IlUNI) HWiLKTIN, IH5NI), OWCaO.V, THUIIHIMV, AMOUNT M, UHU VAQK 5 V ,i 4 U . 'A. 'vf HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiiimiiU BEND HAPPENINGS I FROM DAY TO DAY illtllltllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllltllllllllltlllllllllllllllllltllllllltllllllUlllttt!ttllltlttllllltltltllltllllltllllltlt)ltllltlllltllllllttlt WodncHduy IM KoIhoii wait visitor In tlio city todny from Htimninr lnko. MIhh Kloronco IlorK Ih on vncn tton trip to Portland and Houttlo, II, II. Do Armond started curly (IiIh nmrnliw to drlvo to Klainutlt Falls, Lester O, Ilnrhtir nnd (Juntuvo Horry of Alfnlfa worn In Hand last nlffht. MIhh Mubol Hphlnr, cnnhlor for J. C. I'onnoy company, In on lior vn cut Ion. T. If. Foley returned Inst night front n IiiihIiionh trip of riovorul diiyn to Portland. Mitt. I.oiiIh Dornockor linn re turned from u several weeks' vaca tion to Olyinplu, Washington, It, VI. Cliiutnii, master fish wnrdun, was In lluml liiMt iitnlit. William DolhriiKKo linn received lilMdlNuliiirKi from tliu army and In now employed at tlio Tiimitlo Hull liutcliury. Dr. ami Mm. 13. It. Norrln returned .yesterday aftitmoon from n several Would It Taste Better in Ice Tea Glasses? Ice Tea may be ierVetl appropriately n Ice Tea Glaue Willi Ice Tea Spoont. Glasses, per set $2.00 Spoons, attractive patterns, per set $2.00 And many other neces sllte.i Jot the table at LARSON & CO. Cic Hallmark Store Al tin Hltfti of tlio k Clock weeks' lionoyinooii Irlji tlirotusli Cal ifornia. 0. V. Hllvls nnd U. K. Hliophord of tlio Huron Tlinhor compuny, rotnrnod yesterday from n business trip to Klainatli Kallfi. N. 0. Jncnlnion, K, I', Mnhnffoy nnd Louis Dornockor loft for Klamath Falls hint nliflit to attend tlio ntata Klk'n convention. V. It, llticklnglinin of ItonnburK linn accented a poHltlon with Hmlth'n Rrocory. Mr. lliickliiKlioin In an experienced Krocoryman. Mm, Jlmilnh Mllclmll linn accoptnd n ponltlon with tlio I. K, Hhoplmrd music Mom and will linvo charge InrKoly of tlio record doparttnont. Mrn. F, I). Docker, nnd llttlu hoii, of Kallnpol, Montana, havo arrived In lloiid to vlnlt tlio fornmr'n purontn, Mr, and Mrn, J. O. Hulk. Tlio Huckorn worn formerly residents of lloiid. Mr. and Mrn, J. K, Hock loft Innt nlKht for Cornelius, Oregon, whoro thoy oxpuct to maku their homo. Mr, Itock'n health him not hmin good and It In tlio unlit tlio chaiiKu will ho for Hut hnttor. Mlim Carol lloyd linn accepted a position an bookkeeper al tlio Ilund Furniture company ntoro. I for plnco with thu Central OroKon Ahntrnct compuny will ho taken by Minn Mnr Karot Thompson. Mrn, II. K. Nordoon In enjoying a vlnlt from two sisters and their fain Won, Mr, nnd Mrn. Onorgn Itoss of Vancouver, Washington and Mr. nnd Mrn. V. U. Htull of Nowborg, Oro. They left thin nmrnltu: for a nhort sight-seeing trip which will Include Crator I.uko. August Hour, of tlio I.iitlmr Atlto Bprlug company, of Portland, bro ther of Mrn. D. T. Carmndy, and John Ilnan, of the llann Meat market In Portland, drove from Portland In 10 14 hntim early thin week, via gov urnment camp. They nro now at Davis Inkn on an outing. Tlio llrnl of tlio weekly flower sales, held luut Hiitunlny nt the ntoro of tlio Thompson Munlc com pany, netted tlio Library club $28.07. Thcno nalvn will bo con ducted every Saturday. Pomona desiring to offer flowurn for thin snlo may bring thorn to the Thomp non munlc ntoro or call over the telephone and thoy will ho taken. Tlio nlntorn of fit. Chnrlen hospital have Just completed painting a .iiutn bor of Oregon scones, principally thoHo of Throe Hlntern, Denchuten river and Mt. Hood. Tho work In done In wntor colorn nnd pnntollo. Thoy nro on dlnphty nt tho Owl phar macy. Tho nlntorn nro placing theso