The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 8

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,.. . i-v . .
What s Uomg m
the Country.
lower bridge, An, is.
Tho haying nt Lower JlrldRo Is com
pleted nml a vory Rood yield is re
ported this year. Thp second crop
is coming vory fast, nml some places
will bo ready to cut in less than
two weeks.
Mr. Young, from near Redmond,
was out to tho ranch ho has rented
at Lower Brldgo and Rot his binder.
Qcorgo Heels ,wna a Redmond
visitor on Tuesday.
Paul Hcppking and Mrs. Horace
Brooking were Bond visitors on
Mrs. C. F. Hosklns and daughters
wore visitors nt Mrs. Van Morso's
on Saturday evening.
Darwin Walters took Tom Vedder
nnd Deo Vedder to Bond on Wednes
day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Callahan nnd fam
ily, who were living near llcnd, have
moved back to Lower Bridge.
Mrs. A. S Holmes was n caller nt
tho Hosklns home Friday nftornoon.
Helen Newbold went to Clovor
dalo on Saturday.
Misses Viola and Dnlla Crosz
krouger, who havo boon visiting
with their brother, Jorry Qrosz
krougcr, for tho past three months,
left on Wednesday morning's train
for Portland, Seattlo nnd other
points, whoro they wilt visit before
returning to their homo at Sioux
City, Iowa.
C. E. Hosklns took n load of bogs
to Bend on Saturday.
Mrs. A. J. Fuller nnd Georgo
Bpcnt Thursday visiting In Terre
bonne. Mr. nnd Mrs. A.' F. Hnusor wero
shopping in .Redmond on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnko Hook, T. J.
Qulgldy and Mrs. Parrot went to
Terrebonne Wednesday nftornoon.
Mrs. Parrot went on to Dend.
Mrs. C. F. Hosklns nnd daughter
Marlon wore at Cloverdnlo Wednes
day afternoon on business.
The Deard threshing machine was
waiting for repairs for a fow days
nnd now has resumed work and
finished threshing at Roy Kidder's.
A. S. Holmes was In Redmond
Friday nftornoon to the high school
board meeting.
Dwlght Hausor entortnlncd bis
boy friends nt a party Saturday
Frank Chapman left Thursday
morning for tho mountains to ride
for cattle.
Mrs. R. S. Towno and daughter
Rda wen visitors at tho Hosklns
homo Monday evening.
Misses Viola nnd Dalla Grosz
kreuger, Jerry Groszkreuger nnd
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller and
George spent Sunday evening visit
ing with Mrs. Fred Walters.
Jerry Groszkreuger left Thursday
morning with some cattle that had
btrayed home from tho forest re
servo. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Reels nnd
family, Ernest Reels and mother
wero guests at tho Hosklns homo
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Mary Chapman entertained
at Mrs. A. J. Fuller's Saturday ev
ening nt a dnncln-5 party, ns n fnre
wel Ito the Misses Viola nnd Dnlln
Groszkreuger, who havo been visit
ing at Lower Bridge for tho past
throo months.
' ' WtU.,HERGW?AffUATtASV N'CS.Urs 1)0 1 s I
- teasSrurS"eK U "S, wsJ
HOME AfeMa?fMV'Ll'V'2 Ule (as news aw HH
Mrs. G. A. Simmons, who has
been visiting tho Misses Spnuldtng,
leaves this evening for Spoknno,
then to Columbus, Montana.
With the sllo-fllllng season ap
proaching, necessary repairs, accord
ing to the department of agricul
ture, should not bo neglected. Air
tight walls are a 'chief require
ment. A leak from a bole so small
ns a nail will causa loss to several
hundred pounds of silago. With
wood staro silos tho hoops nnd
braces should receive attention to
insure closo fitting.
Absolute Limit
"A man ain't re.-.rlted do full human
rnpnelty foil laziness," said Uncle
Then, "until he cits too lazy oven to
Invent excuses fob It."
Bend Happenings
from Day to Day
F. F. Hubbard left on lust night's
train for a brief business trip to
D. Coleman loft last night for bis
homo in Centralla, after visiting for
beveral months Villi his son, L. E.
Coleman, of Coleman's second-band
J, Buxton Prico was a passonger
on lust night's train for Portland.
Ho will return nrly in tho week,
driving his Huick roadstor.
Mrs. Abbott Reed, who has been
visiting with her father, J. Klein,
returned last night to her homo in
Mrs. L. E. Coleman returned last
night from a five weeks' visit in
Centralla and Portland.
II. J. Power roturnod this morn
ing from u business trip to Port
William Spanglor and Ray Bnl
lantyne, both, of Bakor, arrived Iw
Bond. last night nnd -will grade, at
tho Shovlln-Hlxon mill. Mr, Bal
luntyno was employed In tho mills
hore two years ago. r '
Miss Bertha M. Ronpor of Port
land Is a guest nt tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. F. Larson.
