The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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I'MJUCAN support.
WASHINGTON, . C, Aug. 28.
That tho Lane-Mondoll soldlor land
bill will liavo Httlo support from
thb' republicans in tho houso was
ovldenccd 'yesterday when tho pro
posed measure Was bitterly attackod
in tho courao' of a houso debate, af
ter Mondoil had made a speech In
its favor. Oppononts of tho bill
seemed to carry n majority of Re
publican sentiment with them.
Particularly sharp criticism was
voiced by Scott, of Michigan, nnd
White of Kansas, both republicans.
Tho measure was dofonded by Sln
nott, of Oregon, and Smith, of Idaho,
who" harrassed tho opposition with
questions. Mondoil declared that
tho question is one that Congress
must meet, and that it would bo a
"tcrriblo indictment" If nothing Is
done to carry out promises to aid
roturnlng soldiers who wnnt lauds.
Tho Lano-Mondell bill is tho one
which' is intended to provldo for the
construction of the Benham Falls
storngo reservoir, provided a favor
nblo report is turned in to the U. S.
Reclamation service
To arrange plans for a dancing
party to be given In tho near future,
members of tho Rend High School
Alumni association will meet to
night at tho homo of Miss Janiece
Simpson. Offlcors of tho organiza
tion, just elected include: Robert
K. Inncs, president; Miss Carol
Boyd, secretary, and Miss Fay Do-
yarmond, treasurer.
i Put It in TtiQ, ItMllctin.
118,000 sovon (7) yoars from dnto
of Issue;
$13,000 eight (8) years from dnto
of Issuo;
$1S,000 nluo (9) yours from dnto
of issuo;
$17,000 ton (10) yours from dnto
of Issuo. wltlio interest at not to ex
ceed flvo and one-half per cent per
annum to provldo tor permanent
road construction n majority of tho
voters voting at such election did
vote in favor of issuing such bonds,
tho vote thereon being is follows;
Yes: 682 votes;
No: 101 votes;
Majority In favor of Issuing
bonds; G21 votes; and It is further
ordered Hint this ordor declaring
tho fact that n innjorlty of tho voters
voting nt such election did vote In
favor of issuing such bonds shall bo
entered In tho jourunl of tho Coun
ty Court nnd shall bo absolutely
concluslvo ns to tho regurlnrlty of all
proceedings In rcforenco to tho mat-
tor; and It Is further hereby order
ed nnd designated that tno amount
of tho total assessed valuation of nil
tho proporty within tho County is
6,2C1,32S: nnd the amount of all
tho previous debts and liabilities of
said County Insured for road pur
poses nnd remnlnlng unpaid Is $
Dono and dated this Gth day of
June, 191!).
W. D. Unrnes, County Judgo.
C. II. Miller, County Commts
Seth Stookcy, County Co in mis
Attest: J. II. Tinner. County Clerk
Payment of Judge nutl Clerks of
This matter coming an at this
timo to bo heard, upon tho certifi
cate of tho County Clerk, showing
services rendered by Judges and
Clorks of Election, nnd duly ontorod
on pages 134, 135, 13C nnd 137, and
having been duly considered, it is
ordered, that the Clerk bo and ho
hereby Is Instructed to issuo war
rants in payment of said claims.
Court then adjourned to moot
Juno 25. 1919.
W. D. Rarncs. County Judgo.
Attest: J. H. Honor, County Clerk.
Bend, Oregon. Juno 25, 1919.
Tho County Court re-convonod
Juno 25. 1919, pursunnt to adjourn
ment, nil members being present,
whereupon tho Court wont Into re
cess for tho day during which n gen
eral examination of roads was made
In tho field until 2:00 o'clock in tho
afternoon, when tho Court reconven
ed forthe consideration of clnlms.
io order was mnuo therein and tho
Court was adjourned to Juno 2Cth,
1919, nt ten o'clock in tho forenoon.
