The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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W. W. MeMloltlo f Torrulioniin
linn sold lilii property oast of Unit
placo to IiIm neighbor, L, I'. Hnnpp.
Mr. Hnnpp In u very HiiucuHMful nl-
fulfit fiiniKir mill plans to build up
oiio of tint larger ulfiilfa fiiniiH of
tlio north mid of Him county,
Cllnt KilvrrlUintc fturno nrr Imus to
rmiU (or VI wurtli or la, ()n rrnt n
wnnl for Mil iivit 20, All clmilflril uilvrtlUlnr
Irlrlljr cntli In mWnticf..
vow ham;.
KOIt HAM: OK TltADH 120 ncrcH
tuiilor tlio Hwnlloy illlcli, 110 ncru
In cultivation. Htuto lilftliway
nuroHH liiuil. Desirable piece of
(?v jiroporty clump for cash. Edwin
' l ItoKoni, Tuinulo, Oroxon.
Volt IjALE Fresh cowh ami live
; heifers, from one to two years
old; (liiuriimiytt mnl Jerseys. Itosu
Hutch, TiiiiiiiIo, Oro. ll.U.'l-Gp
KOIt HAM: II head of inllcli COWH,
Jerseys mnl HoIhIoIiih, will null
any miiiilior. C. J. Cook, Mllll-
cmi, oro. :i'j-:i-r.i
KOIt HAMJ Ono water wheel, ono
dnublu-nctlou forcu pump, alno one
' iiiiuin Jack. Williamson's ilucond
J land Htoro.
KOIt HAI.K NWW HV',i. two. 27.
Til. 17 H. It. 12, containing H.'l
mnl fraction acron aralilo liuiil,
uliout I mllo anil a quarter north
east of tlio rallroml station in
llend; conltnct with thn Central
Oregon Irrigation compnny for
wator maintenance. Terms or
rush. Wrltu J. K. lluiui, liox 171,
Cincinnati, Ohio. .14 -SSI re.
jt KOIt HALH OK TKADK--H hniul
ratlin for cash or will trado part
In on Foul car. Also farm Imple
ments, wrlto or call I5d Out-
IIIncIi, lltothors, Ore. .lO-IMp
KOIt HAM: Two room lioimi) nml
ono of liimt garden lotn In city ot
Ilenil. Hull deep ami wull forlll
izod. Worth HCO hut will Maori
II co for 1326, 12f down, balance
turmn. Address htrx 720, llond, for
nppolntmoiit. II
kooiI lotn In llandnu, OmKon,
for hoi-Hun, wiikoii and harnoHi.
Wrlto A. A. Mitudeu, lloud, Oro.
Ilox fi. 13-224p
CliKASK AND 01'TION Want to
limno IrrlKi'to dalfalfa much from
40 acre up. Wantuptloii to huy
at uxplratlon of Itiano, MIrIiI pur
chaito ntock and miulpmunt. Ad
druftH II 20, Thu llcud Ilullolln.
WANTKI) Hy nxpnrluncud farmor
with two toaum, work on ranch or
, will run ranch. Man, wlfo and hoy
of H. IiKjuIro Ilullotlu.
WANTRD Wo will call nnywhoro.
any placo, any tluut, to look at
your imod furniture. I.ct un know
, what you havo. Wo pay cnah. Thu
Htnndnrd Kurnltura Co. 0749lfc
MAN AND WIFK would like to
havo alfalfa ranch mid Iiok on
Hharen. Addrc-M S21 Wont Huron
, HI., Apt. No. 1, Ahordenn, Wnith.
LOST llluck alligator hauiNhai:
containing currency, Kovurnmonl
liondn, ono hracolol niado ot 12. SO
Kotd pliicon, wearlnx apparel, etc.
Lout TuxKdiiy niornlnr. AitRunt C,
on Ilend-llurun road within Innt
12 or in in I Ion of lloud. Will
pay liberal reward for return of
mi mo to Napier Yuiiiir, attor
nuyn, Hand, Ofo. tZi-K
HTItAYi:i) to Caldwell'ri. 0 mllcn eant
of Ilnnd, 1 Ioiik 2-year-old hlack
Nlalllon; 1 hlack yenrllni; filly, 1
hrowii two-year-old mare. Owner
may havo namo hy payltiK dam
ai;eH mid cohIh. T. C. Merchant.