Rolllo Summer of Camp Lowls Is
tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C.
John Susac of Portlnnd has ac
cepted n position with tho Metro
politan barber shop.
C. Monohan nnd Dr. ana Mrs. R.
D. Kctchum loft yesterday on a
camping trip to various lukos of
Central Oregon.
Rny Canterbury nnd B. Hnnson,
of tho International Union of Tim
bcrworkors, returned this morning
from Portland.
Mrs. Frank Inubnlt nnd dnughters
Lou I so nod Margaret returned this
morning from a several wcoks' visit
with relatives in Salt Lake City.
They wero accompanied on their
return by Mrs. Eugene Bullock nnd
dnughters nnd Miss Arleno Bullock
of Suit Lako City.
Mrs. Horaco Brookings nnd son
Paul of Brookings were In Bend
yesterday doing somo trading.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Symons
nnd children, accompanied by Mr.
Symons' parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H.
W. Symons of Seattle, left this
morning on nn extended automobilo
tour through southern Oregon and
California. Bcforo returning Mr.
Symons expects to tnko in all polntB
of interest en route to San Diego.
Thoy will bo gono about three
L. A. Hepburn nindo a business
trip to Redmond last night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Hudson re
turned this morning from n short
business trip to Portland.
A. M. Prlngle was a passenger on
this morning's train from Portland,
whero ho went on buslnone.
Mrs. S. Mcintosh and Miss Valley
Holmes nro in Portland this week.
Edward Lyons returned this
morning from a business trip to
E. P. Mahaffcy was an arrival on
this morning's train from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Heny Cramor nro
the parents of nn eight-pound boy,
born Wednesday morning.
Undo Frank Nichols of Tumalo,
who has boon suffering with a bro
ken log, sustained soveral weeks
ago whllo ho was feeding his
chickens on his ranch at Tumnlo,
is reported to be recovering slowly.
T. M. Word, formerly shorlff of
Multnomah county, arrived in Bend
this morning nnd Is remaining over
for soveral days visiting with
friends In tho city.
Molvln G. Woodstock, representa
tive of tho Metro Pictures, is In
Bend today on business with local
film theaters.
F. W. Foster, cattleman from tho
Summer lako section, is a Bend
visitor today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Street nro in
from La Pino today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Strpet of La
Pino are in Bond today on their
way homo from Portland, whero Mr.
Street has been for medical treatment.
Prlnovlllo railway. Mr. Davis has
been local freight agent on tho
O. T. nnd O. W. R. & N. for tho
Inst seven years. Ho will bo Joined
by Mrs. Davis and son Howard
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Kuglo nnd
Misses lone Wilson nnd Lorottn
Conologuo of Portlnnd, spent yes
terday nnd pnrt of today with Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. J. llogtyv on route to
Crater Lako and Klumnth Falls.
They nro driving by automobile. Mr.
Engla Is n grocer In Portlnnd.
Dr. C. II Soli returned this morn
ing from a short trip to Monroo,
Washington. On his return Dr.
Soil was accompanied by Mrs.
Robert Flomlng, also of Monroe,
Mrs. Flomlng will visit with her
daughters, Mrs. J. C. Rhodes and
Miss Margaret Fleming.
Mrs. D. Sphlor and son George
returned Inst night from a soveral
months visit In Seattle. Tacoma nnd
Vancouver, B. C. On her return
Mrs. Sphler was accompanied by
Mr. nnd Mrs. M.lcksuud of Tacoma,
who will return to Portland, nml
from there will go cunt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Yv". Mooro ro
turncd enrly In tho week from n
three weeks' trip to Senttlu, Tacoma
and other Pugot sound points.
A. 11. Hoch of Seattle, represent
ing tho international association of
machinists for Oregon, Washington I
and Idaho, wns In tho city yester
day nnd mot with tho local mach
inists In tho organization of n
local union.
Mrs. It. A. Henderson and daugh
ter Carmen left last night for Port
land whero they will remain for
several weeks until tho completion
of their home.
E. W. Gnrnor, who has tho con
tract for tho building or tho city
tiro hull, left last night on u busi
ness trip to Portland.
Attor unilurgnlne mi operutlnn
mudo necessary ns tho result of
wounds ho received In tho bullla
of tho Argonno, whllo serving with
the Pint division, Fred Rice, Jr.,
returned last night to Ills home In
Redmond. Mr. Rico has been con
fined to tho St, Charles hospital.
Ho wns accompanied foy his mother,
Mrs. F. A. Rico.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Chapman
of Portland are spending their va
cation in Central Oregon, enjoying
nn outing nt tho various lakes anil
streams around Rtmd. Mr. Chap
man is with the Kllham Ktatlnnory
& Supply company of Portlnnd.
Tho frlonds of Mrs. W. L. O'Don
null will !mj pleased to learn that
shu Ih rapidly recovering from Ill
ness In Portland and Is expected to
return to her homo In Bend within
n few days.
