iikwi; nvLi.wnn, iiknwoiikoom, thukhpay, july 17, 1010 VAQK 8 M A LOCAL NBWS ITEMS (From WoiliioHiliiy'n Dally. 1 llulpli 0.' Joliiiiion Ih'ih uccoptui) II ponltlon lii'llin )()N(of1C0, - Mrn.1 (jytfjf' Mi MoKity In ruporloti to, bo if) ut Imr homo with Ui6 in u in pii. ' J, W. Vfatcir (if tliu Mylor Com trucUiil (jomiiiiiiy loft IiihI nli;la Mr ii)rll'iii(l (in 1)IihIh(hh. F Mrtj.fl'rurik It, Piliicn mill clilltlrmi Imiviiiloiilclit for Himiililit, wlioro Duty Will iniotid nuvarul woohn. Mr'rf, Nolllu Hlilttli of OkiIiiii, (Mali, nrriyiMl liut iiliflit to vlnlt nltho lioino of Mr. mill Mm. 0, V. HllvlH. Mr. mill Mm. J. O. Wliltuki'r Iciivii timlKlil In tliulr mild fur a nix wcukit' fillshlHi'iiliiK trip tliroiiKli t'lillfortilu. I MIhh llinim mill MInh MuXiiiniirii of HwittUi, WiihIi , ikiihhIh of Mm, JiiiintH Itynii tlio piml 10 iliiy. ro liiriii'd Iioiiiii tlio fliHt of tlio witnk, KlrNt liluiitonmit Tmcy I'lilrolillil, vutnritn of tlio UlMt illvlnloii mill tlio Ari;oiuio foroHt, nrrlvml In IIhmiI yim- tOnliiy mid will uoetipt position with ilia IlrookM-Huiiiilon huinliur Co. Mr, mill Mm. (Itiorc" Htuplntoii of Ljiiivor ro In Iluiul to vfwtt nl tlio Ifbiiii) of Mr. mill Mill. J. A. KuitiM. Tlmy oxpnrloncoil u lutnl trip motor 9 Ann from Dmivur to thin city. MM. li. K. rllnnltn anil roii TIioiiiiih, ,MIhmoii May hi i) lltnn.u ami MiirKiiorltn Tiilrliuill) liiiivo toiil;lit for Hmillli) uiid I'tiltut Koiiml poliitM, whom tlmy Tuxpuot to Hpllllll Kuvurnl wnolm. i: O'ruin Momlny'ii Daily.) J , Alliitrt McCloutli of IMfo Ik Hpunl- iK tlio day In limn!. II. H. Itoyco loft hint lilcht on a liiiHlnmm trip to I'ortlaml. W. Y. Mlllur mid nuii of I'lilxloy Triro 1iunIiu vIMtnrw In iluiul. Noil J, AiirIiiiiiI ami Jiiiiicn O'NiiII wuru In from Cnwcont, Hiimliiy. . li. It. Hohmorl wn ii wook cmil vlNltor In tlio city from IiIh Iioiiid In Mllllcan. i John liiiokny, prominent l.nko rounty Hliuupman Ih In Iluiul today on IiiimIiu'km, J. I1. Knyi'H rotnriM'd thht tiiornliiK .from ii mivunil nnokii' IiunIiiomi trip to Mlmuuipoll. Mr. mid Mm. I 'an I lloituutr roturn I'd to Hum! yimtordiiy nftur a wwk npont at Kant l.nku. II. C. HukIiok of J. C. I'uirny Co., loft hiNt iiIkIU on lifft annual vaca tion, which ho will upend In Port land. . Francis I.nnilmrly, fornmrly of thin city, ntrlvi'il In Unml today from Portland to accopt u ponltlo!i ut tlio 'llorton DruK company. Mrn. Ilaxul Mmilon loft Katurday lilcht for AhiKka, liitondliiK to vImII liur father at Jiun-mi. Kho will ho t .Konii for tliu iwxl two or thrmi WIMtkM. 