PAGES nKND nUMiKTIN, 11KNI), OUKGON, THUIWDAY, .IUIiY II, 1010 'Maybe nobody has told you," says the Good Judge- Why this good tobac co costs less to chew. You get real tobacco satisfaction with a small chew. It gives you the good tobacco taste. It lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. It saves you money. t : THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW fiut ufl in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco "W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco MILLICAN FARMERS ARE BUSY HAYING Central Oregon Neighborhood News iMIMilCAN, July 2. C. J. Coolc In busy cutting wild liny. Ho expecta to put up tram 15 to 20 tout) to win tur Ills cnttlo on. H .It. Kollur is kopt nulla buny hauling freight thuoo days. Ho hauled out a loud for W, Ed Moorq, our locnl murctuint. But unlay, nlao somo for tho Fred Klgora, Tuesday ho hauled out u loiul ot catmint tor O. J. Cook unci tho windmill fnim for Cllrt Evans. L. K. TnuRchor nml Goorgo Cook wore Sunday Clients nt tholr respect Ivo hornet. Mr. nml Mrs. WMlnrtl arliiHlond mid daughter (leruldluo wore lluud visitor Tuesday.- Mr. nnd Mrs. Everett arlnstond nro in Ilond today. A. T. Shuvor nml J. J. Holland liavo gonu to Lnko county to fix u well. Mr. J. J. Holland culled on Mrs. Goorgo Cook Thumdny, Mm, T. Going nnd sou Tom visited ut tho Holland homo Monday. W. Honm wan n Monday guotit nt tho It. It. Kollor homo. Thoy also called nt tho C. II. Clrnffcnborgor homo, Tom l homo on n visit. Mary ami Joseph Holland culled nt tho arnffonborger homo Thursday oven Inc. Tho Edgobort Oyer family rented nn Irrigated ranch In Alfalfa and moved onto tho muno tho pant week. Tho Lowun family also routed a ranch In Alfalfa. Tho annual bachelor danca will bo hold nt tho former Connwny homo Saturday night. A 'good tlmo and feed aro looked forward to. A flnu rnln fell Thursday evening. Tho Smith rnnchora nro haying on tho "ryo pntch." L. I Roonoy wns nn over Sunday guest nt his home. W3J!flSfSSHfaaBgMl MR. AND MRS. FARMER.! Make our store your buying headquarters. Come in, look our store over, got the prices on nil of our merchandise, consider th6 quality. Then compare with gro ceries where you are now making your purchases. You will see that we under stand your needs nnd wants, and that we know how to nnd are willing to serve you to your best advantage, and instead of wishing to get a profiteering profit, we arc willing to be satisfied with quick turnovers and smaller profits. FARM HELP PROBLEM AT POWELL BUTTE POWELL BUTTE. July 2. Thoro was a meeting In the community hall Monday night to discuss tho farm help problem. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rlggs nnd Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shobort spent tho first ot tho week on tho Turanlo camping while tho men cut derrick poles. Thoy cut three sets of poles and en joyed tho outing besides. Owing to Illness In Mrs. Chapman's ianiily, the regular meeting ot Powell TJutto Sorosls, which was to have met with her. was held at Com Stowart and attend tho K. P. picnic at Suttlo lake. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Luthoy. from Bear Crock Buttcs, wero Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rico. Mr. and Mrs. George Truesdalo and children, with Mrs. Martha Owen of Taconia. visited at tho Thompson a In Prinevlllo Sunday. Mrs. Georgo Whitsott nnd chil dren returned Friday from a visit Jo Mrs. Whitsett's parents nt Cottage Grove. Mrs. Elliott, her mother, re turned with her and will visit awhile here. Men anil Women Slow Up. Xowadayn many persons wrong fully attribute backache, rheumatic pains, soro, swollen aching joints nnd muscles nnd that always tired feel ing to oncoming nge, whon the real causo is kidney trouble Foley's Kid noy Pills help tho kidneys throw out of tho blood tho Impurities that causo these symptons. For sale every where. Adv, JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS White River Flour, per 49-lb bag $3.10 Rolled Oats, 10-lb. bag. Regular price 85c. Our price 75c Corn Meal (white or yellow). Regular price 75c. Our price Baking Powder, 5-lb tins. Regular price $ 1 .00. Our price . Baking Powder, 3-lb tins. Regular price 70c. Our price Star, Horseshoe and Smooth Climax Tobacco. Regular price $1.00 per lb. Our price 85c 70c 90c 63c Cut this advertisement out and bring it with you to our itore and we will allow you 5 on tlie dollar for your firit purchase of anything you purchaie of u, except on flour.' Bring in your eggs. We will allow you the price in merchandise that we sell them for. BERT SHUEY Wright Hotel Block Bend, Oregon fcEEJBEEJEEISJSEJaEaEEJaJSEEEJ PINEHURST RESIDENT BRINGS HOME BRIDE You Ncetl lint Travel. It is safo to say that as