t'ACJR S IJKNI) llUMiKTIN, IlKND, OREGON, THU11HDAV, AUUUHT lit, 1010 n!i:mti:!:!:mt::::ir.:t:m:m:::::!H!tt:K:it:!H:K!K!K:ti:tn:!:!!::iHHt:!t:iiHimi:!!HKtti:!i::!it::::!!i::!HU BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY r:m:imt:t:n::mmm:::::m:::m::m:t!u::::tm:::::m:::i:m:ira Monday: B. L. Clarkwns In. the city Sun day from his homo In La Pino. V. M. Chrlsmnn of Silver Lako was a wook-ond visitor In tho city. Itay Canterbury of Seattle, form erly ot Hond, arrived In the city last 'night. Miss Bertha DIshon lias returned to Dcnd after n protracted stay In HVnsUlngton. W. 1). Manlon, for iwo and a half years In t'lm U. S. army, lias re turned to Hond and may make his homo hero for n time. Ho Is n cousin of Harry Manlon of this city. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Heed, form erly ot this city, were In llend to dny on their return trip to their jhorno In Burns after attending tho .Elks' convention ut Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. C. A.. Sheppard of Portland arrived In Bond last night on their return trip aftor sovoral dnys at Elk lako. Mr, Sheppard Is extensively Interested In tho develop ment of Summer lake. Mayor Georgo L. Baker of Tort land, accompanied by Airs. Baker and hor mother, Mrs. M. W. Skeel, were In tho city last night and this morning on their way to Portland after attending tho Elks' conven tion. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Symons of Bend wero registered at tho frco auto camp In i.lthla park, Ashland, last Wednesday. They arc en route to California on an automobile tour. With thorn wero Mr. and Mrs. H. Symons ef-Scattle, Wash. Saturday Professor W. O. Crosby and his son, I. B. Crosby, with Fred N. Wallace, bavo returned from a trip to Davis and Crater lakes. Mrs. D. Spblor left yesterday for Portland on her way to Los An geles, where she will make her homo. She will be in Portland two weeks beforo starting on the trip south. Dr. C. II. Soil, Mrs. L. D. Ste phens, who arrived in Bend this morning from Mt. Vernon, Miss Margaret and Mrs. Robert Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rhodes and family left this morning for Crater lake. Miss Darrel Burton is able to be nbout again today after being con fined to tho hospital for the past week with an attak of appendicitis. Bruce Deyarmond, who enlisted shortly after tho United States en tered tho war, returned to Bend last night, having received his dis charge from tho navy. L. D. Hoy and J. G. Foster of Summer Lake, aro spending the day In Bend on business. Vomon Flnloy of Silver Lako Is In tho city today. Mrs. S. E. Warron of Rex, Oregon, few days in. Bend from her homo At Roberts. J. A. West of Prlnevillo Is on a business trip to Bend. William and Carl Holder wero -visitors from Paisley who arrived In tho city lost night. Mrs. S. E. Waren of Rex, Oregon is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dement of this city, Miss Connto Knickerbocker will leave Wodnesdny morning for Port land whoro sho will complete hor college preparatory education at tho Jofferson high school. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Dawson and A. E. IIoss of Plnlnvlow, wero In llend shopping today, Mrs. G. A. Horskotto entertained for hor mother, Mrs. G. A. Well, who Is visiting hero from Eureka, Mont. Fifty Invitations wero Issued and tho guests spent n most delightful aftor noon playing cards nnd dancing on tho lnwu. Tho first prize, which was n handsome set ot nut dishos, was won by Mrs. Taylor, whllo tho conso lation was tendered Mrs. Carl John son. At six n delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. E. R. Ryan was hostess at n pretty party Monday afternoon In honor ot Mrs. Muncy who left to mnko her homo In The Dalles. Tho afternoon was spent in sewing, after which lunch was served. Tho guests present wero: Mesdames Muncy, King, Melstor, Sheridan, McCnrron, Nichols, Miles, Johnson, Ryan, Lucas L.Innton, Morrison, Blnkoly, McDon ald and Rice. Mrs. P. C. DoPuo of Portland nr rlvcd this morning to spend several weeks as the guest ot Mrs.-A. M. Prlnftle. Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Gant will Icavo tomorrow for Elk lako whero they will spend their vacation. Friday Mrs. X. G. Davis leaves tomorrow tor her now homo in Prlnevillo. Perry South, ranger at tho Sisters station was in Bend last night. H. K. Brooks is on a business trip to Seattle. He may bo gone for the better part of a week. A marriage license was Issued yesterday from the otflco ot the county clerk to Carl M. Nelson nnd Miss Hattio Welch, both of tho Al falfa district. W. O. Harrlman, ranger In the Fort Rock district. Is spending the day in Bond on business at head quarters of tho Deschutes National Forest service. Friends of Mrs. D. II. Sphler, who Is leaving soon for -Los Angolcs, gathorcd yesterday at tho homo of Mrs. Homer Mayrand, on Delaware avenue, at a farewell party. As a party gift .Mrs. Sphler was presented with a silver cako basket. HIGHWAY NEED IS NOTED BY MAYOR BAKER PORTLAND INTERESTS ARE CONNECTED. FAVORS IMPROVEMENT Will Seek to Interest IVopIo of Multnomah County In Providing Better Travel Facilities in Central Oregon. YOUR DRUG STORE Watch Oat FOR Summer Complaint At your disposal every thing that will counter act Summer Complaint. Jusl Remember Magill & Erskine O'KANE BUILDING Our Preiciiption Department u Complete in Every Detail. YOUR DRUGSTORE Thursday Fred Ellenburg. returned this morning from a tlirco weeks' trip through California. . Mrs. E. O. Snyder nnd dnughtcrs Misses Luclllo and Naomi are spend ing the summer months nt the Al llngbam ranger station on tho Mo tolius. Miss Catherine Pugh, accompan ied by Miss Marlon Brcdgor, left this morning for Salem, Miss Pugh will attend tho Salem high school. Miss Bredgor has been Miss Pugh's guest hero far several weeks. A letter from Harry A. Wise, ono of tho first Bend boya to enlist In tho navy after war was declared, writton to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Man Ion, states that ho is on the U. S, S. New Orleans, which has been on an Asiatic cruise. Tho letter was written as tho ship was approaching Vladivostok. DEER SEASON WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 1 ISprrUI to The Ilullttln.) SALEM, Aug. 1 4. Tho deer sea son throughout Oregon will open on September 1, this year and will re main open until October 31, accord ing to an announcement made by Carl D. Shoemaker, today, Tho only exception Is in Union and Wallowa counties where the season will open on September 10 and will close on November 10. Heretofore the season has been opened on August 15 In district No. 1, which consists ot all counties west of tho summit of tho Cascade rango. The season this year Is uniform in both districts with tho exception of tho two counties heretofore men tioned. The bag limit is two deer with horns, which is tho samo as last year. CARS DAMAGED IN CORNER COLLISION Slight damage was sustained by both .machines Thursday when tho cars of A. D. Lewis, rancher above Bond, nnd C. P. Nlswonger. collided at tho corner of Franklin nnd Wall "If tho people of Portland know tho condition ot roads In Central Oregon, tho needs of your highway, nnd what tho Improvement of your roads would mean to them from tho standpoint ot tourist luminous, they would, to a man, he behind tho movement tor Improvement ot tho north and south highway." This was the declaration Monday ot Mayor Georgo L. Baker ot Port land during a day's stop (n Bend on his return from the Elks' convention nt Klamath Falls. Mr. Baker was accompanied by his wlfo, who was confined to her room as tho result ot tlTo hard trip ovor tho rough road between Bond and Klamath Falls. Should Be Tourist Mecca. "Oregon would bo a tourists' Mecca it theso roads woro what thoy should bp," Mayor Baker said. "Tho Central Oregon route is tho natural outlet from tho state from tho Columbia' River highway, or it tho trip Is mado in tho opposite direction it leads directly to tho highway and to Portland. It Is my desire to wrlto a story for tho Port land papers showing tho need ot this section ot tho state, with tho purpose ot setting tho pooplo of Portland nnd Multnomuh county In terested In a better north and south road. It should bo n boost for tho state. As it now Is, It Is a knock." OpiHirtunlty Keen. Mr. Bakor believes that now Is tho tlmo ot golden opportunity in offering Inducements to travelers from tho cast. "Wo should build highways to places whero peoplo want to go," ho said. "I consider it falso economy to lay anything but tho very best roads," ho added. "I would favor hard surfacing, but If this cannot bo had, get tho next best." Ho dcclnred that the state north and south highway could not well be in moro deplorable shapo than It was found by tho hundreds who mnrfo the trip to Klamath In tho last week. FOUR L