18-tl tfe
K8TIIAV Strayed rrnm my ranch
at Powell llutte, dark hay mare.
branded 1 wlro cut on loft front
root. Mtar In forehead, wolKhl
1100 IIih. Howard lor Informa
tion iih to hor whereaboutH or re
turn to ranch, i:. II. Htowart.
On Getting Service
When ti member of your family is ill
and it doctor prescribes for him, you
want your prescription just as soon as
Be Assured
You will set this service by; phoning
or writing your order, It will be
filled at once ami rushed to you by
the speediest means.
Harold Dell Wright's latest book,
The Re-Creation of Brian Kent"
On sale August 21 .
Owl Pharmacy'
m. .1. . W
MILLICAN, Aug. M. Notices aro
up for a apodal Holtoot mooting to
lio linlil August 14, to elect two now
Mrs. Conaway wiih out to visit
Imr dmlglitur, Mrs, Krod Klgor, and
liulp lior with tlio mini liroparatlomi
for leaving.
Tlio Uigurs Infl Thursday for
llond, f i oin whloh pllico thoy In
tended to start at onco for Alhany,
not Corvallls, mi formerly stated.
Thoy aro driving across, Tho A. I),
Norton family In alno going to Al
liany by auto liofnio locutlnir on
tholr now homo lit CiiHilurock,
Mrs. L, 0. Mdntnn Wont to Hand
Holiday evening, rot urn I hi: Monday.
I.oo l TaiiHclior wiih Iioiiio ovor
I.oo I', Hoonny. wan u wuok-onil
vlHltor at IiIh homo.
It. It. Kollur ami family cullod at
tho Holland placo Tuuitday.
Mia. Win. ltimm and ilaiiRlitor,
Mra. Ohciit WIIhoii, callod at tho
Kollnr homo on huIido! ImihIiiohh
Mm. Kvorott (IrliiNtoad and non
(lion worn vlnltorH at tho M, 0.
Kollur homo Woducmlay.
C. II. (IratfunhnrKor mid noiih
Itnymoud mid llnnny urn liuny cut
tlm; hay on tho Krod Kl;;ur place.
II a xi) I Norton vlhltud at thn Holland
homo fiom Haturday until Hiindny.
Mm. Clllf KvmiH and two dill
dron and Mih. I,. Hchmorl mid two
children ant luivlnj; a tdoamtnt out
Iiik at Kant lako.
Tom (IoIiik callod at tho Holland
homo Thursday,
Mr. Turrol ami W. IM Mooro
inadv a htiHlnnmi trip to llond Hatur
day. Mr. Tornd Ih now tho tow
man on tho Jlouvor Land compauy'ii
I.ovl Hmllh wan out Sunday and
lilnid II. Dynr to cut Homo wood for
him. Ho oxpccla to ho tho nozt In
lino to havo a woll drlllod,
Daily Market Report
IKurnl.liKt by rmncrnint with Ou
Ctnlml Orruon II. nk.)
Ono hundred and thirty cattle re
ceived. Markel atuady, moving
Onod to choice nteern, 111
II. CO; medium to Rood I9&10;
fair to medium. $7 Q 8. CO; com
mon to fair, 177.00; choice cown
mid heirern, 8.G0(9; good to
choice, I7fi0ft8; medium to Rood,
r,.r,0rr7.r.0; fair to medium. fR.CO
.WC.r0; oannern, n.T,om 60; bull,
jii.fiusw; caivoH. mijrir.
Hot; .Mnrhcl.
Two hundred Iiorh received. Mar
ket nleady.
Prime mixed, )20(?20.C0; mo
ilium mixed, fl!).G0Q20; rough
heavy. J 18.60 ? 19; bulk ot nalon,'
Hbr'' Market.
Thn'o hundred nheep received.
Market nteady to HtroiiR.
Prime lainbn, $ II. CO T 12.50; fair
to medium, $11 W12; yenrlliiRM,
$6(fi'8.C0; wet burn, $7.G0Q8; owen,
irdrw quotnt If th Ctntral Ornron
Krmr Crmry,)
I'rlntn, parchment wrnppod, G7c,
wholciialo price.
