The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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IS The GreatestTame In Goodvland "Q
I If i
' 1 flgOUlinow the I.
II realm of child- 1
, hood .dreams
3 is a land of
131Jh -T2 Make some of II
-CVjU those dreams II
Nkx a delightful ji
H Ki1'n reality by Ij
IPPiJr taking home 11
11, WR1GLEY5
-tJfaK frequently, jj
llrw How about 1
II Lf tonIght? I
' PlJl TheFlaVOrW
-II J n Lasts I ( IMmr I-
HarsrassRrarajsaaassrafHsraaafSBOTlornco sworn stutomunt and nppiicn-
I s i J I tl0" No 02002G, lu purchuso tho
3 Central Orpann w. sbunwh. of section
0. I). 0. CLUJ WILL
PLAINVIEW, July 1. Tho O. I).
(). cluti linld lu regular meeting with
Mr. Phil Hmllh IuhI Thursday uftor-
4 noon, Juiui 20. Thorn wuh n very
, good attendance of members nnd thu
guests present vro Mm. (Jlrurd uml
.Mm, llurbort Armstrong. A num
ber of garments woro finished for thu
Red Cross. Thu IiumIomn served a vury
dainty lunch. Tim noxt meeting of
thtt cluli will bo held with Mr. John
Ktohll on Thursday afternoon, July
10. Every member Ih urged to bo
.present iim thin U to ho tho annual
mooting for thu election of officers.
Mm. Ted Hearth of tho Pino Tree
Mill Mpi'tit several days at thu Hart
ley homo tho pant week,
Mary Ilouuott returned to her
grandmother's Hiiuday after spend
uflor spending tho week al thu Plnu
Troo mill,
Sterling Trent Ih visiting at thu
Pulllaiii rancli.
Mr. Chnffln, Hoy and Edgar Heart,
and Mr. Will Patterson returned on
Hat unlay from Three Creek, lake
with a line moss of fish.
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Armstrong nnd
family Hpuut Kuuday afternoon at
thu J. A, Scogglu Iioiiiu.
Mr, and Mrs. John McKlnnoy huvu
i returned homo aftur HpoudliiK u mini
! her of wookH lu thu mountains.
Mm. Sinner, MIhh Coin, Wllmu
nnd Perry Dawson were callers at
tho Ilox A ranch Friday afternoon.
V Mr. and Mm. J. II. ElkliiH and Mr.
nnd MrH. H, T. Hartley took cattlu
and unit to Three Creek laku tho
Unit of thu week,
Mm. Paul Scoggln roturned homo
Hiimlay from Portland where she ban
i been visiting for thu paHt two weekH.
Jack Tuoy of Catlow valley and
H, L, Burgess, were cullers at thu
0, C. McAIIUtur homo Friday even
Iiik. Mr. dray nnd Itny Armstrong HhIi
od at Three Crook lako Sunday,
Thu Snow Crook Irrigation com
pnny held a mooting With Mrs. Lou
zottn Pulllam Tuesday ovoulng to
complete tho plans for tho formation
of an Irrigation dlHtrlct.
Nellie Scoggln upont Sunday at tho
liomo ranch.
There will bo roKUlar church Horv
Icon at tho school Iiouho noxt Sunday
afternoon, July 0, under tho direc
tion of Ilov, Williams, tho nuwly ap
pointed pustor,
Depurtmont of thu lutorlor, United
StutoH Lund Otflco, nt Tho Dallea,
OroRon, Mny 10, 1919,
Notlco la hereby given that
lCdward T, Oorrlah, whoao poHtofllco
uddroaa la Ilond, Oregon, did on tho
flrat day ot August, 1018, file lu this
11. township It) south, ranee 11 cant.
