1 PACKS RN1 11UM.KT1N, IKND, OUKOON, TIIVUHDAV, JULY 10, Will I "Surest Thing You Know," says the Good Judge It's a cinch to get a real quality chew and save part of your tobacco money at tne same time. A small chew of this good tobacco gives real lasting satisfaction. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW tint up in two styles RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco -MA I ' " J I I I ' Central Oregon Neighborhood News ALFALFA IS GOOD AT POWELL BUTTE POWELL BUTTE, July 9. Hay ing Is on in full blast in this section. Farmers report the alfalfa much better than was thought ,two weeks ago It would be. Dan iHourlgan was called to Lakcviow last week by tho death of his friends, "Nick" Brown. Mr. Brown vrns killed in an automobile accident. He was a cousin of Tom Cronin. also of this place. Fred Brown, uncle of Sirs. E. A. Bussett and Mrs. George Shobcrt. Is visiting friends and relatives In this vicinity. .Uncle Fred's home Is at Kent, Oregon. Miss Mildred ("Billle") Fcnimore of Portland arrived last week to spend tho summer with tho family of her uncle, William Arnold. Miss "Billle" often vlslu hero during her vacations and has many friends. She Is much entertained by the young people always while here. Mrs. A. W. Bayne has returned from a visit to Portland. Mrs. Ross Bussett and daughter and Miss Fay Bussett are at home from an extended visit with friends at Portland and Seattle. Many of the residents of Powell Butto celebrated away from home. Some went to Bend, other to De schutes and a large party of young people, chaperoned by Mrs. E. A. Bussett, spent the 3rd and 4th at Catnp Sherman, Mrs. Levee of Redmond is spend ing the summer ut the Wurzwellcr ranch here. Miss Josephine Lewis of Portland Is spending her vacation visiting at the home of George .Beckman. Miss Lewis' grandparents arc old friends of the Beckmans. Miss Thatcher of Portland, who has been a house guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Drlscoll for the past two months, returned to her home Tues day. Miss Thatcher has been tho in spiration for many pleasant social affairs while here and has made many friends who will be glad to see her return some time. Bend Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Grlnstead, Leo It. Tauscher, Mrs. M. C. Keller and Frank Grltusted mado a pleasure trip to East and Paullnu lakes last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Owen and daughter Charlotto were out at their homestead on Sunday and spent the afternoon and evening at the L. P. Rooncy home. Mr. Hammer, one of our new homestead neighbors, spent Sunday with his family. W. W. Grinstcd spent the Fourth of July at Bend. Mrs. Mary Rooney nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P. Rooney, and little sop Mitchell, spent a very pleasant Fourth at tho J. J .Holland home. Some of tho neighbors enjoyed u little picnic on Pino Mountain. R. R. Keller and family mado a trip to Brothers the Fourth, wheru quite u celebration wns staged.. A I large number from this vicinity "t loncicu tne dance given .in tho evening. The bachelor's nnnual dance has .been postponed Indefinitely. Tho former Conoway house Is be ing moved out on one of the Smith homesteads. The parents of Mrs. C. Evans have been visiting with her at her home. Mrs. W. Ousley made a trip, to Bend Thursday, nnd Friday brought out the Ice cream and musicians for the dance which was held the night of tho Fourth, Holds, Before ho returns tin will vlnlt with his hrothor, Irving Couch. 'Mrs. J. L. Couch tnul Hon woro culture at tho Unlit homu Suudny. Quito a number from thin section nttomtcd tho colouration ami Clinu tnuuun In Bond on July 4 nml report u good Unio. Durwnnl Howoll was lit Bond for sovoml days last woak. Mr. and Mrs. Wolls and son Karl of tho Pino Trco Mill woro visiting with relatives hure Sunday. Mrs, Phulps and Mrs. Mary Ouritor woro shopping In Bend Monday. Mrs. G. M. Couch, who has been In Bond for soiuu tliuu, returned homu Saturday. She has not grently Im proved In health. Little Clifford Swisher who has been ailing for a numbur of years has been quite III hut Is now some better. Mr and Mrs. Harry .McQuIro re turned Sunday evening from u four day's trip to Fort Ktatnath. They spout tho Fouth of July ut Crater Lake nnd report having hud a most enjoyable time. Raymond