Mrs. R H. Hamilton has returned
Attractive Bargains
Await your Attention for
Fall and Winter Men's
Apparel at
Loven & Chinlund's
we will be in a position to offer you a
v splendid line of Men's Clothes Hats,
Shoes (dress and work), Overcoats,
and everything you will need for the
year. For better bargains
Loven & Chinlund
from a visit of sevenil weoks with
friends in Eugene.
t W. W. Williams, roproieiitlng
Morris 'Druthers bonding hotiso of
Portland, Is In the city.
Dr. U. C Coo, formerly of Bend
arrived In tho city Inst night to
look after huslnesH Interests horo.
E. I,. Carr of Madras Is In Bend
today on buslne.
Mrs. David Kelly leaves Sunday
night for Portland to tnko her
daughter Kathleen for nimllciil
T. II. Foloy roturnod this morn
ing from n trip to Chicago.
J. W. Wornstaff was a passonger
on last night's train for Portlnnd.
Mrs. N. 0. DavlH returned yester
day from an extended visit with
relatives Jn Los Angeles, Calif.
Mrs. R. W. Suwyor nnd daughter
roturnod thlB morning from a
Sveok's visit in Portland,
II. K. Allen roturned yostorduy
frpm a several days' visit with his
family nt Helsing'a on tho Motollus.
N. 0, Davis loft ' latit night ' for
Prinevllla whoro ho will take up
his duties us neurit for tho city of
Dcvolop it
Print it
Enlnrcro it
Frame it
PM 1 T jJJtSer' vi-is We do nil but take the picture.
ruL vsL. ,GxC. wmi M " SYMONH' o'kani: iimxi, hknd, ore.
'42r iPrKSfe? '. "foal One, al Five They'ie Done."
It Is never too fi VvOT'fif Iflh : f"? 7J' f i ll OfA V W - ,' ' II
lato for ono airy- X( W 'jhjffVf-Mt f t , 'Vtt 1 f WAVlAA V-W ' V .Lll .
lacy-dalnty frock ') Nfe&L JJV1' lit'wfr , VW I ) ft X VY .nTYJUBII
iiko this which J f&&dfci-wifcb 3KMv viyJJ frllw
can bo worn for ImJfflEJfL IpR t ' twSliN . f U N .Til
ono occasion or 1 I ftitrl Jf 'J ft Bt.' ' j i n ' Hl III
anothor at least 3 vtt. iFTviril Ml, H i (Mf'5'' ' .' W l i v' Hftl
N nlno months inV Kill H l l It MML WJR 1 I fl 7 i )yW
Z tho year This I KjfeU j 'X!3P ) jfw' ' J I HU 2,'iX H "
Scream . colored , Y MLJI vkftiJ mjl I " J . R
combination o f d fjJlA-MmSw JtS'L ll iHI
V net and laco J . M&Mi M IM 1 I WlMl
o looks to a girdio iui WAmxmptw V?i n L i v. H
Wot pink ribbon 'IW&raW iJCaC ?Al Jh XA 'Nn. M ''MH
i 0 nnd French flow- V W Wvh&W&M Sl ( ViLn .0V2? I X ' VH
kC' crs for Its color- S MWi $&. XZ&& l 4 ' dH
freshness." This MJO $ 1 I Jl ) J
model, though Wunfix :.M- i I sls' ijVwl
lato in tho sea- 1)11 Vi- I sy' if sAJ I
son, is a forerun- m'ZZ vr tl 1
nor of 1920 - jm Y srd AT I
W Em
y Jt"Tiirl y ll
The Baby Boudoir of Portland, Oregon
Deii't'ner of Better Wearatlei for Better Batics,
Special display and demonitration with free initiuc-
tioni in needle work,
All kinds of stamped Baby Dresses at '
The PARISIAN PflnRh niJs" mentl' 0,e8oh'
Our First Message for Fall
I Are you ready to do your Pall Luyintf? Perhaps you are mak
ing up a list of firms to visit. Every ready-to-wear house in the
state is shouting for your attention, hut it's not a matter of whose
trunipet's the loudest; it's who has the merchandise worth your
J Wc are reci'i'ving daily the newest models in Millinery, Coats,
SiiiIm Slricta. npfii,, Kl ..ill ,. nml .mlL- 1 In.l.v.....M .....1
j ....., vn.. ... ....., b,. .. nm. iiws wiiuhiiv(,r, inuuc up
in nreczy. youuiiui novel etiects, 1 he wotkmanship cannot be
f These earments ore worth while rering, hreause they give you, a
heaping measure of values, at prices we challenge any merchant in
tho country to heat, and give the same quality.
Don't lake our word for il, ( t lie line.
Ladies' Outfitters .
Pringlo Building ' ' Eend, Oregon
v 44atawTCjr,'t im