IIRND IIULLKTIN, HKND, OllKflON, THUHHDAV, JULY 17, JOIO PAGE 7 '4 i i RAIN IS BOON TO DRY LANDS BTKARV, HOAKINO DOWNPOUR VOhU)'H RIHI3 IN TEMPERA- TUiiu to im im:jiu:i:h taum- lSltH IIKNKITI' OltlJATLV. (From Thurmliiy'H Dally, , AffordliiK it welcome cIiiiiiko for tliUNii who sweltered In tlin lii'at or tho IiinI throe tlayn, ruin storied full. Iiik 'Hirly yosluriliiy inornliiK, con tlnuliiK "I tiiturviilH to today. Up (o H o'clock tit Ih inornliiK one-tenth of mi Inch hud fallen, and more ruino during tint morning mid ourly uftor noon, iniikliiK " total of ,12 by 3 o'clock thlH afternoon. Thu weather, ulthnuKli wnnii,' wu not IlHiif;rc( ulily ho, fullhii; ly ninny degrees to rniicli tlin mark set yesterday. Al though I"!, reached In mld-iiftoruoun l, on Wednesday, wiih the record for Jf'Hho your, thu mercury In tin official government thermometer coutjiiued to climb, and at K o'clock wan one of tho hottest days In thu annals of llttml, lucking Just oiio degree of 100. Uiiuccompiinlfd by any wind, thu ruin soukod stouillly Into tho ground, effectively eliminating tho dust iiuIhuiich for a day or two ut leant and puttliiK country tin well an city roiuls In butter ahupo than thoy havo been found for tho lust mouth, Rjiiulirm Itenrllt. Although latn In tho season, thu precipitation will bo or groat vuluu to ranchers, especially In tho dry farming sections, whom It muy bo i sufficient to brliiK tho buy crop to u puylug basis, utter It was consld j ered to havo been pructlcully lout us tho result of Into front und drouth. Tho open range, alno, will benefit Kruatly, for reports from tho forest Murvlco show Hint bunch grails ban been all tho wuy from two to thrmi week behind normnli Irrlgullonlst will bo spared tho troublo of applying Just that much wutur to their lund, but ul tho name Hmo tho ruin wiim not sufficiently heavy to do any dumtigu to hay al ready cut, From report gulnml durlnic tho day, ll wtt shown that tho downpour wiiii general through tho county. No forest lire were reported a a sco,uo of tho oleclrlc Htorin which preceded tho ruin, nny bluio which mlKht have started having been uulckly oxtlu-gulshfd. INFORMATION GIVEN ON COUNTY EXHIBIT DNplay at Hindi I'ulr Will Not lie IJmlfrd to Agrli'iiltum! Pred- Ui-lN, N Aiiuuiinrrd. (From Saturday's Daily.) Battling tho question regarding thu scope of tho county exhibit ut tho Htuto fulr, which nroso several weeks uko when It wiih nunounced at a Ilend Commiirclul club morllng that Deschutes county would huve an ag rlcultural display at tho Salem ex position, In ii letter to 11. K Kooiih, cuuty agriculturist, from Puul V. MurlB, county agent leader. Mr. Marl communication Indicates that there wiih no Intention or limit Int; thu county') exhibit, trlctly to agriculture, und In In part nH follows: "I huvo your letter In which you link If tho appropriation referred to in tho memorandum on fulm, covers IndUHtrlul uh well us agricultural d!s ployH. It Ih supposed to cover ull of those thliiKH that would naturally bo Included In county exhibits to tho stato fulr, roproHontliiK thu resources of tho county, I'roducU of tho milieu, mills, factories, etc., un sometimes Included In these dlspluys, but, of course, they uro primarily ngricul urnl. It would not bu tho Intention to draw nny Hhurp llnu of distinc tion, and uHk thu couuty iikoiU to limit his attention to thu things Htrlctly UKiiculturul, in connection with tho exhibit." Tho Tvst That TelU. Thuro Is only ono ronl tent for n coukIi rumody anil that Ih uho. 8, M, Oliver, llox 102, H. F. I). 5, Greens boro, 8. 0 writes; "Foloy'a Honey and tar Ih Just llnu. I koep It tit tho hotiflo nil tho tlniu." It soothcH and re Moves buy fover, iiHthma, coughs, colds, croup und bronchial affec tions. For snlo overywhoro. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICi: TO IKIUHATOHH AND OTHICItH. Churair 42G of tho fJuuorul Laws of OroKln, ror 1010, offoctlvo on und uftur Juno 2, 1010, mukoH It a mis demeanor for anyone to pormlt wnsto wutor to flow upon u public road or county highway. Tho fol lowing Ih tho toxt of thu net: "Suction 1. Ajiy verHon or por houb or corporation occupying' lund uh ownor, proprlotor, Iubuuij or otlier- wise, who willfully or mucllKontly purmllH any water from any Irrlgu- uoii or uruiiiiigu ullnii to wiimId or How from tho lands or iiromlseH owned, occupied, limned of rented by mm, upon any county road or publln lilKhway, or upon thu rltilil of way of any pulilli! road or couuty lilKhway, and ilainnno tho hiiiiio, or Interfere with thu public uho thereof, hIioII bu doomed Kiillty of a mlndemeanor and Hhall bu piibllHhed by a llnu not to exceed 100, or imprlHOiiiiienl lu tho county Jail nV I" exceed Hlxty dayn, or by both nuch Duo and lm iirlHoiimeut, Jimtlce coiiiIh shall nave concurrent JurlHillcllon with the circuit courlH of all orfeuneH commit ted under thin act" Any piiriion dexIrliiK to run Irriga tion water iiciokm nny county roud Hliould apply to tho couuty court for u permit ll Is iiIho unlawful to throw or dopoHlt any kIuhs or foreign sub Htauce upon any county road. Tlin county court or Dchcuuich county Iiiih directed mo to enforce tho above laws and violators will be prosecuted. Names and mldroHHes of violators are reituested. A. J. .MOOllK, District. Attorney, Court House, Ileud, Oregon. 2 ilally-Mou.-Kiit. 1 -Weekly. NOTICi: FOH I'rilt.II'ATIO.V. Department of tho Interior, United Htates Laud of lieu ut Thu Dulles, Oregon, July 2, 10 ID. Notice Is hereby given that Ivan V, MctJIIlvray, of Mend, Oregon, who on April :t, I lilt;, made homestead entry No. ulfilMa, for the WV&HI-Vi section 22, W'jNK'. . section 27, township 18 south, raugo 12 eust, Willamette meridian, hail died notice of Intention to make ilunl three-year proof to oNlahllNh claim to tho land above described In-fore 11. (', Kills, U, 8. commissioner, at Mend, Oregon, on the 10th day of August, l'jl'j. Claimant names as wltiiessis: Menard Tokhmpe, Herman Tekampe, Glenn II, Slack and .Merle Knotts, ull or Mend, Oregon. II, FIIANIC WOODCOCK. l'J-2.1p lteglster. NOTICi: Mill I'UMI.K'ATION. (Nut 'out IahiiIh.) Department to tho Interior. United mutes Laud Office ut Lukuvlew, Oregon. Notice Is hereby jtlven that I'erley M. Ileal, of La I'lno, Oregon, who on October H, 1014, made homestead entry No. 08123, lor the BBtt, section 28, township 23 south, rnugu 10 eust, Willamette meridian, has filed notice or Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land aboVe described be fore i:. L, Clark, United Htates com missioner, ul Lu IMue, Oregon, on ttm 1Mb day of August, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Oeorge P'lrker,, Jake Howard, Ueorge Kly and Afuo Howard, nil of La I'lno, Oregon, JA8, F. 11UUOK88. 10-23C lleglstor. NOTICi: Hill I'UMLH'ATION. (.Vol Coal Minis.) Department of the Interior, United .States Land Office al Uikovlew, Oregon, July 1, 1010. Notice Is hereby given that Wllllu 8ylvester, of !,u IMue, Oregon, who on November 27, 1014, made home stead entry No. 08118, for thu NWU 8W4, WKXW'i, section 26, SWU 8WU, section 23, township 23 south, rungo 0 east, Willamette meridian, bus filed notice of Intention to make final three-year proof to establish claim to tho land above described before K L. Clark. United States commissioner, ut La I'lno, Oregon, on tho 22nd day or August. 1010. Claimant names us witnesses: Juke Howard, Fred Smith, Miko Muyfleld, Oeorge Muyfleld, all or Lu I'lne, Oregon. JA8. F 11UIUJK8S. 10-23o lteglster. XOTICK Rlll I'CMLICATION. (Not Coal liuil.) Department of tho Interior, United Htates Lund office nt liikovlew, Oregon. July 1, 1010. Notice Is hereby given that Frank J, Wallace of Ln I'lno, Oregon, who on August 22, 1014, made homestead entry No. 08004, for the SV4, hcc Hon 33, township 21 south, range 10 east, Wtllamutto meridian, has filed notice or Intention to make final three-year proof to establish claim to thu lund ubovu described before K. L, Clark, United States commis sioner, ut Lu I'lne, Oregon, on tho 22nd day or August, 1010. Claimant names uh witnesses: John Mlew, Uene Huper, Henry Cav unaugh und Cluud Clow, ull of Ln I'lne, Oregon. JAS. F. UUllOKSS. 