The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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Why tnlk nbout tho wondors of
tho Ycllowstono national park, Gln
clor nntlonnl park, thq ocean
beaches with their balmy satlno
brcoEcs, and wntors too cool to
enjoy? Why think nbout tho din
of tho city, Its roaring trnfflc and
Its .'hurrying peoples, Us hot nnd
sultry thoroughfares? Why think
only of a trip on tho road In your
motor car, when thoro nro a thous
and or moro wondors right at your
own threshold places where you
can go with Httlo effort?
Central Oregon has thousands, of
unadrtrtlsed nnd uncommerclullxcd
wonders. How much do you kn6w
nbout Its lakes? How much do
you know nbout Its streams? How
many of you know tho names of
Its peaks you sco almost every
week? How many of you know tho
.trails that lead from tho nutomobllo
highway? What do you think nbout
Its trees? Hqw many of Its flowers
can you namo? Do you know a
whlto plno treo from n fir, a cedar
from a tammarack? Would you
know a huckleberry bush If you
saw one? These and hundreds of
things aro open to those who ven
turo off tho beaten trend of tho
Back in tho mountains no moro
thnn SO miles from Dcnd there
lies a chain of lakes. There arc four
known to tho writer nnd there
aro several others In what Is com
monly known as Eight Lako Basin
that aro going to becomo familiar
to him before tho snow flics. His
curiosity has been aroused by see
ing two of theso lakes in the past
week. Theso two moro or less Iso
lated bodies of water aro Square
lako and Long lake, both of which
lie only a few miles south of Three
Fingered Jack, near the divide and
in tho vicinity of Jlogg Pass.
To reach .theso two lakes one
must oither hike In on foot from
Suttlcs lako or obtain saddle horses.
Tho distanco from tho northeast
end of Suttles lake to Squaro lako
is about eight miles or about a
threo-hour hike or ride. Ono might
easily leavo Bend about noon, ar
rive at Suttles lako about' 3 o'clock
and bo at Squaro lako at 6 or 7 In
tho evening. It Is well to do this
because tho fish blto exceptionally
well in tho lato hours of the after-
tho flowers nro abundant Just now,
Sunrlso should find ono out of IiIb
pine-bough bod. Whon tho first rays
peak over tho crest of tho hills
and tllumlnato tho ltttlo basin, n
picture too cholco for word-do-scrlptlon
greets tho riser. Tho hills
take on a brighter color. Tho green
of tho hills nud tho bushes changes.
Tho rocks seem to hnvo llto. Tho
odor frbm. tho pines nnd tho firs Is
exhllcratlhg. It's a hearty break
fast ono enjoys.
Long ln,ko Is only n short distance
from Its nolghbor. It Is only nbout
200 feot wldo and three-quarters of
a mllo long, but. It, Is doop. Tho
gamiest kind of rainbows greet tho
nnglcr. This lake, liko its neighbor,
Is sheltered hy n wealth of natural
Is Said Only Experts Are Able
to Tell the Difference Be
tween the Two.
There Is a growing disposition to
give the gont his due. Heretofore this
rubblsh-catlng animal has been re
garded pretty much ns n Joke, but he
has continued to cat tin cans and
thrive until now his raqc has no
quired census-listing proportions nnd
a market hus been established In a
middle-western city where surplus
goats will be converted Into "spring
lamb" for the benefit of our non-vege-tnrlans.
As nn addition to tho poor
man's meat perhaps the goat will he
welcome, especially If his advent tends
to lower the present high prices.
Goat meat tastes much the snmc ns
mutton, It Is claimed, and that tho dif
ference cannot be told save by nn ex
pert. Perhaps that Is Just ns well.
Our Imagination has much to do with
our taste. Many people nro eating
horse meat In this country under the
Impression that It Is beef, for horses
arc slaughtered, but almost nowhere
Is their meat exposed for sale under
Its true name. No doubt the easiest
way for ui to get used to goat meat Is
to camouflage It as mutton. It Is an
other case of Ignorance being bliss.
But, ns wo are assured by the ex
perts that It Is wholesome, n name
will not make much difference In tho
end. Mutton, the world over, has bet'n
the poor man's meat. If goat meat
enn add to the supply, so much tho
better. The meat of goats was n
favorite In the days of the, patriarchs.
