvtrj Buckhici't Army Shoe: beit mater tali, wholehearted workrnanihip and laitmg valut. BLACK GUNMETAL.MAHOC ANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALP At pHnclpjl iaUn on tfPic!fic CoaiC If jovr iaUr h not wppfied, otier JJrect from It ii ilgnlficant that the Ruck luciir Army Shoe b worn by thous and of men In all walks ofhfe. They have come to sp- firecutc tti yield ng comfort, its velvety feel, Its wear-resisting qualities. And so will you once you treat your feet tO BUCKHZCHT Army Shoes. Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT S.n Franeisc kopt there until after lambing timo In tho spring. Tho conclusion is reached that thero aro many Irrigated farms throughout tho northwest on which small flocks of sheep could bo kept with jroflt if given proper care. Tho present outlook for tho sheep business appears to warrant further expansion, and there seems to bo no reason why many moro farmers should not keep at least small flocks. Facts regarding tho han dling of sheep on small Irrigated tracts aro brought out In U. 8. De partment of Agriculture Bulletin No'. 1051. POUND A DAY GAIN MADE BY INFANT PIG Corn Itatlon Allowed by IMjj Club Member Considered Itcsponslble for Ilnplri Growth of Porker. t Ono pound a day for 60 dnys Is tho weight which has been added to a pig owned by 10 year old Norman ElllngBon, of near Ilond, u member of tho First National Dank pig club. Tho porker wolghed Just 20 pounds 5 I Our Grocery J . Prices Are Right J At All Times J Try Us and be Convinced when It was turned over to tho boy on Juno 18, and yesterday's weight was 70 pounds. Tho boy haa been giving a quart of com dally as part of the pig's ration, and It Is to this that tho rapid growth is in part attributed. ATOZI GROCERY - TEN WAYS TO PREVENT LOSS First, Select Pure Breeds That Lay Moro and Larger Ego Collect Eggs Frequently, (Prepared by the United fltates Depart ment of Agriculture.) 1. Selecting puro breeds that Iny moro nnd lnrger eggs, such as tho White Leghorns, Wynndottes, Ply mouth Hocks, llhodo Island lleds, Orp ingtons, etc. 2. Giving hotter care, food, nnd shelter, with dry, clean, vermin-proof nests. 3. Confining males except In breed ing season. 4. Collecting eggs frequently, espe clnlly In hot or muggy weather, R. Storing eggs In a dry, clean, cool place. 0, Using small and dirty eggs ti' heme. 7, Marketing frequently, with pro tection at all times from hent. 8. Selling for cash on it basis of kIju nnd quality, "loss off" Instead of "enso count." 0. Using an nttracllvn package, 10. Combining Milpmcuts as a mat ter of economy. PROPER CARE FOR GOSLINGS Ao YoVng Fowls Grow Older They Con. sumo Considerable Grass and Othor Green Stuff, (rroparoa by the United Btates Depart ment of AKTlculturo.) Tho brooding nnd feeding of gos lings is not much different from that I of duekllnga. ejKMiL aa. UlU Roiling ALWAYS A CASH M T k s At Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter,, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products nt home Chas. Boyd The Country you think has gone price mad but it hasn't ttuying conditions are not nearly so bad as might be thought. If the Buyer will inquire, ask ques tions nnd think. He can obtain very fair prices, and with it he will get what he Wants-Service Service is not all. He must have Best Price and when he pays the price he wants Highest Quality He gets it at Smith's Grocery Your Creamery Builds Business for Yourselves The Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery WBl Pay One Cent Above the" Market Price for Butterfat Paid by Portland Creameries Yearly Market Fair, Honest Tests. The Creamery Sboul d be Your Asset. Bring in Your Cream Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Farmers! Bring your Eggs to Bend Dairy Store Bend, Oregon for top prices WE PAY CASH Next to Postofflce Alinnesota Street Brand Directory 4" FRANK I'KRCIVALL Mllllcun, Oregon. adY.89j Right side; right ear erep- o leu; warns rigai mncj i9g. adr.im A