The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    IIKNI) 1IUMJCTI.Y, IIHNM, OKKOOlf. Tlli;il81AV, AL'qUHT 7, ll
t'AOK ft
Wiiltur Taylor, formally of Hantl
oniua In yoatouluy from Wot!irly,
In 1 1 it luir rounly, for tt ahuil vIhII,
i Mr. Taylor may return hero to
nod lu on an Irrigated Turin.
N. II. (lllliorl nniioiiiiooH tliul ho
lina IiiukihI tliti rooina In the Blutw
liullilltu: at tlio cornor of jlonil ami
OlOKOIl lllldOlM (111(1 will optm tlio
Gilbert Kiirnlliiro aluio on or about
Annual 0. Mr. Glllnul linn noVurul
ciuh of furnlluro tin route to I loud.
):. 1'. Joch mill family roltirnml
liiht night from a aovornl wcolta
motor (rip to varloux Omgou coital
Mr. ami Mm. C. II. HuiIhoii loft
hint rilght for I'ortlaml.
(,'A. M. 1'rliiKlo wont to Portland
liiht night on u iinvornl duya bual
- ih'mm vIkII.
. (J, K. Hliupliurd of Portland, who
Is iiMNOclalod with thu Huron Tlui
hor company, arrived In llund (IiIn
morning. In company with (J. V.
flllvla, ho will go (o Klamath Full
Mr. anil Mr. It. O. Andrtis,
farmni'rt of (ho Clovnrdulo district,
nro In llond today doing aomo
f (rndliiK.
Uarlnton William, prominent htia
Inoaa man of Thu Dully, whh In
Jlond today on IiIh way to Crnlor
It. A. Hnow of (ho forest aorvlc.
formnrly with Ihu A. K. I'., Ufl laat
nlKht for Camp LhwIh for xiirgloul
4 trmitinmit.
O. M. Uyrim of Culver wna n bual
noiHi vloltor In thu ally yoatonUy.
K. II. Dun of TIih liavlln-lltxnu
CompHiiy arrlvwl thin morning for
a bualuoaa vlalL
Mint Horn Kly of 1m IMno waa a
vlMKor In Hand InmC night.
Mr. and Mr. J. (lutllitlacli or
Jlrothum am vlwltliift In Ihu city
Mr. and Mm. I). II. Htunrt on inn
In yontorday nfttminon from tliulr
ranch at Fife, and nro remaining
In lliind for n few daya before go
ing on to l'ordand.
William Broil and Ilornrn Tim
mormnn of Itmlmnud apenl Inal
nlKht In llund.
Foroal Hanger W. O. llarrlman
waa In from Fori Hock today to
' report at l)oohutoi national forotil
haadqunrtura horn.
CharlM W. Kraklno roturuml to
llMiid Ihla morning from a abort
visit In rortlaml with roluttvoa.
It. A. DuMelit of 1'ortlamt ha arv
rived In Mnnd to lako tln pociMoM
Uf freight OMiilvr left vacant by Ifau.
rHliintlon of N. 0. Davla, who
baouinaM K"iMrnl agent at Priunvllle.
Mr. DufHeM'H family will itrrlrM In
thu ally latar.
MIim Anna Tat will lav toward
tha ond of (ha month for Jtttl.
whora alio hint nrcoptwl a poaltlun
11H an Inatruotor In thu JWaltla city
Mr. aad Mrs. Frtiiik I.. Kutp und
' Ilolmit Illaokuoll tmve relumed to
Hand from an nu(o (rip to I'ortland
and count pnlnta.
Itay It. Cunlerbury. formerly busl
niHM manager for (ho llund Timber
workora' union, won In (Iih city laHt
nlftlit (o attbiid a mmitlnK of (ho
looal. ThU inoinlnK bo wna oallud
(o Portland, and In oxpoctad (o ho
Imgk lu Itond ThurHday,
II. It. Sinond, for (ho pitat two
yoArn waruhmiHo fornman at (ho
frulKht dupot, limvuu (ho railroad
omploy (omorrow, and wilt uukuko
In (ho dairy ImihIiiuhh.
