I1HNI) lIUUiKTIN, IIK.NI, OIIKOON, TIIUIIHDAV, AVUVHT 21, '' ' I'AOK .1 MiMMiMJaOM SERMON ON THE MOUNT I I'dilmiiM you inn not a uhincli Hour, I'orhiipii you am not ufflll uldil wtli any unci. Perhaps you have a lollftloti all youi'ri!vn. Cor laliily tliuro In a fnolliu: of Holumnlty to !" Into I Iiu mountain of Central Oiogoii on a fiiitulay morning. TIiiiI'm tint spiritual Hldo of a trip 'away from a city. Than tliuro lu tlui phyHlcnl hIiIo of a Jaunt Into I lio wlhlii of tlio Cascades. Why Vurry ahout IndlgoHtluii, about In cronmi lu tlui walht lli.o, ahout rhnumuthitii and a multitude of othor itlliintiilii that onmo an a ro Hiilt fo Inactivity. , To In Id) a trip Into the hill onily on a Hominy bring a oomliliintlou of tlui Hplrltual and Urn physical. If you want to got Into propar trim pliynlrally .gut up early Xundity morning , (III up tlio khk tank, li-iivii Hand via tlio brink yard road, Your Creamery Builds Business for Yourselves The Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Will Pay One Cent Above the' Market Price for' Butterfat Paid by Portland Creameries Yearly Market Fair, Honest Tests . The Creamery Should be Your Asset. Bring in Your Cream Central Oregon 'Farmers' Creamery K on that load an far an the wchI nldo of 'J'utnalo crunk, passing tlio Duxchutuii county Hull hnlchory, turiilni: to tlio loft an you roach tlio top of thu hill on tlio wont Hldo of tint Tomato;' follow thu mall niad which i'Uiih along tlio oront of the Tumalo crank canyon, hIi;ii , pontn will guide you; piihh tho Tumalo ratiKur station along tho main boaton road and ovontually you will run Into a small stream. This Htroani In Crater crook, a hiiiiiII hut rapidly flowing hody of water, dl vmt ml for homo conNiimptlon from ItN mora or low wild ratnlflcatlon down tho mountain Hldo Into man miulo oIuiiiihiIh, eventually Joining Tumalo crunk. To thin crook la iih far iih you can no. At thin point Uod'it country oponn hoforo you In rellnr IiIIIh, inoiintalim and valloyN, rlvois, lakes, monduwH, tlmhor, mow, glucloiH, flowers and rich. KHIOIl piiHttiniH. At thin point you aro near tlio foot of lirokon Top on tho riKht, nnd only a Mhort dUtauoo, air lino, from llacholor mountain, holh of which liavo tholr snow iluldn and rood mm ut lfft Utile HtrouuiH which run down thobr sldon. Hlghl Im PoaM. If you do not fool tho Imp ul no to ell nib lirokon Top, stroll off to tlio southwest, follow down 0110 of thu crookH, and you will ho t routed to a ijorgoutiH fount of natural huauty. You will no throiiKh II r and pine tlilckotn. Count tho varieties of lltuMTM. Tako your (linn, . tliuro iliould ho no hurry. You will come upon moro than .1(1 varlotluH of flowers In Inim than ono liour'H walk. You will WD HCorttM of varloiiM kinds of grassoH and bushes. You will nppri'Clnto tho varloly of plant Krowth In tho I)mchutos national foreM. You will ho pastures, rich In plant food, for grazing cattle and sheep. You will hoo and, par hapN, ho tempted to drink tho Ico cold water from many of tho tiny uprliiKH that latum from tho ground. You wilt ho constantly on tlio look out for wild Kaino, for (l Ih mild that tho wood abound with door and hoar. You will hoo many hikes In tlio distance, fed by tho hiiowh of tho uoarhy HtroauiH. You will hco tlmhor of ouormouH iilzo and rising to a grout hoii:ht. You aro nolzed with uii ImpulHO to yo out, to ho wild, to ho a hoy of 10. Your llfo of tho wook Iiuh boon confining and no given to routiuo and conunorcltit avtlvltluH thut now, with all thin huauty and freedom, you fool un bound mid loose to do Just iih your fcolltiKH dlcluto. You cannot help but ho deeply ImpruiKod by tho wondruUH beauty. There will bo something wrong with you If you aro not. In those woods thuro Im present n iiiunIc you do not hoar In your city environment. Thoro Ih tho mixed roar of tho Hwlft runnliii; mountain creek, with tho soughing of tho trees an tlio cool hrvexos blow NATIONAL METAL WEATHER STRIPS kkkp oit colo kkki in hkat ki:ki out ih'.st nifl 1-TKI AN'I) wohk savi:u Ktiulp your limine, olllec or stoio with Weather Strip now. Limited supply left at oi lejnult price. See T. L. COLLIER, Bend, Oregon through tho branchcH, Thoro In tho symphony of tho liiindrcdii of liiHoctx that play In tho high grasses. Thoro aro tho morning wongs of hlrdM, many of which you hear hut cannot iioo, Thoro aro iioIhoh and miiiilc you do not hoar on a city street, You aro luipolhid to go on mid on because at ovcry turn of a crook