W. I). Barnes, County Judgo.
Attest: J. II. Hnner, County Clork.
Bond, Oregon, Juno 20, 1919.
County Court reconvened Juno 20.
1919, nt ten o'clock in tho forenoon.
thoro being present W. D. Barnes.
County Judge. C. H. Miller, Commis
sioner, J. II. Haner, Clerk, nnd S. E.
Roberts. Shorlff.
Tho dny ws occupied In tho con
sideration of claims against tho
County, nnd no order was mado
therein, and the Court adjourned to
Juno 27, 1919, at tun o'clock in tho
W. D. Barnes, County Judgo. t
Attest: J. II. Haner. County Clerk.
Bend". Oregon, Juno 27. 1919.
County Court rcconvenod Juno 27,
1919, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon
when were present:
W. D. Bnrnos, County Judge.
C. II. Miller. Commissioner.
J. II. Hnner. Clerk.
S. E. Roberto. Shorlff.
In tho matter of claims presented
whoreusj heretofore at tho time nnd (for payment.
In tho maunor provided by law tho It Is now orderod by tho Court
votes cast at said special election that tho following claims entered In
liavo been canvaued In tho samo .to Claim Docket on pages 138 nnd
manner as a gonoral election; and.1 139 be and the same tiro lioreby al
wheroas. tho County Court has hero- j lowed, and tho Clork is Instructed
toforo found from tho election re-to issuo his warrants In payment
turns and tho canvass tboreof that therefor. to-wR: Claims No. 3C7t
u majority of tho voters voting ntjund 3675; 3077, 2G79 to 3687 Inclu-
sucli election did vote in favor of is- sivo; 3689 to 3691 Inclusive; 3693
which are horeto attached and mnrje
ed "Exhibit D" nud "Exhibit C;"
and whereas, on said, 3rd
day of June, 1919, no special
3rd day of June, 1919, no special
election had been held In Deschutes
County In any one year: and
whereas, on said 3rd day of June,
1919 said election was conducted in
tho same manner as a goneral .elec
tion, and tho Judges nud Clerks ap
pointed for tho next preceding gen
oral cloction did act as Judges and
Clerks at such special election; and
In tho matter of thb tmymonl of
clntm of Ed Brosturhoun.,
It appearing tn thu Court thnt nu
error hns boon made tn tho payment
of tho claim of Ed Bronterhous for
tho construction of bouchos for tho
Circuit Court room, nud that warrant
therefore has bueu Issued to Miller
Lumber Co,, as part of tho rotul
fund account. It Is ordered, that tho
Clork be and no hereby Is Instructed
to recolvo from tho Miller Lumber
Company thu sum of $60.29, and to
pay tho same Into tho Bond Fund
of tho County In correction of said
In tho matter of tho petition of
August llnllhorg tn cross highway.
This mutter comes on to bo hoard
upon tho duly verified petition of
August Hallborg for leave of tho
Court to construct n Syphon under
tho Ovid W. 11. Rlloy County Hand
uoar tho South lino of Section 8, In
Township 17, South, Rnngu 13 East
Wlllnmotto Meridian, and It appear
ing to tho Court from tho rocommon
dntlons, In writing, of tho County
surveyor tiled heroin thnt such peti
tion bo granted, It Is therefore;
ordered by tho Court that said Au
gust Hallborg bo and ho Is authoris
ed to construct a woodon syphon,
with nu opening not loss than 8x12
Inches in nren, nnd so constructed
ns to prevent leakage, to bo 36 feet,
in length, nnd constructed nt tho
point stated In raid petition, to. wit.
uonr tho South Hue of Sec. S Tp. 17,
R. 12.
Tho Court then adjourned for the
Attest: J. II. Hnnor, County Clork.