Dlvlulon nupurlnlondunt H. 0.
Wok'nor of (ho OroKou Trunk und
family aro npoiidliiu tlio wouk at
Oilcll lako.
Anion 1'onBon, uopliow of I. I),
rox of (IiIh city, will arrlvo at
Camp I.qwIh with a company of thu
A th otiKluuurH for dlHchai'KO. Ho
will couio (o llund Immodlnddy
Mih. J. Nuwhy arrivod homo Bun
day availing from 11 trip (0 Ilrltluh
Tlio J.ihIIoh' guild o't tlio l'roaliy
tnrlan cluiidh will incut at thu homo
of Mm. W. A. (Jrunt, 141S Woat
Bocond Htroot, Wodnunday at 2(30.
Mm. It. J. Todd ruturnod to Iluml
Inst nlKht from 11 trip to Tualatin.
K. M. Thompson and II. 0. Kurrla
aro motorliiK to Portland today.
Itov. F. A, ComollUHHon, puBtor
of tlio Scandinavian Lutlioran
church, will louvo for Portland to
morrow for n Hhort hiiHlnoHii trip.
Mrs. Uoyd IiiKrain of Hlllnboni 1,h
1 n kuoat at thu homo of hor duugli-
tor, Mm. Nuttlo Kotznmn, Qf Hoiul.
I Charles -KrHklije. pturnail this
, mornliiK from a brlof WuIiiohh trip
l,to Portland,
Harry K. Urooku roturnod this
wornlng-from Swittlo. utter .i&Jbort..
vImII with Mm. lliooltH iiml hod, who
nro NjinudliiK (ho tiummor moniha
niMr Kgaltlu.
MfM. J. II. Corbiill nrrlvuil thlH
niarulni; to vIhII for a few wuuka.
Mm. (lorbott wan formally Ml
Iflvnlyii lloillunl.
II 1-3, Alluu In HpondliiK a few
tlayn with IiIh family at 1IuIIiii;'h
ranch 011 tlio Motolluii.
Harry Kulunold loft IiihI nlclil
for Portliind.
II. J. Powor loft lant nlisht on
ItiiHlnoHH for Portland.
Porry Polndoxtor of Prlnovlllo la
lu llonil (oday on bunlnoHii.
Minn DalNy Cartor, or (ho J. C.
Pounoy Co., In vInKIiii; with rulu
IIvok lu Prluovlllo.
Jimmy Clifford, who onllKtod lu
tlio navy fiom llnd In tlio Hiimuior
or 1U17, bun Hiturnm! to tlio city,
hnvltiK roculvml IiIh dUcharKo from
(ho Hurvlco. Ho will ho omployod
In (ho ofllcoH of Thu Hhovllu-lllxoti
lMwaid Lyoiiii In lu Portland thin
wook on bilrtlnofm,
P. J. Htovor and Dolliort Crnln of
Prluovlllo worn lu llund ovor tlio
WHiik nnd.
ThomiiH HUH of Fort Jtook Ih lu
tint oily today on hiiHluoiM.
MImm Murcarot Tliomptiou hna ro
turnod to llund from a (rip lo
Cnitnr Lako.
Mr. and Mm. Janon Modru woro
lu llond hint ulltlit from Huminur
lako, whoro Mr. Monro Ih dlrocllriK
(ho coiiKtructlon of a tcml ovup
omttiiK plant.
C. A. Hhophrd of Poittand, rup
nwnntluK InloroMtK backlnx tlio do
votopinont of Kummur hako, whh In
llund today on IiIh way to thu lako
whoro ho will ramaln for tha noxt
two WHoka. Kmnk K. Smith, Port
land liiHiininco mun, aqaompanlml
Mr. and Mm. CuorKO Jnhimou.
and datiRhtor, Mia l.uollhu of I)u
fur, Oroiion, wuro In Uond yotor
day on tbolr wuy to (ho Mm(o1Ium
und SuttloH laku.
Dr. and Mm. W. J. Thorn ol
Hllvar Lako, aro vlaitom In tlio
II. H. Dmt tuturnod (IiIh mornlui:
fnini n IiuhIuoiw trip to Portland.