Wlllatnetto murldlan, and thu timber
thereon under thu provisions of thu
act of Juno 3, 1H78, and actM amend,
nlory, known u "tho Timber and
Stone l.uw," at nuch valuo an might
bo fixed by appralxumuut, and that,
purHuaut to hucIi application,
land and timber thereon huvu boon
appraised 1900.00, thu timber estl
muted COO, 000 hoard feut, at $1.7f
per M. und tho laud $25; that said
applicant will offer final proof In sup
purt of IiIh application, and sworn
Mtatomeut on thu Mecond day of Aug
ust, 1911), before II. C, EIIIh, United
Htaten Commissioner, at Ilonil,
Any person In at liberty to pro
tent tbU purchaHo before entry, or
Initiate a content at any Unto before
patent Issues, by Ming a corrobor
ated aflldavlt In IIiIh oftlco, ulleglug
fucU which would defeat thu entry.
17-20C Register
Department of- thu Interior, United
StatoH hand Office at Thu Dallea,
Oregon, May 1U, 1919.
Notice Ih hereby given that Clirlmdo
Illakuly, wIiohu pOHtofllcu nildresH Ih
llond, Oregon, did on thu IhI day
of AugUHt, 1018, file lu thin of lice
Hworn Htafoment and application,
Xo. 02002fi, to purcluiHu thu NF,
SWd4 and lot 2. nee 13, townahlp
19 Houth range 11 oatU Willamette
meridian and thu timber thoruon
under tho provlHloim of thu act of
June 71, 1878, and acta amendatory,
known an tho "Timber and Stuuo
Law," nt nuch valuu uh might bu
fixed by iipprnlaumout, and that pur
suant to audi application, tho land
und timber thereon havo boon up
prulaed $1020, thu timber estimated
COO, 000 board feut ut $2.00 per M,
und thu laud $20; that mild applicant
win oner final proor In Htipport of
hla application and sworn Htatu
ment on thu 2nd day of Auguat. 1919,
before II. c. KIIIh, U. S. commissioner
ut Ilond, Oregon.
Any poraou Ih ut liberty to protest
thlu purohuHu before entry, or lultl
utu ii content ut any tlmu before
putont laHUOH, ly fllliiK a corrouor
atod affidavit In tbla office, alleging
facts which would dofeat thu entry.
17-20o ItoglHtor.
(For Publication.)
Department of thu Inturlor, United
StutoB Land Office, Lttkovluw,
Orogon, Junu 17, 1910.
To Albert (lurlk ot unknown address,
You aro hereby notified that Josso
A. Martin, who glvea caro ot A. S.
Droaaor, 319 Worceator llldg., Port
laud, Orogon, us his postofllco ud
droaa, did on May 19, 1919, fllo lu
this ufllcu hla duly corroboratud ap
plication to contest und secure tho
cancollatlon of your homoateud untry,
Burial No. 07243, mmlo January 13,
1914, for south half soctlon 17, town
Bhlp 22 S, riuiKo 17 K, Wllhunotto
Morldluu, and uu grounds for hla
contest ho allogos that Albort Qurlk
has wholly ubandouod said lund for
mora, than six months Immediately
procodlug tho boglunlng of this con
tost; that ho wholly ubaudonod said
land In January, 11)14, and linn never
made any Improvement thereon or
any cultivation of any of Nald hind;
that bin absence from said land In
or was not duo to Uls omptoytnent In
thu military or naval ourvlcu of tho
United SlatcH uh a prlvato xoldlur.
officer, xuamaii, tiuirlno, national
Kuardiuunu or member of any other
orxniilzatlou fur offeime or defeimo
during any war In which tho United
HtaluH lum been otiKaKud.
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that thu nald allegation will he
taken n confuHHud, and your nald
entry will be cancelled without fur
ther rlKht to ho hoard, either before
IIiIh office or on appeal, If you fall
to (He In IIiIh office within twenty
dayn after the fourth publication of
thin notice, aH hIiowii below, your an
Hwor, under oath, itpucltlcally re
Npondlni: to Hiohu allvKatloim of con
tuHt, tOKether with duo proof that
you have nerved a copy of your an
Hwer on tho nahl contentant either In
perKon or by reentered mall.