V. D. Barnes, County Judgu.
suing such bonds; nnd. whereas, said
County Court finds that overy re
quirement of law relating to tho
said election has been duly compiled
with in tho form, at tho times and
In tho maunor required by law; now,
therefore, It is hereby ordered and
declared thut nt tho special election
held in Deschutes County, Oregon.
on tho 3rd dny of June, 1919, under.
to 3697 Inclusive to 3757 Inclusive
entered on pago 138 of tho claim
docket. That tho claims prosontod
for constructive mlleago for carry
ing election returns be din-allowed,
nnd that such claims bo allowed as
for only ono sorvlco nnd not two,
to-wlt: 3702. 3703, 3704, 3706,
3710, 3715. 3710 and 3718 to 3722
Inclusive. That tho following claims
und pursuant to tho provisions of i bo allowed, to-wlt: 3705. 3708. 3700.
chopter 103, gonoral laws of Oregon, 3713, 3714, 3723, 3724. 3729, to
1913, to determine whether there 1736 inclusive; 3739 to 3760 Inclu
Hhull bo Issued bonds of Deschutes sivo. That the following claims bo
Qounty to tho amount of tho ono continued to the next mooting, to-wlt
hundred twenty-five thousand dol- 3676, 3678, 3698 3699, 3725 3729 hi
lars ($125,000) to mature as fol- elusive. That tho following claims bo
lows; continued for tho further order of
$18,000 four (4) yoaro from date tho Court, to-wlt: No. 3CSS. .infi2.
,..: i--. . : -..--.--
ui looua.
$18,000 flvo (C) years from dato
of issue;
18,000 six (6) yeara from dato of
Issue; ' J '
3694 and 3737. Thnt tho following
claims be disallowed to-wlt: No.
3743 and No. 3711. nnd thut claim
No. 3738 for $25.00 be allowed at
aa "ararar MaYaYaYaW aYf
Zerolene is correctly
refined from selected
California crude oil. It
meets with scientific ac
curacy the lubrication
needs of all types of au
tomobile engines. Get a
Corriect Lubrication
Chart for your car.
Bo It remotubored thnt n regular
term of tho County Court of Dos
chutes County, Oregon, was begun
nnd hold nt tho Court Housu in
Bend, Oregon, on Woducsdny, July
ind, 1919, nnd from dny to day
thereafter during tho conttnunnco of
tho term, when wore present.
W, D. Barnes, County Judgo.
C. II. Miller, County Commis
Soth Stookoy, County Commts
J. II. Haner, County Clork.
S. E. Roberts, Sheriff.
Whereupon tho following proceed
ing wero had, to-wlt:
In tho mutter of tho petition of
Carl Inrson. and others for tho es
tablishing of n county road.
This matter comes on to be heard
upon tho petition of Cnrl Larson nud
others for tho establishing of n
County road, whereupon It was ord
ered that tho petition and notices
bo referred to tho District Attorney
for his opinion, und that ho bo and
hereby Is requested to file a report
of his findings on or before July 16,
In the matter of tho remonstrance
filed against tho petition of Carl
Larson nnd others for tho establish
ing of u county road.
This matter comes on to bo heard,
and was referred to tho District At
torney for Jils opinion us to legality.
In tho matter of tho potitlon of
Carl Larson and others for tho estab
lishing of n county road.
And now comes on this mattor, to
bo heard upon tho oral statements
of W. II. Daggett, attorney for tho
petitioners, for leave to withdraw
from the files tho Petition fur such
road, tho notice of hearing, und tho
undertaking for costs, and It appear
ing to the Court that the petition
filed in said mattor does not In any
particular comply with the require
ment of law, It Is orderod by the
Court, that said potitlon, notice, nud
undertaking bo nnd tho samo nro
lioreby ordered to be withdrawn
from tho further consideration of
the Court.
In the matter of claims against
the county.
Ordered that tho following olnlms
bo und tho samo ure hereby audited
mid allowed, and tho Clerk Is In
structed to Issuo his warrants In pay
ment thoreof, to-wlt:
Claims number 3761 to No. 3779
Incluslvo; No. 3782 to 3(84 Inclu
sive. No. 378C, 3787, No. 3792 to No.