Winter spent Sunday With Roy Mlckols. John Barnes In visiting with his sister, Mrs. M. Mlckols and family. -Mr, ana .Mrs. j. L. Couch were callers at tho G. M. Couch homu Inst Suudny. , Mr. nnd Mra. C. A. Howoll spent Saturday at the homo of their uncle and nuttt, Mr. and Mrs. AIo.x Howell, Mr. nnd Mrs. I. E. Winter and son woro transacting .business ut tho Plue Tree Mill and In Bond the first of tin' week. Miss Martha Hnsselburg and Mrs. F. V. Swisher were cullers ut the Edgewood tnrm last Sunday uvenlng. ARE YOU USING THIS BANK? A Grateful Wonum'n Story. Mrs. Robert Blair of 401 S. 20th street, Torre Hauto. Indiana., writes '"After taking Foloy Kldttoy Pills a few weeks I found my kidney trouble gradually disappearing. Tho back aches stopped and I am also tree of those tired spells nnd headaches and my vision Is no longer bleared." They stop rheumatic pains. For sale every where Adv. W ERE vou one of the 514 FARMERS who consulted our Agricultural Department last month concerning farm problems ? PLAINVIEW MEN GET PRIZE MONEY Vou Xecd not Travel. It is safe to say that as many per sons have secured relief from hay fever and asthma at home by taking Foley's Hney and Tar, as havo been benefitted by going to health resorts. It heals and soothes the choking-stuffed-up sensation. Good for all colds, coughs and croup. For sule vc erywhere. Adv. FOURTH IS "ENJOYED AT MILLICAN HOMES Men nnd Women Sloiv l'j. Nowadays many persons wrong fully attribute backache, rheumatic pains, sore, swollen aching Joints and muscles nnd that always tired feel ing to oncoming age, when tho real causo Is kidney trouble. Foley's Kid ney Pills help the kidneys throw out of tho blood tho Impurities that causo these symptons. For sale every where. Adv. WEDDING DINNER IS AT PINEHURST HOME PINEHURST. July 8. A b!g din ner was given Monday uvenlng ut tho Howell homo In honor of Mr, und Mrs. C. A. Howell who were married In Washington on Juno 11. It wns also tho birthday anniversary of C. W. Howell. Those who attended the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Howoll, Mrs. Winnie Howell and son, who are visiting here from Washington, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuiro, Mrs. R. H. Bayloy, Miss Ruth Bayloy, Miss Alice Spaugh, Miss Gladys Spaugh, Leroy Howell, Violet Spaugh, Durward Howell, Myrtle Spaugh and Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Howell. Muhlon Couch left Monday for and W. Ed Moore .mado a trip to Washington to work In the harvest PLAINVIEW. July 9. J. A. W. Scoggin, George Cnlverley and II. T. Hartley won some of the prlzo money In tho big celebration. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, Ray Arm strong and party enjoyed u splendid time In Bend on July 4. Premise Van Tussel roturncd home Sunday from a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hnrtloy and family enjoyed the big celebration at Bend. There were church services at tho school houso on Sundny afternoon under tho direction of llev. Williams of Redmond. Tho nest regular serv- Ice will be held In two weeks. J. B. Dawson nnd guests spent July 4 In Bend. Mrs. Coin, .Miss Gertrude Coin and Mrs. Sinner and children started for their homo In Washington tljo morn ing of July 5. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Scoggin, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Scoggin und Mrs. R. L. Scoggin started for Silver Lake Wednesday ovenlng to spend the Fourth of July with tho Bennett family. A trip to Williamson river was enjoyed. The sister of Mrs. Chris Ward has been visiting at tho Ward h6mo the past two weeks. A. E. I loss was a business caller in Bend Wednesday morning. I.uolla uurgess returned front a case at Culver Inst Tuesday. Nelllo Van Tassel was III at her home the past week. She Is much Improved, Ho Vt'MM Almost I 'list (inlng. "I suffered with kidney trouble for threo years," writes I). Bell, of St. Jnmcs City, Florldn. "and for six months I havo been almost past going began tak ng Foley Kidney Pills, and heforo I had used two bottles my pains wero all gono." Rollevo Back ache, rheumatic pains, Btlff, swollen Joints and sore mlsclcs. For sale everywhere. Ail v. 1919 POSTAL REPORT IS BEING PREPARED MILLICAN. July 8. R. R. Keller Dependable "Red Crown" Is stralght-distilied, all-refinery gasoline. