The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    paok a
nRNi) iiuiiLirriN, iiknd, oiikgon, tiiuuhdav, auciuht m, umi
What's Doing In The Country
OLOVEUDAI.K, Aur. 12 Miss
Viola Miller nrnl Lloyd HotlRhor
vera quietly married In llonil on Au
gust C. Tliey nro nt prcsunt nuiktim
tholr homo with tlio lirldo's parents
hero, but Will mor.o noon to tlio vnl
lojv Mr. and Mrs. I)oixn Van Mntro nro
receiving tlio congratulations of their
friends "on. tho arrival of a daughter,
Theodora May, nt tholr homo on Au
URt c.
At tho regular meeting of tho
school board an election was held to
elect a director to occupy tho va
cancy caused by tho resignation of
Mrs. A. E. Peterson. J. L. Pnrborry
wns eloctcd to tho position. A special
meeting of tho board was held last
Friday evening for tho purpose of
swearing In tho now director. Illds
for tho now school houso were hlso
N. Paulson of Portland was a busi
ness caller nt tho llurnsldo homo
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pnrborry and
Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Pnrborry attended
tho salo nt tho Sam Woods ranch at
Iledtnond last Saturday.
O. II. Long Is spreading land plas
ter on his ranch.
Mr. Qladheart of Portland Is em
ployed at tho George F. Cyrus placo.
Mrs. F. M. Lnutz was a caller nt
tho Long homo on Sunday evonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Cyrus and Mr.
Gladhcart were callers in Redmond
on Saturday.
Mrs. F. M. Lantz calcd on Mrs. W.
T. Harrison last Saturday. ,
Mrs. Irwin Parbory spent Sunday
afternoon at tho Hurling home.
Mrs. Irwin Parberry and Miss
Gladys Parberry wero Sisters shop
pers last Saturday.
Mr. Dcsbrowo. who has beon vis
iting his daughter, Mrs. Robert
Burling, roturned to Tacoma last
Tuesday. Enrouto ho will visit tho
Dalles and Portland.
Miss Georgia Woods of Sisters and
Van Wilson wero callors at tho T. E.
Woods homo on Frldny.
Miss Winncfred Aldrich will give
a recital by her piano and vocal
pupils at her homo on Saturday,
August 30. Those who will take part
In tho recital aro: Juanlta and Al-
thea Hodson. Esther and Ladora
Cyrus, Gladys Parberry, Kathleen
Helling and Louise Andrus.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Boughher wero
shopping in Sisters last Thursday.
' Van. Wilson mado a business trip
to Sisters last Saturday evening.
Mrs, E. M. Peck, who is under a
physician's caro In Portland, is now
reported to be very much Improved.
Nineteen Scandinavian friends of
John Dokkin. surprised him with dn
old-fashioned picnic at his home here
on Sunday.
Some of tho Powoll Butte pooplo
woro npronched, but as yet no sales
have been made horo. It la under
stood that tho hay purchased Is to
bo shipped to Bend for tho uso of
tho mills there.
J. F. Rico has leased his ranch nt
Powoll Butto to Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Luthoy of Boar creek for a term of
tlireo years. Tlio Rices will move
to one of tho nearby towns for tho
C. M. Charlton enjoyed a visit ro
cently from his his old-tlmo friend,
I.uclcn. Lytic of Grants Pass. About
35 years hnvo nast since tho friends
met, Mr. Lytlo having left this sec
tion nt that timo. lie felt UKo a
Rip Van Wlnklo nfter vlowlng tho
changes which had taken placo In
both tho country nnd tho territory.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Wuriwollor
nro at homo again after a trip lo
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, A. RIggs nro on n
motor trip through Oregon and
Washington. Thoy will bo away
about three weeks.
Mrs. Mnry E. Charlton nnd sous
E. Carl nnd Charles Junior, visited
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlllnm Wilson nnd at
tended tho show Thursday night In
Redmond. Mrs. M. E. Brink of
Prtnevlllo Joined them In Redmond
nnd a pleasant evening wns had.
D. Mustarrd and wifo will spond
POWELL BUTTE. Aug. 12. Mrs.
Arthur Milner, nco Gladys Bayno,
will teach tho Edward school this
year. She will board with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bayno.