Homothlni; now and unexpect ed opens before you. It Ih llko thu prospector looking fur tho unex pected, alwaya ahuad of him. Thon you may dowlro to return. You nee cfJiitillcHK hoautloH you did not moo on your downhill Journey. You Hit down and look ahout you, You wonder what tho city hov, i;lrl, map and woman who, not af forded tho opportunity to Inavo hlit (onomont or hovol, Im dolnij. You wondor what tho children, horn, roared, fed, clothed, Kchoolml, proachod to, buffeted about In Now York City, CIiIciiko, Now Orleans, would do If limy woro turned locw amid thoKu hIkIUb. In all probabil ity any ono of thorn would not llko a chipmunk looiwd from a cni;e. It would ho ntranco. Yot ho of mIio would appreciate that for onco h or mIio woro turned freo from man made handiwork and for onco freo to allow tho oiury working of nat ural fnulliiatloiiM, Cllnili Lfp llrolien Toji. You Journey hack. You moo tho mountain to tho north. You have been r.lvon a treat ho, far, yet for mhiio roiiHon you aro not untluHod. You want to bo filled with tho bcautluH. Tho hUKitentlon Ih made that tho mountain bo climbed. You rliio to tho chullcnRo at once. You Htart off acroRH a rolling rtretcli of around. You reach tho foot of thu wator-worn mountain. You Mart your aiicifnt. You ;o a few yardH up tho Mlope. You turn around and to tho nouth for nillvn thoro BtretcliCH a chain of lakoH. Ono after tho othor thoy wtrelcb, rcHtliu; qulolly In tho bottom hindn of mime Rocludod mlloy. You wo tholr numcroiiM fuedorA HiiowfleldH that keop thorn nlivo the your round. You wo HcoroH of little buttos no flyploal of Contra! Oregon. You hco cuWouh mountain formntlotiH and you nro brought to wondor what Hon of carnival Nnturo had In theso partH couturloH nr.o. You go Htill higher, hut not mo brUkly, iih tho iiHcont In checked In Mpeed becatiHu tho Iooho rock halt your iipeed. You uro noon greeted by frc-Hh, cool breezeM from tho largo Hnowficld which U harbored in tho nnipltlicnter of lirokon Top our circulation la up. You need havu little fear or being chilled You again nit down for a roBt. Tho radlurt or your vIhIoii Ih Increahcd Your eyoH wo further Into tho landn mado profitable by .ImnlemeiitH of progroHH. You neo to tho northeatit tho moMt proHpcrouH town on the Central Oregon plateau. You nro Introduced to Muvorul mora stilt bodies of frcBh water. You aro made acquainted with wvoral moro jUsi jfflrfr' .."T W jy ! HbObVW WBt JuB flnl tBmm - Km BvL BW Bb rtMTTsSTfr SUCCESS IN SHEEP BUSINESS Health Is of Primary Importance and Internal Parasite 8hou(d Bo Ouarced AgalntL (I'rrpnreJ hy the t'nilwt States Dopart mnt of Arlcoltur.) In any fiyHlem of rontlnuotm farm Hhi'op rulNlng tlio health qiiextlon u of primary' Imporlanco. Thin fuetlon la chiefly ono of Interim! parnHlteM, ond of ihcw tho Htoiiiaeli worm Ik thomont widely dlutrlbuted and tho mout orl ouh. I'-ortiinately, tlio trouble Ih en tirely HUMcepllble of practical control, and tho methods of prevention nro exactly In line w-llli ihc prnctlccH that ri'Hult In inoKt ocononilrnl production. It Ih poMJdble, tbouv'li doubtful, that tlio pcnnntient farm Hock run bo main lalned In maximum health when grazed entirely on permanent Km piiHturcH. A hyxtetn of dlvlwlon of gniKK land Into Bulllclent partH to allow frequent long perlodw without alicen nnd line of longer grafH for cat tle will nHHlid materially. SucJi n plan, romhlnod with ocenlonnl uo of medicine to prevent too Herloun In fection, may prove to bo practical. Tho bitHlH of huccchh In tho farm Mhoep business In In tho frequency of chnnglng to pnnttircH which have not bnd nny opportunity to become In fouled with Momncli wormn by older Hhecp. Thee frequent changci nre particularly neceHwry during the Htoy of tho young lamlm upon the farm. Tho older Mhoep are leHH (susceptible to tho effectH of tlio Infection, though danger of their being Injured thereby Ih not to he overlooked. The plan of frequent chnngeH to freh feed can he adapted nilvantageouOy to the most economical MMems of unlng high priced land In the rotation of crops to produce food and forage for other kinds of live Murk. Tlio principles of flock management for maximum health nnd for ndnptn- The Greatest Name In Goody-Land fr PERFECT CUM JEzLTs H J VjA ill i I W '" '" il '" j "' '" j" tiTTnidJii ttj in luflffeK fA Hill I The Country you think has gone price mad, but it hasn't lhiyinrr conditions are not nearly so bad as might be thought. If the Buyer On Getting Service When a member of your family is ill and a doctor prescribes for him, you want your prescription just as soon 'as possible. Be Assured You will get this service by phoning or writing your order. It will be filled at once and rushed to you by the speediest means. MRead-- will inquire, ask ques tions and think. He can obtain very fair prices, and with it he will get what he STOCKS ilrl&du , I ft " 5? K mmm4mWJmWmmBlm&iJmmEm9' V J0 THCf. ;'; 1 mm 6 . i & HEWING GUM V f, RIGLErSJ TTte. HVor , A.mmKrimum x Ijlll'IMMMMIMIMIUIjliJir WRIGLEYl ilr Jfhb I i 114 m Hi Sealed Tight KeptRUht 27 The Flavor Lasts Sheep Rellih Frequent Changes r.