You nhould wtate lu your nunwor
tho name of thu powtofflcu lo which
you duHlru future not Icon to be Hunt
to you,
Date of flrnt publication, Juno 2C,
Date of Mecond publication, July .1,
Date M third puhllcntlon, July 10,
Data of fourth publication, July 17,
In tho circuit court of thu ntato of
OroKon, In and for thu county of
Oeorcu II. SlinpHou, plaintiff, vm.
Oeorjto S. Clayton, defendant.
Thu Htatu of Orxou to tho nald
(Icorgu H. Clayton, defendant:
You are hereby Huminoned to ap
pear within nlxty dayn after thu first
publication of HiIb MuminotiH, towlt:
within Hlxty dayn aftur thu l'Jth day
of June, 1919, and defend thu above
untitled action in thu above entitled
court, and aimwer thu complaint of
thu plaintiff nnd nerve a copy of your
utmwer upon tho nttorneyit for plain
tiff at their office below (dated, and
in en no of your failure bo to do,
JudKUieul will ho rendered ngainil
you according to thu prayer of the
complaint, which Iiuh been filed with
thu clerk of thu nald court, tho oh
poet of thin Htilt Ih to forecloHO a
mortKaKu lu thu mini of One TIioub
und dollarn together with IntereHt
thereon al thu ratu of 10 per cent,
per annum from thu flmt dny of Sep
tember, 1918, and for tho further
turn of Two Hundred Dollarn attor
ney 'h feu, und thu cent and dlnbureu
mentM of thin action to bo taxed.
Said forecloHuru being brought
upon thu following described prop
erty, nltuated lu thu county of Doh
chutoN, Htutu of Oregon, towlt:
tho Houthwcnt qunrtor of thu outh
mint quarter of iioctlou thirty-two
(32), towiiHhlp fifteen, (1C). and
lotH three, (3). and four, (4), in
Mectlon five, (6), township nlxteen,
(1C). Houth, nil lu rniiRu cluven.dl),
K.W.M., contalnlnj; 138, 54 acre.
Thin MUtntnonn Ih published In com
pliance with tin order of thu Honor
able Circuit Court for thu county of
DenchutcH, made and entered on the
12th duy of Juno, 1919, nnd ordering
that thu kamo bo published In Boven
connccutlvu Ihhuoh of a nownpaper of
general circulation In Denchutcs
county, Oregon.
Attornoyn for Plaintiff.
Hoom 102S OaHco Uulldlng, Portland,
Oregon. 1C-22C
xotici: roit l'imiiicATiox.
(Xot Coal Um.)
Department of tho Inturlor, U. S.
I-uiuI Office ut Iikuvlow, Oregon,
Juno X, 1919.
Xotlcu Ih hereby given that Alonzo
It. Colo or Lu Pino. Oregon, who, on
October 9, 191S, mado homestead
untry 08SG2. for 8W8W, section
H. WWNWU Hcctlon 23. townahlp
23 nouth, rnngo 9 east, Wlllnmotto
murldlan, has filed notlco ot Inten
tion to make final three-yenr proof
to I'HtabllHh claim to thu land ubovo
described boforo K. U. Clark, IT, s,
Commissioner at La Pino, Oregon,
on thu 2Cth day of July, 1919.
.Claimant names ns witnesses:
C. K. Street, II. A. Colu. Frank
Johnson, J. O. Hufrmau, all of I.n
Plnu, Oregon.
IC20o UoRlator.
(Xot Coal liiinil.)
Department ot tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Office ut Lakevlow, Orogon,
Juno 14, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that James
Lnuraou Froderlkson. ot La Plnu.
Orogon, who, on Soptomher 28, 191C,
mado homestead entry Xo. 0S881,
for tho UKM, nectlon 10. township
23 Houth, rnngo 9 east, Wllliimettu,
murldlan, has filed notlco ot Inten
tion to mako final threo-year proof
to establish claim to tho land ubovo
described boforo E. L. Clark. U. 8.
Commissioner tit Ln Pine, Orogon on
thu 25th day ot July, 1919.
