The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 17, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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i. , V"" ." fttfV-
vol. a;vii
No. ao
na . .tk.
W ' M'"5
P &S 1
Surveys Are Now Being Rushed at
Summit of Cascades, and Will
Connect With Western Pacific
New Company Ready to Start Work Any Timb'But
Construction Will Await Turning Back Railroads
ToT'rivatc OwncrHhip Terminals and Rights
of Way Are Being Secured By Company.
Cnmmlttro iii Hck Appropriation
front County Court, mill Khlhlt
Will D Anknl from Kvrry
Jtiuirlirr In l)lfrlrt.
Willi lilt? Ming of article of Incorporation In Hulriit, on Juno 7, by
Iho Portland K JtotithcitMrrii Itullroad company, naming n Incorporators
Colonrl C. H. Hpenrer, n urll knoun Portland ittlornpy, II. H. Hunonj chief
englnrt-r for (ho Drutrr unil Klo Grande, Northern Pacific mid tho Mjlrr
Construction company, of Portland, und J. W. Foster, of Portland, today
romm thn tlrxt announcement of railroad construction activity In Orcein.
According (o .1. W. Fotrr of (In; Mylrr Construction mnipnny, the
I'. Ak.B, K. Mill build from Ml. Angel, on tho went side, of llin Cnicadrw, to
Itrnd, via Hitler, then MtutheuM to Nevada, uhorc It will ultimately con
nect up ullli the- Wotrrn PnrlHr, thereby gaining nn outlrt front Port.
Innil lo Him FranrUro.
' For Clio In! hcirrnl ncrkx, crr of engineer numbering upwards
IVl men, Imto been under tho direction of .Mr. Foster, pinking preliminary
Mirtrjrt on tlin Mitutnlt. Then Mine)'" " being Yufdicd with nil pmlblo
prod and will he complete! within lite nrrt few Mock after vttilrti thc;atlon.
irru Mill begin oiH-ratlonx oh Ihv'wkI olopo of the divide. Into HNter. It
l rpeclrl thnt theei preliminary operation tlt bo completed within
thn next tun month.
When nknl till afternoon Just ufmt man contemplated In tho wuy
of future MirvcV" xnd construction, Mr. Fester ldt
"Wo pniM)o to build from the nummlt Noulhenht through Sklent
and Iteuil and fntni Dend MiittlienM to Nevada. The point nt which the
new lino Mill connect up with tho Wexlern Pacific, It not full) determined,
hut likely Mill be In the vlrlHlly of Wiuuetuiirtn, Nrtltdn, which will jde a
i onto lo Snn IVhiicIm-o UHl ihIIch nhorter than any othtT line houth front
rortland, und over n Krado fur moro MttUfactory from tho eiiKlHtH.'rInfc
hl4tndH)hil Until tiny railroad lino front rortland lo Han KmurUro. Ko far
4U lio (INtanco ulll ntfiH't lU-nd, I ntlKht ay tlutt the lino of thn pro
oel I'. .V. K, K. will bo between HO uu) l)(l iitlleH shorter than lite pri'.ieitt
lino of tho Oregon Tiiiuk n nil tho O. W. It. .V. .V.
When axketl regarding tho Npc-rJflc Unto when construction will begin
.Mr. 1'oHter fiiHher mIjiIisI:
"Mo far iik (ho new company and tho construction company Im con
vriictl wo nro oil ready nt thU tlmo lo InkIii work. W bollevo fully
that tho rallrnadj will bo turiietl hack fnnn tho pttcriimeut control to
prlvalo otui'ihlp and our couMriirlloit work Mill nwult till action by the
KfoiTrjimenJ., J bellevn Hint o Hj lo ready to begin woik ollher in tho
vicinity of Mt, Anel fjr Hie llntt 111 or 00 utile by Keptemltcf 1, or wesC
from tho Mitnntlt lonanl Ml. Angel, lly litis time. It In expected that prac
tically nil of tho difficult engineering work lit thn moiiiitnliiN will be com.
pletn into Slider, and wu will ho blo to devottt tho winter' it)oiiths to
rtmulng ilm llntt mihiIi fiom HMIern to Itend and jljrn on Into tho southern
part of tho Mttto and Nevada. v
"For MverHl iiioiiIIim right of way patlleri huvo been negt)Uatlng with
owners on tho wett Mdo of tho inoiiutaluM, getting leases fur terminal tdtcx,
rlghlH of way, elc. 1'liU work' I uudenitand, In nearly contpk'lc. After
fProm IThlay'a Dully.)