'K, Rhrodur, who linn horn In (ho Hurvlcu for Ihn hut two ytuiro, ar rived In Hoik! IuhI lilcht from tliu iProaldlo to vlr.lt with IiIn nlstor, .MIhh Mar:ari't Rhrudor. C. F. Illalock mid family of . Ilukoritvlllo, North Carollnu, liavu , i nrrlvud In Ilond mid will locu'tn hnrn. Mr. Illalock ex poet h to Hocuro mil ployminit ill onti of tlio local tmrbur HhopH. John DuIiiiIm and family arc In tint city today from l.n IMnn. Mrr-DuIiiiIm Ih In cliarKo of tin oiikIiiooiIiii; work In connection with tlio devel opment of tlio old Momoii Irr'Kiitlon project.- Tho Library cltih will meet to morrow afturnoon at tho library, ut which tlino tho momherH will take up tho matter of thu proponed now Cariuxlii library. Thu prcucncu of tho ni'iiiibomblp In ui'Kud. roturn 16 Uoiid, uccompnnlod by Mm, Monro, who Iihh boon npumlliiK iho(1 ,111111. IIIIUI) WIXJHII III CIIHIIl pUIIIlt' Dr, mid Mm, W. Oi Mnnnltif' ro luriioil lant nlht from Portland 1y luitoinobllii. Tlmy wnro nccoiifpanlcij y Mr. Maiinl'iiK'u fathor, .riHj1 Mnti iiIiik. Thuy roport tlio rondit from 'Phii UalloM to Ilond in fair condition. . lit, It.FiMHiio of tho Dint DIvImIoji In thu mcdlcitl mid Hunltary toipn, itrrtvod In Ilond thdi mornlilK to vis it nt tho homo of Mr. mid Mm, II, F, Hhoumakur, T-t, Mllnn la u brothur of Mm, iHiouniiikor, Whllo ovornoitH ho had chm-Ko of thu liiHtiillatlon of chlorlnatlii); plmitx In llolcluin anil iPranco. li. If, Hoy, it Vvoll known Huminor l,aku ijtockmun Ih In Ilond today, Mr. Hoy Ih ilollvorliu: iiovoral hundrud hmid of Koatu to Unml thin wmtk. About a yoar ii;o Mr. Hoy mirrored Kevoro' In Juried In mi mitobobllu ac (jldont which oauHiid Ijfm to bo laid up In Hum for nuvural montliH, Hu In now fully provided from hla In-Jiirlwi. (From Thtirrfilny'n Dally.) Mm. Harry Mmilon will lonvo Rat unlay on a two woukH' trip to Alaska, wlioro alio will vhill hur futhor, u roHlilitnt of Juiniiiii, It. H. Hamilton mid family loft thin mnriihiK by auto for n trip over thu MoKoiulo pimi lo IMkoiio, .Mr. Ham ilton will roturn to lluiid ut onco, thu othom rotnaliiliiK on tho wohI Hldobf tho CaHcadoH (or a tlino. Word wan received HiIh mornlilK by Joxejih Iniioi that liU roii, Itobort, In on IiIh way to Roattlu whore ho linn boon ordered triumfurrcd for din- c Marco from tliu u. R. navy, Two hauiM of aheup holonclm; to J. V. FlHliur of Hliaulko, arrived hero thlH incrnliii; mid wuro counted nut by reprenontatlvt'ii of tho l)-nchute National foreMt Horvlco beforu IioIiir udmltted to tho ruiiKO, J. J. (lardner of Flfo In upending Iho day In lloud ottendlni: to IhihI iuwii mutton. r. A. Whllluy of Hllvur Uiku ar rived In Ilond laxl nlnht mid Ih re- mulnliiK ovur today. Mr. mid Mm. I.. I.. Fox mid iIuukIi Irr, Marie, will leave thu end of tho week on an unto trip to thu coant. Mr. and Mm. W. I,. O'Donnoll re turned Weduimday moriilui from a 10 dayn' auto trip It) Heattlo and Tncomii. , Hoy Routhworth, Char leu Rnuth worth mid Mm. OharleH Routhworth luavo today for a 10 day autoiiiobllo trip lo Roattlo. Claruncu Malin of ltonoburi: lino nccupled a position with tho Palaco