The Itedmond Commercial club
U liuny with prepnratlonn for tho
Potato hIiow, which will be bold
about the IGtb of October. Ited
mond planti to have one of tho bent
potato mIiowh to ' bo held In tho
Htato thin year.
County lloaid of Kiualluitlon.
Notice Ih hereby given that the
hoard of equalization of Henchmen
county, Oregon, will attend at thu
office of the county unneHHor In thu
court hoiiKo in the city of llend on
Monday, September 8, 1919, nnd
publicly examine the unseHnmont
rolln and correct all orrorn In valu
ation, doncrlptlou or iiuuHUoh ot
landn, Iota or other property an
nenni'd by the county aHHonxor; and
It iihall bo the duty of purnonn In
terented to appear at thu tlmu and
placo appointed.
AnneHHor of DeHchuteH County.
Flint publication, Aug. H. 1919.
Foiirth publication, Hept. -I, 1919.
4 i
. .u
- -;mw
WILL EXPEND $100,000
Annoiiiui'inciit Mmlo. After ('onfrr-
enco of t'ompauy Official In
ClilrnKo Tumalo I)n
vi'lopturiit to Walt.
, Holvlni; tho problem of electric
power' production for llend, con
ntructlon will be ntartcd probably
within two weekn' time by thu
IJonil Water, Light & Power Co. of
a 1000-kllowatt nteam plant, to cont
approximately $100,000, to uno
lumber wan to an fuel, and to bo
located In . tho vicinity of thu
HrookH-Hcanlon mill. Thu general
agreement ban already been mado
with tho lumber company, and do-
talln aro now being worked out,
chiefly In regard to thu amount of
wtiHto whloh tho new plant will
coiiHume. I'lariH will be runhed In
the endeavor to niako poHnlblo thu
Ktnrtlug of work by AugUNt 21. It
In expected that tho plant will bo
ready for operation hy February 1,
The announcement that nteam
would be UH'.'d In developing elec
trical power wan mado Friday morn
ing by T. II. Foley, manager of the
llend Wiitor. Light & Power Co.,
following bin return from a con
ference with other official! of the
company In Chicago, during tho
courne of which ho nuggented that
nteam could advantugeounly bo used
Tomato Woik Deferred.
Tho new plan does not mean that
the development of the Tumalo will
be dropped, Mr. Foley explalnn, but
rather that additional time will bo
had to gather data an to tho win
ter flow available, an important
point on which no deflnlto Informa
tion in now at hand. If Inventiga
tlonn during tho cold Mason nhow
that a conntanl nupply of water can
be depended on, It Ih probablo that
work on tho llrnt unit, at nn eatl
mated cent of $12G,06o, will bo
ntarted next nummor.
Hteam developed power -will equal
the power produced at tho main
plant of thn company In Bond, Mr.
Foley ntatcn, and will conntltuto n
yalunblo renorvo In cano water short
age or troublo from Ida should
temporarily reduce tho efficiency, of
tho plantn now In operation.
LBOB, Aug. II. A nllver cup will
be given to tho butter maker re
ceiving the highest ncoro In tho 1919
educational butter Judging contest
conducted by tho Oregon Agricul
tural college. Thin prixo will bo sup
plied by th dairy department nnd
repronont tho highest nvorngo for
commercial and coinpnnltlon quill
Itlun. Other prlxon will bo given an
folio wn:
Silver plated butter trier in lea
ther enno to tho winner of tho high
tho Creamory Package Manufactur
ing company; leather bill book to
tho winner of tho hlghoHt uvorago
ncoro on composition, by tho Colum
bia Dairy Suply company; Bub
Hcrlptlon to any ono of tho dairy
import! to tho winner of tho nocond
hlghoHt commercial ncoro, by Mouroo
& CriHMoll.
Tho Bcoro VIII bo nu nverago of
all nix contents. Auyouo desiring to
Htibmit butter Rain plea for any nlu
glo month may alno outer. Direction
for taking and'Hondlng Hamploa will
bo Bout on application to V. I).
Chapoll, O. A. O., Corvallls.'oro.
A present from A. II. Cook, of
Towunond, Montana, coiiich to tiin
First National Dank In tho girt of
two pictures, Iloau Carlos, grand
champion Hereford bull for 1912,
mid Fairfax, XVI, property of Mr.