That tlio imnunl Tutnnlo fair will
ha ljl:Ker and hotter tliun uvor In tho
hUtory of tint country huh the deter
tulnntlon oxprcniied hmt nlglit by a
committee of tho Went Hlrin Agricul
tural Fair niKoclutlon, meeting at
Tumulo. Tcnttitlvo arrnngnmentn
worn mndo for tho exhibition of farm
productti, DiM It wum decided thut u
commlttoo itltoulil wnlt on tho county
court at tlio next Heulon of tlio
commlHHlouont to auk for 'in appro
priation to aid In Htafilng tho ulYalr.
Whll" on effort will bo mado to
have oven u better agricultural dis
play than umial, a npcchil feature of
tho fair will bu tho llveylock nuctlon,
which will appear for the finit tlmo.
Tumulo ix well imallflcd to Introduce
tho new department, It was pointed
out, an there nro now do Icsu than
GO restored Hhorthorns owned by
tho fitment of the section, Particular
attention will also bo paid to the
poultry department, and tut excellent
howlnx In this line Is cxpocted.
It Is planned to havu every farm or
In the Tumulo district represented,
and to accomplish this end u commit
tee will be chosen to visit ovary
family to solicit exhibits.
Following the fair association, a
meeting of the Tumulo Dull associa
tion was held. Two pedigreed slrea
are now tho property of this organi
se tubers of thn fair board who
ucrb In attendance last night were':
J. W. Urown, president; C. .VHccker,
secretory; K. N. Wallace, John
Marsh, J. C. KIsh, Olaf Anderson,
Harry McCJuIro, A. J. Hartcr, Charles
Spaugh, Juntos Orlffln,. nnd K. J.
Hayles. ' ' " - T -
i:.(!INi:kh's oi-tick!
Htihbnnd Profttratcd by Orlef, but
Ifiul IJeen I,il to Kxert Tmgetly
hyt Wlfo'M (,'onvenatJon
Ktrjclinlno In LVeil.
Jf, this N dono u hIihIIJio able lo begin work on tho east sldo.of' tho ntoun-
'J lalitN. It In a Utile premature, its jet, to say aHytliliig ulioiit oyr .cntnmcoj
Into'llend, hut uu huvo tentatively ilrcldeil upon this ftytlurel','' y '
Did C. K. Lino Oulde,
In many' respects 'tho lino of tho
'Portland & HouthwHtorn follows tho
general lino of tho old Corvullla &
Kiistorn railroad with tint, exception
that tho wcHto.rn torniliuiH Ih pro
posed to he nt Mount Angol, tho
present terminus of tho Wlllnm
otto & Puolllo electric lino. Tho
lino jjtrlUon' u Ronoral HoutltonHtorly
cllrcqtlpn tlirouglt tlio Hnntlam for
oBt nndcjossoH tho CaaciideB throiiRh
the Hrio of tho Minto trail, and foN
lowVo8Iters and thenlio weat
Hide oftlta DMOhutwi, wltlutho poa-
r .
Wijn Originally Kurowell' Ileud,"
Then "Tho iJoml," Sjy-g 'Prowl.
nent Harney Sheep5,'A(un.
(From Tuosday's Dally.)
