The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 24, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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.All PomIWo Hltci Will Ho IHiknl
Into If (U'lihiiin Kiillw In Nut
Hatlufnclnt-y IjiihI I'Iciihcn
IVnfoHiir O. C'mI'
Investigations by thn party or
Kovoriimont goohntliitH uiul nnglnoorn
who arrlvml In llond on Friday will
not lio confined to Nenluiin Fall mn
11 storage reservoir nlto for confln
lllR till) (IVcrflOW Of till) IH'KCllUtVM
for tlio Irrigation of I ho thousands
of acres of now arid laud In tint
Deschutes valley, wo tint statement
on Friday of Amlrow J. Wiley, n
member of tho party. Tlio govern
ment export, lio mild, hnvo rncolvod
Ooflnltn liiHtrtictloriH from Wushlng.
ton to oxhnust nil ponalbllltlns for
utoriiRit purposes, ami other altos
'vllt Ihi thorouRlily looked Into In
cntxj tlio land al llonhnm Falls In
not' foupd suitable.
"It la 0110 of tlio finest liodlim
of lund for Irrigation Hint I Imvo
over noon, and I shall lio Kind to
tin anything In my power to brine
water to It," wrnt tlio statement of
1'rofoHNor W. O. Crosby of Hoxton,
who heads tho party.
KiprrtN of HIkIi Htnndlnft-,
Tho government exports woro
tnol Friday afternoon nl Gateway
liy niitON from MndrnM, nnd taken
to that city for supper, afterward
being brotiKht to Kcdmoud.
From thuro they accompanied the
llund dolcgntlon, coming in cars
furnished by M. A. Lynch of Red
mond nnd Mayor J. A, Knstos of
lliind. On Saturday they mi out
on their first trip to tho Ilenham
Falls alto, which will bo under In
I'rofossor Crosby, tho cliluf geol
ogist of thu party, wiim formurly n
member of tho faculty of tho Mnssiw
chUMottn Institute of Technology,
and in now chiefly engaged In orig
inal roHonrch work and linn boon on
Koologlcnl Investigations In conncc
tlon with lnrxo engineering projects
in the Unltud HtatcH, Mexico, Alaska
nnd Kpuln. Ho lo tho author of
many worka and pnpor dealing with
godldgy, mlnerology n'tul petrology.
f V.niiUivt'V Hun Long Hocpnl.
Andrew J. Wiley, lit churgo ottlio
engineering work, wiim assistant con
Hlrtiftlon engineer of tho U. P. rail
road ut Uutto, Montana, from 1880
to 1888, chlnf assistant engineer of
tho Idaho Mining nnd Irrigation
Co, on tlio conatructlon of n largo
(Continued on I'ago 8.)
Just na Hoou as ho has cleared up
Homo of tho rosldoncos which ho
now linn under conatructlon, Thopaa'
Curufol will comnionco tho orectlon
qt " modern' brick and stone ipart
inont lIiouh6, tlm' cost Of which, it
wnBWTglveii out yestorduy, fwlU
l)6jbput $32,000 Tho proposed
MtVuWjro will bo two storios, will
huvV eight apartments on the main
floor and olght on tho sooond 'floor.'
In Rpoakhiig of tho proponed npart
jnont - Iiouho building, Mr, Carutel
Httld: "It Ih Intoiidod to lmgln tho
orectlon of thin building na booh na
liOHHlblo thin your.' It will bo thor
oughly 'modern In ovory respect nnd
will linvo nil tho nttmotlvo foivtures
of it modern olty npurtmunt, Tho
ljulldliig will bo divided Into two
nnd throo room upiutm6ntHr each of
which will bo oqulppod with l tho
modern hullt-ln effects, oloctrfo
rango und hoatod with atonm, Thoro
will bo 10 apart montH In nil, Evory
i "the challenge ' '" -
13. W., L. & P. CO. READY
Camp IMnMUIicil 011 Tumnlo ('rt''k
m I'oitor Dovclopnirnt 'n Ho
Ktiirtcil itt Onro In (' of
Approval of Contrurt.
To pruparo for tho atarllng of
Immctllato . construction work on
tlio nuw power unit In c4i tho
agreement between tho atato and
tho Hand Water, Light & Power Co.,
In upprovod by eaatern ofllclala of
tlm company', a party of men ia n't
work on Tumnlo crook today catab
llnhlng a camp, erecting bunk
houMca nnd u cook shuck and tak
ing enro of nil ncceaary prellml
narlcn. In cano tho contract ahould
bo not approrcd the work will be
lout, Manager T. II. Foley states,
but ho la taking tho chance ao
that thoro will bo no uunccoaaury
delay In cao It la doclded to pro
coed With tho work,
To Tni Old Ditch.