13-23o lleglstor. XOTICK FOU 1'imi.lCATlO.V. Department of tho Interior, United States Lund Office ut TJiu Dalies, Oregon, Muy 10, 1910. Notice Ih hereby given that Chrlsslo Ulakoly, whoso postofllce address is Mend, Oregon, did on tho 1st day of August, 1018, file In thin office sworn statement und application, No7 02002S, to purchuso thu NKM, SWU und lol 2, hoc. 13. township 10 south rungo 11 east Willamette meridian und tho tlmbor thereon under the provisions of thu net of Juno 3, 1878, und acta uinondutory, known uh thu "Timber 'and Stono Law," ul such value as might bo fixed by appraluomout, nnd that pur suant to such application, tho land nnd tlmbor thereon havo boon ap praised 11020, tho timber estimated COO, 000 board feet nt 12.00 per M, und tho lund $20; Hint mild applicant will offer flnul proof in support of his application und sworn Btnto moot on tho 2nd day of August, 1010, buforo II, C. Kills, U. 8. commissioner ut Ilond. Oregon. Any porson Ih ut liberty to protest this purciiaso uororo entry, or intt.t nto a contest ut any time before pntont issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit iu this otflco, alleging facta which would defeat tho entry, H. FRANK WOQDCOCK, 17-200 Register. NOTICH FOH PUIU'ICATION. Department or tho Interior, United Htales hand Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, May 10, 1019. Notice Is hereby given that Kdwnrd T. Oorrlsh, whoso postofllce uddresM Is Mend, Oregon, did on the llrst day or August, 1018,. fllo In this office sworn statement and applica tion No, 020020, to purchase the WViN'WU. HB'iNWtf. of section 11, tywiishlp 10 south, rungo 11 cast, Willamette meridian, and tho timber thereon under tho provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and nets nmoml ntory, known as "tho Timber and Htono Law," ut such value us might bu fixed by appraisement, und that, pursuunt to such application, laud and timber thereon huvo been uppralsed 1000.00, tho timber esti mated fiOO.000 board feet, ut f 1.75 per M, and tho lund $2S; that nald applicant will offer final proof lu sup port of his application, und sworn statement on the second day or Aug ust, 1010, before II. C. Kills, United Htates Commissioner, at Mend, Mniissm Any person Is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest al any time before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit lu this office, alleging facts which would dereat the entry. 11. FltANIC WOODCOCK, 17-20c lteglster. NOTICIJ OK CONTKST. (For Publication.) Department of thu Interior, United States Uind Office, Lukuvluw, Oregon, June 17, 1010, To Albert Uurlk of unknown address, contestee: You are hereby notified that Jcsso A. Martin, who gives care ot A. 8. Dresser, 310 Worcester Mldg., Port land, Oregon, as Ills postotflco ad dress, did on May 19, 1010, file In this office his duly corroborated ap plication to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead entry, Serlul No, 07243, made January 13, 1014, for south half section 17, town ship 22 8. range 17 K. Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho ulleges that Albert Ourlk bus wholly abandoned said land for more than six months Immediately preceding tho beginning of this con lost: thiit he wholly abandoned said land In Januury, 1014, and has never made any Improvements thereon or uny cultivation of nny ot said land; that his ubsauco from said land Is or wuh not duu to his employment in tho military or naval servlco 'of the United Slates us a private soldier, officer, seaman, murine, national guardsman or member of uny otlier organization for offense or dofense during any war lu which thu United States has been engaged. You ure, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will he taken us confessed, and your said entry will be cancelled without fur ther right to be heard, either before this office or on uppeul, if you tall to fllo lu this office within twenty days utter thu fourth publication of thls'notlce. us shown below, your an swer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations ot con test, together with duo proof that you hnvu served u copy or your un swer on the said contestant either lu person or by registered mall. You should state in your answer tho name ot tho postotflco to which you desire future notices to bu sent to you. JAST. llUIiaKSS. Register. Date of first publication, June 2G, 1010. Date of second publication, July 3, 1010. Date of third publication, July 10, 1010. Date or fourth publication, July 17, 