It Is still highly prized In the Knst
Tlipro serins to bo no renson wliv It
noon. Tho trail all tho way is good. I should not ultimately hold a respett-
Thero aro no steep pitches that
cannot bo climbed. It Is a steady
pull all tho way from Suttles lako
to Squaro lako with the exception of
tho last mile. On tho main trail
thero Is a slgu "Salt Ground No.
144." Just before reachinc this sign
thero is a trail which turns to
tho right. By following this tribu
tary ono will find no difficulty In
reaching Squaro lako.
Squaro lake covers no moro than
40 acres of territory It is protect
ed on ono sldo by high hills, heavy
brush, tulles and timber. Tho wnter
Is clear and not too cold. Tho shore
lino extends out so mo Httlo distance
when It breaks abruptly. It Is at
theso Jump places that tho finny
beauties rainbows, dollies and red
sides lurk at the invitation of the
"red upright," "professor" nnd
"royal coachman." The trout taken
from tho lako dlo a gamo death.
They do not give up. They die
Teforo they elvo up. They aro not
whoppers, so to speak, but they aro
Just right to glvo the sportsman all
he can handlo on tho average fly
rod. Whon thoy hit they hit hard
and keep up tho fight until they
are landed In tho not.
Tho lake is surrounded by a va
riety of bushes, all of which have
a rich, green color. Thero is a
heavy growth of undorbrush nnd
able place on our menus.
Owner of Common Monarel Flock
Will Soon Apologize for Its Exist
ence Keep Pure-Dreds.
(Prepared by tho United mates Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
It will not ho long before tho owner
of u common mongrel flock will apolo
gise for Its existence. This Is tho opin
ion of the poultry-extension worker of
tho United States department of agri
culture who is n leader In tho cam
paign fur more nnd better poultry on
farms In south and southwestern Ar
kansas. In many parts of Arkansas
the Importance of better poultry and
more efficient management Is helttg
recognized by progressive business
men, commercial organizations, bank
ers nnd others nnd they nro active In
their moral and lluanclal support In
co-operntlng with the government and
atnte extension forces In their efforts
M convince the farmer that standard
bred poultry properly managed Is n
paying Industry, and that the old
barnyard mongrel hen must get out
of the way for standard-bred, uniform
The county agent of Drew county
has placed W) pens of ono male nnd
four females each of pure-bred Bar
red Plymouth Itnck and Khode Island
Beds on 60 farms. In charge of a boy
nnd girl poultry-club member. The
Montlcellu Chamber of Commerce nnd
the banks of Montlcello have advanced
the money to purchase these pure
bred fowls and hnvo nsslsted In their
distribution. In uddltlon to the 60
pens of chickens, over 100 sitting"
of pure-bred hatching eggs have been
secured foi the club boys and girls.
The farm nud home demonstration
Representing tho U. S. geological
survey, which Is work I us In cooper
ation with tho stnto In the appraise
ment of lunds rolatlvo to tholr pos
sibilities for oil development, John
IP. Buwalda was in Bend Monday,
and loft Tuesday for Klamath Fulls,
making his stay In this section brief,
as tho formation does not indicate
tho presenco of oil.
From Klamath Fulls ho will go
through tho Iloguo river and tho
Wlllamctto river valleys, planning
to start Immediately afterward for
Harney county whero ho considers
oil Indications aro tho best in tho
On his arrival here, Mr. Buwalda
had already been through Hood
River, Wasco, Bakor, Crook and
Jefferson counties.
fc pWLjfcSjdCniK rPF
K """BBbs- c
ffil&HRw8m iilffl H
'"SlPSi M,..m!mlll
Toepvfdbati. tUyr4ttnt, S$ffijw HHiL'r .... I 1 ,l I Hfflh WOKm UxlV
Aanaom puni ana half- HaaHFiaBHaH I ill liHHn Wit lUrlur r.riMini
that tlatuf, practical pounJ aBBBFSsLlll IIIIn . llllll!!llll!lll!!UIMn1!!IIlilMM T.k.ecnC.
cryttat humidor iWift PWIWvi T aVM l!l'l!lll!llll!!llllfl!l!ll!lllil!!UHMllL.