Under tho direction of Stnto lin
glneer Percy Cuppor, II. .K. Don
nelly of the sluto engineer's depart
ment with u crow of mon will begin
Burvoyu within n week for tho ad
judication of tho -witter rlghlti on
Snow creek, In this county. Suit
was filed recently In the circuit court
of this county and later referred to
tho state water board to dotermlna
tho rights on this creek. Tho work'
will take about two weeks. After
tho surveys nro completed tho issuo
will bo referred to Stnto Wntor
Superintendent (Jeorgo Cochrane
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
After grieving for four months
over the death of her 16-year-old
daughter, Mrs. William Inman end
ed her own life at her ranch homo
In tftc Tumulo section yesterday
aftornoon by taking strychnine kept
In the house for rabbit poison. "I
urn tired of living; I want to go
whoro Orpha Is," a letter which she
had written it short time before ex
plained. Mr, Inman- Is prostrated
by grief, but states that his wire's
conversation slnco the loss of her
duughtor had In a senso prepared
him for tho tragedy. Mrs. Inman
was 41 years old, and was born In
Duffnlo, Missouri.
Mr. Inman had left for tho Pino
Tree mill lor a load or lumber, 'and
Mrs.J. O. Connnrn, who had been
calling ut the ranch, had taken her
departure, leaving her two children,
lJlck and Leora, playing In the In
man yard, when Mrs. Inman 'took a
three-grain capsule .or poison, the'
amount being more than 100 limes
tho doso commonly used for medi
cinal purposes. Shortly after 3:36
o'clock she called to the children,
telling them that sho was III, and
tho youngsters Immediately ran to
tho C. P. Decker ranch, returning
with Mrs. Decker.
Antidote Fall to Save.
At first Mrs. Inman would give
no Information as to tho nature of
her trouble? but 'after, a sovcro con
fKlsrorfa'dBflttJd'lh'al sno had taken
strychnin. .Mrs. Decker adminis
tered nilDnnndTeggs its an jtntldote,
I than called Dr. J. C. Vandovert and
n nurso from Dend. For u time It
seemed that Mrs. Inman might have
a chance for recovery, but sho
quickly lost ntrongth and died Just
as sho was brought Into the Dend
Surgical h6spl(nl at 5:30 o'clock.
The death of the daughter, which
prompted yesterday' tragedy, took
placo In Ilcnd on March 1G or tho
prusont ur, resulting from com
plications following u severe attnckJ
of Itiiluenzu. The mother had appar
ently carefully considered tho step
sho wus nbout to take, for tho letter
which wag entrusted to Mrs. Docker
was sevornl pages In length, giving
detailed directions as to tho disposal
of her porsonnl effects and explain
ing tho writer's reasons for ending
ho- life.
Funeral services will bo liold at
10 o'clock tomonow morning from
tho Nfswouger chapel.
ItejcrntN und President of O. A. C.
(J ii o In ut .Farm Durcau Han-
iHrt Work on Ilanche
of County Delated.
Definite assurance that the Oregon
Agricultural college will do Its ut
most to aid Central Oregon in secur
ing an experiment station, and advice
as to tho best manner of procedure
for Central Oregon counties in doing
their part toward attaining this ob
ject, wero given last night by Dr. J.
W. Kerr, president of tho state Agri
cultural college, whn he spoke at
u banquet given at the Pilot Dutte
Inn by the Deschutes County Farm
bureau. Dr. Kerr's address followed
a number of talks by farmers, bank
ers and business men, showing tho
country's needs and outlining tho
problems which have already been
worked out by tho men who gain a
livllhood from tho soil. County Agri
culturist Koons presided as toast
master at tho banquet.
"You need an experiment station
hero Just as soon as It can be obtain
ed," was Dr. Kerr's declaration.
"After carefully watching the growth
and development of this section tor
a number or years, I have become
fully' convinced that the people of
Central Oregon should have the re
sults or scientific Investigation to
aid them In their work.
To Heck Federal Aid.
"This country has a now country's
problem .and they mast be solved
here. An experiment station which
will make Oils possible can be secur
ed by united effort. Dy heglnulitg
now, It should bo poslble to bar
such a station designated and the
proprlatlon provided at tho next
elon of tho legislature.