3801 incluslvo No. 3803 und No,
Claims No. 3780 was continued for
further information.
Claims No. 3781 was allowed
Claim No. 3785 was nllowcd
Claim No. 3788 was allowed nt
Claim No. 3789
Claim No. 3790
Claim No. 3791
And tho Clork Is Instructed to Is
suo his warrants in payment thereof
according to this ordor.
Claim No. 3802 is disallowed.
In tho matter of appropriations
for Agricultural Fairs.
And now comes on this matter to
bo heard upon tho distribution of tho
funds raised by taxation for tho as
sistance of District Fair Associations
in Deschutes County, und tho Court
having no sufficient information
from which to mako an equltablo
and proper distribution, now orders:
Thnt tho Clerk bo nnd ho Is lioreby
Instructed to call upon tho offlcors
of tho several fair associations In tho
County for nn application for assist
ance, und that thoy bo requested to
stato amount of funds nocossury.
Further directed that such ap
plications bo filed with tho Clork
of this Court on or before July 10,
1919 at ten o'clock in tho forenoon.
On motion tho term of Court was
continued to July 10, 1919, ut ton
o'clock In tho forenoon of suld day,
W. D. Barnos, County Judge.
Attest: J. H. Haner, County Clork.
tho work on tho Torrobbnuu-Lowor
Bridge Bond,
Mr, llruco Is anxious tn boo this
work progress In tho immudtnto fur
turn, us thoy expect to got out u con
siderable quantity of tholr dupostt of
silica uud nro nuxlous to co'oporntu
with you on tho development of this
road, Will you kindly itdvlsn mo ut
once it this hi ngruuablo with your
solves and It so when It will bo possl
bio to start thu survey?
Thanking you In advance, I am,
Very Truly Yours.
(1UV 13. DOBSON, President.
Ordorud: That tho offer contained
In any 10. Dubson's communication
bo ucupted und thnt work bu sturtud
upon tho Terrebonna-Lower Bridge
Road as soon us snmo can be located
uud work is practicable.
In tho mattor of appropriations
for Agricultural Exhibits and Fairs,
Tho Fair Boards of tho County
having boon notified to present re
quests for appropriations nt this
time, whon Guy E. Dobsou nud M. A,
Lynch appeared In behalf of tho Red
mond Potato Show and Fair with n
roquost for $500.00, and Fred N.
Wallace and C. P. Bucker In behalf
of tho West Sldo Fair of Tumnlo
with n request for $600.00; Hupt. of
Schools J. Alton Thompson and
County Agricultural agent Koons ap
peared with n roquost for $125.00
for tho purpose of sending to thu
Stnto Fair nt Salem, tho successful
contestants In tho Industrial Club
work ;
Orderod; That tho following
amounts bo set aside for uso as pre
miums to stimulate production of
livestock nnd to promote iiKrlculturul
nnd domestic sclonco. viz;
Redmond Potato Show nud Fair,
West Sldo Fair Association, Tumn
lo. $500.00.
Grnugo Fair Association, $150,00,
Horticultural and Flower Show,
Bond, $75.00.
Furthered orderod: That whon
tho Socretnry of each Fair Assocla-'
tlon shall have filed a list of pre
miums awnrded tho County Clork
shall Issuu (warrants) to such clerk
(Secretary) for so much of tho
amount allotted to tho Fair ho re
presents as equals tho totals of tho
awurds for exhibits that liavo com
pleted with the provisions of encour
aging production nnd with tho fur
ther provision thnt no exhibits In thn
domestic sclonco shall bo eligible
for award except those produced
within thu current year.
Tho Clerk Is hereby Instructed to
notify tho Secretary of each Fair
Board of this provision.
In tho matter of tho expense of re
presentative to Salem Slate Fair for
Industrial Clubs.