Mini Marnarot Hchrmlur Iiiih ro
turnod to llund nftor 11 wook'n vu
oAtlon tiponl In Portland.
llarloy () Ilnguo arrivod In tho
city Inut nlKht nnd loft (bin tunin
Iih: for IiIh ranoh nuur Ilruthom.
Mr. Hokiio has boon In Portland on
a abort bualniwa visit.
K. J.'Cutlow Iirm raturnail from
a (minluy trip Into Harnoy oouuty.
Mr. Catlow mjiorta tUnt cattlo are
looking wall for tttlv tlma of Ilia
year, but that nn unuaually dry
naaaan may bring bad ramilta for
tha mock man.
(J.oriiu HunlluKtou, Curray, odl
tor mid owner of tho Mulhaur Itu
tarprlHo, accomrwnlod by Mm. Cur
roy, iiHioolalu mlltor, arrivod In
llund (IiIh mornliiK by auto from
Vnlo on tbolr wuy to Portland.
PrufoKHor L. A. Hapbitrn, lnntruo
tor or daucliiR tit U. S. army poxta
nnd naval Htatloim, arrived lu Ham)
today nnd may mart cIiiwhm huro
In (ho near futuro.
'l)anton 0. Uurdlck of Ilcdmond
whh In llund lant iiIkIU.
(I. M. Commit drovo to llund from
Prluovlllo laat night.
C. Olton of Hllvor I.uko la In tho
city traiiHiictlntf bUHlnoioi.
Mm. Hmuiu McNamara, accom
pnntcd by hor uona Hobail nnd
Archlu, arrivod In llond thla morn
Iuk from Honiiom Furry, Idaho,
called horo by tho Horloun HIiickh
or hor, hUHband, Mlku McNamara.
Claudu Kolloy and MIbh Mildred
Stookoy will bo married in llund
at r o'clock tomorrow aftornoon.
Tho woddliiK will bo a church coro
mony, nnd (ho nowly married couplo
will inako their homo In thin city.
J, P. Knyoa ruTiiruoa thtu morn
lui: from Tucomu, Wuah., whoro ho
attended u luinbermou'H convention.
Anuouncomniu wna mudu today of
tho marrlago of MUa Hmmn Dakur
and Wurron Pomuroy, both of tiila
MIbh Lillian Van Motor o( Hod
mnnd lu visiting ovor tho wook ond
with Mlua Kllzabuth Pugh of thla
city. ,
MlH9 Ozqjui fjrdwuy la in from
llodmond to apond a fow daya with
hor brother, Halo Ordwuy of llond,
Mr, mid Mrs. Hay Mots roturnod
to llond yoHtorduy nftornoon from
a visit to Maintop and coast points.
City School Superintendent S. W.
Mooro mid Mm, Alooro have gone
to Portland by auto by way of tho
WViLWXMM., ...... .
Kco riirt'ilvod 'in tho county
clork'11 offtcu In thrf ,monlh of July
mounted to UpMCt
Mm. Vornoil A. Korhoa will ro
turti tomorrow from 11 moiith'ii vllt
lu I'm Hand.
Mm. .1. 1). Joiioviiii and Mm. U.
W. HoiidorBlKHl oiitortnliii'd at tho
formor'ii homo yoatordny aftrfriirton.
County CUrnmlMlotior Halli
Xtookoy wan In town on liualnowf
today. , '
And Houiilon went to Portland
'iiHt ulr.hl.
1). ,11. PuoplM wjilt to Prluovlllo
on bunluota thin- mornliw;.
Hhorirt H. U. Hoberla Ih out of
town today on huluoH,
Mr. nnd Mm. Ij. O. McltoynoldB
nro npondlng tbolr vacation on nn
automobllo trip to tho boncliOH,
ColumbiiH It. JobnHon Ih lu town
(oday from Prluovlllo.
Mr. und Mm, U. I). Wolat hovo
roturnod from an uuto trip through
tho Wlllnmutto vulloy. Whllo uwuy
thoy vUltod Crater lako mid alno
utteudud tho mcctliiK of tho Proab--torlnn
nynod ut Kiikciio.
