The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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I1KXI) IlULtiKTCTr'BNNn, OREGON, TllflllHDAY, .1UI.Y B, lll
The Bend Bulletin
(Work! JftlMJe)
(Incorporated) f
nr.ND, Brecon
Established 1SH.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for tho square deal, clean busi
ness, clonn politics and tho best In
terests of Uend'nd Central Oregon.
Ono Ycnr.......
six MoninR.......i.A...,
Throo Months....T...
. 1.00
... .CO
THURSDAY, Jl)L.Y S 1919.
Saturday's election finished tho
job that wns begun last winter when
the now city administration flrat dis
covered that It wns going to be short
ot funds with which to pay the city's
running exponaesfAslJo from tho
council's abortive nttompU to caro
for tho situation by a bond lssuo, tho
business has proceeded slowly, but
Inevitably, to the proper conclusion
tho payment ot our bills by a tax.
Wo say "Inevitably" because wo
thoroughly believe that the people
may bo depended upon, when all tho
facts aro bctoro them and they have
had tlmo to digest them, to do tho
right thing. In this case the right
thing has been done.
Tho council wns reported to have
been soro at tho defeat ot tho bond
measures at tho previous election In
May. It it was sore then it ought
to bo highly gratified now becuuso
tho pcoplo have taken their word
for tho amount ot money needed and
signed a check for tho full amount.
Thcro has been no argument over
items or charges that all that was
called for was not needed. In short,
tho former voto did not Indicate lack
of confidence in tho council so much
as dislike of tho bonding measure.
Full confidence Is shown by the big
majority in favor of tho tax measure.
Tho Tote In favor of the library tax
is tho first real recognition ever
.given hero to this most important
featuro ot our community life. With
.thisjstart it is to bo hoped that wo
shall progress to tho establishment
of a real library here.
Did you over read Kipling's "With
tho "Night Mall"?
It is tho story, imaginary, of
course, ot tho flight from England
to America ot tho air mail carrier.
Tho trip takes ono night, but in that
short space ot time all the expcrlcnca
of storm, of narrowly averted colli
sion and of swift, untroubled flight
occur. Slow freighters aro passed,
speedy pleasure craft met, other air
liners hailed. A fool skipper Is de
scribed and on tho mall ship all tho
numerous appliances and devices,
still the fruit of tho writer's imagin
ation, by which tho flight is possible,
are detailed.
Tho story was interesting when
written over 10 years ago nnd almost
more interesting today when a one
night flight has already been made
aeross tho Atlantic. Possibly tho
story of their experiences as told by
Alcock and Drown is more interest
ing, but thcro Is a fascination to the
author's feat ot tho Imagination and
ono wonders how Mr. Kipling could
have done as well as ho did.
Following tho story there are
copies of nows Items about flying,
classified advertisements from the
dally newspapers about flying trips,
articles lost from airplanes and
other like matters, and also display
And now in a San Francisco paper
we And an actual airplane advertise
ment, "Curtis Airplanes for Imme
diate Dellvory," "A sturdy, depend
able, cross-country machine." "In
spection w o 1 c o in e d Air Tours
Booked Trulnlns School."
Yesterday's fiction has become to
day's fact,
In the latest number of tho Oregon
Voter "high lights, county by coun
ty" aro given on tho recent referen
dum election. Concerning this coun
ty, tho Voter says:
"Deschutes, Even a local road
bond issuofallud'tol-t'eilough life
into more 'than il fier cent, of De
schutes county's refelsVpred voCers to
drag them to ("ho8 polls. 'Vet those
who went voted 81 per cent, for
tho local bonds, and 8? per cent, for
Irrigation guarantee heading tho
entire state for this measure which
Jt'supported so ardontly in Its pres
and in tho legislature and at that
only 1 peri cdnt. higher majority than
Clatsop coujity gave tho snmo meas
ure alftor gottlng put twico as many
Yotas in proportion to population.
In spitb of tho knocking of( tho ro
construcifph bodl b'ilj by1 Bend's
member, c,tlie hjud $$pp'eijlt,cp,m
ralssion, Deschutes led Eastern' Ore-
Bond hnsn't much use for n knocker.