Orderod, that tho County Clork Is
suo n warrant to J. Alton Thompson
County Supt. of Schools, In tho sum
of $125.00 to defray oxpeuses of re
presentatives of Industrial Clubs to
Salem Stnto Fair.
In thu mattor of claims prcaontcd
for payment.
Thin mntter comes on for tho au
diting of clnlms presented for pay
ment, when after duo Investigation
and examination, It was ordered:
That claims No. 3806 to No. 3810
Inclusive bo allowed; that claim No.
3811 bo continued; that claim No.
3812 bo nllowcd nt $7.25: that claim
No. 3813 to S820 bo allowed; that!
claim No. 3821 bo allowed uftor de
ducting $12.30; and tho deduction'
of $24.00 charged by error; that'
claims No. 3822 and 323 ho allow-!
ed; that claim No. 3S2-I bo allowed
at $11.98; that claim No. 3826 to
3828 be allowed; that claim No.
3829 be allowed at S12.60. No.
3830 at $325.00 No. 3831 at $1 OS:
that claim No. 3832 to No. 3837 bu
allowed: that claim No. 3840 to 38 II
Incluslvo and No. 3847 to No 38SI
Inclusive be allowed, till of Mid
claims being entered nt page 142.
IIS of tho claim docket of this court,
uud thu County Clerk is directed to
Issuo his warrants In payment of
mild claims In accordance with this
Tho Court wan then adjourned.
W. D. Barnos, County Judge.
Attest: J. II. Hnnor, Clerk,
The Owl Pharmacy
elusive; und No, .1015 bo nud the
samo nro hereby ullowed, and tho
clork Is Instructed to Issuo his war
rants In payment in nrrorilaneo with
this order.
Furthered, that claims No. 38A2,
3879. 3881. .1808. .1007. .1908. and
.1911 bo nud they nro continued for
thn present.
Furthered that claim No. .1871 ho
allowed at $8.00. claim No. .1904 ut
$18.35 nnd tho Clork Is Instructed!
to issue warrants lit paymunl In ac
cordance herewith.
In tho mntter of appropriations
for Agricultural work O, A. C,
Ordered, that thu County Clerk
draw warrant In tho mini of Eleven
Hundred Pillars, payable to thn Fis
cal Agent Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, being second Installment of
funds for Farm Demonstration and
Field work,
Tho Court then adjourned lo Au
gust 13th. 1910.
W. I). Barnes, County Judge.
Attest: J. II. Hnnor. Clork,
Tho County Court reennvnnod Au
gust 13th, 1019 pursunnt to adjourn
ment, all membors being present.
In tho mntter of thn loan of Two
Trucks for Road Work.
A communication (was presented)
from Roy A, Klein, See. Htuto High
way Commission relative to Loan of
Two trucks for road work.
Ordered that tho offer as per let
ter bu accepted.
Ordered that warrant for $225.39
bo Issued to Htuto Highway Commis
sion ns freight charges on ono
CummlH-lunor C, H, Miller was In
structed to go to Halem to receive
Truck, nud remodel samo and Install
In the matter of tho claim of Hud
son Fuuiuiglity for Troy Trailer,
This mutter comes on tor hearing
upon tho contract for tho purohnsn
of ono Troy Trailer BOO with uni
versal Hitch and Stool Dump body,
and It now appears to thn Court that
there Is now duo upon thn contract
therefor thu mini or $2411.98, It Is
ordered, that warrant bu Issued In
thn sum or $24H.9R piiynblu tn Hod
sou FonnaUKhty Company In mil
settlement for said trailer.
Whereupon (ho Court adjourned,
W. I). Ilarnos, County Judge,
Attest J, 11. Haner, Clork,
(To Iln Continued Noxt Week.)
Dr. L. W. Gatchell
Optometrist and
Manufacturing Optician
Complete Ltnt Climling Plant in con.
nation with my office at
14 Oregon ttirtt, IWml, Orrgon
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Compahy .