murkot. J. II. Andemon. nononil ar.ont for thu Cullforulu Riatu Mfo Innurmicn company, m mnkliiK a trip through Uiu litnte. lociitlnn ukvucIoh In a num ber of thu towtiH of OrcKon. I). (), McPherouu returuud HiIh morn Inn from a IiuhIiichh trip to Portland. Dr. C. 8. Currun and party of Ht John-., motored through Ilond thlir mornlni; on a tour of thu Htato, b'IHMiti J. Catlow, rocoiity din cliursod, from lll 318th ICiiKlnocm, liaa rolurnod to Ilond, Mr, Callow hud H, iiionlliBjvorsuiin orvlco, In cludliiK hovoii wcol?ii In tlio front lino troncliyii,, Ho wan In tho Ar Konno (orimt for tho InnC hovoii ilnya proctidliir, thu JtlfiiiliiK of thu urmlii tlco. (From Friday ' Dally.) V. 0. Fordham hi ap'cnd:nK tho day In Dotal fro;n- Ilia homo at I.a Pino, Waltor llrucc, Hpukanu liondltiB export, arrived In Ildid ttiln inorn liiK for a brlof,8tiiy, (Jooa iHnacH of Pulnlqy In Hpond ItiK thu day' In Hnnd, W. C. HollliiHhimd, Harry Ohnrp and JaniUH F, Johmion arrived In tho city Irtal nlitlit from their homeii In I.a Plnu, J. Starr of Prlnavlllo In In Ilond today looking after bimlnemi mutton, Mr. and Mm, C. II. Durham eamo In today from Ilrolhum, Guy Shuffcr of Mllllcan In a bunl nimn vhiltor In tho city today. SiirKOfint Frank II. Puruonn, who on 1 luted In tho air Horvlco May 1, 1017, returned HiIh iiiornlnf; mid de clares that Ilond lookn better lliau over lo him. Itdberl Horuor him returned lo Uend uftur two yearn In thu U. R navy. Ho plmiH to rotualu hero for about a wuok, when ho will lonvo for Canada, II. C. Kondull of tho I.umhcrman'K Triint Co. of Portland In In thu city looking . up varloiiH contomplatod Htruul ImprovomenU huro. Hxnmlnutlaui 'for architect will ho hold In Porthtnd from October 7 to 10 thin year, It hail boon decided by tho Htntu board of five In their moutliiK, which htm Jimt been con cluded. I.eo A. Thoman of Ilond wan oiio of tho member of thu board in attorn! an co. Mm. Petor Ilyburg entertained Mr. mid Mm. Herman Horn at dinner IuhI nlKht. Covcrn wero laid for nine, thoMo pr.eHunt bonldeH Mr. and Mm. Here "d Mr. mid Mm. Ilybcri; beliiK Mr. and Mm. Harold Rhumway, Mr. and Mm, Coloman and NcIhoii Hy berR. I). W. Ileoler or Jllllllnu arrived n thu city hiHt nlcht mid Ih reinalnliiK over today. Forunt Rtipurvlnor N. O. Jacobson left thin mornlilK on an otflclut trip lo Crencent. Mm. F. M. Clasbar uud her Krand dnuKhter Mildred j-eturned yesterday rrom u flvu weeka' trip to Portland and Seattle. (From Saturday'a Dally.' Circuit JudBOiTfiK. J. Duffy or Prlucvlllo Svns in Ilcndjant nlRht to attend tho mcetlnc of tho Klkn lodge. A. IC. Hichurdrt or Hums-Is Hpond ItiK a row days In Ilond. J. H. Upton cama over from Prlno vlllu hint nlKht. John Foster of Summer lake Is In 4, 4 '.. a if (From Tuenday's Dally.) M. I,. Forrent of I.u Pino arrived In tho city this