The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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m i
ni rfi
I. "Mutt
in . .
' A Sliiimpoo
llf Ml t
I And
lllll ir
HI Just Remember
Jl Marill & Erskine
4 1
IP Our l'frifi4ion Drpittmrrit li Complete
P in llwy Dtiul.
day from a lini-duy trip through tlio
John buy country.
10, U, Ilourk iiikI .Martin Daly nr
rlvod In llond lunt night from Ore,
font, mid uru roiiiuluhiK over today.
Chief Deputy ft)i6rlff Ajltfuirt An
dornoii In back In tint of'llcl again
nftor huvlug ln6ii confined to his
liooiiijfur d number of.dnVii with u
Hiivoro attack of iniimpH.
W. 0, Iladloy camn In last night
from I'ntiflim crook whoro liu lino
Imioii NiiporliitondltiK tin construction
of u (Inin anil flHliwuy as a part of (ho
program for provldliiK spawning
KI'ouikIh for tlio Paulina luko steel-lioadH.
A. K. Peterson of Clovordnle, who
IniH JurI completed tlio mill) of IiIh
100 aero ranch, wan In Heart today
hoforo Imivliu,' for a Inmlnmm trip (o
tllO CUHl,
(From Wednesday's Dully )
0. I), llrown of Htaurfor, In upend
Inst tlin day In tlio city.
' 'K. h. Clnrk of La Pino wan n hus
Iiu'hh visitor In tlio city IiihI night.
I). Murphy In a IuihIihwn visitor In
(ho city from Davis luko.
J. II. Donovan mid fninlly loft IIiIn
morning hy auto on a trip to tlio
Mr. and Mr. Churli'M V. John
Htou arrived In Hut city lam night
from tholr homo In Huron.
Tlio second nu in bur of tlio Klmt
National Hunk Noun In off, tlio pre a,
mid copies may ho obtained hy sub
scriber callltiK at tlio hank.
. Mr. and Mm. J. II. Fox urn visit
lug lii tlio city today from tholr
lioimi nt Fremont,
J, II. Anderson, rotiirnud yostor-
(From Tuesday's Pally.)
Clarence L. Maunliuluior In III at
IiIm homo today.
Mra. J. M. llruiirnll of Caldwell,
Idaho, In visiting with hur daiiKhtor.
Mr. K. J. Callow.
Mm. Prlnro Htaat Iitih returned
from a several wotiKft' vIhIi In Port-
Mr. mid Mrs. A. J. Ilartor of Turn
alo wnro In tlio city doing aomo trnd-
Imk yesterday .
J. Illoch of Now Orleans In In tlio
city vlnltliii, with liln daughter, Mm.
Clarence L, Mannholiiior.
John I.. French and party of tour
ists of Albany, punned through llond
yesterday to poluta Nouth.
W, It. Itlloy of I.a I'luo cmao Into
Iliiiul thin morning with a load of
Dr. and Mr. J. O. Turner return
ed ItiHt iiIkIU from a 10 duys trip to
MKcln'll und Canyon City.
MrH. Krank li. JoIiiihoii, and Mm.
M. It. Biggs of Prluovillo aru in Bond
today trading.
Miss Hullo PattUon loft hint night
for Monmouth, Oregon, whoro nho
will attund (tin summer section of tlio
Mr. Cyril Stutflold and Mm, Ar
thur MatHdorf of Seattle are visiting
with thulr paruutN, Mr. and Mm.
C. W. HayoN.
J. I). Donovan, accompanied by liln
wlfo and son, will leave tomorrow
morning on a trip to tliu count, trnvol
Iiik ' auto.
Henry K. Winter of Wnsco county
and Anna Stephens of llond were
marrlod lunt night at tlio court
house, County Judgo V. I), Ha men
performing tho curomony.
A Real House Economy
"I AM AN ASSET. Other R.ntfe. arc lubilitle.-I pay illvi
JinJi other create cxpenie. Haven't you (,'ot enough expense"?
' The Majeitic Range cout more, hut the increaied cost comee from
the itiperior material in it construction and the matter workman
ship in iti aemblintf. The Majeitic Range ,iV at ootin'itent Range
for every cooking need.