Cook. Mr. Cook Is u brooder of
HerorordH of tho Fairfax strain.
Acordlug to It. A. Ward, furniora
In tho Hoctlou desirous or bocomlng
acquainted with soma of tho host
Horoford stock In the Unltud States
may obtain information by commun
icating with tho bunk or calling, Ho
hu8 looks from William McCrao, of
Koutlaml, Indiana, Mr. McCrao is
broodor of somo of tho most famous
Hovofmd stock In tho United States.
, M, B. Landos, has ono ot tho boat
looklngMlolds of .. sunflowers in Uio
noHiriond of the iCOuatyWto &
Homiillng, A'eieHWiry for Definite
Itepoi-t on Kenhaiii Fall Proj
ect, Will Me Ktaileil tin Boon
an HxjmtIm Itetiirn. .
Afforthn wlren between Central
Oregon and Wnnhltigtoii, I). C, hud"
boon kept btiny for noveral dayu with
monagon relative to tho lining of dia
mond drills In making noundlngH on
tho Ilonhum Falls storage rencrvolr
situ, A. U. Anderson of .Madras, re
ceived telegram yentorday from
Congressman N. J. Hlunott, stating
that Kcclnmallon Hcrvlce Director A.
P. Davis had authorized tho party,
which had been conducting Investi
gations here, to do the ncconsury
It Is probable that tho work cannot
bo undertaken before noxt week, as
Profcnnor W. O. Crosby, head of the
geological party and his son aro now
on n trip to ('niter and Davis lakes,
whllo Homer Hamlin, who had In
spected several available drills at
Prlnovllle, Is now In California. As
soon un the mem.bors of tho party
can reassemble, at liond, however, it
In expected thai operations will bo
To HInk Deep Unlet.
According to tentative plans, It
In Intended to nlnk two or three
holes approximately 300 feet. In
depth near the proposed dam site,
while holes ot loss depth will be
drilled In tho country back from
this po.'nt.
Tho authorization given by Direc
tor Davis mukos possible the return
ing of a definite report on the feasi
bility ' of v,conitructliK? n storage
reservo'r above Dunham Falls.
Wlthouf)tfie nnundlngs which could
oo noininuu uy tne use or diamond
drills, only n prcllm'nary report
could havo been turned In, not suf
ficient to warrant either a recom
mendation for construction or n
final decision that construction
would be Inadvisable, and during
tho pust week tho work ot tho
geologists has been halted whllu the
authorization tor dr'lllng, from
Washington, has been secured.
(From The Ilulletln, Aug. 12. 1904.)
Freighter Hates, well known In
llend, was caught in tho Mitchell
country with u load at tho tlmo ot
tho wator spouts las: mouth. Since
thou he- has been making mighty
slow progrcsn, making roads us he
wont along, and has not yet boon
able to get hack on tho He ml route.
The plan ot taking water for tho
Pilot Hutto canal out of the rivor
below Hand, which was contemplated
n few years ago, has been abandon
ed. It is, however, plaunned to en
large tho present flumo to nearly
four times -Its present capacity, and
use it as the Intak6 for both tho
presont Pilot Hutto canal and tho
Central Oregon canal. Theuo two
canals will wator nearly S5.000
Last Sunday tho lloud post ofllco
was moved from tho store or tho
llond Morcautllo company to the
Do ml Furniture company. Tho stnge
mudo the same change
Oeorgo Stephens of Sisters, and
Champ Smith and Isom Cleok of
Prluovlllo, havo urauged to buy the
saloon of Shaw and Hrostorhous.
This has boon n lively wool; for
freight In llond, Ten loads, drawn
by teams of rrom four to 10 horses
ouch, and aggregating nearly 50,000
pounds n rived and more are on tho
wny and tho warehouse at Slmnlko
Is still piled full or lloud goods.
J. W. Taggart, or Agitata, Wiscon
sin, brother ot J. F. Taggart, arrived
In llond Thursday, '
Marion county is already counting
on tho addition to tho tax roll that
will come rrom tho extension or tho
Corvullls mid Kastorn.
riioro was qulto a crowd gathered
at tho rivor bank to witness tho ord-
Inunco ot baptism admlnlstored by
Hov. O. WVTrlnlott, last Sunday.