Tho Northern Warehouse company
of Redmond, has boucht about lobo
tons of hay In tho vicinity of Torre-! company this week
Donne, tho price paid was $25,
baled nnd dollvered to the railroad.! Pot ' " "THE
a few days camping nnd llshlng In tho
mountains this week.
C. M. Charlton attended tho Trl
County Bar association meeting nt
Redmond last Thursday night. Mr.
Charlton Is a gradunta of tho Willam
ette law school and a momber of tho
stata bar association.
James McDnniel nnd family loft
left last week for Belknap Bprlngs.
whore they will remain for n month
or moro In tho hopa of Improving
Mrs. McDanlel's health. Mr. McDnn
iel will return for tho second hay
crop but tho family will remain at
tho springs.
Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Martin of Los
Angeles nro visiting nt tho homo of
Mr. uud Mrs. Leo Hobbs. Mrs. Mar
tin nnd Mrs. Hobbs nro cousins.
Tho board of directors of tho Wil
son school held a meeting rocontly
and purchased supplies for tho com
ing school year, and owing to tho
Increased attendance 12 now desks
and Beats were ordorcd. Children
who have not already reached their
Cth birthday will not bo ndmltted.
It is also urged that all pupils start
to school within the first two woks.
Mrs. Jesslo V. Hobbs, neo Hartley,
will teach the school.
E. A. Bussett and family aro eu
joying a visit with Mr. Bussctt's
mother nnd nlso his sister, Mrs.
Scott Huplno. Grandma Bussett cel
ebrated her 85th birthday Tuesday
nnd had for a special guest that day
Grandma Spray, who was 85 yours of
ago on June 15th.
Little Harriet Wllcoxcn. whllo
i visiting at the sheep cam)) with her
J father, Allen Wilcoxcn, lust wcok,
discovered a largo black bear near
the camp. She immediately report
ed it to her father, who shot the
animal, nnd now they are feasting
on bear steaks. Harriet claims tho
bear's bide, which is u very fine
Jack O'Cnllahan was a business
visitor at tho Paisley ranch of tho
Mr. uud Mrs. O, E. Audurson spent
tho week und nt HelHlng's on the
II. Gray attended a mooting of
(ho directors of tho Swnlluy ditch
on Frldny.
Alfred Pederson hauled .his house
hold goods out from Deschutes one
day this wcok.
0. E. Anderson wns putting up sll
ngo on Friday. .
Hans Mikklcson went to Redmond
Friday on business,
Howard Young, who linn boon help
ing W. II. Gray this week, wont to
Bend Friday.
.Mrs. it. i. .HIKKIU3UU, Aiircu .uikm
klosou anil Airs. u. K. Anderson
wero in Tumnlo Thursday ovcnlug.
Mr. Mller wns cutting grain with
his binder for O. E. Anderson tho
last of this week.
Several from this neighborhood
spout Sunday nt tho homo of Mrs. J.
W. Peterson's uncle, nenr Sisters.
Thoy wero, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Pet
orsou uud children, Anion Ahlstrom,
Miss Hllmn Nelson, Rasmus Peter
son, Mrs. Catharine Johnnsun, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Alfred Pederson, Mr. und
Mrs. 11. T. Mlkkelsou uud Alfred
J. F. Young has beon hauling hay
to his homo nenr Bend which ho
purchased from W. II. Gray.
Rasmus Peterson, Mrs. Katherlue
Johanson nnd Mrs. Alfred Pederson
wero in Bond last Thursday after
noon. J. W. Pctorson mndu n buslnoss
trip to Bond Monday.
Anton Ahlstrom Unshed hnylug
Inst Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Hutchlus wont
to Tumnlo Friday evonlng to do
some trading.
Mrs. Knthcrlno Johnnsau entcr
nlncd tho following guosts Tuesday
evening: Mr. and Mrs. Olo Hanson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hans Hanson, Mr. uud
Mrs. Alfred Pederson. Mr. uud Mrs.
Hans Mlkkolson, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Mrs. Alfred Pederson und son were
In Redmond Tuesday.