Bend Furniture Company
Mr. and Mrfl. It. M. flaudorM loft
(rij mrjrnlnfci -"P "i JTiporytrlp. trt
j')rtund.and tlio wA"t9uiCo Valloy
jiofnlH. Tlioy Will ho :oii6 about two
Mr, and Mm, Ovid Itlloy loft thl
morning fr rator Luko on n nov
oral dayH' outlnK. "Accompanying
Mioin aro Mr. and Mrn. Halph Cako,
and 'Mr. and Mm. 12. 1'. Huydnr of
1'ortlaud. Thoy aro makltiK tho trip
by aiilomobllq,
Mr, and Mm. C. V, McCnllum loft
Buturday for tho oanl. Mr. McCnllum
will k) to Chicago whom ho -will do
fall buying for tho O olden Ilulo ntoro
and Mm. McCallom will romalu In
Sioux City, Iowa, whoro nho will vlnlt
with rolatlvi'N for Movyral .wookn,
Mr, and Mm. II. J. I'owor and Mr.
and Mm. A. K. Ilorndt, of KanHitu,
Hpoul Huturduy to Monday In tlio vi
cinity of Crnno prnlrlo. "M". and Mm.
Hurndt rocontly arrived by nutomo
hllo after a thrco wookM tour from
Kantian, coming hy Halt Lako, Mr.
llcmdt la Mm, I'owor'w brother. They
will vlNlt boro for a fow dnyit.
(From Monday'H Dally.)
MIhn Iva llarrlH of Hi'iid spout
Sunday with frlondN In I'rlnovlllo.
It. M. Smith and family loft yea
turday on a vacation trip to Tucoma.
Oncnr Carbon roturncd thliTinora
Ing from a IiunIiichh trip to I'ortland.
"V. L. Htovctm returned Saturday
from a IhihIiichh tri of Movoral daya
to Portland.
I'rahk Carter of I'rlnovlllo io visit
ing IiIh Mliitor, MIhh Dalay -Carter, in
MInn Ida Dalilo Iiiih accepted a po
sition oh HtouoKriipher In tho law of
flees of DoArmond & Kraklnc.
The Ilend Cooking club will meet
at Mm. Curry'n Tuesday morning at
10 o'clock. '
I). 1). Clark and Kred Green of
Cruno aro in Hoiul today transacting
Frank I'orclvnl of Mllllcan was in
llond yestorduy, having roturncd
from a trip to tho coast.
John Nelson was a week-end vis
itor in Ilend from his homo at Sliver
1m ko.
Mr. and Mm. Ocorgo Orccn nro the
parents of a H-pound baby girl, born
at their hoinu in this city 'Saturday
It. 1. Illako, who enlisted In tho
fall of 1917, has returned to Ilend
nftor serving overseas with tho 20th
Mm. J. I). Davidson will leave thlrfi
evening for Monmouth, where she
will tako summer work at tho nor
mul school.
Mr. nud Mm. Wultor Hrodhery nro
tho parents of an eight-pound girl
baby born last uIrIiI at their home
in this city.
Mr. and "Mrx. A. M. Lara, formerly
of this city, arrived-liv Ilend last
night by auto from Portland. They
will visit with friends hero for sev
eral days.
J. T. and h. M. Swank of Tangent
aro In Ilend for soveral das on land
business. They motored In from
Tho Dalles und report tho road in
oxcellont shape.
K. K. Haunn ana J. D. Donovan
wont to thu McKoutlo pass Saturday
and roportthat thare aro still a
number of drifts which would pre
vunt tho pussago of nutos, hut which
could bo romaved with comparative
ly little difficulty.
Frank Purker returned to Ilend
yesterday from Astoria, where ho
spent his vacation with relatives. Ho
romalnod In Portland ovor Saturday
at attend tho Shriuo convention.
S Goods
Fine thin Lawns
Batiste and
Dimities. Print
ed in Beautiful
Floral Effects.
4 v flJ&Uttt '"W&
;; Standing, sitting and walking coruectiy
i are the first essentials to goocl Health
and that elusive charm we call style
A Lh women wishto be well; but all women
Jr. do not appreciate the vital Importance
JL JLol correct ccrsclry -as an essential to
fe'uod health. Tlic well-known medical
, authority, Alice S. Cutler, M.D., warns us:
"As a nhvaician who knows that If ft wcm.
f. not for ill-fittfrig and' the vrcnp kind of
corsctc v,c wouidf have very few female in-
valid i, I am naturally dctcmuncd to do every
thing in my power to educate the American
woman in the proper fitting of corsets. Most
learned physicians now recognize the modern
corset as a hygicnically healthful garment
and one that is often the best means of pro
viding corrective support for many bodily
The Originct-UneqttaUcd From Lacing Corsets
have attained their unquestioned cupcriority
by assisting nature to perfect expression.
Every Gossard is hygicnicallv' correct. Prop
erty fitted to the figure fcr which it was
designed it will give scientific support to
abdominal and back muscles, with no chance
of undue pressure at the waistline; the organs
of nutrition will be free from pressure; the
erect posture which is induced will encourage
deep breathing and the diaphragmatic mus
cles become strong with use. A womaajso
corseted will have the undeniable beauty of
health and that grace of body, standing,
sitting, or walking, which is best expressed
in the one word, style.