pictures on Halo and tho fundn will he placed In a fund for tho now honpltal. YOUR DRUG STORE Your Vacation Memory will be refreshed with a Camera Come Ui and we will demonstrate a SENECA CAMERA Just Remember Magill & Erskine O'KANK HUILDINO Our Pf eKtij4ion Drpcrtmtnt u Complete in Bitty f)riil. YOUR DRUGSTORE Borgcnnt Anton Konnen ban roturn od to Heud, having received hill tils charKO from tho Fourth engineers after mora thnn two yearn of rcrv Ico. tho grontor part of tho tlmo hay Inic been npent overseas. Sergeant Fonkoii In a brother-in-law of It. H. Fox of thin city. Ho will tnako hln homo In Ilend for a time and may later ko to hln ranch In the Hums country. Women and Misses m New Fall Suits , dSl i mm Ar u emm m V'tt-M - stl i m I -Vr m of simple, yet distinguished lines. It is evidence of the high grade in the quality, the smartness and distinction of the suits them selves. They are chosen with care and discrimination from the foremost artist-tailors of New York. Very reasonably priced- $27.50 to $57.30 Tuesday Walter Coombn of tho IJond Kar aRo In In Portland on luminous. J, I-Mwnrd Larnon rotnrnod yester day from n nhort trip to Kant Inko. Mrn. t i:. Nlcholn arrived thin mornliiR after iiinouth'n nojourn In Portland. It. h. Bchoo, 11. O. Konnnrd, nnd 1. A, N'owoll, of Prlnovlllo nro vis Horn In Ilend today. Mr. and Mrn. N. F. Iteod of Uurnn, formerly of thin city, nro In Ilend on their way to Klnmath Knlln. Mrn. O. O. Tlckuow of Portland, arrived this moruliiK to bo tho Ruont of her nlnter, Mm. A. M. Prlwjlo. Mrn. II. K. Allen nnd datiRhtom returned yontorday from a threo weokn' vacation at tho Holalns ranch. Mrn. J. P. Keren and children re turned thin inornlnrr for n ncvornt weokn vlnlt with rolntlvoB In Mln noHotn. y Mrn. W. P. DownltiR nnd dntiRhter Helen left Sunday for Portland and Sonttlo whoro thoy will vlnlt with frlniidn. Superintendent S. W. Mooro nnd Mrn. Mooro returned Sunday night from n vacation trip to Kugono nnd Newport. Mr. nnd Mrs. OenrRo A. Jones and Mr. nnd Mrn. J. I. Heyburn ro- turned Monday ovenhiR from n trip to Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrn. W. O. Mntchott and non havo rotnrnod from u 2700 mllo trip through Hpoknnu, Mlnnouln, Vollowntono National Park nnd flalt J,lll0, J. I). AndorHoii, Rnnornl ntnto iiRont for tlio California HtAlo Llfo IiiHiiranco company rotnrnod Innt ulRlit from an extended lour of tho fitato, Tho Woman'n KorolRit Mlnnlonry nocloly will meet nt tho homo of Mrn. W, II. Htaatn on Thurnday, Au Rimt H, nt 2::10. Kvnrybody In nnked to brlnR her mite box. Frank Woodcock, rcRlntor of Tho Dnllon land office, In In Ilend vlnlt Iiir bin nephew, Sheriff H. K. Itob ortn, on hln way to Klamath Falln, where ho will attend tho Elkn' con vention, Mrn. F, II. Ilenmlnh of Now York City, arlved In Ilend Innt nlRhC to vlnlt her parentn, Mr. and Mrn. W. O. Nowton. Bho wilt bo Joined later by her husband nnd thoy will trnvol from hero to Vancouver, II, C. Thomnn I)or:an of Hartford, Washington, Wllllnm Dorian of Kverott, Wash., und John Hall of Mt. Vernon, panned through Hand to day for tho East Lake country whoro ThomaB Dorgan linn connldornblo timbor lutercaln. Monday A. Whlanant In In Portland on business. W. C. IJIrdnnll drovo to Prlnovlllo thin morning. Mrn. N. O. Davln wan In Prlnovlllo for tho weekend. T. II. Foley In In Portland for a few days on business. Minn Hose Hunncll returned Sat urday night from a two weokn vlnlt In Seattle. S. II. Btockmon returned this morning from a week'n business trip to Portland. Minn Catherine Skinner of Port land In In Itond visiting her bother, Dr. O. Sklnnor. Harry Itelngold returned on Sat urday morning's train from a week's vlnlt In Portland. Mrn. II. F. Turner arrived In Dond Saturday ovcnlng to Join her husband, whovln with tho Dcnd Hardware company. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. McRoynolds returned Saturday from n two weeks' vacation on tho coast. They niado tho trip by automobile. Mr. nnd Mrn. John K. Hyan an nounce tho cngagumont of their daughter Patricia M. to James F. Clifford, late or tho U. S. navy. Mrn. Charles Dugan, sr., nnd two children of St. Johns nro house guontn at tho homo of ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Dugan, Jr., of this city. M, P. Canhman left thin morning for St. Paul nnd Minneapolis. While In tho Twin Citlcn Mr. Cnshman will vlnlt with brothorn and do consider able) fall buying. . Ocopro llrlcX returned thin morn ing from Camp Lewis, whoro ho wan recontly discharged nftor nerv ing with th American expedition ary forces Nln Franco. Mrn. J. W. Tnggart, who has been vlnltlng for tho Innt two weeks nt the homo of her dnughtor, Mrs. A. M. I'rlnglo, left Saturday night tor her homo In Portland. Mr nnd Mrs. Ward Coulo re turned to Uend last, night, driving from Vancouver. Ii. C, by way of Portland. Mrn. Coblo was formerly Minn Hnzol Stovons of this city. J. I.. Gnlthor, of tho Pacific Tolo phone & Tologrnph Co., left this afternoon for Prlnovlllo to be gone for Several days, whoro ho Is taking FOR FALL Blankets & Comforters Extensive assortments from which bed ding requirements for fall and winter may he chosen at savings that will make it well worth while to anticipate every need. All Wool Blankets $15.75, 16.50, 1?.50, 17.95, 18.50 pair Wool Mixed Blankets $8.50, 8.95, 9.50, 9.75, 10.50, 10.95 pair Crib Blankets $2.25, 2.65, 3.15, 3.65 pair Cotton Blankets Plain and checked, full sizes, $2.85 to $7.95 Comforters $2.95 to $6.95 ' New. Dorothy Dainty Ribbons Just received. Put up in ! yard lengths, each 49c, 59c. New Wide Ribbons for camisoles and bags, 60c, 65c, 75c, 95c $1.25 per yard. Buy Shoes Now By buying shoes now you save enough to encourage the purchase of two pairs or more. Bostonian and Cooperative Shoes for men union made, highest grade, $8 to $11 pair Queen Quality Shoes for women $6 to $12.50 per pair Stop 4I.J Shop at fr fPttSPE Q4 Quality Pioneer lince 1911 tho place of tho local manager there whllo ho is on his vacation. Mrs. Hay Jackson, formerly Miss Frances Stoldl, ret'.'nied this morn Ins from Seattlo. whero Bho has been spending tho last fow wcoks with her husband, of tho U. S. navy. Ho is expected to recoivo his dlschargo from tho sorvico soon. August Huckonstcin, postmastor of Salom, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno Eckerloln and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monarch, also from tho stato capital, were In Uend this morning, motor ing through to Klamath Falls to at tend tho Elks' convention. The Peoples Store FOOT REST HOSIERY For Women - For Girls - For Boys - For Men (ink BstfrTirrftf ffiM fWlllli lllllk Look Belter Wear Better Cost Less Women's Cotton and Lisle --. lJ)-25-2i)-U5-aO-tt)c Women's Silk, black, white and colors . 5J)e-7e-$l.:U) . Children's hose, black, white ami brown. . 2i)c-JM)c-tS)c Men's u good com plete line . . .35C'U5c-:)()e-50c-75c When It's Hosiery Wo Strive to Please THE WARNER COMPANY QVAMTV " " MKHCH.WllliS AT POFl'LAR I'HICBH SATURDAY SPECIALS! For Saturday Only Come early and get your share Wash Boiler Specials Heavy tin. copper (O AO ATOugR5& bottom yL.'tO f g J Extra heavy fro QO pTj ;jfr "fc? galvanized $L.UO W "' W '- Extra heavy tin, jo An MjuHstm copper bottom tpO.40 ffmffuj?miliiiiiii Wash Tub Specials aMUmUr1!1! ' 'I' 'i F'lffEfc Extra heavy Galvanicd, stationery black enam eled wood handles, wringer at tachment, a $J,00 value, e?nl?l!0 THE FAIR STORE SATHER'S BUILDING ,4