Deschutes nlso Jtronted Portland
kindly by n two-thirds voto tor tho
hospital amendment tho highest pro
portionate voto in Eastern Orogon
nnd among llio highest in tho state.
Bend and Deschutes, Portland thanks
you, nnd Is "forcod to admit that al
though few of your voters voted
thoso who did voto woro filled with
a spirit ot generous cntorprlso."
Thanks for tho thanks, but wo
doubt it this community enrcs for
any gratitude from 'Portland or tts
solt-appolntcd spokesman, tho Oro
gon Voter, when with it, there is
given a respected cllixen so dirty, so
mean, so unfair criticism na is given
G. H. Baker in tho quotation above.
G. If. Baker Is "Bend's member of
t.he land settlement commission." It
happens tnt Mr. Dakar hns.not only
road, but studied, tho provisions ot
tho law under which tho commission
nets nnd nt meetings of tho commis
sion ho has mado an effort to hnvo
tho law administered according to
tho plain Intent ot its words tor
tho benefit ot tho returned soldier,
sailor nnd marine This effort Is
now Interpreted as "knocking ot tho
reconstruction bonding bill,' pre
sumably becauso that bill contained
nn appropriation for tho laud settle
ment commission.
It docs not appear who3o this in
terpretation is, whether that ot tho
Voter editor, or ot members ot tho
commission and passed on to tho
Voter, but whoso ovcrvlt may bo it
Is false.
Mr. linker did not knock tho re
construction bonding bill. On the
contrary, ho spoke and worked in
its behalf. Nor has ho "knocked"
the present law, nor his fellow com
missioners. Ho has, In all sincerity,
tried to have the law administered
as a SOLDIERS' land settlement
act, and not as u model farm experi
ment, as planned by Its originators
before tho soldier bucamo available
as a means ot getting appropriations
out ct tho legislature Tho Bend
Commercial club has expressed Its
approval of Mr. Baker's courso, nnd
tho head of tho homo servlco section
ot tho northwest division ot tho Red
Cross has stated that ho believed Mr.
Baker right.
As further evidence of Mr. linker's
sincerity let it be known that al
though ho could easily obtain union
labor sympathy and support in the
fight he has made In tho commission
ho has wholly refrained from taking
the matter up with any ot his union
affiliations. Ho did, howover, work
with his union friends In support of
tho reconstruction bill, which Is ono
ot tho reasons why tho favorable
voto wa3 so largo hero and not be
causo Bend wns showing its dis
approval of a knocker.
Thcro Is n thing, however, of
which tho town disapproves, nnd
that Is tho text book whose text is
tainted. Wo have a use for Mr.
Bakqr, but nono for such disregard
of facts as the Voter Is guilty of.
Perhaps It will explain whero It
got this nows about Mr. Baker's op
position to tho reconstruction bill,
end also explain Its views of the uio
ot tho soldier as a means ot obtain
ing legislation and then ditching
It may ho somo satisfaction to
Germany toVkniv thtttslto hart, her
UVVt S.t IIHV 1 itttVJtU fcltltl
can Bay.
Today ami tomorrow tiro moving
days in Bcnd.
Prices may bo going ,up, but tho
mercury takes a drop now and thon.
MJlflrifAtA AftE JfrELp
Ill-other ami Water Attend llrldo nnd
Clrwlhi lii Quiet WeddliiK tit
I. Ii, .ifox Home.
Children Under 10 'Must Hnvo War
Hnxliur Stamp nought With Own
Money,' in Order to (unllfy.
(From Tuesday's Dally. 1
Official notice trout tho treasury
department has been received nt tho
office ot tho city Huporlnteiideut of
schools, to tho offect Hint ono hnnd
grenade bank muy ho- secured nt tho
opening ot schools In September, by
any pupil, ten years old or younger,
who exhibits ono War paving stamp
and If mora than ten yearn old, two
War Savings stumps, purchased with
money earned during vacation , nnd
who brings with ft tho story showing
how tho money una enru'ed.
It Is hoped that a number of tho
pupils Injtho Bend schools will Qual
ify in this contest.