-csh Oreen Forage. of He Wants Service Service is not all. must have Best Prices and when he pays the price he wants Highest Quality He gets it at Smith's Grocery Hnow-cappcd beauty spotH which Htnnd out In defiance to tho warm Hummer mid-afternoon nun. You aro bronchi Into a curloim steeple jack framu of mind when you look at tho oast win of Broken Top. with Its Klnuor broad and dovll's food foriniitlotiB, layer upon layer. Weather has played hob with tho top of this old peak. Tho wind has chipped off much of tho raiment, until now it Is a rugged, broken mountain. TIiIh trip for you Ih n "Sermon on tho Mount." You cannot, if you uro at all hontlmental, help but bo awed by tho Krandeur of tho won derful view boforo your eyes as you Htnnd at tho first crest on tho south Hldo of Hroken Top. Try It out. Yob, thoro must bo tho expenditure of oners) to climb tho Iooho rock, but It'a worth it muiiy, many tlrucH. IS a. illace corn,... 40 a. wlieat&oata. Ma. clover hsy tton to other line" of farm production arc Illustrated In tho following- outline of n plan of crop production and feed ing: Under a Three-Year Rotation of Corn, Clover, and Small Grains on 160 Acre. 3 acre corn: To finish 9) yearling cattle nj 44 hogt. fltousnace (or It cowa, M yearllnrs. M ewe, and 3) ewe lamb, work Btock. Grain for cale or ex change for other feed. acre clover pasture: Seaton'a crazing for ro hrwdlnc cow. 3) acre ermanent rrai pasture: Graiinc for to yearllnK cattle on feed for De cember hljimenf. Iii the above, Hhecp would be crazed ns follows: Ten acre forace crops. I. On winter Wheat. 5. On m-asa pasture with yearltnu cattle. J. With cow on clover pasture. 4. On clover meadow after hay cut. 6. On grain stubble. C. In cornfield after sllaco cut or corn harvested. 7. On winter wheat. At oiner time on rape, eoy beans, or other Krazlni; crops on 10-acre field. Un used foraso harvested for winter feed. Such u plan ns thin allows rofllclent ly frequent change of pusturo without nny part of tho Hock going upon land thnt has previously carried Klieep In the Faini yenr. The forage crop land la n safety measure for reliance in case of shortage of othor feeds nnd could regularly be used for cnrrylu; the reserved ewe Iambs from weaning time until winter. Don't Keep Poison In Your Wood. When tho kidneys nro properly doing their work they eliminate form tho circulation waste products that poison the blood If permitted to remain In the system. Foley Kid ney I'llls help tho kidneys, remove the poisons that cause -aches nnd pains, stiff Joints, sore muscles, lacio back, rheumatic pales. Sold everywhere. Adv. ALWAYS A CASH MARKET House Work In Hot Weather. Hot weather brings no relief from house work drudgery. If any thing, woman's work Is moro try Iiib. Overwork and worry causo kid ney trouble, resulting in backache, soro muscloH, stiff Joints, rheumatic pains, tired feeling and othor dis t rousing symptoms. Foley's Kidney I'llls holp wenk kidneys. Sold evorj' whoro. -Adv. Put It tn "THE UULLKTIN." He Prepared for Vacation Ills, Change of food and water some times causes Indigestion that loads to sick headaches, biliousness, bloat ing, sour Btomuch, gas, bad breath and coated tongue. Foley's Cath artic Tablets should bo In every traveler's grip. Thoy act without pain, griping or nausea. They nro a Hue and wholesome physic. Sold everywhere. Adv. Put It In "TIIK HULIiKTIX." fc At Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products at home Chas. Boyd BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND OTHER BUILDINGS- VALUE ABOUT VALUE ABOUT $500,000 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER NONE $100,000 Harold Hell Wright's latest book, "The Ite-Creation of Brian Kent" On sale August 21. ' V Owl Pharmacy BEND'S BOOK STORE cT?1 BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. v K A'