Claimant numou us witnesses:
Carl Wlao. Jessie WIbu. Lloyd
Llnvllle, II. O. Scott, all ot Lu Plnu
jas. f. nunaEss,
1C-20Q ltoglator.
(Xot Coal Land.)
Department of tho lutorlor, U, 8.
Lund Otflco nt Lakevlow, Orogon,
Juno 13, 1919.
Xotlco la' horuby given that James
P. Shunks of Springfield, Oregon,
who, on Octobor 12, 1914, mado
homestead entry Xo, 08080 tor
SWV4SWV4. Hoctlon 7, township 24
south range 10 oast, NK'ANKU
section 13, SEtfSKV4 section 12,
townahlp 24 south, raugu 9 eaat,
Wlllnmotto morldlan, hua filed notlco
of Intention to niuku final three-year
proof to eatnbllsh claim to tho hind
above described boforo E, L, Clark,
U, S, Commlsalonor, nt La Pino,
Oregon, on tho 2Gth duy ot July,
Claimant names ns wltnHfsoi:
P. A. Evorott, ot Fleetwood, Oro
gon, Charles Esllck and Jean
Ilndlont, both of llend, Oregon, and
Amen Howard of La Plnu, Oregon,
JAM. F. IW110KH8,
10-20C Iteglntur
(Sol Coal Lund.)
Department of thu Interior, U. .
Land Office at Lakevlow, Oregon,
June 13, 1919,
Notice In hereby given that John
F. Dovoreuux, of La Plnu, Oregon,
who, on March i), 191C, mado homo
ntead entry No. 08498, for thu NK'(
miction 32, townahlp 21 nouth, rnngo
10 east, Willamette meridian, him
filed notlco of intention to make final
Ihreo-year proof to catabllah claim
to thu land above described, before
II, C. KIIIh, l' H. Commissioner ut
Ilond, Oregon, on thu 2Cth day of
July, 1919,
Claimant names aH wltnoHaon:
Michael C. Donahue, James L.
Ilenson, John J, Illew of Ilend, Ore
gon, Chnrlen It. Hwayze and C, II.
Clow of Lu Pine, Oregon,
IC-20C Iteglater.
( N'nt (,'oal IiimI.)
Department of thu Interior, U. S.
Lund Office at I.nkevlow, Oregon,
Juno 13, 1919.
Notlco Ih hereby given that 'Clnr
enco C. Malm, ot La I'lne, Oregon,
who, on October 13, 1914, made
homestead entry Xo. 08102, for tho
Vi,HKV. 8V&8WH. nectlon 33,
township 23 south, range 9 east, W.
nuirldlun, bns filed notice of his In
tent Ion to make final three-year
proof to the land above described,
before K. L. Clark, U, 8. Commis
sioner, ut I .a Pine, Oregon, on tho
20th da)' of July, 1919.
Claimant names an witnesses:
J. L. Howard, W. It. ltlley. both
of Im Pine, Oregon; Thomas Ilrack
en ot Crescent, Oregon, and Fred L.
Muhn of Coinp Lewis, Washington.
1C-20C y Iteglntur.
(Not Coal IjwkI.)
Department ot tho Interior, V. S.
Lund Office nt Lakevlow, Oregon,
Juno 13, 1919.
Xotlcu In hereby given that Jacob
F. Sutllef, of I,a Plnu, Oregon, who
on Junu IS, 1914, made homestead
entry Xo, 07771. for tho SW'i sec
tion lfi, township 21 south, range
10 east, Willamette meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to mako final
three-year proof to establish claim to
tho laud nbovo described, before E.
L. Clark, I'. S. Commissioner, at La
Pine, Oregon, on tho 25th day ot
July, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses: J.
It. Sutllef, Wm. Hogue, Arthur Olscn,
James Illuck, all or La Pino, Oregon.
1C-20C Register.
(Xot CimiI Iiud.)
Department of ,tho Interior, U. S.
Laud Office at Lakevlow, Oregon,
Juno 13, 1919.