(From Tuusdny's Dully.)
Miss Eleanor B, Whltmoro, for
two years chief deputy In tho county
clerk's office, and Wllmor Van Vlaat,
recently discharged from tho U, S,
army, woro tho principals In n Sun
day evening wedding nt the homo ot
Mr. and Mrs, I,. L. Fox ot this city.
Tho ring servlco was used by Rev.
II. C. Hartranft ot the Presbyterian
MIbh Mnrlo Fox was bridesmaid
nnd hor Brother, l.oroy Fox, wan
groomsman. ' Only Intlmntu trlouds
attended thu ceremony,
Mr. mid Mrs. Van Vleel will niiiko
their homo In Bend, whom Mr. Van
Vleet is employed In ono of thu mills.
. . j ,p , ill J.'!'"" ' '" V -L ' X
Wi&iflv(M4i7ff I! ?Wf mWwwi ff jM'WH
i "tf
89,000 TROUT FRY
Game Warden Hndley to Mnko Creel
Atnllnhlo a i Spawning Stream
for Lake HtecllicniN.
(From Thursday's Dnlty.)
To Install n dnm nt Big Paulina
falls and to construct n flshway at
tho smaller falls, Deputy District
Garao Warden W. O. Hndley will
leave this evening for tho Newberry
crator lakes. By means of tho two
Improvements It Is Intended to mako
that part ot Paulina creek between
the falls available us a spawning
stream, as u largo proportion of tho
stcolhends in tho lakes iro falling
to reproduce In dead water, whllo
under present conditions those seek
ing tho crcok nro killed In going
over tho big falls.
That somo ot tho fish aro spnwn
Ingiu East lako is explained by Mr.
Hndley on tho theory that springs
provido aerated water, which tho
stcolhends recognize by Instinct as
necessary for tho hatching of tholr
eggs. Other fish, unablo to find such
places, nro still carrying last year's
eggs, anglers report.
Thirteen Instructort.J'oiiiplctu Tet
Chen ThlA Week by County
School Superintendent. ..
pn.ln behalf of" that meosurq and
gattHofre UMhWgheft ifercWWos
in the state, which suggests that plcton and criticism should rule.
It Is regrettable, but nono tho less
true, that carelessly, und sometimes
oven maliciously, wo bcllevo state
ments mado by strangers which placo
our neighbors in a bad light. Many
of us aro altogether too prono to
think truo charges or rumors that
reflect on our fellows, and sometimes,
unfortunately, wo glvo thorn further
currency without tuklng tho trouble
to investigate and ascertain tho facts.
Of such' nature, It seems to Tho
Bulletin, wero tho frequently ro-
peaieu statements that there was
profiteering in tho lumber business in
Bend, and especially that lumbar
cost more hero than elsewhere, a
matter that was discussed at the
Commercial club mooting on Wednes
day. Following that meeting Tho BulJo
tin urged tliat tho facts bo brought
out so that criticism might be ended,
at the same tlmo asserting our belief
that investigation would show that
there was no ground for tho com
plaint, and yesterday wo woro able
to present statements which cor
roborated our belief. For that we
aro very glad, and glad also to ho
able to report the concessions which
are bolng mado by tho mills to en
courage homo building here. ,
Wo cherish an optimistic belief
that if the facts of our local differ
ences could all bo brought out and
explanations made they would vanish
and wo would have a Utopian com
munity. ' Probably that Is too much
to oxpect. So long as motives nro
questioned nnd schemes aro hatched
to down tho other follow Wo can
never rpach this idealistic state, but
whoii tho'facts aro as simple ttnd as
clea hs"in this lumber buslnoefl
niutUarundors'tariding Instead of busj
(From Saturday's Dally."
Completion of examinations hold
hero during tho last fow days by
teachers, most ot whom nro from
this county, was reported this .morn
ing by County School Superintendent
J. Alton Thompson. Thoso taking
tho tests wero: Miss Roso Hunuoll,
Miss Mario Brostcrhous, Miss Nellie
Pattlson, Mrs. Bertha E. Wilcox nnd
Miss Audrey McCuno, of Bond; Miss
Mamlo B. Howell, ot Froowuter;
John Tuck and Miss Izcllo Rldxley
of Rodmond; Mrs. Georgo James of
Homstcd valloy; MIbh Francis E.