Mr. nnd Mm. Al Kdwarda nnd
Mr. nnd Mm. It. II. Blnto roturnod
Inst night from n four-'dny trip to
Crnno pralrlo and Klk lake. Thoy
report nn uuiiRtinlly good outch of
Chorion Ij. Illnmun of Ilruthom
wn lu town on ntiHliioa yoatsnlay.
Mr. and Mm. J. J. Wilt woro
ovor from SiHtum luat night to at
tend tho UlOVlOH.
I)nn Holalng, of tha Midway
ranch, In lu town today.
Hurry J. Funko linn returned
nf(or a vlnjt In M ml ford nnd Ta
comn. Mm. It. W. Snwyor and dnughtor
loft lant night for a wuok'a vInII lu
Mr. and Mm. Frank It. Prlnoe
and family returned thin morning
from a vacation apont at Seaside.
John Dubuln, vnglnour In chnrgo
of work on tho Walker llanln Irri
gation projoct at I.a Pino, wna In
town yesterday. Mm. Dubuln accom
panied him.
Hanry N. Fowlor loft yoatordny
for a trip lo Summer and Abort
InkoH. ''
T. I.. Collier roturnod lant night
from Khtniuth Falls. Hu roportn
(hut n Eorloua.flro dentroyed a half
block of buHlnoHH proporty Tucndny
night and that 0110 man lost his
Ufa In tho bluzo.
fllxtoeii frlendn or Jack Snod
gruta nurprincd him at his homo on
Morton Htroot laat night, apndlng n
very pleunaut ovonlng.
Ponding further noKotlatlona bo
Iweun tha mill opamtora nnd mam
bom of the TlmboTworkera' looal,
laadsrH of the movement to nwure
nn utidnrMiuent of the now wage
w1q propared by the union are un
ablo (o give out any stntomont ro
gnrdlug tho HtotUH of tha looal mill
labor situation. Thla wna tho doo
lanillou lant nlht of Harney Han
son, union organlzor, Juki before
hla departure from Ilend for n abort
biiHliiBria trip.
Put it in Tin: miM.irrix."
We show an attractive line of Ging
hams suitable for Children's School
Dresses, Prices listed here hold
good so long as our supply lasts.
Kendall Ginghams, $' Qr
27-in. plaids, yard ., IML
Amoskcag Utility Gingham, OQc
plain and fancies..... Jy
FoilduNord, 9
best made, fancy plaids ..: -....'-'a-'
When It's Ginghams
We Strive to Please.
. '.. h,
, j
rv i
Himvirjij mi:. Hirr oatk ok ui
'Xi(l(f()l) MUSIC AND I'I!A
InvKiftlonn will be out by noxt
Tudtfday' for th flrat dancing party
to bo glvon by Parcy A. HtovotiH
pout, Amoilcan Loglon, on tho ovon
lug of AugiiNt 20. Tho affair wnH
flrat aot for oarllor lu tho month,
but tho fact that many in thu city
would bo nttendlm; tho Klkn' con
vention In Klamath FuIIh cnuncd
tho dato to b pontponod,
Prepurallona ar bolng mndu by
tho commlttuo In charge for ono of
tho largonl crowdH ovor gathered In
tha Ilend Amateur Athletic club
gyrnnunliim. Decorations will ba
olaborato and In keeping with tho
nplrlt of the Rorvlco men'a organiza
tion. Kxrollunt iiiuolc ban been no
cured, the orchuatru to bo In churgo
of Wllnon Ooorge, who In altso bo
Ing countod on for aovoral, vocal
npeclnltlofl during tho ovonlng.
Preceding (be dancing, Anhloy
Forrest will aoiind a number of
buglo culln, and novoral foaturoa
which havi not aa yet been given
lout by tho committee will come bo-
(wcen number. Supper will bo
uorvod lalor In the evening.
William P. N'elaon, aged 2C yearn,
died In thin city Monday aftor a
Have you given
that gift to the
New Baby?
Baby Coat Hangers
Baby Sets, including
, brush, comb, talcum
powder box
Baby Hot WatetBags
Baby Celluloid Rattle
Baby Celluloid Teething
i Rings.