mornlilK. A. H. Pctorttou and family or RIh turtt aro In Ilond today , T. J. Dimly or Alfalfa Is In tho city on biiHlnetw today. ItuiiKor J. C. ChrlHtlim loft this niornlni; for Pino mountain, Mm, M. J. Harvey leaves toulKht for Soattlo, whuro uho will vIhII hor Hon, M. F. llurvoy. II. II. DoArmouil will lonvo this ovuiiIiik on a IiuhIiiohh trip to Port land and Salom, A. Rtlpo of tho Standard Furniture company lofl last nlKht for Portland on IiuhIiiohh, fMr. Iitliii Mm. K. P. Jech loft tlilH mornlilK by auto for coant polntH whoro thuy will Hpunda sovorul waukH' vacation, J. J, WohlonhorK f M. P. Cash niuh's, acqnipnnlud "liy Mm, Wohlon. borK, lonvo tonlRht for Bpokmio to visit with filoiulH. Mrs, Frank Iuahiilt mid duiiRlitorH MIhhoh MarKUrol uud LouIho, liift yostoriliiy mornlilK fur Salt I.uko to visit for Hovoral wouks with rolntlYOH in tliulr old homo. w T, lJ,.Rooy Joft yptordiy pftor-jtyon- byuuii) ror.Porllmid and Salom, travolliiR 1iy way or Tho ,l)al)os, Ho will roturn Thursday or Friday, Jurotk-Moarq-AylH lonvo ror Port laud tomorrow by aUtb. Ho oxTigctH toBiioiui tlrtTnoxt v In vllio l- satte'WUwi MJpr.ui Jioviu Warm Weather Underwear for AH the Family A CARD A BOOK FOR EVERY OCCASION The artistically deigned Vol lard line of ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY WEDDING CONVALESCENT MOTTO CAKDS with appropriate reading matter Tatty Illuitrated GIFr BOOKS tlie mod Leautiful to he ob tained. LARSON & CO. tific Hallmark Store At the Slj ol tho Hlfj Clock Uend to secure a nhorthorn bull pur chaHcd for him ill Portland. Tho animal cost In tho nolKhborhood of 1,000, It Is understood. Mrn, II I). Josse, who has been vl.i ItliiK In Ilnd at the homu of Mr. mid Mrn. W. C. Cooper, will leave tomor row for her home In Portland.. MIhh Ada Wlttemun, deputy shor lg of Coos county ban been Bpondlng her vacation with her parents ncur Uend. Df. and Mm, J. C. Vandevort are the parents of an 8 pound baby hoy boy born yesterday at the Hond Sur Klcal hospital. Loo A. Thomancturned this morn lilK from n trip to Portland, whoro ho attended a meeting of thu state board of architects, "MUh Sophia SchncKelKiefon of Port land, has been vlHltlnj; at the home of .Mr. and Mm. F. Wlttcman, near Ilcnd. Mlsn Vera Cyrus of Prlnuvlllc wan Jn JJcnd yesterday attcrnoon. Tho Women's Forelcu Mlsslonary socloty or tho M. E. Church held their rcKular monthly mooting this week nt tho homo of Mm. Gcorzo Chllds. Mm. Parkinson had chargo or the study. She has been In tho old Tre mout church In Hoston, whoro tho so duty uilRlnnlcd. She made tho study, "Tho Fourth Decade or the History or thu Society." very de IlKhtrul. Those present wore Mm. Chlldh. Mm. Parkinson, Mm. GlUon, Mm. McDonald, Mm. Yoachom, Mis W. H. Staatn, Mm. Prince Slants, Mrs, Summer, Mm. Turner, Mm. Hold, Mm. Reynolds. Mm. Jay Alton Thom son and Mrs. SpauldliiK. Exceptional Values offered in .these TUB SKIRTS of pique, gabardine and plain and novelty iki'rtlntfi, T Priced at $2.25, $.325, $3.75 $3.95, $4.50, $5.50 .gL , , ?