many per sons have secured relief from hay imve uiui nun uui, nun iiciu ui vuiu- join liave BeCUrOU rellCI I TO in I1UJ munlty hall, with the club as hostess. f0ver nna asthma at homo by taking . nno nusiness meeting wns neiu. "i Foley's Ilney and Tar, ns hnvo beon -was decided that for tho months ot benefitted by going to hcnlth resorts. jury ana Augusi mere woum oniy jt heals and soothes tho choking- bo one meeting a month. Tho nest meeting ot tho club will bo with Mrs. Mary V. Charlton, on Wednesday, July 23. Mrs. Martha Owen of Tacoma, long time friend and Colorado neigh bor, arrived for a visit with the George Truesdales. They are hav ing a delightful time whllo sho Is with them. Mr. O'Callaghan went to Paisley on business tho first ot the week. He traveled In his new Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Agee shopped In Prinevlllo Saturday and later visited with Mr. Arnold's family, returning Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith ot Elma. Washington, arrived In their car nnd spent several days at the C. M. Charl ton ranch last week. They are tour ing through tho state, and left hero for Crater lake nnd Medford to re turn home on tho other sldo ot the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hatch or Villa. "Washington, who have been visiting Mrs. Hatch's cousin, Mrs. Frank Klssler, and family, left for their home Saturday, They travel In their automobile ' Among the many who attended the K. P. picnic from Powell Dutte com munity were Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Stowart and Mrs. Stewart's father, Mr. Jackson, from Hood Iliver. Mr. and Mrs. Hov Hoberts. their daugh ter Ina and Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Sun day nnd chill from Greshum, guests of tho Roberts. 3Ir. nnd Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller and daughter Maxlne spent the week end at the "Swamp" ranch belonging to the company. Now automobiles are making their appearance In this community right along. Tho latest are Jack O'Cal laghan's Chandler Six and Dan Hourlgan's Velio. Theso men sold their wool in Bend last week and brought tho new cars when they carno homo. Mr. and Mrs. Vern LIU came down from Lend Saturday to spend the week end with 'Mr. and Mrs. E. H. stuffed-up sensation. Good for nil colds, coughs and croup. For Balo vo orywhere. Adv. CLOVERDALE RANCH BRINGS HIGH PRICE CLOVERDALE, July 2. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Peterson have sold their Cloverdale ranch and expect to leavo this week for Ilcnd, from which place Mrs. Peterson and children will go on to Minnesota. The Peterson ranch sold for $16,000, being one of the highest selling places in this district. Miss Mary Fryrear underwent nn operation for appendicitis nt the St. Charles hospital on Thursday. Sho is reported ns improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Parberry, Mr. and Mm. Robert Burling and Miss Gladys Parberry wero shopping in Sisters on Saturday. John Dokkln mnde a trip to Red mond last week. Claudo Christ ot Jlcdmond was a business caller at the Parberry, Long and Miller ranches on Monday. D. II. Long returned from the high desert on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parberry were fishing at Alder springs on Sunday. They caught a fine string of trout. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold attend ed tho danco at Suttlo lako on Satur day evening. Mrs. Robert Burling spent Tues day visiting at the Parberry homo. II. II. Kllgore and family, from tho high deHert, aro visiting ;it tholr Clovordalo ranch this wcok, Mr. and Airs. H. N. Nootnnglo and daughter, Mrs, Otto Slienck, Mrs. Nootnugle, jr., and daughters wero visiting at the Parberry and Burling homes on Sunday. A, E. Peterson called at tho Par berry ranch on Sunday. Sam Kline was a caller at the Cyrus homo on Tuesday afternoon. Harold Kline la irrigating for Mr. Hllleary. hrmieage 'Red Crown' ' elves Greater mile age because it is correctly made, Btraicht-distilled, all-refinery gasoline. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. BTANDARD OIL COMPANY (Callfenui) Jfie Gasoline of Qualify , W, R. Speck, Special Agent Standard Oil Cpmpany, PINEHURST, July 1. Miss Bertha Hussclburg was nn nil night guest of tho Misses Violet nnd Myr tle Spaugh. Charles Howell returned homo last Saturday evening, bringing with him n bride. Ho und Miss Nell Hognn were married nt Edwnll, Washington Wednesday, Juno 14. Thoy were chnrivarlcd by a crowd ot friends on Sunday evening. Miss Ruth llnyley spent Sunday ev ening nt tho homo of 'Mr. and Mrs. L. McDanlcis. Mrs. Mary Garner spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. C. M. Phelps. Mrs. Georgo Snyder went to Bend Thursdny. Mr. and Mrs. Avers of Bend called on several of their friends hero Fri day evening. Davo Mlcklcson and brothers mo tored to Bend on Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. L. Couch, called at the Allen homo on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spaugh and family returned on Friday from Portland whore thoy attended tho Roso festival. Miss Ruth Bayley was entertained several days last week by Miss Ethol Snyder. Harry McGulru was In Bend on Monday forenoon. Mrs. C. P. Becker, Miss Ruth Bayley and Miss Lolu Murlon wero afternoon callers at the Edgawood farm. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wimer nnd son Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Peter-i-on wero In Bond on business last Tuesday , Blalna Devors was at C. Peterson's Friday on business. G. M. Couch was In Redmond on Monday. A Grateful Womnn'M Htory. Mrs. Robert Blair of 4C1 S, 20th street, Terro Haute, Indiana., writes: "After tuklng Foley Kidney Pills n frw weeks I found my kidney trouble gruduully disappearing. Tho buck lichen stopped and I am also froo of those tired spells and headaches and my vision Is no longer bleared." They Htop rheumatic pains. For sale every where. Adv. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINOS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 IT BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. at Englo Rork on tho Deschutes river on tho Fourth. Mrs. Paul Flnloy has been very III tho pnst wcok, but Is now somewhat Improved. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ooorgo Roberts of Bend were down to their runch on lower Long Hollow Sunday. Dennis Hunt wus down from Sis ters on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jako Book and T. J. Qulgloy wero shoppers at Redmond Saturday. Lois Towno was In Redmond Sat urday to have some dental work done. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo Howard wero Bend visitors Saturday evening. Omur Jlosklns returned Saturday from u visit with friends and rela tives nt Portland and Eugene, G. E. Studlg was n Bend visitor on Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Kidder wero shopping In Redmond Snturdny even ing. , Mrs. Fred Wultor and Darwin Wal ter wero In Redmond Monday. C. F. Hosklns was In Redmond Thursdny. Mr. and Mm. William Buckley and family of Redmond have moved to the house at Lower Bridge. Mr. Buckley Is employed with his truck hauling silica from tho dlntomlto plant. Mr. and Mrs, Hosklns nnd family spent Sunday nt Huttlo lake. Earl Updike was ut Sisters Sun day. Mr. and Mm. A. J. Fuller nnd son Georgo, Jorry Groszkrougor, Mr. und Mrs. George Scott, Misses Viola und F. A. Groszkrougor, Mrs. Rummo). Frnnk Nloport and Clarence Rutnmol mndu up n camping party who tit turned Monday from a two weeks' trip. Thoy went over the Buntlam puss and camped at Clear lnko nnd Fish lako. Mrs. Joo Howard entertained Iho P. T.m on Friday. Miss Marlon Hosklns wns a Red mond visitor Tuesday. Ho Wax AIiiiohI I'aitt Going. "I mirrored with kidney trouble for three yearn," writes D. Boll, ot Kt. James City, Florida, "and for six months I have been past going I bognn Inking Foley Kidney Pills, and before I had lined two bottles my pains woru all gonu." Relieve Back ache, rheumatic pains, Htltr. swollen Joints and soro uiUclim. For sale everywhere Adv. Something to soil? Advertise In Tho Bulletin's classified column. POTATOES WANTED ! J We will buy or dandle for you on a brokerage or commlnion ban' any t . . . . quantity ot potatoe in car oadi Ion Or if you tend ill a famnle bv narctl ii i ill make non -win mine you price on aamc We alio handle all kinili of ilrcuJ mcati and guarantee Journal price on meat. BOGGESS &r,CO 151 Front St., Portland, Ore. LOWER BRIDGE FOLK PLAN CELEBRATION LOWER BRIDGE, July 2. B' plans uro being made for a picnic for all Lower Brldgo people, to be held Dr. L W. Gatchell Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician Complete Lent Grinding Plant in con nection with my cilice it LARSON fci CO.. Jwoloro 143 Oregon itieet, BenJ, Oregon Brand Directory kU FRANK I'KIlCIVALIi MJlllcan, Oregon. adv.89p A Right side; right ear crop- pod; wattlo right bind leg. V. L. TONE, Bisters, Ore. adv.lOQc 1 1 776 andT9 1 9 I Two occasions for great rejoicing. One the Birthday of our own glorious Independence. The other in honor of the Peace Treaty, which will bring independence to the oppressed nations of Europe. This Fourth, of all others, should especially appeal to all Americans as an occasion which should be fittingly celebrated. The Firt National extends its patrons and friends felicitations in honor of the occasion. I'llE HANK OK HUI'KIUOU HKHVIOE The First National Bank of Bend BEND, OREGON. J V