Tho conatructlon, na contomplntcd
In tho aurvoya already made, will
bo of n alnglu unit which will do
volop 1G00 homo power. Tho coat
of thin haa not boon definitely de
termined, Mr. Foley Hnya, Water
will bo obtained by draining tho
old Columbia Southern ditch, using
4000 feet of 40 Inch plpo for this
purpose, returning thu water to
tho creek nfter It has passed
through tho plant, Tho second unit,
which' would bo constructed tutor,
would bo a abort distance furthor
down tho creek, nnd would ugaln
mnko uso of tho water,, developing
tho Hamo nniount of horso powor aa
tho first miction of tho plant, lloth
unlta 1110 plaunad to uhq tho mtn-
(Continued on Pago S.)
dotal! will rocolvo tho m'6&t,C)roful
consideration, na I shall ',6a tho
butldor mysolf. Tho Kr!&4$Khqn
eolectod, will bo mndboa'ttful.
"Much doponda on tUo'riildlty
wlt'li which I can finish tlje jobs I
lnjyo on hand whon I annll bo'v'ble
to commonca work, but liik.pueh
Is Wrtnln; I hnvo doflnltoly detor
nilne'd 'to glvo Rend n. thoroughly
modern npnrtmont liouso."'
Mr. Curufol canio to n?nd'"f rom
Uurdotto, Mlnnosotn, thruo yonra
ngo nnd alnco ho hua baVtt'horo ho
liuV eractod 21 realdeneca n vari
ous parts or tho city and now hna
nine rosldoncos to bo1 built thla
Bummer, f
In ordor to fncllltuto'niofo Vnpld vnt Ion nnd lower coata In han
dling oxcavutliiR work, Mr, Curufol
has Just purclmood a now nlr com
pressor drill, which ho will employ
In local work na soon us it arrives,
Load of Nitrates
Carried on Truck
Suddenly Ignites
After being Jolted over HO
miles of country roads, a load
of nitrate crystals taken from -
tho dry bed of Stinking lake,
In Harney county, and being
brought to liond by Guy H.
Wilson on, his truck for tho
Oregon Nitrate Co., Ignited -
apontaneouHly Monday uftor-
noon Juat an tho truck wan
entering Uond.
"Vou'ro on flro," ca,mo a
cry from tho aide of tho street
as tho big motor truck passed, -
- nnd turning,. Mr. Wilson auw
it dunsu cloud pf amoko rising --
from tho sacked nitrates. To -
find out tho origin of the fire,
- ho started to lift oft tho top
sacks, but a mass of flame nhot
- up na the nlr supply waa In- -
creasod by this net, Krentu-
ally tho flro was put out, but
not before half of tho nitrates
- had boon consumed, as well
nun quantity of betj,dihg'elnt4'-
carried on tho truckV "
Mr. Wilson had et'Bon
- amoklng during tho top, and
: declares thoro waa rie. chance
for any of tho chumlcats to bo
Ignited from any outside ---
To consider tho extension' to Do
schutos county of tho bnnkor
furmer cooporatlvo movemont, bnuk-
eru front llond und Hedmond mot
lust night at tho Invitation of tho
First National Uank of llond with
representative farmora from Uond,
Tumulo, Oeschutoa and Lower
lirldgo. Following n discussion of
tho plan, tt was votod to lnaugurato
tho movemont by a "bankor-farmor
mixer," to bo hold ut Tumulo early
In September.
At thla mooting It ia hoped, to
hnvo prosont promlnout Bpoukora
from other purta of tho northwest
who cjn dlBcuaa thoprobloma ot tho
(armor 'nnd pnvo tlo way to closer
cooporatlon botwoon him and his
bnnkor frlonds, Tho occasion will
nlsa sorvo as an oppprtuulty for tho
fttriuors from dtlTorent soctloua to
moot und discuss their work nnd
bucamo hotter acquainted with onch
Qouorul nrrungontonta for tho
mlxor nro to .bo In tho hnuils ot
O.'S. Hudson of Uond, Quy Dobson
of Redmond, Qub Stndlg ot Lower
lirldgo, Frank Uuughmnn ot Do-
sohutos nnd J. A. Molvln ,of llond,
A comtnlttoo from Tumulo will
hnvo ohnrso pt urrunsomonta for
. J A
Tumut'llne Full Hliccp AMcIa.
tlon HnndlcH More Tlmn IOOO
lfcatl Cooperative IUiik-
Ufi In KuccCHhful.