Mrs. John Gray was In Bond Inst
Thursday. Hor sister, MJsb Mnudo
Ralnoy, who has beon visiting here
ror tho past two weeks, returned to
her homo In Bend at the same timo.
Tho following ladles frntu Ihn
nelghborhod wero guests nt tho homo
or .Mrs. Olo Hanson nt Deschutes on
Wednesday afternoon.: Mrs. Alfred
Pederson, Mrs. Knthcrlno Johnnseu,
and Mrs. H. T. Mlkkolson.
Rasmus Pederson is tho purchas
er of a now Ford truck.
Mr. and Mrs. Orris Gray nrrived
by auto on Tuesday afternoon from
Vancouver. Washington, to visit tho
parents of Mr. Gray, Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. H. Gray. Thoy wero accompa
nied by Mr. and Mrs. White.
Anton Ahlstrom was a Redmond
visitor on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. B. Anderson wero
Tumalo visitors last Tuesday evon
lng. Mr nnd Mrs. W. B. Hutchlus wont
to Redmond Wednosdny afternoon.
PINEIIURST, Aug. 12. Durwnrd
L. Howol delivered a loud of hay In
Bend Saturday,
Sunday tylsa Borulco Couoh wiih
un nil-day visitor of Miss llortliu
Hnssolburg. '
Miss Anna F, Elder was down
from Bond to look after her UiIiikh
Thursday uvenlng.
Alice und Gladys Spnugh spout
Tuesday with Lunoro Snyder.
F. V, Swisher was. In Bond lnnt
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. K. Searcy of
Bend wero visitors ut U. II. Spaugh's
homo Friday.
Mrs. Charles Allen called on Mrs.
J. L. Couch Saturday evening.
Mrs. Mary Gamer spent Sunday
with Mrs. 0. M. Philips.
Miss Myrtle Spnuglt spout (ho day
with Miss Ilortliu Hassolhurg, Thurs
day. C. W. Howell was confined to his
room several days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graham null
family nnd Mr. nnd Airs. Austin Gra
ham and faintly, who have lived
horo for souto timo, left Thursday
for llosuburg.
Harry Simpson nnd C. P. Becker
mado a business trip to Dan Hols
Ing's, un tho Metollus, Saturday,
Curlna Intomnla.
On tho theory that Insomnia can bo
cured by le.sienlng tliu molsturu In tho
lungs, un Englishman has luycnti'd nl
pnrnttm supplying wnnn. dry and fcter
illxcd ulr to be breathed.
Announcing; the Opening
Gilbert's Furniture Store
I am pleased to announce to the People of Bend
and Central Oregon that 1 have received this
week the first carload lots of Furniture, and
Will have more coming at once, and that
. u
Gilbert's Furniture Store
will be open and
Ready for Business
Saturday, August 1 6th,
in the Shaw building,
at the corner of
Bond and Oregon Streets
l will handle a full and complete line of Furni
ture, Charter Oak Ranges, Rugs, Springs, Mat
tresses, Window Shades, and ail other House
Furnishing Necessities.
Gilbert's Furniture Store
PLAI.NVIEW. Auk. 12.-Mrs. Lnu.
zota Pulllnm nnd Mrs. Howurd Hnrt-
Ioy and Mrs. James Elklns nro spend
ing several days In tho niotintnlrm.
Kuiuenng wwu uinckborles.
Mis Constance Knickerbocker of
Bond, spent Saturday night and Sun
day at tho Box A ranch.
Idu Hoss visited at tho Colfelt
nomo wcdncsiiuy,
John Stuhll was a caller nt tho
Pulllam ranch Thursday morning.
Mis Gladys Blnksloy und brother,
James, from Washington, arrived In
Redmond lust Tuesday morning nnd
nro enjoying a visit with tholr rela
tives nt tho Van Tnssol home.
Mrs. Skool returned to tho J. A.
W. Scoggln ranch Monday uftor
spondlng several days in Bend.
Mrs. Hartley and daughter Kath
loon of Hood River uro spending n
few days nt tho Howard Hnrtloy
Tho old Parsons mill, wi.inti i,ni
beon oporntcd by Mima:, of Redmond,
has closod down nftor running long
enough to cut what timber wus ul
ready down.