Xotlcu in hereby given that John,
G. Hose, of Crescent, Oregon, who on
November 20, 1914, made homestead
entry Xo. 082C9. for tho SWUSWU,
section 1, X&XWU. XW'iXEU,
section 12, Township 25 south, range
S oust, Willamette meridian, Iiuh filed
notice ot Intention to mako final
three-yeur proof to establish claim
to thu land above described, before
K. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, at
I.a Pino, Oregon, on the 26th day of
July. 1919.
Claimant nnnies ns witnesses:
Orange Taylor, E. Hedlent,, Thomas
llrockon nnd Fred Cleaves, all of
Crescent, Oregon.
1C-20C Register.
In tho circuit court of Deschutes
county, for tho stnto ot Oregon.
Anna Illcknell, plaintiff, vs. O. O.
Illcknoll, deCondant.
To O. O. Illcknell, the ubovo named
In tho name ot tho state of Oregon.
you tiro hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed
against you In tho nbovo entitled
case and causo. on or boforo thu 24th
day ot July. 1919, which Is more
than six weeka after thu 12th day ot
Junu, 1919, the datu ot the first pub
lication of this summons, and If you
fall so to appear and answor, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will apply
to tho court for tho relief prayed for
lu her complaint, towlt: for n de
cree of this court dissolving the
bonds of matrimony, heretofore and
now existing between tho plaintiff
nnd defeudnntnud for n further de
cree, giving and granting to plaintiff
tho right nnd privilege ot resuming
her former name ot Anna Nye.
Service ot this summons la mado
Upon you by publication thereat in
tho Dead Bulletin tor six consecutive
and Biicccsstvo weeks, under und by
virtue ot an order inndu nnd entered
on the 12th dny ot June. 1919, by tho
Honorable T, E. J. Uuflfoy, Judge of
tho ubovo entitled 'court.
The dnto ot the first publication
ot this summons. Is thu 12th dny ot
Juno, 1919, and the date ot the last
publication is tho 24th day of July,
15-21o E. O. STADTER,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Ilend, Oregon
Notice la hereby glvon that tho
Squaw Crook Irrigation District will
recolvo sealed htds tor $15,000.00
Improvement bonds of tho Squaw
Creek Irrigation District aiithorizod
Mny 3, 1919, by nu election duly
hold within tho district; said btdtf
will bo openod at 2 o'clock p. m on
the 10th day ot July. 1919. In tho
otflco ot tho secretary ot thu district
In tho OKnno building, nt Iluiut,
Orogon. All bids must bo accompan
ied by n cortlflod chock lor 25 por
cont ot tho amount ot tho bid. Tho
district reserves tho right to rojeet
any nnd nil bids, Tho bonds to be
issued are u por com,, 20-year ser
ial bonds to bo datod July 1, 1919.
lilds will be received to 2 o'clock, p.
m. on 8uld day.
14-18o Secretary.
Xotlcu In hereby Ivcn that the
stnto land board of the. statu of Ore
gon will receive scaled bids until 10
o'clock u. m., August 12, 1919, for
thu following described lands, towlt:
oi.i l,.ii fic w nn a tt i i v .
All bids must bo accompanied by
regularly executed applications to
purchase, nnd check or draft for at
least oun-flftli of the amount bid.
Thu hoard reserves tho right to re
ject any or nil bids.
Applications und bids should bo
addressed to O. O. Drown, clerk statu
land board, Salem, Orogon, nnd
marked "Application nnd Did to
Purchase State Lands "
o. a. miowx,
Clerk State Land Hoard,
4)ated nt Snlum, Oregon, May 29
1919. 14-24c
lly virtue of nn execution lu fore
closure duly Issued by tho clerk of
the circuit court for Deschutes
county, Oregon, dated thu 7th day
of June, 1919, In a certain suit In
said court, wherein 8. 8. Stearns us
plaintiff recovered Judgment against
Norm an Weyund ns defendant for the
sum of Sixteen Hundred nnd no100
Dollarn with Interest thereon from
December 21st, 1910, at tho rate of
C per cent, per annum nnd Two Hun
dred Twenty and no100 Dollars at
torney's fees and tho further sum of
Twenty-four and CO100 Dollarn
costs, which Judgment was enrolled
an thu 7th duy of June, 1919.