Contrary to tho belief .held by
many range experts that cooperative
grating Is not practicable, the Turn
alo-Cllne Falls Sheep anao'clatlon
thla year la exporicuclng unexpected
success In ranging more than 1000
head of ahcep on the Deschutes
national, forest.
llccause this association has
chosen ono strain of sheep, all of
similar hablta of shelter and food,
It has been made possiblo to collect
U -'UiGfc alioep., or.tha association
undorVone range managor. It Is
exeitel,iewlng to tho .successful
range year, that tho Tumalo-Cllno
Falls Shcop association will have
fully 1000 mutton lambs for tho
market thla year.
At a meeting last Wednesday
the exocutlvo comtnlttoo ot the asso
clntlotLtadopjed Its rules and regula
tions, wnerony provision is mauo
for tho purchnBO ot puro bred bucks
during tho summer months, tho em
ployment of head herdors, any or
all ot whom must own sheep and
be mqmbors of tho association, tho
mniketlng of wool nnd lambs, co
operative bargaining between tho as-
8oclutlon nnd tho forest service und
tho management of all business of
tho association. Tho president, secretary-treasurer
und n mombor of
tho executive committee, throo sbeop
owners, comprlso tho oxecutlvo com.
mlttco. ,
Small Owner Hclpetl.
Through tho perfection ot this
association, tho owner ot a small
bond of sheep will hnvo equal ad
vantages on tho roivgo with tho
largor ahcep borders and will ox
purlenco uniformity in management,
each sharing pro rata tho overhead
This summer 1049 hoad of sheep
ura being taken caro ot undor tho
association, Thla year provision Is
being mado for tho purchaso ot 30
puro bred Hampshire bucks tor
about IOOO! puro. bred Ilamboulllot
owes. Tho association will collect
ivoly purchase those bucks. It is
tho iutontlon of tho association to
solid a mombor'-to tho Salt Lako
rnm snlo, August 2G to 28, Inclusive,
Tho officers of tho Tumalo-Cllne
Falls Snoop association nro: John
Marsh, president; C. P. Docker,
Bocrotary-troasuror; A. E. Hoss,
mombor of tho oxecutlvo board.
Tho Bhcopmen In tho association
tiro John Marsh, C. P. Ileckor,
Georgo Horton, O. Vnn Tassol, J.
V. Wright, D. Helslng, C. M. El
klus, John Park and A. E. Hess,
At n Bpoclnl oloctlon hold In tho
Hooch district, last woolc, n unan
imous vote was cast In fnvor ot n
$2000 bond Issue to finance tho
building of a now school.
$1225 TO HELP
Tumnlo, Ktilmonil nnil Cranio Fairs
and J ten (I I'loucr Hhotr Included
licxl Club Wfirlcrni to Ho
Kent to Htato I-'nlr.
With tho object ot stimulating
agriculture, domestic science, horti
culture and livestock production In
tho county, the Deschutes county
court In regular session Wednes
day afternoon, mado appropriations
ot S122C for community fairs and
shows to be held this summer and
fall. Tho action was taken after
the clerk, J. II. I Inner, had sent
out notices asking that applications
for financial assistance from tho
various fair associations bo sent in,
and as a result It Is considered that
tho four donations made by the
court represent tho entlro number
of fairs to be held this year.
Tumalo Has Stock Fcuturt.
The Tumalo fair, which will have
the added feature of a livestock sec
tion, was allowed $500, and a like
sum was provided for tho annual
Redmond potato show. Ono hundred
and fifty dollars goes to the Grange
fair, and $75 to tbe Bend flower and
horticultural show. The exact dates
on which, the various exhibits will
be made are to bo announced later.
The appropriations were made on
the condition that tho money thus
furnished Is to . be used for pre
miums to prize winners, with the
further provision that no entrlp
which had drawn prlzca In prdvlo -years
could receive awards in 19 1!.
Copies ot tho prize lists, It is stipu
lated, must bo furnished to- the
court. f
Appropriations mado are "well
within the amount available, as the
county budget provides ?1000 for
this purpose, and state money for
the samo use totals $500.
Children to Set) Sttitc Fair.