Wc unreservedly recommend Gossard Corsets
as the complete expression of modern corsctry.
Oui highly specialized corset service is main
tained with a full appreciation of the exacting
needs oi the modern, active woman.
Gossatds arc priced at 32.50 325 $3.00 $3.50 fcf. O) $5.00 $5.50and j
Stop and Shop at
Quality Pioneers since 1911
Mrs. Parker returned to Bend Fri
day. Joseph limes received a telegram
this morning from his sou ltobert,
of tho U. 8. navy, who has Just
landed In Now York, to tho effect
that ho will mako one moro trip
across tho Atlantic before ho will ho
able to accuro IiIh discharge.
(From Saturdays Dally.'
F W. Wilson of Redmond
spending tho day In Ilonil
And All Next Week
Size 8
Just the thing
for home use.
A Real Special,
F. W. Webber will leavo tomorrow 3 o'clock in tho circuit court room,
morning on a business trip to LaLu that timo they will bo addressed
by It. A. Ward and J. Alton Thomp
son, and tho latest lessons from tlio
Sattor's Building
K. G. Rourk of Crescent was In
llond last night to bo present at tho
Institution of tho Elks lodge.
Dentos G. Burdlck of Redmond
was in last night to attend the format
Institution of the Elks lodgo.
Mrs. S. Hackctt of Rlpon, Cal.,
has been visiting in Ilend this week
with her sister, Mrs. SI. E. Knotts.
Sirs. K. C. Shevlin arrived In Rend
yesterday to visit at the homo of
Mr. and Sirs. T. A. SlcCann.
Sirs. Arthur Webb and her mother,
Sirs. S. C. Caldwoll, loft Thursday
evening for Seattle, whoro Sirs.
Wobb wl)l mako her future homo.
L. Currlo of I'ortland has arrived
in Rend to accept a position as chief
clork nt tho Union depot. Sir. Cur
rio's family will move to Rend later.
W. O. Ilnrriman, forest rangor at
Fort Rock, was in Rend today con
ferring with Supervisor N. G.
J n connection with tho services to
bo hold at Sather's hull tomorrow
night, at which Bishop Paddock will
speak of his experiences in France,
thoro will 1)0 a confirmation service
at 8 o'clock.
Roy Rltner of Pendleton, formor
state senator from Umatilla county,
was among tho Elks who gathered
horo last night to be present at tho
Institution of thu ney lodge hero.
Sirs. Charles Graves, sr., of Klam
ath Falls, and Miss Ringo of Portland
nro visiting horo with Sirs. Blaine
Garner. Thoy wero called to Bend by
tho illness and death of Sirs. Charles
Graves, Jr., of St. Helens, Oregon,
who died while hero on a visit.
Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Doncer leave
next wook for Lobam, Washington,
Dr. Dencor having rented his 1G0
aero ranch to O. O. King, of Brothors,
for tho next throe years, Dr. Dencor
has boon n resident of this, section
for tho last 12 years, most of this
tlnio having bcon spent in ranching,
Tho school children of Bend who
nro working in mo scnooi garuen
club, will meet Monday afternoon ,a,t
O. A. C.
will 1)e distributed.
(From Friday's Dally.)
F. W. Chrlsman of Sliver
arrived In Bend last night.
John P. O'Callaghan of Powoll
Butte, Is on a business visit to Bend.
Ben Brown and fumlly camo Into
Bond lust night -from their homo at
C. W. Hayes of this city has ro
turncd to Bend from antauto trip to
Fred Shintuffor is spending tho
day In Bend from his camp at Kant
Lako. '. '
Sirs. Jamea Pltchor. and Sirs. E.
B. Brewer of Silver Lako aro lu tho
Chiof Deputy Sheriff August An
dorsou is confined to his homo by
a sovero attack of tho mumps.
Sir. and Sirs. Walford Resaro aro
tho parents of a six and a halt
pound baby boy, born this morning.
Chester Sapplngton of Washougal,
Washington, is visiting in Bend at
tho homo of Sir. und Sirs, W, A.
Miss Clara La Flumuo returned to
Bend this morning from Nowborg,
whoro shq has been spending a two
weeky vacation,' '
Paul,A. V$ia and Ruth A. Buck
nor, both of this city, wero united lu
marrlago last night by Justlco of
tho' Poaco J. A. ' Bastes. Thoy il
make their homo in Bend,
Danger of Hot Weather.
Any onp is doubly liable to ill, ef
fects from tho hot, sun when atom
ach and bowohj aro clogged with a
mass of undigested food. If you suf
fer from sick headache, bllllousneiw,
bloating, heavliefl, or any ill mumkxI
by Indigestion take a Foley's Cath
artic tablet und you will feel better
in thtf rriorhliig. For salo everywhere.
it, it u upin xwwmn,"
- U--4