p fA tobacco In inch ...ffiTlSWjfci.lilllUaliMWIliML
ptttuct condition. gttVl'!lmSumwfrwFJTlKKlKk
,b p " rtuT it
VBbrtoLmZL . i X
9bb h4 JB'
flush up to Princo Albert to product) moro smoko
happiness than you ever before collected I P. A.'s built to
fit your smokcappctito liko kids fit your hands I It has tho
jimdandicst flavor and coolness nnd fragrance you ever ran
against I
Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want
to find out tho double-quickest thing you do next. And, put
it down how you could smoko P. A. for hours without
tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process
cuts out bito and parch.
Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy
pipe or the papers every onco and a while. And, puff to
beat tho cards 1 Without a comebackl Why, P. A. is so
good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smokcl
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
To muko available hotter facili
ties for entertaining summer guests
at Odell lake, Jerry Hoyt has or
dered six largo rowboats and four
detachable motors to bo used In
connection with them. Tho now
equipment, of which tho boats wore
built In Bund, were shlppud out
to tho lako by W. C. Blrdsall.
Such Is Life.
Ttlrh mnn, twin-six Poor man, six
twins," Is the way the Everett Herald
pllOt i
Ho Prepared for Vm-iillou UN.
Change of food nnd water some
times causes Indigestion that loads
to nick headuclum, bllloiiMiietM, bloat
ing, sour stomach, gas. bud breath
and coated tongue. Foley's Cath- i
nrtlo Tablets should bo (it every
traveler's grip Thoy net without
pain, griping or nausea. Thoy am
u fine nnd wholesome physic Hold
ovory whero. Ad v
A Common Mongrel Flock An Owner
Will Take Greater Pride and Get
Better Profits From a Qood Flock
of Uniform Birds,
agents of Ahhley. L'nlon and Desha
counties are busy with poultry-club
work on farms nod In the urganlzn
Hon of poultry clubs. In each of tliesa
comities an effort Is being made to
double lust year's poultry-club enroll
ments. 3n March 12 tho Southwestern Ar
kansas Poultry association was organ
ized at Magnolia with 18 charter mem
hers. It Is reported that practically
every business man In the town will
become a member and lend his Influ
ence nnd Ktipport for moro and better
poultry. Plan have been made to hold
tho state poultry show at Magnolia
November 125 to 28, whvro the finest
aristocrats of tho barnyard will be
on display competing for tho coveted
American Poultry association gold
medul offered to only ono association
In each state.
The Car
Lasts Longer
because Zerolene
meets with scientific
accuracy the lubrica
tion needs of the car.
It is refined from se
lected California crude
oil. Deposits least car
bon. Get a Correct
Lubrication Chart for
your car.
Especially In Suburbs of Large Cities
Families Should Keep Small
Flocks cf Hens.
(Prepared by tho United Btntes Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
When conditions render It feasible
small flocks of poultry should ho kept
by families In villages, towns nnd es
pecially In tho suburbs of largo cities.
The need for this extension of poultry
raising Is particularly great where con
sumption exceeds production, as in tho
northeastern states. Through utiliza
tion of tablo wuste, scraps and other
refuse ns poultry feed much whole
Komo food in tho form of eggs nnd
poultry for home uso may he produced
nt relatively low cost.
Did you not say that you would never go through next
winter without having a new stove or range?
' If your range has been giving you trouble, come
in and let us talk over with you .'
The. Colonial Range
or The Opal Range
These Ranges are Oregon produces. J And about a
heater for winter! You want fuel savers and heat givers.
We carry a full and complete line.
Fall is a good time to begin your painting, or finish where
you left off this spring.
and be sure you do
Paint always with
Comb, Face and Wattles Should Do
. Bright Red Eyes Bright
and Prominent.
(Prepared by the United fltatcs Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Fowls for breeding purposes should
bo strong, healthy, vigorous birds. Tho
comb, face unci wattles should bo of u
bright red color, eyes bright unci fairly
prominent, lii'ttd comparatively broad
urnf short und not long or crow-shape d,
legs set Veil upart and straight, plum
age clean and smooth.
Acme Quality Paints
Bend Hardware Company