Thompson -of Tumalo; Miss Josslo
Hartley of Powell Butto und F. W.
Weber of La Pino.
Put it In "THE IIUM.I.rn.V."
Watches that will keep
time. If in need of
a timepiece,con-
suit us he-
N fore
At ''the Sijfn of tho 1 Clock
The second carload ot enntorn
brook trout fry to bo placed In tho
Tumalo hatchery this year arrived
In Bend this morning, und thu con
tents of 178 cans woro emptied Into
tho fish pools to bo fed until largo
enough tor distribution. It Is esti
mated that tho fry In thu shipment
will total 90,000.
Tho car was sent from tho Ilonne
villa hatchery, nnd Is part ot tho
result ot a largo take ot eggs col
lected at Elk lako last winter und
brought to Bond by Pcurl Lyues and
assistants beforo tho plant on the
Tumalo was ready to be used.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
R. R. Ferry ot Alfalfa nrrived In
Bond last night.
F. Anderson ot I.nkovlew Is spend
ing tho day in Bend.
W. G. Fordhnm ot La Pino is u
business visitor hi Bend.
Dr. D. F. Brooks ot Minneapolis
Is expected to arrive in Bend tomor
row morning.
County Commissioner C. H. Mlllor
Is In Bend today attending n session
ot the county court.
Mambcrs ot tho Baptist Sundny
school nro enjoying n picnic on tho
Our buyer leaves for New York on July nth
to purchase our Fall and Winter Stock of Mill
inery, Coats, Suits, Drcsifcs, Waists, Skirts, Silk
Underwear and all accessories that are necessary
to a well dressed lady.
She will see all the new things the market
affords, and we take this opportnity to ask you
iVyou will not give us the pleasure of .serving
Perhaps there is some special thing that you
want, or sonic special color, or kind of garment
you" would prefer. In this we will he glad to
serve you. You are familiar with our reputa
tion as experts in our line. We know quality,
style and workmanship, therefore you can trust
us with your wauls, and we assure you that
your interests will he most carefully considered.
, Would you not come in and let our Mrs.
Smith talk the matter over with you. She will
take pleasure in helping you plan your winter
Awaiting your further pleasure, we are at
your service.
BnJ, Oregon
4 V.
' m
Printflc DuilJini
Tumalo,i near thu fish hatchery, to
day. Guy If. Ingram lull this morning
for his sheep camp in tho Crescent
suction, after u protracted visit In
Mr, nnd Mrs. Slgmund Orglor hnvo
returned from nn nitto trip to polnttf
in Michigan, They loft hero three
months ago.
V.. i:. Vurco was In the city today
from his homo liwllrolhem.
Ethel J. HIxrIiin was In Bend lnt
night from Hhovlln.Jllxoii Camp
No. 1.
Mrs. William Weber of Coeur
d'Aluue, Idaho, is visiting In lleud
nt tho homo of her brother. A. M.
Prlngle. Hho Is accompanied by her
son Wallace.
For the Lady or Misses Who Delights
in Wearing Pretty, Tasty Apparef
Uf ill
fl Bright appealing summer frocks
for the house, the street, for the
outing, in an endless variety of styles
and patterns. You will be surprised
to find their reasonableness.
Those Beautiful Waists
which were sohl heforc all ladies desiring them
could make selections, have heen duplicated in
Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine, in the pe
plum styles in flesh, white nnd printed georgettes
with wool emhroidery. You can now obtain them.
Hosiery for Ladies
and Misses
A splendid value in Silk Hose. $1.00. Some bet
terjquulity; $1.8 to $2.00, in black, brown, white
and gray.
Children9 s Hosiery
Stockings for little tots and growing girls, white,
black and brown, 23c and up.
In selecting your apparel for the Fourth of July you will
find here not only exceptionally seasdnable apparel, but "
prices that you will enjoy knowing. ; 'J' , ',i
' ' , i-2JLJ&
I W t:
Peophs Stone ,1 hmi , i
-' ij.,