1010. SUMMONS. Ill tho circuit court of the state ot Oregon, in and for tho county of Deschutes. Oeorgo 1). Simpson, plaintiff, vs. Oeorge 8. Clayton, defendant. Thu Htuto of Oregon to the said Oeorgo 8. Clayton, defendant: You are hereby summoned to up pear within sixty days uftor tho first publication of this summons, towlt: within sixty days after thu 19th day of Juno, 1019, und dotend tho above entitled action in thu above entitled court, and unswer tho complaint of tho plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon tho attorneys for plain tin ut their otflco below stuted,.and In caso of your failure so to do, Judgment wilt bu rendered uguinst you according to tho prayer ot tho complaint, which has been filed with tho clerk of tho said court, tho ob poet ot this suit Is to foreclose n mortgage in tho sum ot Ono Thous and dollars, together with Interest Hereon nt tho rate of 10 per cent, per annum from tho first day of Sep tember, 101 S, nnd ror tho further sum ot Two Hundred Dollars attor ney's roe, and tho cost and disburse ments ot this action to bo taxed. Snld foreclosure being brought upon thu following described prop erty, 8ltuutud In tho couuty ot Des chutes, Btnto ot Oregon, towlt: tho southwest quartor ot tho south east quarter ot section thirty-two (32), township llfteon, (15), and lots three, (3), and tour, (4), In section flvo, (5), township sixteen, (16), south, all In rango eleven, (J.1). K.W.M,, containing 138.54 acres, TIiIh summons la published in com pllnnco with an ordor ot thu Honor able Circuit Court for tho couuty ot Deschutes, mndo and ontored on the 12th day ot Juno, 1019, and ordorlug that tho snmo bo published In soven consocutivo issues ot a newspaper ot genoral circulation iu Deschutes county, Oregon. CHRIS. A. BELL. QEO. 11. SIMPSON, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Room 1025 Oasco Dulldlug, Portland, Orogon. 16-2 2c NOTICR 1X)H rUWJOATIOX. (Not Coal Land.) Department ot tho Intorior, U. S. Land Otflco at Lakoviow, Oregon, Juno 14, 1010. Notlco is hereby given that Alonzo R, Colo of La Pino, Orogon, who, on October 9, 1016, made homestead entry 08802, for SWUSWU, section 14, W6NWU section 23, township! 23 Houtii, range u cam, winnmeuo meridian, has filed notice or Inten tion fo make final three-yenr proof to establish claim to tho land above described before K. I,. Clark, U, 8. Commissioner at La I'lno, Oregon, on tho 20th day of July, 1010. Claimant names us witnesses: C. B. Street, II. A, Colo, yronk Johnson, J. O, Huffman, all of I.u IMno, Oregon, JA8. F. MUHCJK8H, 10-20c lteglster, NOTICi: FOR PUMLIOATIOX. (Not Coal Laud.) Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office al Lakevluw, Oregon, June 14, 1010. Notice Is hereby given that James Lnursen Krederlksen, of Lit Pine, Oregon, who, on September 28, 1016, made homestead entry No, 08881, for tho NK1,, section 10, township 23 south, range 0 east, Willamette, meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final three-year proof to establish claim to tho land above described before K, L, Clark, U. 8, Commissioner nt La Pine, Oregon on tfio 2&U1 day or July, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Cnrl Wise. Jessie Wise. Lloyd Llnvlile, II C. Scott, ull of La Pino Oregon. JA8. F. HUItaKBS, 1C-20C Register. XOTICK FOR Pl'IILICATION. t.MIl COUl Jjiltlll.) Department of tho Interior, U. 8 Lund Office nt Lukevlew, Oregon Juno 13, 1019. Notlco Is hereby given that Jamet . Shanks of Springfield, Orogon vho, on October 12, 1914, made lomestcad entry No. 08080 foi IWSW'., section 7, township 24 loulh rango 10 east, NKtfNEJ octlon 13, SKtfSKU section 12 township 24 south, range 0 east, Willamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three-year proof to estubllsh claim to the land above described before K, L. Clurk, U. 8. Commissioner, nt La Pine, Oregon, on thu 2Cth day of July, 1010. Claimant names us witnesses: F. A. Kverell, of Fleetwood, Ore gon, Charles Ksllck and J-an Medlent, both of Mend, Oregon, and Ames Howard of La Pine. Oregon. JA8. F. IJUROE8S. 1C-20C Register. NOTICE FOR PUHLIOATION. (Not Coal taml.) Department ot tho Interior, U. S. Uind Office at Lakevlaw, Oregon, Juno 13. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that John F. Dovereaux, of La Pine, Oregon, who, on March 19, 1015, made home stead entry No. 08408. for tho NEU section 22, township 21 south, range 10 east, Willamette meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to maka final three-year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before H. O. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Ueud, Oregon, on tho 25th day of July, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Michael C. Donahue. James L. Ueuson, John J. Blow of Mend. Ore gon, Charles R. Swayze nnd C. II. Clow of La Pine. Oregon. JAS. F. MURGESS, 1C-20C Register. NOTICE FOR PUI1LICATJON. (Not Coal IjiihI.) Department ot the Interior, U. S. Lund Office at Lakoviow, Oregon, June 13, 1919. Notlco is hereby given that Clar ence C. Muhn, of La Pine, Oregon, who, an October 13, 1914, made homestead entry No, 08102, for the WKSEU. SHSW4. section 33, township 23 south, range 9 east, W. meridian, has filed notice of his in tention to make final three-year proof to tho land above described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commis sioner, ut La Pine, Oregon, on the 2Cth day of July, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: J, L. Howard, W. R. Rlloy. both of I-a Pino, Oregon; Thomas Brack en of Crescent, Orogon, and Fred L. Muhn ot Cump Lewis, Washington. JAS. F. BURGESS. lC-20c Register. XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. (Not Coal Uiml.) Department ot tho Interior, U. S. Lund Otflco ut Lakoviow, Oregon, June 13, 1919. Notlco Is horoby given that Jucob F. Sutilef, of La Pine, Oregon, who on Juno 15, 1914, mudo homestead entry No. 07771, for tho SWU sec tion 15, township 21 south, range 10 eust, Willuuiette meridian, bus tiled notlco ot intention to make final three-yenr proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, at La Pine, Oregon, on tho 25th day ot July, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: J. R. Sutilef, Wm. Rogue, Arthur Olsen, Jumes Black, all ot La Pino, Oregon. JAS. F. BURGESS, 1C-20C Register. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. (Not Conl Idiml.) Department of tho Interior, U, S. Laud Office at Lakoviow, Oregon, Juno 13, 1919. Notlco is horoby glvon that John 0. Rose, ot Crescent, Oregon, who on Novembor 20, 1914, mndo homestead entry No. 08269, for tho 8VSWVi, soctlou 1, NVjNWU. NWUNEU. section 12, Township 25 south, rango CHICHESTER SPILL DIAMOND AXGM onNU ? 4k Tr BracaUl for CHr-CHES-TKK. S A ElAMOND USULND PIU.S in KID andflX Cold metallic boxet, sealed with VlucVt?) Vnmbt uk Aw CHI.CMJfS.rai V 9IAMOMB BHXNB FILM, for twBt;HIN yean regtidcd Bt, Sstett, Always Kellabta, SOLD IY ALL DRUGGISTS $& EVERYWHERE 8555 $. fym Cflr i m TANLAC 8 east, Willamette meridian, linn filed notice of Intention to make flnul three-year proof to establish claim to tho land above described, before B. L. Clnrk, U. 8. Commissioner, at Ln Pine, Oregon, on tho 2Cth day of July, 1010. Clalmnnt names as witnesses: Orange Taylor, E. Redicnt,, Thomas Ilrocken and Fred Cleaves, all of Crescent, Oregon. JAS. F. MUROE88, lG-20c Register. HUM.MONH. In the circuit court of Deschutes county, for tho state ot Oregon. Anna Mlcknell, plaintiff, vs. O. O. Mlcknell, defendant. To O. O. Mlcknell, tho abovo named defendant: In tho name ot tho state or Oregon, you uru hereby required' to appear und answer tho complaint filed agalrut you in tho above entitled case and cause, on or before tho 24th day of July, 1019, which is more than six weeks utter tho 12th day of June, 1919, tho data of the first pub lication of this summons, and it you fall so to uppear and answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relict prayed for in her complaint, towlt: for a de cree of this court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony, heretofore and now existing between tho plaintiff nnd defendant and for n further do- crcc, giving and grunting to plaintiff the right and privlfege of resuming her former name ot Anna Nye. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication thereof ln tho Mend Bulletin tor six consecutive nnd successive weeks, under and by virtue of an order made and entered on thu 12th day ot June, 1910, by tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffcy, Judgo of the abovo entitled court. Tho date of tho first publication of this summons is tho 12th day ot June, 1919, and the data of tho last publication Is tho 24th day of July, 1919. 15-21C E. O. STADTER, Attorney for Plaintiff Bend, Oregon XOTICK OF SALE OF STATE LANDS. Notice Is hereby given that tho state land bourd of tho stnto ot Ore gon will receive sealed bids until 10 o'clock n. ra., August 12, 1919, for Oie following described lands, towlt: Section 36, T. 13 8., R.13 E. Section 36, T 20 8., R. 11 E. All bids must bo accompanied by Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Suadwd Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. Business and Professional Carcjs " Pkone Black 1391 R. S. HAMILTON lee a. thomas, a. a. ia. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Architect Rooms 13-16 First National 2- O'Kane Building Bank Bldg. Tel. 611 BEND ... OREGON (Dr. Coc'a Former Office.) I i ' 1 , 1 O. P. NI8WONQBR, Bead, Ore. It. It. LVArmonJ Chat. W. Enklne UNDERTAKER DeArmond & Erskine Uct3ueii $' vBtnS LAWYERS Phone Red 421. La,jy a O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon I I i .1 DR. R. D. STOWELL H. O KLLIB Kaprapathlo PbyakU Attoraey-at-Law TOr LEan Furniture Co. yt .. .f eYT ,, T . . Wall Street Houra 9 to K TJadtea States Commissioner Phone Red 48 First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON I i , DR. TURNER MISS B. OSTERMAN EYB specialist PUNOFORTE SCHOOL Permanently Located In Bond t ,,,,., mi. t. o w,tn Now Equipment Lawrenco Bldg., Room 3 Prlvat0 0(flco ,n Tnorson.8 Phono Red 2251 Jewelry Store I Dr. Turner will bo In Prino- i L vlllo every first and third Frl- I day; in Madras every second DR. C. H. SOLL nnd fourth Frldny nnd ,n neU' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Thursday of t;aca month. Bond Press Bldg. BEND, OREGON Phones: Otflco Red 41; Res. 123 n i ,i r 1 B 1 9 Read the Classified Ads. Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Complete Abstract Plant ln Central Oregon. Special Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstracts, First National D.nh Bldtf., BNP, OKE.. Cpr. next to Alley 1 ' hi S mrfpmm ill i ' . FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLB A0KNT8 regularly executed applications to inirciinse, nno cnecK or draft for ut least one-fifth of tho amount bid. Tho board m-mr-ma (tin i-lxtif ,. .... - Joel nny or nil bids. Applications nnd bids should bo nddresscd to O. O. Hrown, clerk state Innd board, Salom, Orpgon, nnd marked "Application and Bid to Purchnso Stnto Lands." 0. (I. BROWN, Clerk Stato Land Board, Dated nt Salom, Orogon, May 20 1019. 14-24o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of the Stnto ot Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of tho Estnto of Lowia J. Calc, Deceased. Nollco Is hereby given that tho undersigned was on tho 18th day of June, 1919, nppolntcd administrator of the estato ot tho nbovo nnmrd de ceased by tho county Judgo ot De schutes county, Oregon. Therefore, nil persons holding claims ngalnst tho estate of said de ceased are hereby notified to prcsont tho same, duly verified, according to law, at my office In tho O'Kano building, Mend, Oregon, within six months from the date of tho first publication hereof. Date of first publication, Juno 27, 1919. CHARLES W. ERSKINE, Administrator of tho Estato ot Lewis J. Cale, Deceased. iau 18-ziw-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court ot tho Stato ot Oregon, for tho County of De schutes. In tho Matter ot the Estate of A. L. Stevens, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned was on tho 18th day ot June, 1919, appointed administrator of tho estate of the abovo named deceased by tho county Judge of De schutes county, Oregon. ' Therefore, all persons holding claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby notified to present the saxno duly verified, according to law, at my office In the O'Kano building, Bend. Oregon, within aix months from the dato ot the first publication hereof. Dato of first publication, June 27, 1919. CHARLES W. ERSKINE, Administrator of the Estate of A. L. Stevens, Deceased. 19d 18-21w-c