Xotlco Is hereby given that, pur
nuant to said Judgment, I will, on
Saturday, tho 12th day ot July, 1919,
at the front door of the court house
In the city of Dend, nald county, at
10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, all tho right,
tltlu and interest of said defendant
on December 21st, 1910, In nnd to
tho following described real estate,
Tho northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter (XWtf of XWU)
of section eight (8) of township eigh
teen (18) south of range thirteen
(13) east W, M., located In Deschutes
county, Oregon, together with all the
interest and rights of tho defendant
on December 21st, 1910, In and
under contruct Xo. 593 with the De
schutes Irrigation & Power company,
an Oregon corporation, for the pur
chase ot water right and relenso ot
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-1C First National
Bank nidg. Tel. 611
(Dr. Co' Former 031cc)
H. 11. DtfArrnonJ Cha. W. ErUn
DeArmond & Erskine
Ij a w y k it s
O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon
United BUtea Commissioner
First National Bank Building
Lnwronco Bldg., Room 3
Phono Red 2251
Bond Press Bldg,
Phones: Ottlcu Red 41; Res. 123
Deschutes County Abstract Company
D. H. PEOPLES, President
Most Complete Abstract Plant ln Central Oregon. Special Attention
Given to Federal Loan Abstracts.
Firat Notional DonK Bldg, SEND, OR.E,, Cor. Btixt to Alleys
The Owl Pharmacy
lien, together with nil tho Intarcnt
und rights of the dofendnnt In and
undor tho certificate of residence and
cultivation heretofore Issued by the
desert land board of tho Rtnto of
Oregon to this defendant, undor nnd
by virtue of said contract No. 503,
to nntlsfy iinld Judgment In fnvor ot
tho plaintiff nnd against the defend
ant, together with all costs and dis
bursements that have or may accrue.
Dated this 12th day of June, 1919,
nt Rend, Oregon.
15-lSc 8. E. ROBERTS.
In tho County Court of the Stato ot
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In the Matter of tho Estate ot Lewis
J. Cale, Deceased.
Xotlco Is hereby given that thu
undersigned was on tho 18th day ot
Junu, 1919, appointed administrator
ot tho estate of tho above named de
ceased by thu county Judge ot De
schutes county, Oregon,
Therefore, all persons holding
claims against the estate of said de
ceased are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified, according to
law, at my office In tho O'Kano
building, Rend, Oregon, within six
months from the date ot the first
publication hereof.
Date of first publication, Juno 27,
Administrator of the Estate of
Lewis J. Calo, Deceased.
19d 18-21 w-c
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ot De
schutes. In tho Matter of the Estate ot A. L.
Stevens, Deceased.
Xotfce Is hereby given thnt tho
undersigned was on the 18th day ot
Juno, 1919, appointed administrator
of the estato of the above named
deceased by the county Judge of De
schutes county, Oregon.
Therefore, all persons holding
claims against the estate ot said de
ceased are hereby notified to present
tho same duly verified, according to
law, .nt my office ln the O'Kano
building, Rend, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first
publication hereof.
Date ot first publication, June 27,
Administrator ot tho Estato ot
A. L. Stevens, Deceased.
19d 1S-21W-C
Phone Black 1291
LEE A. TnOMAS, A. A. 1A.
2-4 O'Kane Building
O. P. NI8WONQER, Bend, Ore.
Licensed Kmbalmer, Funeral
Phone Red 421. Lady AmC
Nnprapathlc Physlclna
Over Logan Furniture Co.
Wall Street Hours, to E
Phone Rod 482
Permanently Located In Bond
with Now Equipment
Prlvato Office in Thorson'a
Jowelry Store
Dr. Turner will bo In Prlne
vlllo every first nnd third Fri
day; In Madras evory second
and fourth Friday, nnd In Red
mond every first nnd third
Thursday ot each month.
Read the Classified Ads.