Mr. Humfoldt of Portland, with
Frank Bodlfelt of Rodmond, called
at a uumbor of Plalnvlow ranches on
Wllmn Bennott wan n guest to
dinner nt tho Hoss homo last Friday.
Thero wns no motolng of the O.
D. O. club last Thursday, but In two
wcoks tho mooting will bo hold with
Mrs. Lulu Van Tnssol, on tho nftor
noon of August 21.
Ernest Hallowoll nnd party havo
returned to tholr homo nt Rosoburg
after Hpoudlng n pleasant week with
the Hartleys.
A. E. Hoss spent Saturday on a
business trip, going about 20 diIIoh
out front Bond.
Mrs. Paul Scoggln returned homo
8nturdny nflornoon returning from n
two weeks stay Jn tho St. Charles
hospital in Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson woro
Bond callers on Thursday .
Mrs. A. W.. Mrs. Hubort and Ray
Armstrong, nrso Wllmn Bennott, woro
guests nt tho Box A ranch Hmui.-iv
Miss Luella RurcoMs wont fn itni
Inst Sunday ovonlng tp nurse at
tho Burg homo, whoro Mrs. Burg
Is quite ill.
Tlio- regular pronchlng services
will bo conducted nt tho school houso
on Sunday afternoon, August 17, nt
3 o'clock. Rov. Williams, will bo In
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hoss and pnrty
woro Kitosts to 0 o'clock dlnnor at tho
Fred Wilson ranch last Sunday qvon
ing. Louis Bennett and children of
Summer Lnko, also Mrs. Hnrry Mur
rlman of Bond, mado a short 'visit
at tho J. A. W. Scoggln ranch last
Sunday afternoon,
Mrs. A, W. Armstrong and Ray
wero vlsltprs in Bend last Monday,
Experts say:
Central Oregon
Is An
Ideal .
Dairy Section
You am Imve
your share.
Every farm with a
fewcowt thoulJ have
A Cream Separator
It's more like Home with
Ave the world's best must
eiiuis brought into your
home. : : : :
We imve the largest ami most
complete line of Phonographs
in Central Oregon without an
exception. Thexu Phmin.
irrimlm niv hew niwl Vnmi Not only trill tee come to tee
giapns rue hue and ouit y,u, but we Inoltc you
OitDEiis Can he Filled Now. to cvme in.
Columbia Phonographs
$.30, $100, $115, $'25
In cabinet style golden oak and fumed oak.
Sonora Phonographs
Grands, in brown mahogany"-waxed finish oak,
$"00 and $1160.
Elite, beautiful finish, &(!()
Haby Grand golden oak, brown mahogany,
waxed iinisn oak $200
Nocturne fumed and golden oak, $110
Trovatore, in brown mahogany, fumed ami
golden oak, $100
Melodic, in all woods, $.10
Every farm with a
crearn lenarator
ihould have a
Sharpies Separator
Suction Feed
No. 4-450-550 Hi. $110
No. 3-350-450 Iti. $1)5
No. 2-250-350 lbs. $80
Bend, Oregon
L. K. Shepherd
For a most complete line of
Pianos, Player Pianos, Musical Instruments. Sheet
Music, Sonora and Columbia Phonographs
The Bend Auto School
Under the .uimcm ol J. M.MEYER, will OPEN on or ABCUT SEPT. I, 1919.
A ipcoil cliu (or lidiet will be irrangrd lot i( a luldclrat numUi ol iludrnl, cn lie
teemed. Write lor putkulid to
OfcillRf.l 2061. rriiuVnce
UUck 13-11, Lmincti
'When you have to buy
You ihould try our
Eat our Lunches
Eat our Pastries
An Exceptional
Sewing Machine Offer
MACHINES, none djcA AA
hotter for sewing P V.VU
This, you may be sure, Is a bargain.
Once tried, never use another.
The Monarch Range
Is a mighty good range for farm
uses. It is a lifetime rangefull
polish body and topfull malleable
steel--DUPLEX QLify CA
We sell alhklnds of
Furniture, Household Goods and Equipment
We also buy Second Hand Goods
Good line of Rugs and Linoleums. Always when
you buy, see first what it is
Standard Furniture Co.
I lasss