Miss Marlon Wlost mado a trip
to Prlnavlllo on horseback Thurs
day, returning Friday,
B, C. Stickle has communccd haul
ing clay to his brickyard, a cauplo ot
hundred yards west or tho Pilot
Hutto company's offlco.
Fifteen Years Ago
A New Rug on tne Floor. ,
We have just received a
fine assortment of small
27x60 inches and larger.
Neat patterns. Something
you'll like.
We have a Wonderful Bargain in
including 42-inch top table
buffet and chairs
When you think about furnishings of
all kinds for the house, first think of
Kqulp your house, ofllce or storo with Weather Strips now.
Limited supply left at originalpr!ce.
See T. L. COLLIER, Bend, Oregon
Perhaps They're Still Dloglnu.
There Is n legend among the negroei
of South Carolina that back In the old
pirate days Captain Kldd anil Cap
tain Morgnn nnd the others ued to
sail up the Siirnnnuh river and bury
their stolen doubloons nnd pieces or
eight In the sands or the cyprei
swamps. A fortune teller once dime
through and for a consideration or 2.1
each agreed to tell '.he negroes Jut
where the gold was burled. He col
lected several hundred dollars', and
then with n great deal of ceremony
staked out as many locations In the
sand as ho had customers. He .then
told them ery solemnly to come to
that spot in tho light of the moon,
stand directly over the stnke and dig
at the end or their shadow. Then he
sailed away on a river steamer. And
ho never camu back.
Nlchrome Most Resistant of Metals.
Nlchrome, a metal that Is being used
extensively for wires in electric heat
ers, is nn alloy of nickel and .chromi
um. It Is now known that It can. be
east, so crucibles and other utensils
that must resist very high tempera
tures aro being made or It. Its fusion
imlnt Is l,fi(H) degrees Centigrade.
With ii wire of nlchrome heated by
an electric current It Is possible to cut
the heaviest and most resistant of
chemical glasses as ir they were of
sea ii.
It has always been customary to
place the cornerstone at the northeust
comer of a building, nnd this Is tho
practice today whenever, possible. Tho
cornerstones of municipal buildings
are commonly receptacles for copies of
current newspapers and historical
Applied Science.
"You remember tho story of th
maid who said her mistress wns tak
ing u course In cosmetics?"
"That was a Joke." .
"Many experts think It should be
tried seriously," Louisville 'Courlsiv
Journal. .?, - (v m, j
. : . i T . , ' ni ;i.m .'
- 'M-
Probably Ho Did.
As Mary came running In from play
the other day she met her grandfa
ther, whom she hud never seen before
nnd who hud very long whiskers.
"Oh, he exclaimed when Mie saw
him, "do you keep those whiskers on
nil tho time, even when you go to
Th Right View and the Wrong.
"The mnn who makes good doesn't
wait for opportunity to knock; he has
tho door wide open," wiys nn exchange.
That's the right spirit. The other day
we heord n chap complaining because
old Opp didn't stick his tee In the door
like n book agent, Itostoii Transcript.
Wyomlno Holds Honor.
In 1SCQ. on the lOih of June, tho
legislature of tho territory of Wyoming
passed nn uct granting to women
the right to vote and to hold of
fice. It wns the first act In any statu
or territory granting eiiuui suffrage
to wozien.
Reason Enough.
My twin nephews were paid two
cents a day for waking me at 7 each
week day morning. Ono Sunday they
uwakened me i.t 7. I protested and
they said: "V'j knew you wanted to
sleep, but wo need tbo money,"
Chicago Tribune.
Keep'nq Slh'ev Bright
When tho ::ivorvnre has become
badly tarnlslv .1 put it In an aluminum
dish, cover .villi water and boll for n
short time, uuC it "ill r .! out bright
and clean. The Aluminum dish will be
slightly discolored nfter this process,
but It may be easily cleaned.
Had the Right Idea.
As Juanlta and Charles wero eatlnor
breakfast one morning (bey botlt
asked at the same, mojK)eutl''for4the!
second helping, , ' Having1 Mauftbt
Charlcsjhat'.lils rtsjenmustbe waited
,on,flrst ho saldlV)-vI)lltt4jw,flnXl
unmans n,TO)(a ,,, ,1.1;vw.,
Ki i Z I'm t iji?V'lf JK-
L--, "r"1-
i T mrma
.. V