- A Wide Assortment of House Aprons in ginghiim and percule $1.00, 1.20, 1.J30, 1,50, 2.1jf,"2i25, 2.05, 2,00. ' Voile mid Organdy Blouses gl.25, 1.50, 1.75, 1.05, 2.25, 2.50 to 4.50. Outsizes too in Waists 40c, 48c, 50c, 52e Women's Lisle Vests. 15e, 10c, 25c, J30e, 35cto 75c Suit Cases, Bags and Trunks for vacationists. Special values in Suit Cases of Fibre... $2Ati, 2.75, 2.05, 4.50 to 8.05. Women's Linen Auto Dusters $3.0G-$4.05 - i Women's Auto Gloves, gauntlet style, a great value at. ta I$2.00 DR. NORRIS WEDS MISS WANDA LOGAN isrsraraafsja'a (From Tuesday's Dally.) Dr. E. E. Norrls or Hond and Miss Wand?,, .Loriui, daughter of Mm. Maudo Loriiii, were married yester day In Portland, accord lug to word received lust evening by Mm. Logan. Dr mid Mm, Norrls will tnko an ex tended wedding trip throgh Call fomla nnil' will bo awny rrom Ilond about threo weeks. Wonderful Saving on Corsets July Clearance of all 'sizes and styles of Warners and Royal Worcester makes i 05c, $1.30; $2.50 Follow the crowds to the store of quality merchandise for less. Stop and Snop at MME1IPE Quality Pioneers linee 1911 PUTNAM IS HEAD OF THE LEGION WEEKLY Tho first copy or tho American Le gion Weekly, tho official publication -m?" of tho organization of men who saw service in tho world war, lias been received by Tho Bulletin. Heading tho Legion Publishing Co. la Georgo Palmer Putnam, formerly publisher of Tho Bulletin. rzz Ladies' Unions all styles, all sizes, 50c, 75c. 85c, 08c, $1.10. Ladies' Vests 15c, 10c, 25c, 85c, 45c. Misses' Union Suits 40c, 50c. Misses' Vests 20c, 25c, 20c. ' r- W i i -v i . ", . I Axr 9pa!rv v M-il T pt 1 K ' Athletic Underwear for women, $1.50, $1.75 Boys' Unions All sizes, 00c. Men's Unions i i. 05c, $1,19, $1.50. jl When It's Underwear fyE STRIVE TO PLEASE , WWARNER COMPANY I ... JUL L. GET THOSE FLIES! There ia one preparation that will i u rely get them. Have you tried it? If not, inquire about-- El VAMP1R0 It's sure death And instantly It's a powder OWL Pharmacy Shirts Are The Big Thing Now BIG STOCK-BIG ASSORTMENT BIG VALUE A Special Showing of Fine Manhattan Shirts, as well as many other popular brands $1.50 to $5.00 Athletic Union Suits at Special Prices 7)C., $1 3.20 SPECIAL !-Men's Summer Weight Underwear long and short sleeves ankle length, $2.00 value, $ 1 .45 GOLDEN RULE MAP. . RFJNIR .. CMV Personal Service Merchandise IT'S A FACT The finest pictures for your home are the enlargements from your KODAK NEGATIVES Ask us about it. CENTRAL PHOTO CO. WITH M. n. fJVMONft O'KANE DLPG, REND, OHK.' "lhat'Onc.rfi Floe They're Done." T" ' v i"' - XfAv- yfrtwin asnA