0. A. G. WILL
President Kerr of HUto College Kx
plalnN Htcjm Necessary In Drink
ing Matter to Focut
Dcfore Irgfelaturc
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Members of the board of rogenta
or the Oregon Agricultural college,
headed by Dr. W,"J. Kerr, presldeBt
or the state institution, visiting In
Dend today while on a tour of the
state, are favoratdy disposed toward
tho establishment of ,a fa rat experi
ment station near Dend, to serve all
Central Oregon, they declared la la
dlvidual statements and addresses at
the Commercial club luncheon this
noon. Deforo definite action can tie
taken, however, full data 'on the
needs or the country, its proslesW
and tho particular lines on wMefe
such a station could most profltaMy
specialize, will be required, Dr. Kerr
stated, reflecting the sentiment ot the
entire board. Other members or the
party who are In Dend, and who will
be the guests of the Dwehutes Covsf
ty Farm bureau at a banquet to be
given at 7 o'clock, tonight are': J. K.
Wcatherford of Albany, chafrjaaw. et
tho board; JeSersen Meyers of Pert
land, secretary; II. voii tier Ilellea et
Medford,, George Cornwall or Pert
land Orasoa
(From Fridny'H pally.),
Authentic testimony l'n !the'N con
troversy con co rnlng thn .dorlvatlon
or Demi's riamewiiH kItoh today by
w. .,.,.i5' iia- iimwi in tho .: ..;'..... :'": . .. .
mutu ummu.iou " . -- - tu'wiur .Aiinviiiu in minis, prniuineii
v'l.lnliu f Mm Imlillnea nt tlio PIllOl . . r
Vicinity or tho holding" ot tho Pino
Trco Lumber Co. Action with re
gard to ontrnnco Into Dend Is inter
to bo dotormlnod.
According to;II. II, Huhou, nu
omlnont rnllrond bulldor, thoon
KlnaurliiK fonturos connoctod with
tho construction or this lino nro
Hlmplo, nml tlio cost will not bo ox
cusbIvo In crossing thu mountains,
HUl Connection Denlod,
nVKen tiHl'ted foKiwdliiK nny nfillln
tlon wHh tho HIM lntorostfl In thlw
(Coutlnued on pago 8,)
shoop innn or Jlnrnoy und Malhour
counties, Twenty yonra ngo, Mr.
Arnwlno wus hording nml run his
bund or shoop whoro lito city or
Dend nowxHuiHls. "w( cullbd It
'Farowoll Uond' hon," Im'suld, "und
later the first pnrt or tho numo wus
droppqd und It whb known ns Tho
nomP," Still lutor, ho oxp'lanfd, tho
uuina lost tho urtlolo nnd becnino
JuhI "Uond." Thu nnniQwua dorlvod
orlglilally, of courO, rro'm tlto turn
In tho rlvor"
Chief leomnn on Hoard Ship for
71,400 MIIcn Kntcml Servlco
In Mrst Part of tho War
(From Monday's Dally.)
Moro than two years 'nftoYLho en
listed, lu tho U. S. nnvy, Hobert IC.
InnoH, sou of Mr, nnd Mrs. Joseph
Itinos or this city, roturnod to Dond
today, having rocohtly received his
dlscluu'go rrom tho service nt Drom
ortou nflor ho hud nttnlued tho rut
lug or chlof yoomun. From April,
1018, to tho onrly pnrt or this month
ho wus on bonrd ship with but n
row brlor shoro lonvoa, nnd ostl
mtttoB thnt in thnt tlmo ho covered
7-1,-tOQ mllon, This wna dono in 13
trips botwoou tho United Stntos und
Hiiro po whllo In t)io transport sorv-
Mr. Iiuioa Will mako his homo In
Dond with his purouts,
BRINGS $18,000
Tl'MAl.O WIMj haisi: PUUK
Tho John Hayes ranch nt Turn-
ajo, rormorly owied by Grovor Gor
king, waa sold yestorduy to C. N.
Jones, u recent arrival in Deschutes
county rrom Virginia. The much
contains 200 ticres with 177 Irri
gable und' with water right, Of tho
total ucroao, 100 ucrea Is seeded to
nlfulfn. The consideration, accord
ing to J, II, Minor, who mado tho
deal, wu8 $18,000.
The new ownor la an oxporlonced
farmer und un Irrigation specialist.