Two boys and two girls who have
made tho best showing In Industrial
club work will go to Salem at the
county's expense this fall to seo the
stato fair, the court agreed lu re
sponse to a request mado by County
School Superintendent J. Alton
Thompson and Agriculturist Koons.
For this purposo $125 was appro
priated, but tho names of the for
tunato youngsters will not bo known
until shortly boforo tho opening ot
tho fair, when grading on club work
will bo completed by the Oregon
Agricultural college.
Dend is to have a Chautauqua
courso. iu 1920, Whllo guarantors
ot tho present year and tho Ellison
Whlto company, which has fur
nished talent hero over since the'ro
has been .a Chautauqua In Central
Oregon, have been at a deadlock
Blnco tho closing ot tho 1919 course,
arrangements havo virtually been
complotod with Dend business men
by Mrs, Fay M. Huntington, repre
senting tho We8t Const Chautauqua
association, it was announced Wed
nesday at tho luncheon ot tho
Dend Commercial club. In addition
to tho 28 names already secured on
tho 1920' contract, n score, more
woro added whllo Mrs. Huntington
ontortnlned tho club with sovoral
vocal selections.
Sovoral advantageous . tent urea
aro noted In tho now agreement.
Among thoso ia tho fact that tho
guarantee consists iu tho snlo ot
450 setiBon tickets at $2.75,
n saving ot approximately $100
from tho amount for which guar
antors wovo hold responsible dur
$65,000 FIRST COST
AVI II Include Construction of Oae
I'Avillon and Fixing Up Grounds
Unit System to lie Used,
Hays Mother Superior.
Contracts wore drawn up Wednes
day between the Gators of St.
Joseph, tho mother houso of which
order Is situated In Tipton, Indiana,
and Leo A. Thomas for tho prepare
Hon of plans for a Sisters' hospital
to bo located on tho 'hospital site
between Orogoav and Franklin
streets, familiarly known as the
water power site.
Mother Xavier, representing tbe
mother house, haa been in Bend for
several wcoka awaiting tho return at
Father Luke Sheehan In order to
discuss plans with him before.a
formal announcement was 'made.
Mother Xavier la accompanied.) by
Sister Agatha, who will assist ia the
plans for constraetlon.
To Use Unit Flan.
According to the toother superior,
the hospital will be erected in unit's,
tho first to be one, of three units
which will eonslit' ot two pavlliesa
and administration unit. One pa
vilion will be erected at once, the
cost ot which, together with flxlag
up grounds, yrlll total about 966,
000. Tbe structure will be Baere
than three stories, including a aub
bascment. It. wjll face ' approxi
mately north and will be oa the
crest of tho high ground. It ia
planned that the first unit will have
about 30 private room wKh wards
to mako a total ot about 60 beds.
In addition. It will contain operating
rooms, nurse quarters, surgeeaa'
private suites, laundry, heating
plant and auch other rooms as ac
company hospitals ot the type erect
ed by theso Sisters, The building
will bo equipped with olevators and
steam heat. Interior finish will be
tho latest that is now put in the
largest hospitals In tho country.
Splendid Future Seen.
In speaking Qt tho future of the
plans v for tho hospital, Motbor
Xavier stated;
"Wo feel that Uond has a splen
did futuro and, ye feel safe in go
ing ahead with . tho plans for' the
hospital. It Is planned to build tho
building In units. It is estimated
that tho first unit pt 50 beds with
other features for tho comploto ac-
(Contlnucd on pago 8.)
ing the past year, And also tho fact
that 25 per cent, ot all season
ticket sales above the guarautoe
goes to tha loot association. The
contracts, k when f ully-vBlgned up,
will, .remain In the , baada,. of ;the
guarantors until, he standing fof the
Chautauqua company can b fully
investigated,. applanation of the
contract was undo to the club by
A, Whlsnant.
A lettor frc-B) the Burns Com
mercial club asking that aeten 00
started to jrqvpn.t dlyortlng e
travol from the. ead-Duriia ;oail
over the John pay highway. It., was
referred to U9 reads committee,
nnil, to a specf!, committee otwae,
on which A. 'hlunnnt waa amd.
II. J. Qverturf spoKo on the waiter-
ot the. Tutaajo mall service, 4fi
clariHg that, tb rMet ot that
section are aNxloH ta wt, .Jibeir
mall through Uqnd late4 "ot toy
way' of DoschuU), and in rePnso
to hla remarks, the club authorized
tho. appointment ot a committee to
got action, started along thla line.