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fUl. STANDARD OIL COMPANY CtiUeioU) fturaa & ot$ me f2jgz on - O fQualii)r W. R. Speck, Special Agent Standard Oil Company, Winding up the business of the lust 12 months, Acting Postmaster W. H. Hudson, la compiling his re' port for tho fiscal year, und stated today that It would in all probabil ity bo completed by July lfi. Ho is bolng delayed to a certain eytent by being forced to wait for reports for smaller offices in tho county to como In before making up his flnnl statement. Dr. L. W. Gatchell Oplewetrist and Manufacturing Optician Complete Lent Grinding Plint in con nection with my offlce it LARSON h. CO.1owe)er 143 Oregon tliect, Bend, Oregon Brand Directory vft FRANK I'linCIVAM; Mllllcun, Oregon, adv.89p Right sldo; right ear crop ped; wattlo right bind leg. II. L. TONE, Sisters, Ore, adv.lOOc If you were not, plan to visit us when you ure next in town. It makes no diilcrencc whether you are a customer or not. We are working for the good of this community and every onejs entitled to wluit help we enn give. Of course you will eventually find it to your advantage to connect up with this bunk. That's why we are the largest hunk in Central Oregon and the only one with over a million dollars deposits. TIIK HANK OK Hl'I'KHIOIt NUUVIUF. The First National Bank of Bend BEND, OREGON. HEPPNER MEN BUY THEATER WIlil.IA.M H. PARKINSON AND O. 51. WHITTINOTO.V TO TAKK OVKlt TIIK (HUM) JULY 15 CONTROL I.II1KRTV TOII.W. drum! theater Is not given. Announcement of the uciulnltl(m of tho theater business on Horn! street follows closo on tho deal mado Inst week by Mr. Parkinson nnd Mr. Whlttlugton with Ward Coble for securing the Liberty. They assumed management of the Wall street show house today. daughter of Mrs. Otto (Irons, called to her mother shortly heforo S o'clock, and u moment later culled out that the placu was nil on lire. Adjoining building woro nut harmed, (From Monday's Dally.) That he and his partner, William 11. Parkinson, will take over tho ownership of the Ornnd theater on July 15 wan tho announcement to day of O. M. Whlltlngtun, recently of. Hoppner. Tho deal Is completed, ho said, but 1.. C. Rudow, who opened tho movlo theater in Its present loca tion In December, 1010, was unable to reteaso tho management of the establishment until tho middle of the month because of flint contracts ex tending to that date, Tho cousldera Hon Involved In tho purchase of tho SMALL GIRL STARTS WALL STREET FIRE Nlne-Voiir.OM Child Tells .Motlirr Hhe Will I.ny "Klro for ninner," Then Call for Help. (From Thursday's Dully.) Fire, accident!)' set this morning In the single story frame building, par, of the Cora Jones holding) on Wnll near Oregon street, resulted In practically u total loss of tho fixtures of tho Central Oregon cleaning shop, where the blaze started. Tho struct tiro was not sufllclcutly dumnged to wurrant rebuilding. "I ant going lu make a fire to get dinner," nlnu-yenrold Rita, llaugfrM of lint Weather. Any one Is doubly liable to III ef fects from the hot sun when stom ach and bowels are clogged with u mass of undigested food. If you suf fer front sick headuche, bllllousnuM. bloating, heaviness, or any III caused by Indlgestlqu tnke a Foluy's Cath artic tablet and you will feel better In tho morning. For sale everywhere. Adv. EASY TERMS 220 acres good farming land near Redmond, close to the Deschutes river. Tumalo ir rigation ditch runs close to the land. Will sell on very easy terms with interest at (1 per cent. Write for descrip tion. THOMAS BOGGESS 151 Front St., Portland, Ore. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 Build With BRICK! BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. Announcing Advertising Rate Changes for THE BEND BULLETIN DAILY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS Effective July 1, 1919. DAILY EDITION Home Composition per column inch each insertion. i2.';i20 Cents Plate Matter per column inch each insertion .154Cents . WEEKLY EDITION Home Composition per column inch each insertion...... 20 Cents .. Special position, or preferred position, 25 cents per column inch';; No display advertisement nccceptcri for less than 50c each insertion. THE BEND BULLETIN MEMBER O'F THE AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION Circulation Statement Sworn to, ' r ' U r ft