It Is Mr, Jones' lntoutlon to innko
tho much a puro-brod livestock
ranch, Mr, Hayes bus other lare
lutorosts In i.nko county which ho
work at once. Gather all theiinfor-
matlon notislble. nnd cnmnlle- vour
datu so that you will have an aUract
Ivo paying proposition which will ap
peal to hard-headed business men.
This fall wo should find out what as
sistance can be given by the federal
government In order to bo able to
present this phase of tho matter also
to tho legislature."
Dr. Korr emphasized the. Import
ance of cooperation, praising espec
ially the' program adopted by tho
Stato Hankers asoclatlon for tho co
operation or business nnd hanking In
terests In advancing the interests or
tho farmer. "Tho tanner's interest
Is tho Interest nt ull," ho asserted.
"We nil prosper, pr wo nil rail to
gether. Tho O. A. O. plan is tho plan
or cooperation nnd organization."
Slory of Development Told.
John Marsh of tho tarrn bureau,
first speaker or tho evening sketched
tho history or tho development or
Central Oregon, relating the work
which has been accomplished In Im
proving tho quality or stock raised
on Central Oregon ranches, and lay
ing special emphasis on tho co
operative methods or handling stock
enabling tho small rancher to ob
tain the Butno advantages or largo
scalo production as tho big stock
Tho possibilities or tho dual pur
pose cow and tho advantages ot
sowing blue grass on sublrrigated
soil wero developed by E, P. Ma
haffoy of the Central Oregon bank.
Passing from this, ho entered a plea
tor the establishment ot an experi
ment station. "Glvo us a chance,"
ho urged. "Tho people or tho stato
don't know what wo have hore, but
wo know thut this is the sort- or
nsslstunco which would be most
beneficial to us, and In consequence
to tho entlro stnto."
Potuto Grading1 Pays.
J. A. Molvln related his exper
ience, lu tho lust three years in po
tato culturo nnd mentioned that
through tho Deschutes CountyPo.
tnto Growers association, potutp'es
raluod In thlH section bring 20 conta
higher on tho Sun Francisco market
tliun tubors raised in any other Jo-
Study of CoHdJtlpa Nettled.
Introduced by C. S. Hudson, presi
dent of lite State Daakers bbsochi-
tion. Dr. Kerr developed the topic
'- outlined by Mr. Hudson, that of the
Take up .he need for an experiment station, or a
branch cf tho Agricultural colllege,
"We are hero to study condltteas
to find out what you need, and lo
devise furthor means of extending;
assistance to you." ho said. "Cen
tral Oregon has developed rapidly but
much of your great country Is still
undeveloped. Thoro are great prob
lems of improvement remaining to be
solved. In this connection I wish to
to say that one of tho most encourag
ing things I have noted hero Is the in
terest taken by tho leading men of
tho community In developing and
aiding In tho solution ot the coun
try's problems.
(Continued on Pago 4.)
Problems Aro Great.
"I am much interested in Central
Oregon. I realize that you on the
rnrms are working under groat tfir-
llcultles. w want to help 'you.
There are thousands "or acres unculti
vated, and there should bo much of
this which can bu rendered pro
"Defore the ''matter of an expo.i
mont statiou can be brouglt to a
focus, wo mu,st kayo all the fact3
connected with such a move collected
and at our disposal. In this we
need your cooperation. We nut
know tho acreage of the country to
bo served, how much or It Is irrig
able, how much is already under
Irrigation, and definite data as to tho
prospects fqp, goring water on the
arid areas. Also we should he in
formed aa Ito the lines of work
wich nu experiment station could
most, prpHtably 'apecialjze on, tho
probable annual cot ot-malntennuce,
tho availability ot land. and money
ror the erection of buildings, and
the posslb)lty of obtaining federal
College Record Is Told.
"Such a station should serve a
arge area, and should have thtTco
operutlon ot the business men,
bankers, county agents, fanners and
specialists seqt out by the college.
Wo would be especially Interested la
securlug this Information from you,"
"I am ror whatever will develop
the state, aMI4lfyai$ experiment ta
tion here will fo that I am eertetaly
ror It," J. H. "Weatherfora. PrWIt
of tho board of re&MiU, swttt !,-
(Continued, on Page 8.)