Lumber, Litth, Shingles,
IhiilriiiHr Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
COMPLETE STOCK ol Standard Sura.
Local Sal oh Agent, MILLER LLWUIEH CO.
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-10 First National
Hank Dldg. Tel. Gil
(Dr. Cus'a Korm.r 0(llt.)
-"" " - - --
Phono lJUck 1291
I.Ki: A. THOMAS, A. A. IA.
2-4 O'Kano llulldlng
was allowed at
was nllowcd nt
was allowed nt
Ho It remembered, thnt n regular
term of tho County Court of Des
chutes County, In tho statu of Ore
gon, was begun nnd hold ut tho Court
Houso In Ilond, In cnld County, on
Wednosdny, thn sixth day of August,
1919 said day being tho day fixed by
law for tho holding of n torm of tho
County Court in said County, when
wero proHoiit:
Hon. W, I) Ilarnos, County Judgo.
C. H. Miller, County Commis
sioner. Roth Stookoy, County Commis
sioner. J. II. Hnnor, County Clork.
K. E. Iloberts, Shorlff.
Whereupon tho following proceed
ing wero hud, to-wlt:
In tho mattor of claims presented
for payment.
This mattor comes on for tho au
diting of claims prosontod for pay
moot, whon, nftor duo Investigation
und examination it was ordered;
That claims ontorod on pages HI
Lnnd MG of tho Claim Docket or this
Court as follows, to-wlt: No. 3852,
No, 38KJ to No. 3861 Incluslvo, No.
3803 to No. 38CC Incluslvo, No. 38G8
to 3870 Incluslvo, No. 3872 to No.
to No, 3878 Incluslvo, No. .1880, No.
3882 to No. 3897 Incluslvo, No. 3899
to No. 3903 Incluslvo, No. 3905 to
No. 3900. No. 3909 to No. 3913 In-
II. II. tVaArmoo.1 '- v r- .'
DcArniond & Kiki:io
LAW V 1. tin
O'Knno Iltilldli-r llM. O- u
II. O. tl L L I S
(Jiiltsl States CoiiiiulsNloncr
First National Hank Ilulldlng
Luwronco Hldg., Itooin 3
Phono Hod 22Clt
IJend Press Illdg.
PllOnCS: Office Itoil 4: Una 13
V "
O. P. NIKWONUER, Ilond, Oro.
I.lrcnaoil KiiiliAlmor, Funeral
Phono Uud 421 Lady Aist.
Nnpriipnthlc I'll) air Ins
Over Lognn Furniture Co.
wmii mrcQt Hours 9
Phono Hod -IH2
Permanently Located In Mend
with Now Equipment
Prlvnto Office In Thorson'n
Jowelry Store
Dr. Tumor will bo In Prlno
vlllo ovory first nnd third Fri
day; In Madras ovory second
and fourth Frldny, nnd In Hod
inond ovury first nnd third
Thursday of oach month.
Read the Classified Ads.
Deschutes County Abstract Company
D. II, PEOPLES, President
MoH Compluto Abstract Plant In Central Oregon. Special Attonllon
Given to Fedoral Loun Abstracts,
rirst Ntlonil Dnnh Dldtf., DEND, ORE., Cor. next to Alloy
Court reconvened July ICth, 1919,
pursuant to adjournment, ut ton
o'clock in tho fo ron oo it or suld day,
all momberu being prcsont,
In tho matter or an appropriation
for tho Lower Ilrldgo Head,
A communication from Guy E,
Dobson was presented us follows, to
wlt: To tho Honorable Comity Court:
Ilond, Oregon.
Dour Sirs;
Mr. Uruco of tho Western Dlnto
mito Company has requested mo to
advlso you that ho Is willing to
place $1,000.00 on doposlt with us
V. "R. SPECK, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO., DEND, ORE. ' at onco f or tll Purpoao of oxpodjtlng
i '
Build With