All of these novelties
are hand painted In
pink and blue. Some
thing Very new.
Cic Hallmark, Store
At tlio Sljrn of tho Blc Clock
;, ' Never Was Knitting
' More Popular
Lnst winter women thought only of the ilhtinp
men, nnd, for them, learned to knit.
Tliut knowledge is now used to personal advant
age, and sweaters, scarf's, tarns and hug-mc-tights,
hahy bootees and saeciues, vests and muillers, arc so
tremendously popular that it behooves every woman
to interest herself in knitting.
Our stock ot Minerva Yarns is complete in color
ranges. The Quality Worsted Yarn is wound on the
logical ball, unexcelled for softness.
Minerva Knitting Y'arn. at 55c ball
Minerva Heatherdown, at 55c ball
Minerva Saxony, at 80e ball
New Lerner" Waists
A beautiful line of Georgette and Crepe de Chine
Waists just in by express frcm Ntw York:
S5.05, 0.50, 0.75, 0.!)5, 7.50, 7.75, 8.75, 9.50, 10.75.
New Silks
New printed Georgette Crepe, 40 inches wide,
per yard $8.75. and $3.95
New Vestings, beautiful colorings, 24 inches
wide, per yard ...$8.05
:j:j-incli genuine Pongee Silk, at an exceedingly
low price, per yard $ -$1.05
. . "!
Stop ant3
Quality Pioneer since 1911
lonK Illness with pulmonary tuber
cuIopIk. Ha had como to Bend from
Carlton, OroKon, for his health only
a month and 12 dnys aso. Ills wlfo
survives him. Tlio fathor, Nola
Nelton, loft last night, accompany
ing tho body to Carlton for burial.
Copy of Ulster Gazette, Glln Ac
count of Dentil of Washington In
l'isseslon of Olrs. M Inter.
Of graat intorog$ from an hlstor
loal standpoint la a copy ot tho
Ulstor Gazette, ot tho dato of Jan
uary 4. 1S00, owned by Mrs. It. P.
Mlntor of this city', In which tho
account ot tho doath ot Course
Washington, the month beforo, la
published. Tho paper Is a four
page, four column' odltlon nnd Is
yollow with ago, but Is still easily
loglblo, tho typo f:iaa dlirorlng but
llttlo from those li uso at the pres
ent day.
Even at that early dato tho nows
pnpcr'a vuluo us un advertising
was recognized, nnd ono nnnounco
mont was oven mado ot tho salo ot
n slave.
Klghteeu Djijs Heeordcd as Clear
July !, with 01) Degrees, Hot
test Day of tho Season.
Eighteen cloar days, 11 partly
cloudy, and two n which tho pre
vailing chnractor ot tho day was
cloudy, woro recorded during tho
month Just past at tho cooporatlvo
meteorological station In Bend, Huln
toll on throo days, and tho total
precipitation was .35 of nn Inch,
although a much largor rainfall In
sonio ot the othor districts of Con
tra! Oregon was measured.
Tho hottest day ot tho month
cumo on July 0, with 99 degieos,
and tho coldest night was
7, with 31 degroes. Tho
range ot temperature, 58
on July
was on July 9.
The hoavlost precipitation for th
month wua on July 23. when .23 o
an inch wua recorded.
lit X
Q,&Q0 &O90'
,W f
Stop at
Life In Bagdad.
At ono period Itasdad Imd n popula
tion of two millions. Tqijnjr. It 1ms
dwindled to fvo hundred and twenty
jQvp thousand. Tlio desert rolls almost
up to the walls of the city, for the
elaborate system of cnnnls which ren
derwl tho Inml mpablo of Kiipportln
n teeminj iHpu!atIon has been neg
lected. WHAT EVERY
with delicate but fra
grant perfume, one. that
defies perspiration, one
that 'clings to the skin,
one that stays on until
washed off.
Liquid Complexion Pow
der will do this.
Announcement !
Harold Bell Wright's
latest book,
"The Re-Creation of
Brian Kent"
will be oa tale, beginning1 Aug
ust 21. Place your order now,
i i