ORGANIZER WORKING IN CAMPS To work In tho camps of the Brooks-Scunlon Lumbor company Company, W. P. Doylo of Tacoma, district orgunlzer of the f-L's, Is niaklnj: his headquarter In Bend and wfll bo in this locality for sev eral days. On Wednesday Mr. Doylo was at tho Brooks-Scanlon camps. What Every Man Needs-- Ever Sharp Pencil Always Ready. Sharp, fine writing lead. Easy to manipulate. Fits the fingers. PRICED $1.00 tD $7.50 fn STERLING and GOLD Larson & Co, The Fall Season 'of 1919 offers for Milady the most unusual dyhs ana models. Fully to appreciate their usefulness, beauty and expertntss in workmanship, you must see them, Direct from New York where creations in designing are the keenest, comes the latest in Fall Coats and Suits for Ladies and Misses We are more pleased than ever lo tell you that this mer chandise which we offer for your inspection 'This Week was contracted for at early spring prices. If you could see the present quotations on this same merchandise you will at once see the remarkably low prices we offer the best of apparel for ladies. COATS The short coat this year is in strong favor plush, imitation muskriit, heaver, leopard, yukon seal, plush, with wolf collar and cufls. These are the mc.st strik ing models, lined with silk, you have ever had the pleasure of seeing in this city. Tne long coats arc shown in seal plush with Jap mink collars and culls, belted effects, raglan sleeves, with large shawl collar and pockets, hutton trimmed of self material. There are a wide variety of patterns in silver tip Holivia, genuine nu tria fur collars, coats full pleated hack, poo cloth, silver tone, heather mixtures, half and full lined in colors of hrown, hlue, raspberry shade, tan mixtures, French blue and copen. SUITS The long jacket is the favorite silk lined in navy hlue, brown, serges broadcloth and tricotene. Many very neat models with high fur collars, tastefully selected buttons to match. These and many oilier striking types await the lady and misses who enjoy seeing quality merchm.tli.se with I he icifeh of every buyer. We invite you to come in, beginning tomorrow, August 22. We will gladly tell you abou tli s merchandise. PEOPLES STORE Superior Merchandise in R.eady-to-Wear for Ladies and Misses J. N. BURGESS TO BE ON HIGHWAY BOARD Pendleton Mini Will Be Named by Governor to Hurcwd W. L. Thompson, Announcement. SALEM, Aug. 18. J. N. IlurKOBS of Pendloton will bo named as n raombor of tho stnto highway com mission to succeed W. L. Thompson ns soon as tho latter disqualifies for tho position by making Portland his rosldcnco tho first of tho year, It was announced by Governor 01 cott Just beforo his departure for Salt Lako Saturday, Mr. Uurgcsu is ono of tho bost known farmers and stockmen in tho state, and from 1011 to 1915 was a member of the stato senate from Umatilla county. NEW FIRE STARTS NEAR SWAMP WELLS Douglas Johnson of tho Doschutos national forost was Hei)t Thursday to a now flro roported In tho Swamp Wolls country, apparently covering about 60 acres, It was lator lonrned that tho timber monacod was owned by tho Urooks-Scnhlon Lumbor coni puny, und logging camp No. 1 was notified, Clever WHIM. 01 mid riff liflHlll' ovrr Iho page of Wlllln .TohiiMnn'H examination papers, the lonelier was delighted In see Hint not ono of the questions remained tin nnswcri'd. Hut upon a more ni refill scrutiny hor pride look n tumlil Af ter nine of the twelve questions Wlllln had written politely, "I am sorry Hint this Is n subject on which I havo no Information." , Put it in Tho llitlletlii. Price of Happiness. No mnn enn lie happy when tin do splse his own nets, when ho Iimm any consciousness of wrong, wlMher of motive or net. No man cut) be happy vlon ho harbors thoughts of revenge, Jrulotiy, envy or hatred, lie inuit have n clean heart nnd n clean con science, or tin amount of money or excitement enn inuko him happy, Exchange. Put it In Tho liulletln. Gilbert's Furniture Store IS NOW OPEN At tho corner of Hond and Oregon streets, In tho Shuw Uulldlng f We are Ready to wait on you for anything In FURNITURE. STOVES, RANGES, LIN OLEUM, RUQS AND OTHER HOUSE HOLD GOODS.. flTT Wo shall bo jflud to kIvo you tho host JJ poMlblo servlcu on any older you pluuo. If wo havo not In stock what you want, wo will jjel U for you. Gilbert's Furniture Store N. H. GILBERT streets. At tho Sign of tho Ultf Clock Put It in Tltc Bulletin. Tut it 1b "THE BULLETIN." i